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I Host PARTY To Trap Youtubers in Brookhaven RP..

May 20, 2024
more people Get up, I mean, it's going to be crazy, man. I have a question: do you know who stops? You know, Carrie Carrie stops by, oh, uh, Carrie was busy tonight, bro, so yeah, he won't be here, don't worry. I mean, I mean, I mean, uh, damn, bro, what's up with all this? I mean, I think we need to take you and Carrie to therapy, no, it's nothing, it's just that you know, bro, you're my best friend, right? and the car, you're the brother, Carrie. Of course, whatever it is, I don't want to talk about it right now, bro, it's okay, bro.
i host party to trap youtubers in brookhaven rp


time bro, I mean, this


is really cool, but I mean, yeah, I can't stop thinking about the secret party that's going on, it's only for the really cool people, but I mean, not you. I don't want to, you probably don't even want to go to that, guys, I know he's hooked now, yeah, I mean, I bet the secret party going on downstairs is even a fun secret party, Todd, I see it now, brother, now that you mention it brother secret party wait so I knew I was I knew I was not alone brother are there people are there people in another place?
i host party to trap youtubers in brookhaven rp

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i host party to trap youtubers in brookhaven rp...

I don't know bro, I mean, like there could be, there couldn't be, but I mean, like bro, I. I'm telling you that going to that secret party would be a horrible idea. It seems like you want me to go to the secret party if I'm not Mist. It's up to you bro, but yeah, secret party, secret know-it-all, I mean, like we're having a great time up here, but I mean, I bet the secret party downstairs is just super enlightened guys, oh god, wait . Sounds like a fun, low-key secret. party, wait, bro, how do you expect, dude, before you go, just make sure you know, I mean, like I could, it could be like a big joke to


you down there, bro, I mean, what if there's not a secret party not even downstairs? there, well, now you're really letting me know that there's a secret party there, obviously, brother, I think it's time for me to come down, my boy, I'm going, you're going to go, oh, brother, do you know what secret party here? come on oh guys they fell in love bro guys they literally just fell down the hole oh my god I can't believe he fell in love.
i host party to trap youtubers in brookhaven rp
Did you hear that I literally tricked that guy at a secret party? I knew that would work, oh my god. Guys, okay, let's go see PO downstairs right now, guys, he's literally going to get


ped in the basement. Oh my god, uh, oh P, dude, what the hell is going on down here? Yeah bro, how do you join the secret party? I really didn't think it was a secret party, you're kidding. I know brother. I know. Let me tell you that I am your best friend brother and I know how to fool you. This is revenge for catching me in your lie.
i host party to trap youtubers in brookhaven rp
Hotel bro, so I got you bro, maybe you should have warned yourself mate, that was like a month ago, what are you talking about? It doesn't have a calendar, brother, or an alarm, or anything like an expiration date, yeah, calendar, yeah, that was good. Don't really listen, but dude, please, bro, I actually wanted a party, come on, bro, I mean, hey, how I bet you have a good time partying here alone? I hope you enjoyed the secret party. uh, you should have company there soon. I mean, our guy, yeah, bro, you know, let's say our friend Tappy is on his way to the party and we'll save him some space in that cell.
You know what I'm saying, oh no, no, no, no. No, I can't leave him, brother, I mean, tappy, come on, man, seriously, you want to be stuck there with Carrie, maybe we'll finally solve our problem, no, but Todd, seriously, brother, please, man, let me Get out, brother. I really wanted to party, brother. At least I still have a Coke bro, he give me that, wait, no, please, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I'll take that and, man, just get comfortable, bro, because you're not going anywhere, okay, guys. The plan literally couldn't have worked better.
I knew I could easily trick Pok there with that secret party, but I'm not too sure if Tappy's going to like, you know, fall for it as easily as Pok did, bro, I mean, I guess we would. I'm gonna have to see Tappy, he should be here any minute, bro, what he said, he's gonna be a little late, so, I mean, I guess we're gonna have to see, bro, but, if I can't . catches tappy with the secret party then i'll have to think of something else but i mean honestly guys i think it should be good so i guess there's nothing to do now but wait for tappy he's coming now. guys that's Lally Taps Lambo no way here he is what's up?
Todd, this place looks lit. everyone in this is not really a big party oh uh, you know, bro, the party doesn't start until the tap is here, you know, hey, you're right about that, I'm not going to lie, it's okay, yeah, I like it, Yeah, bro, well, I mean. like pour yourself some cola here, I don't know if you know like me, I love cola, bro, and you know it's going to be very, very lit now that you're here, bro, like this party can finally start for real, but wait a minute, isn't that that pok's car?
I'm pretty sure the license plate literally says poke Digger one oh uh shit guys, I didn't think he'd notice that, um, yeah, po actually just ran home real fast. He'll be back any minute. I forgot to say that he was already here, but he drove here and then ran home. Yeah, I mean, he look here, bro, his car is a piece of shit, I mean, like his tire literally fell off and no. I don't know if you know this, but Po has the worst car in the world, bro. I'll be on my way any minute and uh, I mean, I guess I could tell you about the secret party going on downstairs, but I mean, you probably don't want to know anything about that.
I guess that's right, secret party, what do you mean I'm confused, yeah, I mean there's a secret party downstairs and I mean, I'm sure the real part is happening up here, you don't want to have nothing to do with the secret party, right? I mean, I mean, I'll check it out, I guess it doesn't sound too bad, hopefully, oh, well, if you want, I mean, bro, the entrance to the secret party is actually right here, so I mean, like If you want to go down there, you can bro, but I mean, it could be a trap or something.
You know, I'm just kidding, bro, yeah, I'm just kidding, it was just a bad joke or something. I know, but I mean we could be up here partying or at the secret party, I guess it could be pretty bright down there. I mean, it's really up to you if you're acting a little weird right now, I'm not going to lie to you guys, I think tap is me, bro, I don't know, I don't know, I hope it goes down there, alright bro , I mean, yeah, like I was going to be up here, you know, just enjoying the real party, but the party is here, it fell. so oh my god no way touch and Taffy you're literally down right now I literally got you both bro okay let's go down real quick holy shit oh my god I can't believe it it's finally been , I've been waiting for everything.
Damn day for this and look guys you can see them there right now and uh here we go yeah bro welcome to the secret party it's lit up here isn't it? BR, help what you, I, secret party, are stuck here for. Cage I hope you're enjoying the secret party. I bought you guys. I can't believe it actually worked. How long have they been here to push? I mean, you smell my armpit, bro, like I'm fucking. Oh my god, give me some deodorant. rent bro come on it's not okay no I've been here forever T tap like seriously Todd let us out please okay okay okay I mean before I let you guys out I have a little surprise for YouTube .
There's a box in the corner and why don't you go open that? What the hell? Why do I have a sword and why do they have a gun? I don't know why I have a gun. What the hell? It's here, don't point your finger at me, don't point your finger at me, bro, well guys, so I didn't bring you here just to trap you in the basement, I actually brought you here to fight to the death, which I don't. I want to shoot, I'm not going to kill poke buddy, yeah, I'm not going to kill, okay, okay, well, if you guys don't want to fight to the death, you have a second option and guys, the second option is both. of you have to say subscribe to Todd or uh you guys are going to be stuck there and uh I mean you're going to have to figure it out yourselves.
I guess turn around, it'll be easy, just turn around. around, everything is fine hey, hey, hey, friend, listen, listen, listen, I have a sword that goes pretty far, friend, yes, I know, but I have a we, I have a bullet like you, yours, fast, the bullet, actually, how do you know there's ammo in that thing? eh, what if it's empty? actually, let me check it. oh yeah, no, we're fine, oh, it's fine, it's fine, it's not empty, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine, I mean, the choice is yours, if you listen, listen, listen. I do not want to say anything. to H neither, but brother, I don't want to die, come on man, I don't want to say it either, but I don't want to die either, what if we both say it at the same time, real quick?
I guess so. I don't count then, right, yeah, yeah, what's up with these guys and they don't want to say anything to Todd, bro, what a load of honestly, actually, I'd rather die than say that, dude, you know what I do too. He hit me with that sword, didn't he? I'm just kidding, okay, yeah, I'll put the gun away, yeah, you know what we'll have, right now we'll have a little truce, okay, okay, I mean, here you guys go, I mean, if you want me to. pick up that cage all you have to say are the magic words two words that's all for Todd sub for Todd um guys I don't know why but I feel like I didn't hear it clearly I mean something must be going on with my ears or something like that, but I mean, hey, what the hell?
Maybe this plan backfired with Todd or if not, he gets it right. I'm just kidding, I got you too, they both said it. Everyone subscribed to Tod and you. I want a party now party uh I know a special kind of party we could do oh what uh maybe this wasn't the best idea Revenge party might be nice ah sub guys oh shit

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