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Salish vs. Nidal - Guess The Post

Jun 06, 2024
hey i'm nll, hi i'm sish and today we are going to be invited to the famous birthdays


, yes i'm going to win, although i'm going to win, no i'm going to win, actually, I'm not sure about that monk, yeah, I know what she put it in, not me, sish, no, I don't like non-Brook Monk glasses, right, okay, she looks like her, uh, zoom out P I don't know who she is who she is, I've never seen, I've never seen that girl, it's not P, my God, it looks like her, who is it, py, no, who is it, I give up, I give up, a Payton, who is that Payton, I don't know who, what?
salish vs nidal   guess the post
You know? Not the guy who fell off the cliff, Caleb coffee, you know, the guy he likes, the girl he likes was walking and slipped in the water, nevermind, I don't know how I didn't do that GG, did you? how did you know that? Yes, because I've seen that


, yes, I've seen that post. I was there. Damn, I was going to say I know, I know it went to R here but it's not creepy at all. Oh, um, what's Brook's name? What did he put? the C below that's Brook is zoo I don't know that wait it's like J no and Illy eyelish Alana no I don't know who any of these people are oh my god oh um um who has Amma Chamberlin oh my god I don't know who it is I mean, never I had seen her before, but I have heard about her coffee, that's a I don't know who these people are.
salish vs nidal   guess the post

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salish vs nidal guess the post...

An interesting image, yes, I, oh Harper, what I thought was that my hair is not orange. I know, but it looks, yeah, this kind of Hey, you're a little red, I don't want to, okay, I'm dying my hair when I get home, Jordan, you look so bad, I think it looks like photoshop, yeah, it is . probably 5 four Lenny uh what turn name a shoot tunami what do you expect put the C oh Jews don't put the C yes hey who Blanc or whatever her name is one who looks like an old person I oh I know wait wait I don't know I never care is that It's not me, okay, piercing, what a zoom B Rivera, I got closer, I thought it was Mye, I don't know why you're winning, I think, uh, you're winning, oh my God, no, no, that photo, I'm not Oh wait, zoom. out G Butler really Charlie Deo yeah really she looks so familiar what zoom out you can't keep your hand there it's okay zoom out Zoom out I have the cup I have the cup no but I said it first wait who has a cup oh oh but we both we're playing what I said first I know your brother better than you I know my brother, very good hands Elana, that's Elana, yes, that ear looks like Madison Bear.
salish vs nidal   guess the post
I scare you, you're not here just because it's okay, I don't know it's him. I want I don't know I don't know any of these people I don't know who you're talking about I forgot his name oh the one that got the most viewed Tik Tok not the one that has a ton of song replays uh what's his name Lena H. I forgot. I don't like Addison Ray. I didn't know she wore glasses. I could say it. If the same. She looks so different now. I know that photo looks so funny. Oh, why do you look like that?
salish vs nidal   guess the post
Why alone? I'm 10 I don't know how to zoom out no there's no hand up so that wasn't a zoom out it was a zoom in it was just really oh okay I don't know a very familiar face yeah I know her I don't know her Meet her I don't know any of these people This is so unfair oh oh Chelsea that doesn't look like Chelsea don't zoom out uh stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, no, no, no, no, now, okay, what, oh, was someone else going to say Madison Beer is also going to gu that oh oh my god who is that who is that oh no it doesn't matter she does she actress who is Taylor Swift that's what I thought that's too pretty me too yeah oh my god that oh my god Can I get a photo of them?
Me, I mean, oh my gosh, why did they say it was such an old photo? I remember that was when he was going to Hawaii. I think that's the trip to Hawaii. I think oh my gosh. Zoom out, you don't know who it is so it's j just the hair, I don't know D Drew David, oh I don't know if I suck at this game, damn I'm overtaking you, you're really locked in, no. I don't know anyway uh I don't know I'll push away Lexi what's that Lexi says no what a tsunami oh oh Kylie Jen what I'll push away I don't know I don't know oh and no I have Half unknown of these young people, yes, she looks, she sees that she is coming back, she looks that she is coming back, I don't like it, I like it, I know what she expects, I know how to approach, oh, what's her name, Jenner, what's okay, I give up, I suck. this zoom up here oh yeah, she looks a lot like her, she looks exactly like Dixie, ah, I wasn't going to


I'm not, I'm just GNA, stop playing because I'm way ahead of Mory, you better stop playing while I win. can you walk away?
I don't know who I am either. uh oh, I forgot her name. zoom out. I don't know who she is. Don't know. Oh wait. What's her name? Tik tocker. Okay, I don't know if it's her, but she likes the videos of her with her older brother on AEL. Oh, the older one, no, the younger brother, right, no, I


I don't know, yeah, that's not who she was thinking of. all me nor what who me zo no what damn mom destroying me what push away Joo i h the cup she said it I had the cup you need to grab the cup and you want to forget I know that dance say no what can it do nauy yes, my brother, brother, that seems one way of that, really oh lord damn I was going to guess that zoo, I feel like BR R, that's a real girl, oh that's not a girl, oh Ben, one waa, I thought it was a girl Oh.
I would never have guessed that wow tunami zoom out what wakes up zoom out oh my god Olivia Rodrigo no Samantha no Sabrina what oh I wouldn't have guessed I would never have guessed that P zoom out I want to look really stupid so I'm not oh no, she has black hair right, oh I did it, I zoomed in, ah damn I was squeezing all that. She's fine here, so I guessed her like four times Payton. She was going to guess that too. I know not. know white hair zoom out I don't know no I'm not sorry who is white hair a mom ah I give up just to you oh oh gu that in ah why did you turn so fast wait you said Bailey the comments Z I give up on this oh gamer YouTuber uh how her name what's her name what's her name PX oh no no no no no no I forgot her name I know exactly oh oh I know I know I forgot her name for her she's the one dating I forgot her professing yes Preston oh my god gamer YouTuber , I couldn't think of his name.
I was going to say Payton pton, yes I know. Come on, that's embarrassing. I won, yes, obviously, I said I was going to win, so I won. I didn't know anything about The People, although the next half of those people pedaled, they were literally all guys. Oh, we know you. B. A lot of girls, that's true, but yes.

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