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Zelda Pro Plays Breath of the Wild DLC for the FIRST TIME

May 02, 2020
that one, let's go to satori mountain, that's the hiding place, that's the--. that's 100% that you have a hiding place, that's what guarantees that the guy comes out, that's right there oh there's a guy there okay let's check the orb they still fit on the tribe grid in the second one to storage, oh I know what. We do it, I have to go to the second floor of the store up there, I'm NOT here, I don't exist, yeah, we did stealth, that's how you do stealth, so if we go to the second floor over here, oh, there's the orb , okay, here we go.
zelda pro plays breath of the wild dlc for the first time
This is going to be so satisfying um inside the box Oh what the hell oh my gosh these are this is great okay inside the bars are you kidding me? I wanted a logic puzzle, there are one, two, three, four purple ones, so you guys start, you guys start with one at a


. so there's four purples, okay, greens, there's two greens, then there's a pink, we'll look for the pink next, so there's a pink, one pink, uh, actually, you could do both, orange, okay, and that That's great, that's the last one. Alright, Thunder, play, guys, ready,


of all,


of all, we have to take our pants off, since I really like the difficulty.
zelda pro plays breath of the wild dlc for the first time

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zelda pro plays breath of the wild dlc for the first time...

I'm not going to lie, it makes the game really challenging, which is really good, it's good, like new. different very good second caravan Yankees this perfect bull and it was before I'm not going to use our BOCES maybe I don't think I caught him I'll do it alone if I need to calm him down we have him oh, he's so close to dying, he's so close, he's so close , oh my god, okay, we can do something, here we go. Thunder Blade first, stop in your tracks and confront me with your clan, unlike you traitors, I prefer to fight my enemies head on.
zelda pro plays breath of the wild dlc for the first time
Aperi, such a good game, amazing, so that's it. The deal, see you, Mom Scotia, I must congratulate you for preparing the test this far. Impressive, the door to the final test is now open. The Shrine of the Resurrection, okay, oh, so there's probably one more, like I'm making a shrine in the shrine reserve. Come on, let's return to the sanctuary of resurrection very quickly, which is the master divine beast, you have done well to return to the place of beginnings, descend rose, please do it where the tremors descend, wait, there is something under the sanctuary of resurrection resurrection, are you actually kidding me?
zelda pro plays breath of the wild dlc for the first time


to face the complex final trial maze to start you'll need a map this is a divine beast okay guys let's end the stream lol. I've been waiting for this all day like all day. I want you guys to ruin it for me okay one of two things number one we can just be emo for the next hour or I could just close the chat and you guys get nervous okay that's the ship so we take the chat from the ship's current wheel. it's going to be an emo only mode here we go guys okay so this is the last dungeon in the


you know let's get the map let's get the map oh wow okay so that's not an animal very clearly no It's an animal here, so it's a legit dungeon, okay, so it looks like there's a thunder, lightning kind of movement here, here we can move it with the map, I guess that's right, so if we go back, that doesn't nothing, okay, not that straight up.
We don't do anything so we need to rotate these two to be in a certain position so Thunder can get to this cable like this we have to canoe okay okay I know what to do here oh oh yeah yeah yeah, Yeah. see it here, okay, perfect, so to convert it you can use this magnesia sand, you have to push it into this slot, it's perfect, here we go, do you like it? No, oh, okay, I know what I can do, so I'll stay here or something and now we'll go somewhere, so right here, perfect, okay, oh, I can just take it off, perfect, where's the metal object?
So we put this here, that's what it was. missing this is a cool puzzle, well we got it, that's the first one. Deactivating a lock on the door, okay, I didn't see the end goal of this, the end goal is to place an orb there and we have to get through this spike. it's just that you just move okay if we step on it then I guess the ball comes loose so we have to do it for this trigger throw in that spot cool now the ball will just move oh you know what really cool thing about this too is that we probably have to change direction, so it's going to go down here, but then I want to change direction so we can continue its way through the course.
Okay, that's great, great, and now we have to take this and then put. brings it back and we should all we have to bring it back although I could flex it well so it was a guy if you want me to go around here frown and chat if you want me to do it this way that's a lot of smiles okay it will. Look, I can still talk to you. Here we go. Who needs the intended form? When can they do it like this? That's number two. I'll ask them what we should do next. your left we should go right - sure, let's go left oh, I love it, you see how the rows of spikes point to the left and then the speaker, well, points to the right.
I'm so glad I asked that, oh oh god. oh god oh god I don't want to take this yet I don't know what to do with it yet oh god that's okay, that's okay - oh, shoot, that's okay so I solved it I solved this puzzle to get in, it's not, it's actually not that hard I'm a little disappointed because all you do is probably just a cyst, this and then you turn the gear, so we just do that, let me go up here, it brings us up and then we're fine, it has to do with Kryon, look, there's something I'm going to do with crying, honestly, I guess we can pick this up, maybe not, I can't, okay, this one is good, this one is giving me a little trouble, we can't, we can cry. in this below this I thought we had tried it I already tried everything I tried that let's see well then this is much more complicated than before it's just that I think this is a giant faucet, but we will try this yes, it is a giant faucet, okay, perfect, so that turns it off.
What's going on here? Does this turn you on? No, but it gives us access to a metal ball where we just got the male ball. We can shoot it like this. Okay, so the male ball spins. again we used cry honest in this to get up that was good that was great that was a nice puzzle in the end okay that's three or four so I guess it's a wind blade style we have a hook in the room again of course , that seems to be a central theme here is connecting the room, okay, insert that and then, like you know, like the birds and the bees, we're just going to cool down, okay, so now that we have this, we have to get over it. to this platform over there, but I can't get here, that's the problem I have.
Oh, oh, just do it the other way around, okay, that makes sense, that makes sense and then we go the other way, that's cool, I like that one. a cool, that's a cool puzzle, oh I need to stop this, oh, nice, nice, okay, cool, we still made it and that's the last one. Wow, the last journey in which you have proven that you possess the power of a true hero in the name of the gods. hi Lea, holy shit, no way, okay, let's fight here, full combat skills, okay, that's not fun, I don't like that one, we keep doing damage, so we have to add someone at least . hit it once you know whoa what is this is a lot Oh my Lord Jesus it's okay you can probably do it right like me you can do that oh my god that works oh it's this dinner hello hello what are you doing? you're okay, that's it, uh, I don't like that one, oh my god, you have to dodge them all, Jesus, how do you do that?
So we use our BOCES fury here, so there's a trick to the fight, it's not just like fighting. them and you win there's a trick this is its own its own little puzzle you know how I determine which one is real let's observe let's observe well they're all the same color they're all doing the same same pattern there's nothing inherently different about these we're taking it down although we're getting it we're definitely taking it down he's that one oh my god I saw him because he's the one who did it right okay you just like that when the one that's good reappears so you have to keep track of them you have to keep track of him like this It's how you do it to make it easy the male winner here yeah, yeah, he's the one that works well, it works, I like it, okay, I have a good idea guys, I have a very good idea, but you guys are going to hate me for it, actually okay, so this is my strategy, you guys want to see my strategy, it's so stupid, look, let's get together, uh, we will. um immunity, let's get me there, he'll go there, we're good, look at that, regardless of what they do, we'll take damage from the bomb before they actually hurt us, so now we know that's what it is. boy now we know what this is I've seen this scene too many times we got it we got it we got it wait oh my god we hit it actually we hit it there okay I'm concentrating I'm concentrating where are you? where you're going okay, he's in the middle is that yeah, oh my god, we got it guys, god, yeah, okay, cool, cool, okay, we're on a new face, new face, guys, your face, okay, big, okay, a big boy, okay, I can do this, oh and he backs off, okay, oh, this is like UH, okay, oh, okay, stasis free stasis, repeats to say okay on these days, is that what you guys know, here we go, ah, yeah, I tell them to do it, okay, cool, cool, cool, so yeah, I bet you. do it like this oh oh hello now you're standing okay so this is the new face that's standing now I'm late that's late that's dumb that dumb that's dumb he's so close to losing oh my God, it's almost over guys, okay?
I'll have to go up to the roof so you can kill us here, yeah, yeah, yeah that was close, no, no he'll stop so I just healed up so we hit him so he won't remember. It's not too late what you didn't even do it what you didn't even do it here we go we got these guys we got it we got it this is the time this is the time time to shine time to go time to do if we hit it you want we can , I think we hit him once and then run, we hit him once and run.
I like this. I like the strap. We got it guys, if we keep doing this forever, it's so close, that's like a couple more hits, just guys. a couple more hits, let's do this, let's do this, yes we got it, let's go back home, let's face that challenge with great courage, you have erased all the doubts from my mind, you are a true hero, what is this, what is this , is it the master cycle? see, okay, this is the last one, it's the last, last memory, thanks for joining me, he will be the head of the room for all this, I'm definitely in charge, man, it doesn't seem like that to me, that's definitely the head of the room real for all Tyrolean music, okay? that hits you right on the field right there, like they're all good friends, right, and then, little did you know, we just lose the final thought and the souls of the champions who watch over Hyrule rest in peace when I played that. before, why did I wait so long to play that I needed to play like I was white?
Why did I wait a thousand hours for that game to like playing it? Oh, so there's a mini scene that seems like a good place for the obtained image. Kass likes to show the image, yes.

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