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سورة يس والرحمن والواقعة والملك | شغلها بنية جلب الرزق وقضاء الدين وتفريج الهم وتيسير الأمور

Mar 13, 2024
And then you will look, and We are nearer to it than you, but you will not see, so if you are not in debt, you will return it if you are truthful. And if it is from him to whom he approaches, then a spirit and basil and a garden of bliss. And if he is from the companions of the right hand, then peace be upon you from the companions of the right hand and if he is from the deniers who go astray, then he comes down. from the intimate and you will pray, verily, this is the one who has the right to certainty, so he glorifies the name of your great Lord in the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Blessed be He. whose hand is dominion, and he has power over all things.
The one who created death and life to prove to you which of you is the best. And He is the Mighty, the Forgiving. He created seven heavens according. disparity in the creation of the Merciful, so return the sight. You will see from breakfast, and then you will return to victory, twice, and the sight will turn to you, humiliated, and it will be miserable. And indeed He has adorned the. The sky comes down with lamps, and We have stoned them, and We have prepared for them the torment of the Burning Fire, and for those who do not believe in their Lord, the torment of Hell and miserable is the destiny when they are cast down.

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In it, they hear the gasp of it as it bubbles, almost distinguishable from the void each time it is thrown. In it there was a husband who asked his guardians: "A warner has not come to you. They said: 'Rather, a warner' has come to us," so we lied and said: "God has not sent down anything. In fact, you are in great error. And they said: “If we had listened and reasoned, we would not be among Blaze's companions.” Then they confessed their sin, so shame on the companions of Blaze. Indeed, those who fear their Lord in the unseen will have forgiveness and a great reward for relieving their declaration or speaking it aloud is Omniscient of what is in the. breasts.
Does He not know who created? And He is the Gentle, the All-Knowing. It is He who made the humble earth for you, so walk on His levels and eat from Him. provision, and to Him is the resurrection. He who is in heaven will not swallow up the earth when it becomes bitter? Or do you think that he who is in heaven will send a striker against you? They will know that he is a warner, and those who preceded them had denied him. how was he a denier? Have you not seen the birds flying over them, and who catches them, except the All-Merciful?
This is He who is an army for you, He sustains you in the place of the All-Merciful. the disbelievers are only in deception, lest I forget His provision. No, they resorted to hostility and aversion. Is he who walks with his face bowed more guided? The one who walks together on the straight path. He say: “He is the one who created you and gave you hearing and sight. , and hearts. You are little grateful.” Say: “It is He who created you on earth, and to Him you will be gathered. And they say, “When will this promise be fulfilled if you are truthful?” “Knowledge is only in God.” I have it clear.
Then, when they saw it, the faces of those who disbelieved were saddened, and they were told, “This is what you used to invoke. Say: “Have you considered that?” Should God destroy me and those who are with me, or have mercy on us, or have mercy on us? So who will protect unbelievers from painful punishment? Say: “He is the Most Merciful. We believe in Him and in Him. Put our trust.” Then you will know who is clearly wrong. Say: “Have you considered that he should come in the morning? Your waters are deep, so whoever brings you a fountain of water, God Almighty has spoken the truth.”

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