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1 VS 11 BOTS On CITY!! | Roblox Piggy [Chapter 9]

May 30, 2021
chasing me, but that's the only thing I can do we have something here oh there is a board oh no no you don't ah there is a good chance but ah I hope to hit another one that is as slow as that one oh cool a carrot oh actually I say it like that that, but That's actually very necessary to win this, I'll downgrade a carrot, yeah, let's damn it, it'll make Pedro kill a lot of them, but no, we actually need Pedro, okay, how about now you go eat brother, good sir, thank you? I don't think so, it was actually closer than I wanted it to be like the wrap is okay, the door is open and I'm going to close it, try to grab it, okay, go straight and now we have the green key card.
1 vs 11 bots on city roblox piggy chapter 9
It's just the beginning, I don't know where the board is and it hasn't disappeared. The problem with this map is that you have to explore those rooms and you really need some leverage to explore them and I don't. I mean, I don't really have a lot of things like that, so this is a problem here because I'm going to do that and then I didn't even do it. Because? Okay, I'll start with the board, let's see, I mean, we. I kind of did that on one of them, but yeah, let's understand that there's nothing there that we can access, so I'm not going to stay here, but now we know that we have an escape route if we need it, oh man, oh man oh man, this wasn't brilliant mate, okay, come on, okay, we got, yeah, we do, okay, okay, well, let's take this, I'm sorry I stopped them, but I don't think, oh geez, they did it, why not, why not? why they didn't follow me.
1 vs 11 bots on city roblox piggy chapter 9

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1 vs 11 bots on city roblox piggy chapter 9...

That's so weird that they didn't come in the door, that bought me a ton of time dude, I'm not going to complain, this is like my flash mob situation, I actually don't know how I did it, but I'll take it. that's it friend, come on, come on, what do we have? What we have? Do we have an orange key card? Okay, I know what to do with that. Okay, come on, come on, come on, where? Oh okay, so the problem is, while this, you'd expect it to be a big deal, yeah, it's a problem, first because she's not following what they're doing and second, I don't know what they're doing, they're scaring me, no.
1 vs 11 bots on city roblox piggy chapter 9
I know what you guys are doing, why are you doing the things you do, don't do it, look, now they come in, oh, now you come in, huh, look, you're being very unpredictable, why are you being so unpredictable? Come on, yeah, okay, now you guys are being predictable, maybe, please, I don't see. there are elephants out there but I feel like I hear them it could be grandma it's grandma over there but no ok come on come on we have to do this now the problem here is grandma is going to be right behind oh oh.
1 vs 11 bots on city roblox piggy chapter 9
That's a lot of trunks, okay, let's see what happened. First I went for the board. I want to see what happens if I go here. Are you okay so you know that's how you can get some? The only way to get them. for me it's going through this building and now I've probably completely ruined my chances oh man guys please thank you so much just uh everyone uh stay in a straight line thank you thank you thank you and everyone's okay that's it TRUE. there's the straggler, oh I could have used it, but no, I'm going to go this way, yeah, that's what I'm talking about, say it, okay, so yeah, I mean, I could have used the board to get everyone there. go down but then I have to go down myself so okay, what do we have?
We have green there, it's right there man, okay, what else do we have? We have yellow, here we go, oh blue, oh, let's do that, let's do blue first, actually, uh just. We can open that little one to kind of give us a second exit, but a second route to the exit, I guess that's okay, and a red key card, oh, that wasn't cool. A red keychain on the road, oh no, that was too close, buddy, not smart, no. smart at all okay everyone wait a minute what oh dear no oh my god let's not go, there were three paths and they took them all one to go down the stairs, one to go up the stairs and another on the same level, you're bothering me ma'am. you're not being nice about this at all oh dude okay so I just determined that the most important items are this right here and placing it and the orange key card those are the two things I need to prioritize at the beginning and if I can get them quickly.
I can open up a whole new world, but I need to find that key card, the orange key card, and I'm trying to remember where I found it before in the past, it might be in the green key card room. But that's something I just need to learn because well, I can get Pedro's carrot, I guess there are green cards in there, okay, I'll do the green card on this floor, um, grandma is already in my ass, what do we have? We have orange. orange, yeah okay, oh dude I missed it, why can't I pick it up? oh I'm done, I'm done, oh man, that was a perfect design too and I screwed it up, but that's how it is with that. correct layout, this is my theory in my head is that if I can lower the dash, go down, grab the green keycard and then get the orange keycard, blow up the poutine shop and get the fire extinguisher because it's always there . fire extinguisher uh so I can run across the boards and open up that route uh where we go down with the fire extinguisher that will allow me to get them up a building and then just go across and down the other side, I think I'll do that.
I can get over it, so I don't know what the best thing to do here is. I think that's what I need. Where is that red? I don't know where it is good to cross to here. and I don't have to worry too much here like yeah, I'm actually, you know what I'm going to do this because they're actually going to recalculate, let's see if there's anything in any of these, if there's ever anything in any of these as well. because I don't really know oh you know what's there sometimes oh no, it's not there now it's okay, I didn't check that other room but I have to get out of here because they already know I'm here, I guess I don't know where they are it's there, oh, there's a blue key card, that's what we need right there, okay, cool, I'm fine with that, I guess I don't know, I don't know where they are, I won't do it either well, on time, well, there they are, I see them, I see them, oh grandma, why do you have to ruin this, huh, why do you have to be like the slowest but the most persistent, the others are making stupid mistakes, you're actually doing the right thing. thing I hate so much maybe you could take some time to use your old fat fingers to open that door for me okay, yeah, come on, come on, okay, oh, okay, now we're getting closer, I think, um, just , uh, let's hang up.
Out here for a second, see where you end up, guys, I'm here, please come to this building, uh, they're being summoned, please, buddy, they won't come, what are you doing down there? Oh, they're stuck in a trash can halfway. of them are trapped in a trash can great, fantastic, okay, well, but apparently not all, uh, I'm going to go this way, this is the, I know what I'm going to do, okay, Pedro, uh, I need to wait, oh all i need is the yellow key buddy oh okay uh where is it? well, that's the only problem, I don't know where it is, I haven't seen it the whole game, oh grandma, so that's it, okay, it has to be one of those rooms, don't you think I think it's me ?
I could actually do this against 11 ro


. Are you telling me I can do this against 11 ro


? Get out of here, but robot butts can, oh man, so they don't, oh dude, what are they? doing oh oh dad it's op dude cuz they won't go down that way oh so it's better so they'll go down all the way oh man yeah me that's the longest one dude okay then hmm okay , They are coming now, but it was a long time now, where are they actually? I don't know where they are, I love being able to see where it's okay, I've ruined them, right?
I think, oh friend, they'll be waiting for me in here. They'll say, Yeah, you kind of think that's true, um, okay, where are they, where are they, where's the door, dude, I don't like searching like that, this isn't it? this is not good this is not good because it could be anywhere and it's not here and it's not there it's there it's Peter I'm coming brother are you hungry no way oh friend I don't know if I'm going to have enough time because if they start chasing me and I don't have enough, okay, yes, we do, where are you idiots? where are you idiots? actually, um, I'm serious, where are you seriously?
Only no, I think I broke the bots, well I didn't break that one. Hey, where are your friends? Wait, we have two minutes, okay, let's see if we can find them because I'm not afraid of them anymore. Oh, this was it. It's not that bad guys, this only took me an hour and a half so I guess it should get a like and a half. Thanks man honestly where are they oh man they're trapped I see them wait wait so if you want. to beat the mode 10 bots on the CD just to say you did all you have to do is get them to the other side and they will be stuck flash mob poor poor oh they can't jump there oh well sorry I would like, yeah, here we go, I should challenge him a little, okay, wait, oh, that doesn't actually do anything, that's how it's done, you can beat 10 bots, sure, sure, Pedro, don't even think about it, Grandma, hey, the problem.
It's a glitch guys and I didn't know it so it wasn't like I figured it out and we defeated all 10 bots once again. It's on almost every map, like at school. It's okay, there was no technical problem at school. You could actually take advantage of it in the house or at the carnival, but in the house, jumping out of that window caused them a bit of a weirdness that allowed you to move around the house and in this one that board is a problem for the AI, here's how it is earned. Guys, if you enjoyed it, you want to see me challenge myself in 10 bots mode again, post your map suggestion in the comments below right now, it just depends on the


, how you saw it, and we're done, let's wait, we're done at home.
We've done the school, we've done the carnival and we've done the


, so we've done four of the nine that are currently available, so make sure you keep that in mind when you suggest it too if you're new here. Subscribe for more videos like this and I'll be watching again soon thanks for watching and of course new to the line.

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