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Cheers - Woody Boyd funny moments Part 7 HD

May 27, 2024
greetings was filmed in front of a live studio audience Hello Mr. Peterson, I'm a Leo, what's my horoscope? He says that a young waiter should refill the cup of a thirsty customer on the corner. Those things are so vague that they can apply to anyone. I was at this


y with a group of strangers the food was great the music was loud suddenly everyone in the place stopped and looked at me and I realized I wasn't wearing pants oh yeah I've had that dream a million times yeah , me too and boy. Is it ever embarrassing? Why did that uh nom never embarrass me?
cheers   woody boyd funny moments part 7 hd
Hey, the one I hate. You know you're back in college and haven't been to class all semester. The teacher is about to give the final exam. Oh yeah, that's it. the worst thing what are you talking about hug you never went to university it's a stupid dream well how about the one where you go to this fancy restaurant and before they let you in they make you leave your legs at the door and the girl gives you claim? Dial number six to get in, but instead of food, everyone eats your cutlery, only you can't really enjoy your fork because you're too worried that whoever got check number nine will finish first and lift your legs up by mistake, come on guys.
cheers   woody boyd funny moments part 7 hd

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cheers woody boyd funny moments part 7 hd...

How about we buy these brochures? They can't last forever. I wouldn't be so sure now that you know Peterson. You've got the gutzo thief here selling a tanning salon on the sunniest day of the year, outside of someone with a financial problem. interest in the place, who would be stupid enough to spend a minute in the place ripping him off? Sorry, well, it's just that it's a beautiful sunny day, as his tanned faces will attest. I guess I feel especially feminine, how is that possible, miss? Chambers, you know, Woody, the usual thing that makes a girl skip a beat.
cheers   woody boyd funny moments part 7 hd
Ah, support. Hi Sam, I found out all about Miss Chambers' quote. To the lovely carriage ride under the stars, Chad held his porcelain hand tracing small circles on his elemental alabaster and then, fearing the spell might be broken, invited him up to his pied for quiet conversation and a warm brandy and So, what Miss Chambers said, if you want to hear the rest, you have to ask yourself, forget it, forget it, man, oh, ask him, Sam, it looks like you won't be disappointed, you know, I plan on leaving something behind for the world to see. remember. and here it is, it's a glass of windex


no, it's a drink and



is going to become the next jim sheen you've certainly heard of the inventor of fish punch i can't say we have wood, but sure, don't say so much, you know well, I'm calling mine the blue boy of happiness.
cheers   woody boyd funny moments part 7 hd
Can I tempt you? Not bad, really. Hey, that's delicious. Oh, now all I have to do is fill out these forms and sign up for the monthly bartender magazine. my name will be a familiar word yeah doorknob hey sam wanna try my new drink Woody I can't touch that stuff I'm an alcoholic come on I'm sorry I thought you knew that yeah I drank of baseball. and out of a marriage, wow, that's hard to believe, well that's true, gang, no, no, I think you were drunk, sam, I just didn't know you'd been married, okay, dr. Crane, just drink, Woody, please, you promised you'd stop later.
The mix of rum and nuts that wasn't a drink that was just something to cleanse your palate now, come here, my God, Woody, that's bad, huh, no, no, it's fantastic, try this, I never had anything like it, okay, oh yeah, this one gets you. in the cocktail hall of fame, so what's in it?, yeah, what's the secret recipe?, yeah, well, okay, it's two


s. Sound in this case, the young man in love is particularly attractive, don't make him exceptionally attractive, don't make him like a Greek god. The problem is that he is very persistent and with his beauty and youthful order I feel inexplicably attracted to him.
He has asked me out several times. I don't want to encourage him but on the other hand I'm tempted. What do you think he should do? do it, I'm sorry, I digressed there, I was looking at my foot, Sam, please, as you know, I'm someone who prides myself on his attraction to the inner man and every once in a while someone comes along that makes you go crazy, oh . stop it, you're just trying to make me jealous, you're jealous, it was the furthest thing from my mind, although now that you mention it, any sane man would be jealous of Lancer blowing air, oh come on, if you're going to make it. a guy at least give him a name that doesn't sound like a bad aftershave.
I knew it was a mistake to talk to them. I'll have to deal with this on my own, but rest assured, the last thing I need is to become mrs. robinson to that young man, wouldn't that be mrs. apollinaire? no, woody, mrs. robinson was a yes, i would answer your question here carly, who is the most handsome man you know? robert redford, no, no, he's a movie star, i mean someone you really know , robert. I don't know Robert Redford Yeah I know, how come he never mentioned it? If you were the only woman in Boston he was fooling around with, would you tell anyone?
Okay, besides Robert Redford, I mean someone you see in town who is the most handsome. guy you see in town um dwight evans no no no not an athlete someone you see every day and my butcher in this bar carla standing next to you getting really angry well that would be you sam well why are you making me out to be these things? you through what oh hey uh what are you coming here uh let me ask you a question who uh who is the most handsome boy you know oh that's easy carla butcher you

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