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Настоящая Людмила из «Чернобыля»: первое интервью после выхода сериала

May 10, 2024
When I found out there was going to be a movie about me... I felt hurt and uncomfortable. Why didn't they ask me, or come talk to me? Prepare me humanly so that one way or another we make a movie about you and your husband. LYUDMILA TELLS HER STORY FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE THE PREMIERE OF THE HBO SERIES CHERNOBYL. There were people harassing me in my apartment. It got to the point where journalists would open the door with their foot and try to record interviews with me. But what could I tell them if I didn't know anything about the movie?
Literally, nothing. I found out from the advertisements that there was a movie about me. I was so exhausted, so broken... I didn't have a second of peace. The calls kept coming, one after another. I had to move out of my apartment in kyiv because my peace had been stolen. LYUDMILA HAS LIVED WITH HER MOTHER IN THE COUNTRYSIDE SINCE THE SUMMER OF 2019. Oh granny, you will be in the photo. PART 1: LYUDMILA AND VASILY BEFORE THE ACCIDENT AT THE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT In a way they sent me to work in Pripyat (the city next to Chernobyl) because I had been a good student.

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Yes, I thought I had arrived in paradise, because it was a very beautiful town. I remember writing to my mother: "Mom, everyone here is so young, there are so many little children!" Everywhere you went there were two or three children in each family. It was nice to take a walk there. It was full of green spaces. We were at our friends' house in the communal house where the firefighters lived. We would sit and drink tea in the kitchen. Vasya (Vasily) runs in, he used to run everywhere! He was, you know, ta-ta-ta-ta! And I say, "God, who is this charlatan out there?" I remember laughing.
And he turned and said, "Be careful, or else that charlatan might one day be your husband." And I said: "Ha, what possibilities there are!" But that's how we started seeing each other, from that afternoon, that day. We lived in Pripyat and he decided that we would go visit his parents. But I wasn't prepared: my nails were in bad shape. She had dark cherry nails. Of course, they welcomed us and said, "Look, they're here!" His father handed me the bread and said, "Well, future wife, will you cut it?" I hold the bread in my hand and start cutting pieces, like this.
And he looked at me and they said, "Oh, Vasya, I was worried you'd bring some fool! But she can cut bread, so she'll be able to do anything. And that was it: we had lunch and left." to the assignment. We knew our city was under (government) control. That our city was of utmost importance, but we did not know that our city would become an environmental catastrophe. "Atomic workers, not for soldiers." That was our slogan in Pripyat. PART TWO: LYUDMILA AND VASILY AFTER THE ACCIDENT AT THE NUCLEAR PLANT The accident occurred on the 26th (April 1986). The panic and evacuation began on the 28th.
It was then that we understood that it was a problem, that a true catastrophe had occurred. VASILY IGNATENKO WAS AMONG THE FIRST ON THE SCENE When I arrived at the Moscow hospital where Vasya had been taken, it was then that it really hit home what it was like. had happened. How could I sit next to my husband knowing she was pregnant? But then how could he leave it there? Tell me! I thought my baby was protected inside me. We had no idea how dangerous radiation was or how dangerous it was to our environment. They said the central nervous system had been completely devastated.
But I didn't understand what they meant. I thought, so what, then you'll be a little nervous... so what, then you won't have hair; She was falling everywhere. "And what if she doesn't grow back?" she asked. I said we would dry his head with a handkerchief and save shampoo. We laugh, we joke about things. We didn't really think things were coming to a conclusion... ...until the end. That's real fear. It was so difficult, so painful for me to watch. And in the film there are many unfair and incorrect sequences. The film showed Vasya screaming and becoming hysterical.
No, my Vasya was so calm, patient, measured... he never became hysterical. We were young and happy. We just don't think about it. It was May 1st. The May 1 parade and all that... Vasya was already very bad. He was already in that space chamber. They were preparing us for a bone marrow transplant. On May 1 he said: "Come to the window, the fireworks are going to start." He said, "Open the window." I opened the window; He got up and approached, he had taken three carnations from under the pillow. They were the last flowers he gave me. PART THREE: LYUDMILA AFTER THE INCIDENT AT THE NUCLEAR PLANT We were all in Gorbachev's office, begging him: "Please, give them back to us!
Please!" "They're dying, we want to take them home!" "No, and that's it. They are national heroes." Gorbachev himself said it. "They will be buried here with all the honors and pomp." "Here. Nowhere else." There was absolutely no way to say goodbye. They took us around Moscow on a bus with the coffin inside, for two hours. And they said to each other: "There is a queue behind us: do not enter the cemetery, there are many journalists." "Don't go in there. Don't go in there." But we were completely exhausted, there was nothing for us. Two hours, going around the same ring road.
And I screamed, "What are you doing? Who are we burying?" "Are we carrying some kind of criminal with us? Who are we to you?" He began to inform us on the radio: "The woman is hysterical, the family is hysterical: what do we do?" And a voice on the radio says, "Well, okay, come in." AS A RESULT OF THE ACCIDENT AT THE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT LYUDMILA LOST A HUSBAND AND A SON. The scariest thing was when my parents brought me home after the funeral. And I understood that it was over. I slept. I slept three days in a row.
I didn't want to live. In October 1986 I lived in an apartment and they came to visit us from five different countries: from embassies, different representatives. They all descended on us on the same day. But first people came to us, probably from the Department of the Interior, and said: "They will offer you things, but tell them that you are fine, that you have a good life. You have your own apartment, a roof over your heads, everything is fine." I could have gone to five different countries over five years, with accommodation and work at my disposal. And the treatment, of course.
Canada, the United States, Germany... but I rejected it because they had notified us. How soon did you decide to try to have a second child? Four years later, I think. I had one goal: to have a child. Because I understood that if I have a child, I will have a life. A reason to live. Children help you live. PART FOUR: LYUDMILA AND HER STORY First, Vasily's parents called. You know, someone I knew wanted to write a book. She is a Belarusian writer. TATIANA PETROVA - VASILY'S MOTHER *** That's what they told me; I told them I didn't need it. "Oh, Lyuda...
What do you mean? Go on! We have to do it. We promised..." So I agreed: I couldn't say no to her parents. "At four... at five..." "At six... At six we decided... to go to her parents' house..." This... he writes to Lyudmila. This is the truth. I read the book, of course. I disagreed with some details, but (Svetlana) Alexievich said that it was an artistic narrative. You know, life flies by... it's over. It no longer bothers you what they write about you, what they say about you... I no longer pay attention. I don't want to waste time on that.
Two years ago I received a call from Moscow. Some HBO representatives said they would make a movie about Chernobyl. "Could you be a consultant for us?" I said, "Okay, if you have to." She called me back several times and asked me several times on the phone. And that was it, it all ended there. Then he disappeared and no one else wrote or called. It was only when the film was shot that I discovered that I am one of the main characters. Then there were many calls from Moscow. But I didn't pick up the phone. Journalists, all the media have been distorting history, my life, my story...
They ask me what I would change in my life. I would not change anything. Now I'm older, with time you understand that it was... brilliant, it was... yours and no one else's. It's hard to express. HBO/SKY STATEMENT: "The production team...had multiple exchanges with Lyudmilla – before, during and after filming – for the express purpose of informing her about the project. At no time during these exchanges did she express no" "I do not wish for her story or that of her husband, Vasily, to be included."

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