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What If A Player Controlled The Ender Dragon...

Jun 01, 2021
This video we coded is that one


can control the Ender


. I decided to pit some Minecraft pros against the central


. This includes multiple Minecraft Monday champions, world record holders, and other Minecraft veterans. If they kill the dragon, they get $500. If they lose, they get. nothing can beat the toughest boss in Minecraft we're about to find out well George, are you ready, I'm ready to destroy, you're going to be completely destroyed, no, I'm not going to lose, where are you? Oh, I found out you're moving away from that. thing no, no, come on jurian Oh God, you're on my breath oh God, my easy breath ooh okay,


happened? um Burnie, yeah, but you weren't even close to the edge, where were you?
what if a player controlled the ender dragon
This is


you get for lying to me, Graham, oh no. oh hi Pat yes yes yes no condi no oh my god that was so close you are completely destroyed oh my god it's okay you're ready Illumina oh yes I'm ready it's okay George are you ready for him okay are you? are you ready? Do you know when? I go in like this, no, I don't think it says I think you'll get the achievement, okay, well, I'm ready, I'm looking around, hey, okay, everyone, half of them are broken, oh, here's the entrance. oh you stopped, okay, oh come on, you're destroying my healing, oh this is just MLG, like how much, no, get it out pretty high, but a fireball, yeah, here we go.
what if a player controlled the ender dragon

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what if a player controlled the ender dragon...

Oh God, I'm just trying to get this crystal. yeah, I've never seen that, this is impossible, okay, this is not good, this is not good. I have never seen Lilius Greg receive a receipt in my life. I've never seen you get up, okay, come on, please, please, miss, not almost. I almost failed that, oh my god, it's just that no, I can't predict this in Vanilla, my job, hey, I'm ready, okay, oh man, you know yourself and I think the best way to do it is to hide, I don't. I think I look good well you hide no I see marry me I'm already like dead oh my god no no please please oh no no purple are you ready I'm ready okay George are you ready I'm ready George is the dragon so we're ready to see start this epic battle good luck to both of you thank you oh I see an arrow oh there you are that's too tall get away from that thing oh you got it Oh god one of the caged ones, those are tough ones, I'm trying to get them out of the way as soon as I can, them I always lost there, it's okay, come here, come on, I'm still safe, it's okay, I'm getting back to that full health. again, okay, okay, from what I see, there's only one other cage, so I said I have to go for that one, it's like you have to stay away from that.
what if a player controlled the ender dragon
I thought that was the only other cage, right? There seems to be one. more about it than I can stand it's just a matter of time until I lose it okay you're doing pretty well how many are three left oh that's five okay come here this is it this is oh wow he designed it perfectly there up, wait, no, no. oh god, I can't see them, they're so high up. I'm just bringing it towards them, yeah, did you help me here? I think I need it, how can I do it? Oh yeah, Enderman is helping me, no buddy, I can. take money left another I don't know literally oh you see them like I don't know where they are I don't see them helping you like I didn't see it I think so I think it's all of them okay, oh my God, ooh, now it's time for George to be careful, so close, okay, bad, are you ready, yes, completely destroyed, no, I'm going to win, let's do where are you?, bad and underground, underground, yeah, I'm trying to figure it out mm -hmm on the way you go to appear through your little head through the stone of the end doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo oh hello friend okay no, I'll catch you okay noise oh oh wait what happened oh he's down here now Get my friend, how about you come here, eat that, bro, you can go to buckets of water without nails, oh my god, okay, come on, oh my god, come on, ah, that's my thing, leave it alone, leave it alone , no, yes, he's in the sheets, are you? you are a chichi phone that is difficult MLG King I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm very ready yes, stay away from me monster why aren't you sitting down no no no no what are you waiting for I'm not going for that, stay away from me, stay away from me, stay away from me, yes, I'm ready if you give me away, I swear, this is my plan, if I can get one, two, something I think I can protect against the dragon oh no, I am.
what if a player controlled the ender dragon
I only managed to get a health tick on that one. I'll just give you another one. You laugh? Wait, oh, you did what you arrow, wait, no, oh my God, we've lost you, you're so clever. Where are you? I see an error. You have to replay the footage where the water bucket was placed. I called ready to die. It's okay Georgie. I'm ready. Alright. Wait, will it spawn me on the podium far away or could it? I'm not like that oh my god oh this game sucks this game yes this game is bad no III I haven't gone through the portal yet George is my OBS open right now I see a name tag I wouldn't do it can you see


the dragons You can see the name tags No, okay, you're going to destroy my crystals and a lot on top of that, you have the wrong emoji water bucket, uh, let's put my crystal back in my crystal, no, oh, what my fire breath It just landed on my head, please, no, please, sister.
It's not even a wrestler to drag it, it's just an MLG competition, take my breath away, oh I gasped, that's not very accurate, come on, leave me alone, yeah, how was that? Oh, cut, wait, this gives me a good angle to shoot. them 'cause the impulse is okay, come on, it's good my breath now this is not okay, come on, get out No, leave them alone, leave them alone, get out of my way, okay, you're out of my way, oh, you always hit that, oh, I'm just I'm going to heal quickly if you don't mind oh no, I'm going to be fine, no, it's okay, come on, yeah, wait, how did I know?
Push yourself up, come on, come on, brother, my crystals, come on, oh no, well, next water, I don't. Even I see them, I see that they know all the stress I suffered, I went to jump and the fire was there to escape my fire. Thank you all very much for the 2 million subscribers. I love each and every one of you and I am so grateful. and I have a lot of things that I've been working on that will be really amazing for you. In fact, I just released a new merch design for 2 million sub links in the description and on the screen right now, so you guys want to see more behind the scenes of this video.
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