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Why You Should Take Apple Cider Vinegar

Jun 21, 2024




, if you


it and one of us is taking it, so stay until the end to find out which one is good. welcome to talk to doctors. I'm Dr. Brad Wiing and I'm Dr. Paul zel, okay,




, see it's everywhere, see it on social media, see it on the Internet. Okay, so what is apple cider vinegar? Do you know where the word vinegar comes from? Good. A little history of vinegar. Vinegar just means sour wine in French. German so what is apple cider vinegar when you


apples, crushed apples and then the fruit from the crushed apples, if you had yeast to make juice, yes the juice you add yeast to it and then that can be converted into alcohol , so you have an apple cooler, yes?
why you should take apple cider vinegar
You like them? I'm not a big fan. I don't mind apple juice, but I'm not a big fan of apple cider, but I know it's a deal. So if you add M bacteria to that vinegar, it converts the alcohol. to acetic acid, then you end up with the vinegar part, yeah, so


you drink acetic acid? Very interesting, then we talk about pH, something is that acidic, so a pH of one is like the most acidic and a pH of 14, which is a strange scale like 1 to 14 logarithmic scale logarithmic scale do you think why? would you go to 14? it's like this is lumbar puncture this goes to 14 this goes to 11 this goes by then apple cider vinegar is in the 2 to three pH areas, so it's slightly acidic, but don't be mistaken if you have some which is very basic in the 12 to 13 range, it can also cause a lot of damage, 100% correct, 100% and our bodies normally live at a pH around s, yeah, um. just it's a neutral pH so it depends on what we're talking about but about seven so it's acidic in nature and that's where a lot of its benefits come from as a cleaning product, I know that and in fact if you look at the bottle, there are many instructions are on how to clean the counter with apple cider V.
why you should take apple cider vinegar

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why you should take apple cider vinegar...

My wife does that, so she cleans with regular vinegar. Yes, I can't stand the smell, although after cleaning with vinegar, I really love the smell because I know it's clean. It smells like vinegar, my wife, no, I can't stand the smell of vinegar. I need strong, strong chemicals that you can buy at Like Home Depot or something to clean and speaking of, why have we always had apple cider vinegar in our house as a supplement? and adding salad dressings and other things Salt for years, so it has many uses, and the main purpose of these uses is to dilute the apple cider vinegar because it has some risk if you drink it. directly, you can actually cause burns to the mouth and esophagus.
why you should take apple cider vinegar
In fact, there are documented reports in the scientific literature of esophageal burns and things like that. Drinking an acid, yeah, plus, to be honest, it doesn't taste any better. dilute it no, you have to dilute it in a dressing what is your favorite salad dressing? My wife makes this vegan Caesar dressing that's actually pretty good, of course it is. No, I'm talking about the kind that comes in the bottle you buy. I don't. buy, buy the Dr. a bottle too, of course not, I like French dressing, but that's the really orange one, yeah, but no, but the one you get at Farm Boy is more red, okay, I feel like it has a unnatural color, well not now I don't enjoy it since you make all the salad dressings well so I know what my wife says so now we look at the literature to say well is there really any benefit?
why you should take apple cider vinegar
So, some are the claims, what are some of the claims for apple cider? Vinegar as far as health benefits go, aside from the cleansing benefits, I think one of the main claims to fame is that it lowers hemoglobin A1c, so people living with diabetes its Your body cannot process sugars properly due to insulin resistance and therefore your hemoglobin A1c increases and that is a measure over time of how your body has been handling sugar. You can do a random glucose test or your fasting glucose or your fasting glucose and it may be normal, but if over a period of time you've had high blood sugar, your hemoglobin A1c will show that it's about 3 months, they say It was three months, about 3 months the way Bel red blood cells renew themselves and things like that gives it an average of about 3 months, so he can't go try to fool your doctor like he's trash for a long time, Like they're going to study hard, eat clean, and they're like Paul, your A1C.
I did that for a week, yes, and I fasted for 17 hours before my blood test. and I lowered my random glucose or fasting glucose to four ways to go, but my A1C was still normal, but a little high, normal. I think that's because of the statin I'm taking, that's completely different. The video and people will say, "Hey, leave a comment if you have experience with apple cider vinegar CID, positive, negative, whatever, A1C, that's one of the benefits, so lower your A1C and the ideas behind why this happens often they can reduce the sugar spike.
It can actually delay gastric emptying a little bit, increase the TIY, so maybe you eat less, so there are a lot of potential benefits on the A1C side and not. we're talking about a ton, like n a05 or 9, start in that range, but if it's normal the number is like six, even though you're getting back into a normal range, okay, so A1C is safe, um, fasting glucose. certainly was another one where there seemed to be some evidence, we'll talk a little bit about that, um, total cholesterol, yes, total cholesterol, but not your LDL cholesterol, actually, there are some studies in rats that showed that it would lower LDL and. it would increase HDL, but unless you're a rat or you have pet rats, then feed them vinegar absolutely if you love your rats and then others uh less well Ed um the benefits are cardiovascular benefits um skin benefits so atopic dermatitis and eczema um things like that, are you making this up or are you getting it from the scientific literature?
So yeah, let's talk about that then. So we actually uncovered literature and found two good meta-analyses as good as they can be, so a meta-analysis is always only as good as the studies you can find to support or evaluate your claim, so there were two in 2023, we will actually provide links . in the description of these so you can check them out for yourself, one of them had, I think, nine studies, one of them had 15 studies, the first one was about 700 people and the second one was 1,300 and the three significant findings were the ones that I did.
I didn't read the article, I just read the abstract, okay, so all three findings were significant: reducing fasting and glucose, reducing A1C, and reducing total cholesterol, but this was primarily in diabetic patients, people living with diabetes Yes, of course, so they couldn't extrapolate to the general population if this was going to be beneficial, but this was shown in people who already live with diabetes, and what I would say is that when looking at even the studies that used to complete the In the analyzes there was still what is called heterogeneity, so the studies were not exactly the same.
There wasn't much information specifically about dosing or scheduling. The only thing that was required in these is that the V apple cider was the only intervention. Obviously, there are a lot of variables when doing something like this correctly, so in your opinion, there is enough evidence to suggest that the average person


go out and ingest some form of apple cider vinegar that is not directly diluted or even with careful. a tablet, there was a case study of a person who had esophageal damage, yes, just from taking the tablets, yes, because there are capsules and gummies and things like that, so my answer would be I think the answer is maybe, so I would say there is no compelling evidence for healthy people to take this.
I would say that if I were living with diabetes, particularly type two diabetes, I think it's something I would seriously consider because the cost is relatively low, the risk is relatively low, and the benefit is potentially significant, so I think I think it's worth it. , so incorporate it into your salad dressings or your daily cooking in your daily life, yeah, so let's talk about that, so a couple of things when you buy apple cider vinegar. They talk about mother, it's interesting how mother has a negative connotation sometimes in life, you know, mother-in-law, mother, you know, I mean mother nature, mother nature, very good, so in the apple cider vinegar It is often cloudy or good apple cider.
Vinegars should be cloudy if you can see through them. What happened is they removed the mother and the mother is actually the bacteria responsible for that conversion process, so sometimes they are removed, especially for cleaning products. You lose that probiotic benefit, so one of the other benefits of apple cider vinegar that includes the mother is that it has those natural bacteria that can help restore your digestive system, which plays an important role in your immunity and things like that, so definitely if you're going to do it for health benefits, you should buy one that the mother has.
Do you think the same effect would be seen with normal vinegar or red wine vinegar? They have investigated it and no, it is not like that. Apple cider is specific because since it is pasteurized, the pasteurized vinegar kills the bacteria and then you can see through it, but what about cloudy regular vinegar? Do you think you could get these benefits from regular vinegars? I don't know, is there cloudy regular vinegar? Let us know if you use regular cloudy vinegar, that's fine, and the other thing about we use it for cleaning is how much you should take, so the studies were mostly or the health benefits are in the range of a teaspoon to two tablespoons, they probably say that. you shouldn't take more than two tablespoons because of the potential risk and if you're drinking it definitely don't drink it straight because it can burn your throat and it can also erode the enamel on your teeth, which is why a lot of people were taking injections. of that, it eroded the enamel on your teeth, so it was diluted in water or some other drink of some kind, definitely not, hey, congratulations, you lowered your hemoglobin A1c by 0.5, stop smiling, I have no teeth, so um and yes, for the record, uh, who, who?
Think, who do you think? It is obvious that the unglazed type is a great glaze. Thanks, you must be watering it down. Yes, that's how my wife and I take it as we dilute it with water, but it still has a little bit. It's a mouthful because we have it in salad dressing. It's an ingredient. Some of the salad dressings we have we don't have much of. Cooking requires it for sure. Yes, we don't clean with it. No, but maybe we do it regularly now. Vinegar Regular Vinegar Well, you know, apple cider vinegar, there's a lot of stuff on the internet that we would say is generally speaking relatively low risk if taken correctly and has some very real potential health benefits for people. who live with diabetes and perhaps for the general population.
It hasn't been studied properly, but you already know it, if you like this video and remember that one of us is based on the literature review. I am not convinced and I am not going to eat it alone, but rather use it as a salad, if the ingredients require it, that's it, if you like this video, like and subscribe to our channel and remember that you are responsible for your own health and the enamel on your teeth, until next time.

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