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1 Hour To Break Into A 1,000 lbs Safe

Jun 10, 2021
I lock the diamond inside this 500 pound


and my friends will have one


to help Trent get in, but if time runs out, they will lose. You will have to enter these stages to get the weapons that will allow you to trend, otherwise, all of him. gets is the bat oh he's making dance honestly every time I give Trent a little gun I'm worried he might finish it oh well he finished that's exactly what I'm talking about yeah but there's a bowling ball , okay, that's a good point, but you have a hammer, no, I don't know what it is, okay, all the batteries, I need some batteries again so you know, ah, the code was one, two, three, four, five, six, that's the new code, little eyes with biceps like this, don.
1 hour to break into a 1 000 lbs safe
I don't need code, the vacuum cleaner is broken, so you know we don't do the cleaning here. You're right, sometimes I do, sometimes he doesn't. Honestly, I'm all for you


ing the tread off the Lego wall. the other side is fine, i care if you do it, i did that, that was a little much now we have to pause the video no, your time is still ticking, this is where it's weak, you go for the crotch, the cross, the crotch of the metal hits interference, what is it? behind there I don't want to know what's behind there you don't want to know what's behind there you don't need a cube you have these biceps oh, let's go for it yeah, I'm going to save this one, save it I'm going to save this oh, we're getting close , okay, it's not time, but tell me what time it is, oh, it's time for that wombo combo, oh, it's destroyed, okay, Eric wasn't really under there, that's what he legally has to do.
1 hour to break into a 1 000 lbs safe

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1 hour to break into a 1 000 lbs safe...

Say, oh, that bat can bounce off the handle, yeah, oh, catch it, don't tell me what to do, man, hey, is it open? It is open in many areas. We have some, they're stuck, which means they've unlocked the level two, level one weapon. weapons, he's figuring it out for himself, oh I need it, okay, there's a beast right there, oh wow, what's inside, there's nothing inside, it's pure as a rock, watch out, I thought there'd be coconut milk , I thought there would be what I thought would be like a like a like a baseball field, nowhere is


, there you are, okay, it's up there, it's moderately safe, okay, okay, you're kicking me out of you, okay , I get it, we do our thing, we turn the handle right on the handle, okay, if Trent pulls the Handle it, I'm gone, I'm literally gone.
1 hour to break into a 1 000 lbs safe
The video is done. Damage report. Ah, this is gone. This will never be opened again. I think it's time for Trent to get better weapons. Will you have to earn it? Where did they get that about Don? don't worry about that there's a safe store behind the curtain that's what's behind the curtain oh hey no this is that was from the safe yeah that was from the safe that we did that we did that here nothing safe oh yeah oh this is the weak point he's going for it trent is looking for a good place to put that hammer oh yeah, right there oh the other hell was that one oh because he's like the strongest baby in the world I don't have to do much maybe the safe is filled with concrete who knows, I mean, definitely not, I didn't pick these safes, you did, yeah, I picked the safes, oh, oh, he picked the safes, I like him a lot less, so much, no , we were here, yes, we are.
1 hour to break into a 1 000 lbs safe
It's probably still pretty here hey now cool cool look at this it's time to throw some axes oh my god guys I want a new weapon stop playing save I'm not going to play it safe oh wait , I can't, oh yeah, more of that. I'm not going to lie with the weapons you have there's no chance of them getting in listen he doesn't believe in you make dreams come true get a ladder I want to go higher oh here we go we're not playing now more power more power more power we need go higher ok trent oh this is zayn yo that's high free ok that's


ing the rules trent you got another insurance to crush you can't you just didn't make that rule but now that's a rule oh I'm glad you see that well done , level two, weapon unlock for Trent, that's definitely the way to do it.
About where you put the money in the steel handle. Why hey, hey, now, put it back in the safe? make a hole so you can stick the crowbar in the side I don't know I'm just thinking here unlocking the final weapons by entering the level three safe I can literally feel the impact in my chest it's like you guys aren't like that you can hear that It's strong but you can't feel the force, you know, it's on his foot, okay, you probably don't want to go through the door because the door is so thick, oh he got the log, what I meant.
I like it but time is running out? You're running out all the time. I saw Eric jump and he looked great and then I thought, why don't I try it? You know what I mean. You know what's better than a sledgehammer show. me, a bigger deck, final weapons unlocked for trent, that's his happy face, I can feel it in my chest, oh, he's in, hey, hey, look who's got earplugs, yeah, you guys know you can help him now. I do not know why. I'm hiding behind the curtain you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying I know what you're saying uh we need a baby arm Eric you get it I got it come on I'm defeated you want to see what you could Overcome another crazy challenge.
Click on one of these two videos right here. Oh, don't drop the diamond.

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