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US Hints at Sanctions on ICC over Netanyahu Arrest Bid | Vantage with Palki Sharma

May 25, 2024
Let's return to Israel now that its Western allies are deeply divided over what the


warrant is for Benin Netanyahu. The order that was issued has not yet been issued, but ICC prosecutors are asking for it. That is the international criminal court. The ICC, if this order were issued, would put Western nations in a difficult situation, some of them recognize the ICC, such as France, Germany and Italy, so technically they must


Netanyahu on their territory, but the question is whether this is where the divisions arise. France and Germany have supported the CI, as have the countries. like Sweden and Denmark say that the rule of law must be respected, but the old Anglosphere gang is against it.
us hints at sanctions on icc over netanyahu arrest bid vantage with palki sharma
I'm talking about Great Britain and the United States. Joe Biden already rejected the injunction request and now Rishi Sonak has joined in. The British Prime Minister says it is a pointless event, a deeply pointless event, of course it is still subject to a final decision, but it is still deeply pointless. However, there is no moral equivalence between a democratic state that exercises its legitimate right to self-defense and the terrorist group Hamas, it is not a problem for the US, they do not accept the jurisdiction of the ICC, so the They don't care about orders, in fact, we US ​​Republicans are looking to host Prime Minister Netanyahu, they want him to address the US Congress, but for the UK it is different, they accept the jurisdiction of the ICC, so that if an order is issued. issued, they will face a difficult decision and Rishi Sunak may have rejected the order, but he will not face the ICC, he is choosing his words carefully, although the United States is in full attack mode, there Congress is considering punitive measures against the International Criminal Court, in other words, I want


, but any such measure will need the support of President Biden.
us hints at sanctions on icc over netanyahu arrest bid vantage with palki sharma

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us hints at sanctions on icc over netanyahu arrest bid vantage with palki sharma...

Will the president give him his top diplomat? He was asked this question listen to his answer. We want to work with you on a bipartisan basis to find an appropriate response. I am committed to doing that. As you say, the devil is in the details, so let's see what you have and we can go from there, it's not a yes, but it's not a no either, and that's a worrying response from Blinken, he's talking about sanctioning a court and not Any court, a global court recognized by more than 120 countries, would be a very dangerous move, although not unprecedented.
us hints at sanctions on icc over netanyahu arrest bid vantage with palki sharma
Let me take you back to 2002, the US Congress passed similar legislation that was dubbed the Witch Invasion Act. where is the ICC and what does this law say the US should use and I am citing any means necessary to free us, the leaders, from the heg. Suppose an American politician is arrested or an American general is being prosecuted, then Washington can even use force to free him, hence the nickname Witch Invasion Act, so the United States has a grudge with the ICC, but this time It's much more complicated to begin with, the ICC is not prosecuting American leaders, they are going after Israeli leaders, second, many Americans agree with the warrant or the request for a warrant, let me show you what happened in a hearing in Congress.
us hints at sanctions on icc over netanyahu arrest bid vantage with palki sharma
Senator Lindsay Graham was speaking with Anthony Blinkin and said that if warrants are issued for Netanyahu, then American leaders would be next to hear how the crowd responded. I hope together we achieve it. find a way to calm our discontent with the IC because if they do this, Israel, we are next, this group tried to go after our soldiers, yes, you can clap all you want, they started clapping, it tells you what public opinion is from the US and that. Should Benin Netanyahu be worried in the short term, this order request could benefit him. Joe Biden is supporting him again, even his internal rivals have offered support, but what about in the long term?
Just look at the charges against Netanyahu starvation of civilians intentional attack on civilians and murder SL extermination these are crimes against humanity if proven it could further destroy Israel's credibility credibility could turn Israel into a pariah in fact it is already happening three European nations have decided to recognize Palestine as a country Ireland Spain and Norway the announcement was made today it will be implemented On May 28 I heard how the Spanish leader justified his move and if there is one thing clear to me it is that Prime Minister Netanyahu does not have any peace project For Palestine, fighting the terrorist group is legitimate and necessary after the events of October 7, but Netanyahu is creating so much pain and so much destruction and so much violence in Gaza and the rest of Palestine that the viability of a two-state solution is in question. in serious danger.
Does this change anything on the ground? No. Palestine does not yet have its own territory. by extension it is not a country, but politically this is significant, it shows how isolated Israel is becoming. They are attacking these three countries. Israel's ambassadors have been withdrawn from there, so Netanyahu is in no mood to go down, but can he afford this isolation? We too have committed many crimes against humanity, but the United States has a huge economy and a large military, so no one wants to isolate them. Israel cannot risk not being the United States. It is a point we have made before in the context of Russia.
It is not a war. it's just about military victories, it's also about political victories right now Israel is winning on the battlefield but losing the political war first post reports from the second largest continent in the world Hi, I'm Allison Lrange, a very Warm welcome from Durban, South Africa, we welcome you. news and newsmakers from Africa South Africa goes to the polls on May 29 I will follow the elections and bring you reports from the ground it is at the end of the road for the African National Congress and former president Jacob Zuma will make a dramatic return from the elections to climate change, to innovations and opportunities as the world's attention shifts, reporting from Africa, the heart of the global South, join me every weekday live in the first post.

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