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1 Goal = Get $100

Jun 26, 2024
For each


, one of the voice scores, they receive one hundred dollars. I'll stay here until tomorrow, oh, here's your first hundred dollars, baby, yes, but there's a twist to every challenge we play today. The boys will have three attempts, whoever wins the challenge. get all the money save it now it's your turn here you go honey that's your first 100 too now that the kids earned their first hundred dollars they each have two more chances to score. I will be very broke after this if he scores well. now you don't score he gets 500. OMG I have pressure zero pressure zero pressure with the guys doing their three tries it means it's a time when a tie happens the money map is added to the winner of the next challenge for this challenge we have a volleyball a huge tennis ball a fun swing ball a basketball and a football there is no way the voices will score all six shots we will be Lucy oh two for two come on, they literally have done it they shot eight times, They scored eight


s to make this better for you every time you're safe.
1 goal get 100
I'll give you a hundred. That made you taste God, yes, I think so, okay, and with my goalkeeper motivated, it was finally time to do. the challenge is more difficult, yes by the way, the next ball is a circle, it moves, no bro, it was too light, guys, David is that bad, we may have lost that ball, let's take it back. David is up to 300, you need to score. more than this, yeah, David, tell us how you're shooting that knuckleball. Yes, Lucy, by the way, we're going to replace the swerve ball with this for you. It's going to be even harder now.
1 goal get 100

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1 goal get 100...

Hey, what is this? David just made three shots. He now it's your turn. How many are you going to score? Hopefully three or more. I don't know if you notice, but Seb has been a little better. That's because I told him that every goal he saves gets a hundred, so good luck. Yes, I'm scoring minus one. Brother, look, yes, the pressure is on him. I'll work differently in the profession, yeah, so UC, you're currently making a hundred dollars at this point, David had gone up to 200. He has to score two of the last three to match it.
1 goal get 100
It all comes down to this one who started here and stayed dead. What do you mean he's the Mind Games guy who has two shots left to score or else David would win the challenge and the money? Yes, yes, I missed what's happening. I'm going to write this down. a brother, that means nothing and he's going to miss it anyway. I lost the challenge. I lost my money when David won. It means he gets the 500 from this challenge plus the 600 from the previous challenge. This also means that Seb has made more money than USI so far. but we still have five more challenges ahead for this challenge.
1 goal get 100
I said three cones in three different areas. What do they mean? You have to grab the ball and put it on top of the cone. Then you have to try to score a volley, ah, this. The first volley is going to be difficult come on whoa now Lucy your show was very good but the goalkeeper was better my goals today are Lucy leaves with zero come on this one come on David please miss this is my third shot come on come on oh my God whoa no , wow, what a safe, you know what the worst part is, yeah, if David doesn't score, you'll get 100 bucks, that's good, if we score this, we'll tie with Ducey, come on, no, I win this one here, I've got the winnings to this challenge.
David, you got my hands, nothing, we'll see, that's for you, you got 84,400, bro, you're making the most money on the video, No Regrets, man, you know how to motivate someone right now, all the guys are happy with their profits, but no. I don't know yet, I'll just give the money to the winner of the last challenge, guys, it's time for the next challenge. What is it? It's a one-two challenge. They'll pass the ball to me and then I'll give it back to them. for you and then you shoot and score easily, go to something from the precision group, anything like that is so good, yes, come on, sir, if we get the next one, Lucy can only draw, bless me, son.
Oh my days, man, come on, where are they? Did you see him? pass that you gave me I trust you, come on my goalkeeper, he's saving yes, yes, I am, sir, he's fine, come on, sir, that good. Oh my days, man, one was close, the Nets are shaking, hey, that's not bad, yeah, remember if you don't score. yes, the 200 goes to the next challenge, come on, they both scored one, so that's 200, yes, to be added to the next challenge, let's go to the next challenge, the kids get three shots, one of those shots must go to the left . to go right and one needs to go to the middle the order they make is completely up to them oh that's friend that's smart you know what you go first yeah he will never go to my left hand ah I wanted to go to the middle now he can only shoot left or right right now only left here rocket I only got a score of two to take the money with David's first shot wasted can only go to the left or the middle What's wrong?
Yes, come in, come on, he has to go to the middle, no. pressure you have it yes b-a-r but look that's the middle I hit the ball in the middle yes that counts so with the VAR controls it meant that David got the 300 from this Challenge and the 200 from the previous one do you want one for blessing me brother this is it illegal right here, the next challenge is even more difficult, so this time, instead of goals, the kids will have six tries to hit these six containers, catches will only be able to hit each beam once this first container is worth fifty dollars, okay, this is also a hundred each, these other two cost 200 each and that's it this one is worth five hundred dollars David, you go first, first shot.
I'm going to go with the blue container because even if I miss all the other shots, I'll walk. away with something you can't even get that counts well, I'm counting it as 50. green and hits the camera yeah, he loves the camera. I think Jeep has the best weight. I think for this one I'm going to have to cut him off oh oh oh oh oh oh let's stop right in front of him last shot we have to hit him Old Navy has turned 50 so with his last shot he has to get something to group through you oh that was close oh this is your chance to get back in the game come on what's next? ushi ah I think the red 100 now hey bro please I told you I got this I got this come on green come on yeah much thicker crazy wait Uzi take your time breathe take this. in you can do this, you reach 500, you are back in the game, hey, my leg is sick, brother, I am really scared for him right now, this moment was crucial, if UC doesn't hit any containers, that means the hundred dollars they have earned. go to the next challenge after these fail, everything she thought was for him, but what he doesn't know is that she will have the chance to redeem herself in the next challenge, right David, you have won 1500 so far.
UC you have achieved one hundred but in this challenge there can only be one winner so for this challenge the boys go to where each pet that fifteen hundred dollars has won David the one hundred dollars that Uzi made and the one hundred dollars from the last Challenge and so on for the first penalty USI I have two goalkeepers wait who is going to play golf or The golden goalkeeper. In fact, I'm going to make my brother quite fun, it's the same if you save and get a hundred, oh, yeah, yeah, come on, yeah, no, okay, David.
If you score here, I'm in a good position, so for these people there is no penalty, the pressure is getting worse, stick to this, I'm going to go crazy, I know, I know, oh, a rubella vaccine is when you , when you. side of your foot he's going to see my form and he's going to make an effort I know you want Lucy not to score but he has to score this is one of the easiest come on, we've got this oh, we're back Back, we're back, come on, we score this pin is very important because if you fail you are tied, we have three easy ones so far, I think a bad one is coming, you know how tense this is.
Tactics for this one though, hey, two Goldies, you saved mine, save this one too, come on, lead, come on, yeah, come on, that's down the middle. I also shot it in the middle. No, but yours was bad. Yours was bad. Yes, in. There are literally some of the hardest challenges on this list and these guys have managed to get the easiest ones. I'm going to put a lot of effort into this one. You have to spin around the ball five times, yeah, then shoot, look closely, brother, what is he doing in life? too many no, let them move on, that's gone and I'm busy wait, why don't you relax bro?
That was difficult as if you could tell when I was running, it was like I was running to the side right now, it's 2-2, but I have the opportunity to go to the front give it a bad one bad going in the same thing three times what Whether it's crazy, right now you're both tied. Do you understand that yes, yes, either of us could win it all, I know we can win? everything, literally, a fourth turn. I give you a big twist, brother, which might actually be the hardest. You'll have to crush him from this point on.
For the first time, I saw David starting to get nervous believing he could win. You feel? the pressure right now yes yes get a bad get a bad do you want a bad what is it yes I'm feeling the pressure it seemed like David could still handle the pressure but how would you react to this? you've scored three, you've scored three from now on it's basically southern death, so if you lose your course, you lose, okay, let's take it for a spin, hey, that's not much, give me something good, give me something good, give me something good, brother like brother, this is what I see. exactly wow yes every course is going to be crazy yes yes with this lady it seemed like David was going to take the money home and roulette made it even easier for him by getting the easiest challenge I'm not going to lie I'm so tense Not even I know what to say 'cause he scores, he gets it all yeah, we're still in this, let's go with it David Miss Lucy Had one last chance to win it all, come on, not him, please say a good one, a good one, how?
Are you feeling like you know what's happening to me right now? Well, I already missed it. It all came down through this shot. Would he score this and have a chance to win all the money or would he fail again, but before we see? If he scores you should subscribe right now buddy yeah right down the middle if he misses that's it we win he's going broke this is the most nervous I've ever seen you in my life and it all comes down to the wheel it's bad , bad. one is bad, one bad, oh if this fails you lose everything, it all comes down to this shot.
David had been ahead throughout the video and this decides whether he gets All or Nothing. Uzi won the challenge and takes everything. money and something else within a goal is 100 Champion 2023, come on and if you enjoyed this video, you will love the next one, so click on Seb's face and take your money, there you have it.

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