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Before the Second Coming of Christ, These 4 Signs Will Take Place

Apr 03, 2024
It's foreign, but it's unlike any other history book available in any public library. The story of the Bible begins with the creation of the earth and ends with the end of the world. No other history book has ever been published that covers such a wide range of events. on planet Earth in part because no one was present at the beginning to witness and document it, and therefore no one can authoritatively write the beginning of our world. We are the only people in the world who know how everything


end. That's unique. The Lord did it. Not revealing the future to his followers to satisfy his curiosity was preparing them for the future so that they would not be surprised when it arrived and would not misunderstand it.
before the second coming of christ these 4 signs will take place
Be thankful that Jesus was so direct in sharing what the future holds for you. We people ask if we are in the last days, however, the Bible talks about the last days and we have been in the last days for two thousand years. The last day began at Pentecost, where the first Prophecy of the last days was fulfilled. Every Christian generation should live. to be ready for the return of the Lord the Bible is a book full of predictions its pages contain 735 predictions about the future a prediction can be found in a quarter of the chapters of the Bible from beginning to end it is basically a prophetic text although some books focus more on predictions than others, 596 of the 735 predictions have actually occurred and literally come true according to the prediction of Scripture, so 81 percent of all Bible prophecies have already come true and some of those prophecies were made centuries before the case, it doesn't


much. confidence to believe that the remaining 19


also happen, that is a very high score.
before the second coming of christ these 4 signs will take place

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before the second coming of christ these 4 signs will take place...

The Bible has proven 100 correct for every prediction that could have been fulfilled so far. Of the rest, most of them are concerned with the actual return of Jesus and what comes next. As to how many of these predictions remain to come true before Jesus returns, the answer is around 20 and we are watching to see them happen first before we wait for the Lord's return. Jesus told us to watch and pray. What do we observe? We can't sit still and look at the clouds to wait for it to appear, that's not what he meant, keep an eye on what's going on in the world and see what


I gave you to help you prepare the


are the signs, well let us look at chapter 24 of Matthew, where the disciples asked what will be the signs or signs of your return, what would we do if we do not know when it will happen to their question?
before the second coming of christ these 4 signs will take place
Jesus gave a direct and unequivocal answer. We can thank God that he answered in a way so direct In the Book of Revelation he gives a much more detailed and complete answer, but here he gives a summary of the signs that will precede his arrival. The disciples approached Jesus secretly while he was sitting on the Mount of Olives Matthew 24 3-36 after Jesus. sitting on the Mount of Olives, his disciples approached him privately and said: tell us when all this will happen, what sign will mark your return and the end of the world. Jesus told them not to let anyone deceive you because many will come in my name.
before the second coming of christ these 4 signs will take place
By claiming that I am the Messiah, you will deceive many and hear about wars and threats of wars, but do not panic, yes, these things must happen, but the end will not come immediately. Nation will go to war against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom there. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world but all this is only the first of the birth pangs with more to come then you will be arrested, persecuted and killed you will be hated all over the world because you are my followers and many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.
Sin will be everywhere and the love of many will grow cold, but he who perseveres to the end will be saved and the good news of the Kingdom will be preached everywhere. the world for all nations to hear and then the end will come, the day is


when you will see what Daniel the Prophet spoke about the sacrilegious object that causes desecration standing in the Holy


, reader, pay attention then. those of Judea must flee to the hills a person who is on the roof of a roof must not go down to the house to pack his bags a person in the field must not return even to get a coat how terrible it will be for pregnant women and for nursing mothers on those days and pray that their flight will not be in winter or on the Sabbath for there will be greater distress than at any time since the beginning of the world and, in fact, it will never be so great again unless that time of Calamity is shortened not a single person will survive but it will be shortened for the good of God's chosen ones then if someone tells you look here is the Messiah or there do not believe it because the false Messiahs and the false prophets will arise and do great things . signs and wonders to deceive if possible even God's elect see.
I have warned you about this in advance, so if someone tells you look, the Messiah is in the desert, don't bother going to look or look, he is hiding here. Do not believe it because just as the lightning flashes in the East and shines in the West, so it will be when the Son of Man comes, just as the Gathering of the Vulture shows that there is a corpse nearby, so these signs indicate that the end is near. close immediately. After the anguish of those days the sun will be darkened the moon will not give light the stars will fall from the sky and the powers in the heavens will be shaken and then at last the sign will appear in the sky that the son of man is


heavens and there will be a deep morning among all the peoples of the earth and they will see the son of man coming upon the Clouds of Heaven with power and great Glory and he will send his angels with a loud trumpet blast and they will gather his elect from all over the world from the ends of the earth and the sky now learn a lesson from the fig tree when its branches sprout and its leaves begin to sprout you know that summer is near in the same way when you see all these things you can know its return is very close right at the door I tell you The truth is this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things happen Heaven and earth will disappear but my words will never disappear however no one knows the day or hour these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the son himself, only the father knows now in that passage gave four distinct signs of his coming, so what exactly are these four signs that he gave us?
The first is clearly disasters in the world and the dimensions, for example wars, famines and earthquakes, these are certainly happening, but they have been happening for over 2000 years, they are becoming more intense, so we are certainly in this first sign, there are already wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes and famines. Jesus says no Don't be deceived, he says that over and over again as we get closer to the end, the danger is deception both inside and outside the church, in this case he says they come from false Christs, false Messiahs, people who will


advantage of the upheaval of nature. disasters to present themselves as saviors there are well known examples of people who pretend to be saviors and lead people to desert


s only to end in tragedy however there are many false


s false saviors who claim to be the promised deliverer from all our problems The more problems there are , there will be more false liberators, but as Jesus advises us, do not be alarmed, do not worry when you hear of a new war, a new tragedy or a new famine, he said something surprising, these are painful events. but they are not signs of death, they are birth pangs, so when you read about disasters in the media, these are the pains that mean something new is about to be born, this should completely change our attitude, we know where the world is going, we shouldn't do it. to be alarmed or discouraged not to worry as much as the world will be about these things the disasters in the world are the pain of birth in a new world that is about to be born that is why we are very different we have sympathy for those who are suffering disasters and I hope we can express it and help but in our hearts we are not alarmed we have hope we are seeking a new birth of a new world and therefore we are not dismayed or depressed by all the problems of the world in summary Jesus' advice to us would not be to panic, not to be disturbed , but even rejoice and say, these are all signs that something new is happening.


sign of his coming is not in the world but in the church. Disasters in the world are the first sign. The church, not the world, is the


sign of his coming the first warning is the disasters around the world the second is the changes in the church just as he divided the first sign into three parts Wars, earthquakes and famines he divides the second sign in three parts all of which occur within the church the first is persecution we will be hated in all nations the second aspect of this sign would be a significant reduction in the size of the church the love of most people will grow cold when the whole church would be under pressure many nominal Christians, if not all true Christians, would leave under the burdens of universal persecution their love would grow cold that is a very depressing sign the big surprise in the third part of the sign is that the gospel will be preached to every racial group the third part of the sign is that the gospel will be proclaimed to all A smaller purified Church would have a greater impact on the planet, that is exactly what Jesus is implying.
False prophets can be a source of deception. In all of this we are aware of the teachings of the false prophets when there is no peace, they teach peace instead of being a source of challenge their message is one of comfort it is okay it will not happen they will say oh now the advice of Jesus is to move forward do not give in In the face of these false prophets, whoever perseveres to the end will be saved when that sign occurs when the world despises all aspects of the church, that is Jesus' advice for all Christians, why should it be like this?
The answer is that wheat and tares grow together and the closer they get to full maturity, the more tension there will be between them. so it is natural that Christians are under a lot of pressure in the end. Christians are social misfits, so there would be hatred. The world does not belong to us. Our citizenship is in the heavenly realms. We are unique and it is because of our uniqueness. hatred can arise since Jesus was so different from everyone else that he attracted hatred against himself John 15 19. If you were of the world he would love you as if you were his own, but the world hates you because you are not of the world but I have chosen you outside the world it is no fun to be despised that brings us to the third sign of the end of times which is the anguish of Jerusalem geographically will be very limited In this passage Jesus quotes the prophecies of Daniel and there is a character in the prophecies of Daniel to whom it makes reference. like the abomination of desolation Daniel mentions it three times what does all this mean what is the problem it is about a human being a man who settles in the very city of God calls himself God and refuses to accept the will of anyone for on top of yours a tyrant whose arrival will have global ramifications but will be centered in Jerusalem, the city of God, the holy place, then Jesus says that the fourth sign of his coming will come immediately after, so we will know when it will come, we will be ready when that signal. arrives there will be no danger of false prophets or false Messiahs there will be no deception it will be too fast what will happen is that all natural light will go out the sun will darken the stars will fall there are many predictions of all this the path through the Bible Isaiah says that the heavens will be rolled up like a carpet all the stars of the sky will dissolve the heavens will be rolled up like a scroll and all its Stars will fall like dry leaves from the vine like foliage from the fig tree natural light will disappear leaving only artificial light to illuminate the Earth what is happening what is happening people can ask this is all Christians will exclaim the sun the stars and the moon will stop shining just before that happens God turns off the lights in the sky to prepare for the flash of light from the lightning that will mark his return, then he comes in the clouds back to planet Earth and we meet him, we will not meet in an Earthly Stadium because there is not one big enough to house so big. crowd, we will catch it in the air and that will be enough, isn't that a fantastic prospect?
When you see all these things, you know that he is at the gates, about to cross, he says and then Jesus gives a very simple statement about a fig tree and this is where many Christians have gone astray he says now learn this lesson from the fig tree so As soon as its twigs become tender and its leaves come out you know that summer is near Jesus is telling us that when you notice all these events happening, you know that we are there now, that the analogy of the fig tree is not an allegory, it is a direct analogy of everyday experiences like those that Jesus often presents in his teachings, you see the fig tree doing this, you say that summer is coming and so onbe. come with the same style when you notice these four signs you know that summer is approaching sadly people have read it as an allegory when closing our question of the day what is a worship song that has helped you feel closer to God

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