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Echo - ANOTHER Marvelous Mess

May 22, 2024
You know, it seems like our warnings really fall on deaf ears. I mean, I really think everyone felt like Echo was going to be a flop long before it was finally excreted at Disney and all five episodes came out at once like a blatant fart all of a sudden. turned out to be much more of a spin-off of


Disney Plus show that no one really cared about, handicapped by a protagonist no one was particularly interested in paralyzed by rumors of massive reshoots and production problems and with muscles tense so which appears to be a massively truncated story with major subplots amputated from the script, it all had the makings of


Marvel disaster in a year full of things, by all accounts Marvel themselves even realized they had made a huge mistake with this and tried everything within their reach. power to cancel the show together and yet, just like that dry slide mark on the toilet bowl that you left on too long there was just no way to get rid of the


, yeah, and finally here it is in all its uh uh Glory Watching this show I started to wonder if it might actually be some kind of crazy social experiment, a true test of human endurance to see how many central storytelling elements you can remove from a show before your audience finally decides they've had enough. and leave.
echo   another marvelous mess
Comprehensible character arcs Interesting dialogue Cause-and-effect setup and payoff pacing and dramatic tension None of these things were particularly important to the creators of this show Instead, what we got was a weak, watered-down Disney fight of Daredevil with all the maturity of personality intelligence and most of the violence removed and replaced by all the usual tedious Marvel tropes we've come to know and hate the tough, self-sufficient protagonist who can beat up men twice her size and she inspires fanatical loyalty in all those around her. despite being a completely unsympathetic man who gets innocent people killed, the soft, chubby, harmless male sidekick who is so completely emasculated and ridiculous that you actually feel sad for the actor who performs fight scenes and implausible stunts that make a heavy use of CGI to create absolutely unnerving action sequences. abuse of good characters from much better shows to elevate this piece come on kill me no anyway before I really break it let me give you a high level plot summary for the show to continue after the events of Hawkeye, where Maya López is best known.
echo   another marvelous mess

More Interesting Facts About,

echo another marvelous mess...

When Eko turned her back on her former Kingpin Master and returned to her hometown to regroup and heal while she is there, she contacts her estranged family and discovers that the Kingpin's operation extends to her doorstep, so she , naturally, does the logical thing. and she plants a bomb on one of her armed cargoes with no idea where or how it might end up detonating or how many innocent people might die in the explosions. Her carefully submissive uncle points out that the Kingpin's men will surely track the Shipman here and come for revenge, but she says no, everything will be fine, so the Kingpin's men track the shipment there and come for revenge, and Maya's uncle and sister almost die in the process, but she says no, everything will be fine, so Kingpin.
echo   another marvelous mess
He shows up himself because apparently getting shot in the head at Point Blank Range by a trained assassin is something you can get better at, oh come on, and then he says, come work for me again and you can be the one. queen, but she says, no. She'll be fine and it never crosses her mind that Kingpin might react badly to her rejection, so Kingpin reacts badly to her rejection by taking her family hostage at a local gathering, but that's okay because then Maya wields so much boss power that she brings her ancestors back from the dead to inhabit the bodies of her family members, who then proceed to beat up the Kingpin's men even though some of them are over 70 years old and then the Mayan chiefs are even harder to enter Kingpin's memories and psychically force him to do so. do better and then everything goes back to normal in the end of the show, you know, if I had to sum up the biggest problem with Echo I would say it's a missed opportunity for Rous, I mean a dark, gritty, violent show about one person physically and emotionally damaged.
echo   another marvelous mess
Native American murderer with a dark past who returns to her hometown and struggles to reconcile with the family that was taken from her, reconnect with her cultural heritage and atone for the horrible things she has done in her life, ultimately finding emotional and spiritual strength. to redeem himself. herself in time to defend her family and community from dangerous outside forces is a pretty decent basis for a show like this and in the hands of the right creative team it could have been something great, no world-ending stakes, no ridiculous CGI , no multiverses or aliens or magical portals just based on realistic action set in the real world believable human characters and understandable conflicts this is absolutely the direction Marvel TV shows need to go in, the problem lies in the execution and The biggest problem of all has to be Maya herself who is basically a shitty protagonist and an even shittier person, someone who happily brings death and destruction to her own family without a word of apology, who killed countless innocent people and never He atoned for it, who demands help from people without explanation or gratitude, who does incredibly stupid things. makes decisions but never suffers for it, who is short-sighted, spiteful, juvenile and incredibly arrogant, so basically every female character written by Marvel in recent years is a classic case of a protagonist who is actually a villain and the only people that don't seem to be.
Realize that they are the writers of the show and it's not like the actress helps much when it comes to casting roles like this, you usually have to choose between wrestlers who can't act or actors who can't fight, but unfortunately, Cox can. . She doesn't seem to work either, she is slow and clumsy in the fight scenes and it is very obvious that the stuntmen have to do most of the work and, since she can't speak, she really needs to sell the performance with body language and her facial expressions. The problem is that she doesn't seem to have any, lurking with the same hostile Bland curse in almost every scene regardless of context and in the rare moments where she's expected to show a little more range there's just nothing there about it. the topic.
The language, although it's actually quite interesting and unique, they make such heavy use of sign language and if I'm not mistaken, I think every scene has a sign language interpreter of some kind, so in theory, at least deaf people could watch this show without subtitles, the problem is that there is no consistent delivery method, some of the actors use purely sign language to communicate which works well but others talk to him but due to They have to slow down so their ERS hand can keep up with where they are. Saying that her dialogue seems strangely edgy and forced and usually clashes horribly with the tone of the scene.
Honestly, if you wanted to be really experimental and commit to the idea, you could have filmed everything in complete silence to give us Mea's perspective. the world but whatever now nothing saddens me more than an agent lost his bladder on the plane wait, nothing saddens me more than seeing good characters and talented actors sacrificed to elevate a shitty production that is absolutely beneath them but that's exactly it what's up with Kingpin In this show on Daredevil, he was an absolute force of nature, a physical powerhouse, a fierce intellect, and a ruthless Crim Lord driven by a deep sense of conviction and a single-minded determination to achieve his goals no matter what. , and was played to perfection by a brilliantly dedicated Vincent Denofrio, but like everything else in this absolute IT of a show, the Kingpin we have here is nothing more than a pale imitation of his former self, weak, gullible and sentimental, sighing like a puppy abused by someone who clearly despises him by constantly putting himself up. in vulnerable positions that Old King Pin would never have done and desperate to earn Maya's approval, mate, she already shot you in the face, do you really think she'll join you now and I'm not kidding, Maya literally defeated him? getting into his head and talking to him like a misbehaving child so he can wet his pants and cry and think about what he did outside of the show, ultimately Ekko is a show that was probably born from Good Intentions that he once had the most basic essence of an interesting idea and could have offered something really different from Bland's familiar and forgettable Marvel formula if it had been done right, unfortunately it wasn't so we ended up with just another Bland's forgettable Marvel product that no one's going to remember in a few months, I mean, man, I have no intention of remembering after a few more hours, anyway, that's all I have for today, we know.

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