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1 Thing I HATE from Every Mario Game

Jun 23, 2024
Alright guys, let's not get the wrong idea. I clearly love Mario


s, as you can see on my channel, but they're not perfect, so today I want to tell you one




about all Mario


s, from the original game to the end. with the most recent, Super Mario Bros, the game that started it all and was super revolutionary, what I don't like most about it are the controls, yes I know it was really good for its time and introduced momentum based platforming , but Coming back now, this is like the only 2D Mario game where I find that the controls can be quite stiff and dull, like I sometimes overshoot or miss the jump, which can make the jumps more precise. in this game are more difficult than they should.
1 thing i hate from every mario game
Mario the Lost Levels is the actual sequel to the original game and the biggest


I don't like about it is that literally nothing new was added compared to the original Mario Bros. game. Seriously, all the assets are reused and there is no new power-ups, just the toadstool shutdown, so I thought they could have added a lot more original stuff in this game, even if they just wanted to make this a harder version of that original game, Super Mario Bros 2, the second that came in the United States and what I don't like the most is that it doesn't look anything like a Mario game now.
1 thing i hate from every mario game

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1 thing i hate from every mario game...

I know, I know, I know, it's because this wasn't a real Mario game, it's just an Okie version. doie Panic, yes, yes,


one knows that, but that doesn't change the fact that I think the classic Mario games play better compared to this slower, more precise flying object throwing game Super Mario Land. I actually really like this game and honestly I think it's really funny, it's really weird but in a good way, but what I don't like is honestly how


thing looks, like there's barely any details in anything, many of these objects are simply drawn with straight lines or basic shapes, as if they are still unfinished and that's okay.
1 thing i hate from every mario game
I know there were major hardware limitations on this console, but many other games on the Game Boy looked much better, including this game's sequel, Mario 3. Now this one was harder to choose because of how good it actually is. this game, but what I didn't like about this one are the auto-scrolling levels. Yeah, to be honest, I don't think I've met anyone who likes these levels more than the normal levels where you control the camera yourself, which really slows down the camera. The pace of the game slows down, making it not as fun, especially when maintaining momentum is an important part of this game.
1 thing i hate from every mario game
That is also eliminated by Super Mario World. Right now, some of these are starting to get really hard to choose because this game might be one of the least flawed Mario games, but if I had to choose something that I do because that's the goal of this video, then I'll choose. Sometimes it can be frustrating to find the right exit in a ghost house, not all of them. but for some it's annoying to be stuck going around in circles trying to find where to go in a mostly linear game that disrupts the pacing of this game too much.
Honestly, it's not a big deal, but I needed to pick something here and if you like videos. I like this one where I talk about all the Mario games in one video, then subscribe so I know you're enjoying it thanks Mario Land 2 I really like the Mario Land series now and this one is quite an improvement in every way, the only thing wrong I wonder how zoomed in the screen is for this game, this is due to hardware limitations, but it's still difficult to get a good view of your surroundings and where other enemies are sometimes with this restriction, which can lead to not know where you will land. or unexpected enemies that come out of nowhere Mario 64 is okay now, I really love this game, it's literally my favorite Mario game.
I don't care what you say but one thing I can admit is not the best is the camera, yes it can be a pain, it gets stuck on objects you don't like, control it completely and in many tight spaces it's hard to see where you are , you know that in many cases other objects simply get in your way, so it can sometimes be annoying in this case. The game just fights with the camera to simply see where you're going, that's all, although this game is perfect in every other aspect. Mario Sunshine is now like the only mainline Mario game that was clearly rushed and you can feel it when you're in it.
Play it, so I have a lot to work with here, like the really difficult levels with glitches, no, the filler repeat bosses, no, no, I'm going to choose something I can't stand in this game, so I never do, it's the blue. coins yeah I


them I never bothered to collect them basically instead of having 120 stars like other Mario games this one only has 96 and the other 24 were blue coins so you have to find 240 blue coins that are scattered around Random at all levels. to get all the shiny Sprites, yes, I will pass on the new original Super Mario Bros game for DS, that is, the only really new one.
Overall it was a very fun experience playing the game, however the most disappointing part was definitely the final boss fight as they literally combined all of Bowser Jor's fights with all of Bowser's fights and that's it, if you're well, you can even kill them in one hit by pressing this switch. This is the only new Super Mario Bros game where you don't do anything crazy for the final fight with Bowser, which wasn't the best ending for this Mario Galaxy game. Now I really love the space atmosphere they created here. The levels also used this theme to their advantage, which created many great ones.
However, my least favorite type of levels in this game are the ones that require you to use the Wi-Fi connection's motion controls to move. Yeah, you know, Nintendo always has to sneak cheats into their consoles into the main Mario game. I mean, these levels aren't even that. To be honest, they're bad, they're just really annoying, especially when you compare them to the rest of the game which has excellent control and then there are these levels with really weird and imprecise controls, the new Super Mario Bros Wii, the game that introduced the cooperative mode in a 2D Mario Game for the first time and this is probably what I don't like most specifically for player cooperative mode because it is too chaotic, sometimes to a very annoying point, the other players will always get in your way path.
They will push you or may even throw you as well and then the screen will usually leave a player behind as well, which is no fun for them. If you're just looking for chaos, then this mode can be fun, but for the most part, the other players are fine. More of a hindrance than a benefit Mario Galaxy 2, a game that is more Mario Galaxy, but what really bothered me the most is the atmosphere in this game, especially compared to the original Galaxy, this one may be harder to understand, but Bear in mind Bear with me compared to the first Galaxy game, there are a lot more cloud backgrounds here and a lot of these levels don't feel like actual planets that creatures would live on, they're more like a bunch of platforms placed in the void for a while. level, it's like the world building was really off this time, it made you feel like you weren't exploring galaxies in space, but just playing Mario 3D Land, it's kind of subtle, but because of that, it was a lot less immersed in the atmosphere of this game in comparison. to the original Mario 3, the first new 3D Mario game on a handheld and it was fun, it was great, but what I don't like about it is how forgettable this entire game was, like all the level themes here they were pretty. generic and there was no Central World theme, so the levels were scattered in a random order, making no particular level really stand out from another.
I don't know, it's a great game, but I really felt like it didn't have an identity compared to the other 3D Mario games, the new Super Mario Bros 2, the one with the coins, and it's pretty fun, that's what I don't I like it, the fact that the coins in this game despite being the main attraction here. It has absolutely no use other than ooh, you get a bonus if you get 100 coins. I know this was a thing in all the Mario games, but they were fine because the coins were like little bonuses, but here are whole levels about just collecting coins and it feels pointless, like why am I jumping around trying to get these useless items and now that we get to New Super Mario Bros you have another one but to be honest I actually really like this one and I think it should have just been this game instead of this being a whole series but one thing I didn't like is that this game is the same as the last three new Super Mario Bros games, especially for a launch title on the new Nintendo console, they give us this, ah, bits, what is this? answer copout give me an original one I hear you say well if you don't give me original games then I won't give original answers Super Mario 3D World as the unofficial sequel to Mario 3D Land but I enjoyed this one more however my biggest problem here, which is actually It was also an issue with the first one, but it's more apparent now because it's on the console, is how simplified the controls are.
Your moveset is super limited and basic for a 3D game, as if it wouldn't be difficult to master. moveset that loses a lot of depth this game could have had, it just feels a lot more watered down and too simple compared to the other 3D Mario Odyssey games now this was the best game in a long time when it came out so I really like it I appreciate what it did for the Mario series, however the biggest thing I didn't like was the amount of moons they put into this game. This doesn't have to be a bad thing.
More content is great, right, but not when some moons were just. Randomly placed and easy to get. While for others you'd have to do a whole platforming challenge, so the value of the moons was quite skewed at times, like why would I bother with the hard ones when I can get all the easy ones. Bowser's Fury The Unofficial is a sort of half-sequel to Mario 3D World and has a really cool open world concept. However, what bothered me the most about this world is Bowser's Fury's constant interruptions while he was trying to explore or do something else.
It was fine for him the first few times, but after a while it became annoying and repetitive to always have Bowser randomly come in and now you have to focus on him, geez, he's a great intent seeker and now we come to the latest Mario game, Super Mario Wonder, now this is probably a pretty obvious one as everyone seems to really like this game except for one thing and that is of course the boss battles. It's also very strange because everything else is cool and unique, and then the boss battles are so boring as if they were just a slight upgrade from the new Super Mario Bros bosses, even the Wonder effects don't make them much more interesting, the Final boss is great, although it is an exception, okay, see you.

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