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Romy Chang sobre Dina Boluarte: "No sorprendería que al dejar el poder tenga pedidos de detención"

May 20, 2024
The criminal lawyer Romy Chan is also with us here to comment because we also had the prosecutor's on But perhaps during the conversation we can put it on the air, Dr. Chan, very good evening, thank you very much for being with us, how complicated the president's situation is in this Good moment to see the problem with the president is that the lawyer that she and her brother share is Dr. Mateo Castañeda Apparently he would have offered positions promotions to police personnel Who obviously depended on the president So that already generates a direct connection between the executive branch And of course all the power that that implies And these offers And if that is so then definitely the president would also have been part of these irregular acts.
romy chang sobre dina boluarte no sorprender a que al dejar el poder tenga pedidos de detenci n
What does a judge need to order the arrest because there are those who say here that there is politicization and persecution that It also harms democratic stability, but a judge can freely, based on minor evidence, order the detention of two people in a group of eight. But we highlight these two most notable for 10 days on a preliminary basis but also order that there be no communication between them and that information is raised such as the secrecy of communications or also financial information. No, it is definitely not here and it is an issue of politicization. For a preliminary arrest to proceed, there must be certain assumptions that are met in this case, it seems, for example, for example. clear and conclusive indications that there may be crimes and here it has already been made public and this comes from a long time ago appointment of prefects visits that the brother Mrs.
romy chang sobre dina boluarte no sorprender a que al dejar el poder tenga pedidos de detenci n

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romy chang sobre dina boluarte no sorprender a que al dejar el poder tenga pedidos de detenci n...

Boluarte would have received appointments or interventions in provías And apparently because of what has been spread Although we still do not know the content, there are audios that would demonstrate that in fact the lawyer tried to buy police personnel in some way and these are compelling elements that obviously motivate a preliminary arrest in addition to possible obstruction of the investigation and obstruction of obtaining evidence because here too As you have very well indicated, raids have also been arranged, information collection, seizures have also been arranged and all of that is very complicated. When the person is free, then that is what motivates the 10-day detention and if after these 10 days the The prosecution is unable to demonstrate or corroborate its working hypothesis.
romy chang sobre dina boluarte no sorprender a que al dejar el poder tenga pedidos de detenci n
So there is no question of preventive detention. very sure that they have almost everything for the preventive detention to proceed, there is a specific fact that has drawn powerful attention due to the notoriety of the characters who are compromised, which is the president's lawyer Mateo Castañeda and Colonel Harvey Colchado himself, whom You are summoned to a cevicheria, it is a public establishment, and when you review the document, you even find the voucher with the payment made by Mateo Castañeda. There is no doubt that there was a meeting between the president's lawyer and an official who was also working directly. with the prosecutor who was investigating the president's brother, then that meeting has to be clarified what was said and what was offered from there, these are the chats, for example, between Dr.
romy chang sobre dina boluarte no sorprender a que al dejar el poder tenga pedidos de detenci n
Mateo Castañeda and at that time Harvey Colchado, who would be the people René Because he would have played the role of an undercover officer what would have been the quilting strategy to finally bring Mateo Castañeda the situation in which he offers this type of promotions and among other things in ex


e for knowing the information that involved the brother of the president, what an undercover agent seeks is to obtain information and measure or catch the person in the crime, no. And this of course he does it with the report and knowledge of the prosecutor's office, it is not that he acts alone, there is support behind him.
So by citing him Probably What he wanted to know is why he wanted to meet with him and in that context and that is why we talk about these famous audios or videos that, well, we have not yet been able to know, apparently it offers him these advantages and the act of corruption is that it is offering a public official has some type of benefit, a promotion, for example, in ex


e for something that he does not have to do because it is contrary to his duties, such as filtering information or giving information relevant to the case that allows him to build a defense strategy that can archive the case or the investigation in progress and that is not only an issue of influence peddling, it is also an issue of corruption of officials and that is where the delicate part comes for the president who, by the way, has the same lawyer that the brother is not so separated they are not as they try to point out no and now this is all in the legal framework I mean nothing has been done outside the law These are the tools that the code establishes the code allows the The use of the undercover agent is very common in cases in which the president can be caught.
It has a clear constitutional shield that protects her from what but not from what. For example, the president can be investigated to remember that it has also happened with Castillo. Yes And also tell you about the issue of the deaths, for example, that is, you can investigate her. What you cannot do is accuse her because if the investigation is successful and links and connections are found between the illicit acts, then there will be the prosecutor's office. nation to present a complaint to Congress And again ask for the lifting of immunity No now, be careful about the relevance of the issue of Mateo Castañeda's detention also has to remain within a framework and that is important to take into account the one that the prosecution usually uses This strategy Well, from the arrest to obtain effective collaborators it is very clear to me that with the president's brother it does not make much sense to talk about collaboration for the prosecution because he is one of the leaders in the organization but Dr.
Castañes has another case and we would not be surprised Maybe he would tell this information and then we would have a solid case against the president of the republic. And of course a parallel investigation that the prosecutor's office would have to do. It would be more difficult for Nicanor Boluarte to benefit from effective collaboration, but Mateo Castañeda would. I could do it and that would be what the prosecution would be looking for, it is most likely not and that is why he is being detained, as you say. It is not that it is about smoke, there are elements that link it, no And if the audios are as clear as has been stated publicly So Mr.
Castañeda's defense will also have to evaluate what is best for him. Now it is interesting because we have a timeline to see how the president could even have interfered in the prosecution's investigation, that is, she could having even committed the crime of obstruction of justice understanding this timeline let's go with the data please we have with May 7 May 7 is there on the screen the president calls no to Mr. Franco Moreno panta is the head of the diviac That is general Colonel Colonel Franco Moreno seems correct the head of the diviac who goes to the Government Palace on May 7, 2024 has a private meeting but the name of Freddy Hernán appears inojosa Angulo The Spokesman of the presidency of the Republic. from 88:55 to 10:22 h22 minutes But what happens, what would have happened there?
Apparently the President's Spokesperson in this case, if we stick to what appears, or the president, who is the revealed person, would have asked the president for information. head of the diviac the head of the diviac could attend the Government Palace without the knowledge of the commanding general no he should not No because although the president is the head of the armed forces and the National Police and of everything we can imagine there is a internal respect in the institution so to go you cannot skip the boss you have to tell him that they are making a call okay let's go to May 9 just two days later what happened the Ministry of the Interior removes police support from the special team Which is the news that we reported last night, suddenly a resolution that created this police team that supports the special team of Prosecutors against corruption in power was annulled, arguing that there was a duplication of functions, what is the detail?
Note that this occurs 2 years after the creation of that police team, that is, if there was a duplication of functions and a problem of irregularity or even illegality. Because it was also said that those who created this team would be investigated, including Mariano González. main as interior minister during the Castillo government eh Why was this not done before Why was it done hours before or coincidence today the president's brother was raided and arrested we continue with the timeline May 10 What Today happened just hours after what happened yesterday, the preliminary arrest against Nicanor Poarte is already presented.
It is evident that the prosecutor's office had already made this request and it was in the hands of the judge to decide. Yes, prosecutor's office, I agree with you. Is there merit in detaining him or not? your file is weak and there is no merit to these arrests in how much time can a judge decide to make a decision how much time in advance does that information have to arrive from the prosecutor's office to understand whether or not this fits with the decision made by the president on Yesterday, to dismantle the team, it should not be done immediately because it is understood that the preliminary detention implies an urgency, not in the need for the detention.
However, I believe that more than looking at the time the judge took, what should be seen. This is the time in which the Executive found out that the prosecution was making this request, not because there is a coincidence in the dates now. The truth is that it is quite naive to think that the deactivation of the equipment is not going to prevent a arrest because the National Police is one and the f but it would have been the objective Maybe yes but if so Wow, I mean there really is no strategy even in that defense it is a very unintelligent move one because another additional investigation has already been generated that seeks precisely to know what happened and why this interview and conversation in the palace of the head of the Viac and on the other hand because the National Police will always act at the request of the prosecutor's office if the prosecutor's office makes the request any police in principle has the obligation to attend to it.
So you don't need the team and Wow, we have a lot of very good, correct and very efficient police officers who could rebuild a new force that can provide support to the public ministry for these cases of high officials. No. So it is quite illusory to think that with the deactivation the detention was going to be stopped, of course. No, I don't want to have time without reiterating the information that Igor already highlighted about the communication in the statement from the Public Ministry very early because the prosecutor has been quite clear and we have a B of the prosecutor but we read this statement the nation's prosecutor's office informs citizens that it has been evaluating indications of alleged commission of crimes by senior officials indicated in article 99 of the political constitution it says in the giving of the resolution issued by the minister of interior Walter Ortiz, said regulations released last night by which this special support team for the ficop of the National Police of Peru is deactivated, alleges duplication of functions and then irregularities in its creation because they would be related to the preliminary arrest warrant, that is, it establishes that There is a relationship between what happens last night and what happens today and therefore begins the investigations is the formal announcement of the Public Ministry we have the bite of the nation's prosecutor today I have to start my intervention to raise the voice of the public ministry at all rejection of the actions of the government that, through the Ministry of the Interior, last night by ministerial resolution 610 2024, has deactivated the special team to support the special team of Prosecutors against the corruption of power under the argument of an alleged duplicity of functions in the highly complex investigation division of the National Police already or an irregular creation but the execution of a judicial measure this morning has allowed us to understand that there are reasons to consider that there could be indications of some conduct of the office to My position is already evaluating in defense of legality, according to what happens next because I imagine that the lawyers of both are going to appeal the decision.
I imagine that yes, no, I believe that here there is a game of strategy that the Public Ministry is following up on whether the head of the DIAC was also undercover because we do not know that and the lawyer Mateo Castañeda who is currently in detention fits in the statement that in effect actions were being taken by the executive to hinder the investigations clearly the The president will not be able to escape that responsibility and an investigation will have to be set up, of course. Unfortunately, it is a little slowed down by this protective veil that she has, which is not the pre-trial, but it would complicate it a lot, right, but the prosecution could present a constitutional complaint against President Boluarte that leaves the president's fate in the hands of Congress.
Yes, of course, as it has already done with the issue of deaths and as it could also do with the other Rolex case, that is, it hasa very complicated panorama And to that end we must also remember that she has the issue of the party because she was the treasurer of the party where she does not have immunity pending processing and that that procedure could imply restrictive measures against her there she does not It has no kind of benefit. No, that could also be reactivated. In other words, her situation is really very complicated. What I see is that when she stops being president, she is going to have many fronts to face and I wouldn't be surprised if the next day she leaves the presidential mandate she has a series of requests for preliminary detention against her, according to Dr.
Romich Chan. Thank you very much for having been with us to clarify the situation, especially about the president, because Beyond the rest of those involved, what worries us is, above all, stability, which is what What will happen in the coming days if the president is involved in a scandal of this magnitude or in an investigation or a complaint that leads Congress to have to make a new decision in relation to another president involved in serious cases of corruption? in legal problems that force us again to rethink what is happening with our country or generate uncertainty from which we already thought we were recovering.
Many thanks to Romy Chan for having been with us.

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