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0% Chance Of SURVIVAL AGAINST This WEAPON! (Super Smash)

May 02, 2020
welcome to a new video, the modified levels are here, so today we will play a bunch of them, some of them are crazy, some of them are absolutely terrible, but they are still fun to play for some reason, now I'm not sorry. like you won't turn into a stick it happened to


guy you don't want it to happen to you it's not cool you have no arms or legs and you have no mouth you can't even eat anything it stinks you know what else komp2 gets, they can't use very much my new to get it at the link in the description, it's great, we put a lot of effort into


line, it's the first thing I've ever been really proud of, so I hope you guys enjoy it too description link let's get into it Not the video, I have gelatin.
0 chance of survival against this weapon super smash
I'm so right now I'm coming to you oh no, I lost my, I lost it, I lost it Oh guys, are you? Guys, Jell-O, Jell-O, I'm skydiving, well it keeps me awake. What am I going to get? Wait, where is Creina? Okay, we have to jump, hit the


s, God, Ronzi, C pillars, these can be broken, oh, shoot them, so, oh, he managed to get a box of


s. up, oh jelly, is that it, oh my god, I'm out, I'm out now, what are you guys doing crying on the ground beneath me and I said, the Condor Craner, yeah, yeah, we kill each other, please stop doing it?
0 chance of survival against this weapon super smash

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0 chance of survival against this weapon super smash...

It's too dangerous, this is good for you, this could be bad, oh wait, yes, there are many levels, wait, crater, how many, oh my god, my ice help, something good, right, oh, but jelly Oh, I guess that's a good thing, wait, did you die? No, I am. I'm still alive oh I shot the laser through the top I lost my laser I lost my laser Oh hey guys guys no I was laying down cool oh wait there's a fan I know what this is tell me more about killing each other before I join the battle's okay, Josh is dead, go through the wall, you see the laser, yeah Josh, yeah, hey Craner, what's up buddy, hey, I'm getting close, okay, say hello to my balloons, guys, I got a almost powerful entity, guys, I am the most powerful entity. in this game right now, well, I have two salts.
0 chance of survival against this weapon super smash
I'm pretty sure I'm strong. What about me? I don't think I can get in from the back, where you got it, oh my God, okay, was this, oh my God, all this? thing's going to start disappearing I'm going to put a blue box down there for you guys, oh, I freeze myself, hello, I'm still dead, invisible, did Josh fall? No, I don't even know what Josh said, he's invisible, hey, that was another blood like. I mean, a nurse next to me in a container. I feel like we won't be able to find a boat. We are in a boat.
0 chance of survival against this weapon super smash
Oh really, hello Chris, come to the front, this is sent next, why would I come to the Jack? I didn't find any guide God bless him oh, we're going to be, we're going to be a Titanic thing, do you understand what the front is Craner, I run to the front, no, they went to the back because you were in the front, we'll start. Creina said so, oh my God, oh yes, I thought those would kill us, but it's not who wants something pretty, come on I have to hide under you, put a box with bubble rings on the post, wait, oh , get weapons, where is Creina?, oh I'm doing it.
Crater I think you all know one thing you won't know much beyond what you mean, he won't know anything, come on I think we have to use those jumping objects to get to the set, okay wait who has a gun? grab a hook, oh okay, I think that's the sound, come here, this is my plane, this is a really cool map guys, but hey, jelly, where are the guns? I have a gun, I'll buy gelatin, no, yes, it looks like there's a gun there, oh, there's a lot. of things hidden here what oh no oh no no no no you didn't drop the grass oh good shot my turret had it all right down I guess it worked guys use your jetpack out of here there's actually a machine gun on top oh okay no , you guys, okay, yeah, I'm out of here, okay, oh wait, he might have ended his own life, now you're going to be teammates.
I'm like, wow, all this again, craters in the right corners doing risky jobs. I will do the same. You almost killed me. you almost killed me I almost caught you buddy oh hello I guess from my favorite grater what I'm a miserable creator and then he fell to the ground what come on funny I just got it whoa oh oh let's see joy forget what these days yes I I really don't understand them either Josh, Hey, a lot of them, oh my god, you're going to die, what's that gun? I have no idea but it works, oh well why do you always get it?
Josh, oh wait, no, I died and he's gone. Where is a cleaner directly beneath your world? Oh crater, oh you stink, crater, you had it, Zeke Raina, what are you doing? I don't know how to use a joke, you hold it and then drag it off the edge, oh this is a good shot, there is no shooter. daddy jelly jelly didn't you hear me jelly jelly yes yes yes yes yes daddy what's going on someone yes Wow jelly that was you I keep contacting you actually it might be best to stay in the background yes, yes, let it go I'll grab this jelly for you.
Great, weapons up here and I'll get the ball and you guys will be more fun. You're like a big fool. Okay, I'm waiting for you buddy, yeah, and I thought we were friends, yeah, me too, but you just know. one can win Oh how nice if they spit on me more oh okay guys I think this is the end so I think so too but we're at peace for a round yeah hey Josh can't you shoot me? What if I get an airstrike and you hide it in your houses, how about we don't fuss? they betrayed me no you didn't say peaceful this is my peaceful peaceful I hit you to the ground that's very peaceful that makes it stop it's peaceful crane no it's not Teli, it's better to accept it at this point he's going crazy, he's going crazy, he's not going Let's win, it'll be over, okay, shoot him, shoot him, come on, yeah, you can do it through the wall, through the wall, come on, buddy.
I know where it is, just shoot everywhere a little bit up. Can you guide me and well, you will see? I don't think I don't think I'm doing this job. Jenny, come here, I'm here, kill yourself. I'm angry during the video, remember you can get the March in the description. Click on the link. I'll take you directly there. If they want to watch another video, click on them on the screen right now. It will take you directly there and you can enjoy it. Enjoy taking you there I say thank you very much

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