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$1 To $10,000,000 KNUCKLES In GTA 5!

May 04, 2024
help me because he always helps me. Okay, his mom's gone, Billy, the k, wait. oh my god, it's blue, oh my god, yes it is, bro, it's me. I heard you say my name and here I am, bro, that's cool, that's cool. I need your help because I have a lot of money but I don't know what. Spend it on brother. I heard you talk about a new Sonic Suit and a Lamborghini and everything, yeah, that's awesome, right, right, yeah, that's awesome, bro, and you know what you should definitely spend your money on, but I don't think so.
1 to 10 000 000 knuckles in gta 5
You can still buy it since you're like 10 years old, but give me your money. I can buy it for you brother. Oh yes, of course, I like the sound of that blue. Go ahead and collect the first money so you can buy a new one. plane oh my god I love you Billy you are great okay let's collect the money oh yeah we have $3.5 million guys I can't wait for the new plane it will be such a cool blue and I have so much more money here. What do you have to spend for me, holy instant, wait for your mom to come back oh no, she's mom.
1 to 10 000 000 knuckles in gta 5

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1 to 10 000 000 knuckles in gta 5...

I just saw you spent all that money, how were you supposed to save? I don't care about that, I want a new plane to do it. fly to Iza alone, yeah, he wants to party with Martin Garrick and David Geta and stuff, you know, yeah, he's 10, he's not allowed to do that. I don't care because I feel 30, so he's fine, yeah, and he's rich anyway. Your thing is to make more money for this child, well, very soon Billy, you will run out of all your money and you will have nothing and I will not give you any more, blah, blah, blah, don't listen to her.
1 to 10 000 000 knuckles in gta 5
I don't exactly care about my hey, go make us a grilled cheese or something, do something useful, loser, now, no, now I want a new Lamborghini and you have to buy it for me. okay, promise me, promise me, please, I promise , bro, look I'm a God, I won't lie to you, man, it's okay, cool, cool, okay, just grab it and then it's okay, thank you so much Billy haa blue, thank you because you're help me buy all this stuff and I'll see you tomorrow right it'll all be here tomorrow right it's going to be the fastest delivery you've ever seen bro it's going to be delivered by Amazon Prime even oh no it's my mom again and she's on the money wait a second oh , I have this Billy, I have this wait, what is your only mother's name?
1 to 10 000 000 knuckles in gta 5
Shena is your name, hey Shenika, didn't I tell you to make Billy and me a damn sandwich or a grilled cheese? They made me do that stupid thing, but you can't spend this money, okay, I'm not going to let you waste your future, okay, Billy, I got it right, stay there for a second, I'll talk to your mother, okay. sh, you have to listen to me, okay, let me bring him a little closer to you. I'm just pretending I'm going to buy all this stuff for Billy, but I'm actually paying for his school fees. Oh, he can go to college later. this, I'm being a good guy here, okay, oh, okay, okay, in that case, yeah, you can move on, he'll never spend that money on college, otherwise, yeah, that's why I'm pretending I'm going to buy him a Lamborghini, but I'm actually spending it on fucking college, okay, thanks blue, you're really looking out for Billy, I appreciate it, man, yeah, I'm fine, see you later and I'll wait for that sandwich grilled within 2 minutes, okay, grilled sandwich, mom, grilled sandwich. okay blue you're so amazing and my mom is gone now perfect okay now I want a gold PS5 okay a gold on PS5 yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I got it you know what you got will I give right now?
Okay, really, what the hell is crazy? I got it, I got it, don't worry, just let me collect the money first, okay, look, look at the amount of money I have guys, and here's your gold PS5. PS5, this is an Xbox, right? blind bro, this is a guitar, this is a PlayStation 5 because you can play it, understand whatever blue is, you're weird man, I want a PS5 and I want it tomorrow okay otherwise we won't be friends anymore. I have it, I have it. some YouTube friends and all of them will buy these things for them, okay, and I will buy them at home, what is she doing here?
They have to stop right there, I just checked. Hey, blue, come here for a second. Okay, sure, Billy, stay there. I have to talk to your mom for a second we are not going to go to the bushes right Chena no no but I just checked with this school and there is no money there you are lying to me where are you putting your money? lying, okay, what university did you check out? Tell me right now U Harvard, of course, is the best university in the world. Harvard, who wants to go to Harvard these days? They're going to Santa Monica College, Perer Hills, okay, that sounds better, that's better than ever.
I've heard of that one, yeah that sounds a lot better and I'm going to go make myself a sandwich or something okay oh my god trust me a sandwich too yeah it works for me oh my god hey Billy , you have to be a little nicer. Your mom's okay, that's not how you treat your parents, okay, blue, okay, well, I want to spend my last money on Sonic's new golden suit, bro, please, can I have it? Sonic's new suit, of course, you can have it, bro, if I can have money that's fine, yeah, sure, man, but I want it right now, okay, now I want it here, sure, I can do it, okay, so right, okay, let's go, don't worry guys, let me collect the money.
Yeah, guys, they got $7 million. so much money I want the suit right now man come on okay I got it guys go to the comments section right now dude Sonic Suit there you go Billy it's a dinosaur. Sonic Suit, it's not gold, man, why are you lying to me? I'm sorry. I have to come see you later. What's wrong with my plane? Isn't she your mom? I love her. I must say guys. I feel bad for Billy but I have $7 million right now. Can we please go out? Oh my god, I love how you look now.
Knuckles you only need a few million more dollars to become richer than Shadow, come on you got this, buy the next suit here, wait honey you'll leave me if I make more money, why would you do that? Because you're a fucking loser. I mean you won't make more money than me bro you can't even hit me with your damn rusty shovel maybe you should go to your own grave ha loser oh my god guys let me buy the new suit DS my brother, please help me. To earn the last $3 million you need some more money and what better way than to just sell your old upgrades, find interested customers and convince them that it's actually a very good idea Tails you are absolutely smart guys come on in Now in the comments section and write. generate outfits and make sure you subscribe and let's generate them all oh my god it worked we got you g Knuckles so fair we got Angel Knuckles so fair we got buff Knuckles so fair and we got half G Knuck here now it's time for customers wait a second .
Oh my god, look how much money this guy has. Hello sir, I have a lot of money and I am interested in a knuckle suit, brother, but I only have 300,000, so can I have 300,000? I brought here because it's the ugliest, right, uh, 300,000, you say well, yes, yes, yes. I have 300,000 for you, man. Oh yeah, that sounds good. 300,000 for Ugana's


is a good price, yes, really incredible. I'm going to transform into him right now. man, wait, you're going to turn into that of course bro, I'm going to put the soup on, oh my god, you look ugly, I'm so beautiful, man, thank you, I appreciate it, don't stay on Tinder with this.
Damn suit you've got on, bro, oh, I'll do it, bro, I'll do it, oh God, you're not going to attract any girls with that, but I've already made a lot of money, hey, there's Iron Man, yo, Iron Man, Oh, hey, blue, I was on my way to Sonic's gonna buy a new suit On my way to Sonic's to buy a new suit bro, haven't you seen my pretty knuckle suits here? You can buy one of those, oh man, but are they expensive? How much they cost? How much money do you have? brother, I'm not going to tell my price before you tell me how much money you have.
I got 400,000 right here, court, 400,000, you say that sounds like music to my ears, brother. Okay, which suit do you like best? Ooh, that's hard. I think this angel has wings, yes it has wings brother, you don't need any jet pack anymore, you can use the wings, you can fly to heaven right away, yes that's amazing, yes I'll take this one please God mine, thank you. a lot let's buy it thank you so much oh my god guys I have $7.7 million that's a lot of money hey blue ah oh my god who the hell is it that my game crashed? blue, holy snap, what the hell, bro, who the hell are you?
You, oh, it's Billy, it's me. I found my plane that I bought from you, you damn scammer, but I want my own knuckle suit and I convinced my mom to give me some more money. It's like 500,000, there, man, on top of the plane, oh God. God bro that's a lot of money and first of all I'm not a fucking scammer it's the same day as before bro I said it would be delivered the next day not today oh yeah I think I just stole a plane tosomeone. but that doesn't matter because I'm going to buy Knuckles Sou man H.
I have two options, it seems right God, yes, you can buy the polished Knuckles, you can pick up a lot of girls with that one, but I don't know if. You need that at that age, that's a little weird, no, no, no, no, no, bro, you should be eating candy and popcorn and watching blue videos at the same time, bro, you don't pick girls, I want to fix girls, man. I'm going to take this suit right here, wait, what actually? Okay, if you pay me, okay, yeah, I'll pay you brother. I'm going to put it on well.
I feel so strong. I'm going to ask a lady. finished brother brother brother brother brother don't do that that's weird oh my god what have I done guys? But I've made $8.2 million, that's so much money. I just need 1.8 million more and then I can date Bunny, the honey, wait a second, who? he is this guy Bal uh hello Mr. Balman oh hello it's me Stefan just the richest person on the server oh my god Stefan brother I have $1.8 million and I need to spend it on something nice do you have something bro of course I have something? man, I'm your go-to person for expensive things, okay Stefan, come here with that $1.8 million, guys, that's the perfect amount of money I need, okay Stefan, look, here's the god Knuckles, he's not that big yet, but he has excellent powers and even has golden boots Golden Hands and everything even has a Hal.
I see what he does. He doesn't seem flashy enough to me. Flashy enough bro. You don't need anything flashy enough. You are Bal. The sun is reflecting on your damn hat bro, you're shining. Okay, I'll buy it. Okay, take my money, oh my god, yes, it really worked. Thank you so much Stefan, oh my gosh Stefan, I actually like bald people. Now, guys, we have. $10 million, oh my god, bunny, honey's got enough money for you to love me, oh my god, you've got $10 million, yeah, I ain't got M's type, get out of the way, Shadow, she just took Shadow out of you now.
See you later, Shadow, maybe shave your head, this ball while you're at it, loser, oh my god, are you ready to go out with me, bunny? Yes I am please update oh my god guys I can't believe it it's time to buy the best $10. million Knuckles and and bunny as my girlfriend look at me guys I'm the $10 million Knuckles and bunny is my girlfriend thank you so much for watching make sure to watch the next video bye

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