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Self-Preparation is the Key to your Success? Motivation by Jim Rohn!

Mar 31, 2024




puts you in control of


life as long as you prepare correctly by taking all the steps you are supposed to take doing everything in


power to stay on track as long as your


s lead you to


achieving your goals you reinforce the disciplines that got you there


leads to reinforcement of the right disciplines if what you are doing is working keep doing it if what you are doing is not working change it when you are doing everything you can do and you are successful in meeting your expectations keep doing it success is a reinforcement that psychologists call this positive reinforcement, we all know about positive reinforcement, this is how we train our dogs, this is how we teach our children, this is how Sea World trainers can get an orca to do tricks, follow orders and work side by side.
self preparation is the key to your success motivation by jim rohn
Take the human side with positive reinforcement when you bring a new puppy home and try to teach him not to dirty the house. What are you doing? Do you reward him for going out or scratching at the door when you try to get your little one out? of the diaper stage, what do you do? Reward her with special gifts. Make her feel special for learning something new. When you are trying to get your older children to read the books and study. What are you doing? You reward them when they get good grades. You teach them that the skills they are developing now will have great positive effects on their lives in the future, but you reward them now.
self preparation is the key to your success motivation by jim rohn

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self preparation is the key to your success motivation by jim rohn...

This is positive reinforcement, learning that there are rewards for doing something good, something worthwhile, something of value, the greater the value, the greater the reward. The better you do, the better your reward, the greater the value, the greater the reward, a bigger salary, a better house, financial freedom, everything is a reward system. Now there are two main benefits of positive reinforcement number one: positive reinforcement builds good habits if you do it. that you are doing the habits you have acquired are building your ambition and increasing your success keep doing them your success is reaffirming that these habits are good your success tells you that you need to continue doing what you are doing reviewing these habits that bring you success reinforce them, give them staying power now here's the other side by reviewing your habits you may discover that some of them are inhibiting your success, you may discover that what you do every day is bad for you or you may realize that you have given up some very good habits , someone says, well, I just got out of the habit of taking my daily walk around the block, well, I guess you'll just have to get used to getting sick later, someone says, well.
self preparation is the key to your success motivation by jim rohn
I used to read the books all the time I just quit the habit and then I change it go back to your disciplines if you just quit the habit just go back to the habit it's called discipline if not work don't do it anymore you can cross your fingers If you want and wait for everything to be fixed, you can wish that the wind does not blow so hard to change in your favor, but we call that naive in The best thing is that if the habits you have acquired do not serve you, change them, you can no longer keep doing this.
self preparation is the key to your success motivation by jim rohn
Do not wish to earn better. The key is to desire the wisdom to navigate better. Use any wind. that blows to take you where you want to go that is the philosophy that I learned at the age of 25 and it revolutionized my entire life and this is what I discovered I discovered that it was easy I became a millionaire when I was 31 years old and I discovered that it was easy now here is my definition It was easy, it was something I could do. I imagine that if it's something you can do, it's easy, but here's a little parenthesis.
I worked hard on it. I made sure my disciplines were aligned. I made sure my habits were good. I made sure. I did everything I could I found something I could do but I worked hard at it I got up early I stayed up late and I worked hard from the age of 25 to 31 but what I did was easy meaning it was something I could do well , you say Mr. Rhone, if it were that easy, how is it possible that during those six years all the people around him did not become rich? Here's why it's easy, no, how else would you describe it?
That's right, it's easy to keep doing things that don't work. It is easy to maintain bad habits. It is easy not to develop the disciplines. It is easy not to do it. How come I became rich and they didn't? here is a philosophical phrase things that are easy to do are also easy not to do that is the difference between success and failure between daydreams and ambitions now the second benefit of positive reinforcement is that it creates the energy to fuel additional achievements you It gives the impetus to do more not only to continue doing the right thing but to do more of the right thing in the disciplines that will help you grow and get ahead.
All the knowledge that what you are doing is paying off. Create more energy to keep going. How easy is it to get up in the morning when you know you're not doing everything that needs to be done? It's not easy at all, you can just lie there awake thinking, oh, what's a few more minutes in bed? It won't matter much anyway. Wrong, it does matter, it will matter now. How easy is it to get up in the morning when it's pouring rain? it's about doing the best you can eager to start moving towards your dreams it's a completely different story when you're resting to renew your reserves it's very different from resting to avoid your day when you're psyched up and excited about your life when you're excited about it what you have planned to achieve for the day, it's amazing that you will wake up before the alarm clock tries to startle you, wake up, your successes fuel your ambition, your successes give you extra energy, your successes pave the way for more successes it's the snowball effect with one success you are excited to discover another and another and another and very soon the disciplines that were so difficult at the beginning the disciplines that made you advance are now part of your philosophy how do you know when you are successful you have to be a millionaire not everything that you What we ask is that you earn everything you can if you earn ten thousand a year and that is the best you can do that is enough God and everything else will take care of you are fine the key is to do the best you can if it is ten thousand a wonderful year if it's a hundred thousand a wonderful year if it's a million a wonderful year it doesn't matter ten thousand a year or a million a year it doesn't matter, as long as you've done the best you can, earn the most you can, be the most you can and here's why the essence of life is growth the essence of life is growth to do the best you can and this is the interesting thing humans are the only life form that will do less than they possibly can Do humans are the only life form that will settle for minus all other life forms except humans striving to reach their maximum capacity, how tall will a tree grow? about as tall as You may have never heard of a tree growing half as tall as it could grow.
No tree does not grow half as many trees. Send its roots as deep as possible. Stretch its branches as high as possible. It produces every possible leaf and fruit. In fact you've never heard of a human being physically growing by half, we keep growing until we're done, that's a part of life we ​​can't control, it's genetically coated and that's probably why we keep growing until we're done , because we can. If we don't control that part, it's the rest of our growth that we control the growth of our minds, the expansion of our minds that we can control and that's what tends to move away from us.
All life forms inherently try their best, except humans. Because right now? Human beings do not strive to reach their highest possibility. Here's why, because we have been given the dignity of choice, it makes us different from alligators, trees and birds. The dignity of choice makes us different from all other forms of life. And here is the option to join. of what we could be enough to get by or become all we can. My best advice to you is to choose to earn as much as you can and make as many friends as you can read as many books as you can develop as many skills as you can.
I can see as much as possible do everything possible make as much fortune as possible give away as much as possible to the maximum there is no life like this I tell you once I got on track I never looked back pick up the challenge ahead take the best of the two easy take the root of it's easy to get ahead it's easy to do everything you can it's easy to be successful it's easy to have financial freedom the more you do the more you get then the top two benefits of positive reinforcement are number one for developing good habits and number two for create more energy to fuel your ambitions, your desires, your achievements, how can you isolate what works for you and what doesn't?
How can you ensure that you are reinforcing your positive values? discipline well if it's not easy to see right away if what you're doing happens in such small increments that you're not sure if you're on the right track then you need to write it down you need to keep a journal anyway, but if you're really not sure if you're on track What you are doing is making measurable progress, you need to keep a written record, you need to write down everything that may be relevant to your day, what you did, who you saw, what you felt, how.
It may or may not affect you now and in the future The best way to keep track of your activities for the day is to write them down The best way to keep track of your activities for the week is to write them down The best way to analyze your progress throughout the year It's having written down why so you can look back on it because by keeping a written record of your life you will be more accountable. By writing down the action steps you have planned, you will easily see what works and what doesn't. Most people don't just try to get through the day without writing anything, without tracking their progress along the way, without really knowing if they are doing everything they can to achieve their goals and boost their ambition, but talented people They learn to get ahead. day they don't let the day end without acquiring some valuable experience some emotional content some idea that can positively affect their future to make the most of a day to learn the most of a day you need to be able to reflect on the day and how can you reflect on a day Unless you record it in history?
How can you reflect on a week unless you can look back and analyze it? How can you learn from past mistakes and enjoy past successes unless you write it all down? There is something magical about writing down a problem, it's almost like when you start writing it down you start to discover ways to make it work, maybe the magic is that when you write it down you can now be objective, you can begin to objectively see where you fit. In the image you can start to see if you are being responsible, if you are being


-sufficient, you are reflecting on it, you are trying to figure it all out, the fact that it is now on paper, it actually creates a space between you and the problem, and in This space that you have created now the solutions have room to grow, you see that writing about events that occur helps you understand exactly what happens when we describe life to ourselves only in our minds, our imagination tends to feed back false information about what they are like things. distorted information sometimes our creativity can create scenarios that really do not exist at all if we keep the information only in our mind, but by writing it down now we can become more objective, more precise, more realistic, more logical and then as we reread .
What we have written creates a new image in our minds and once we see things as they are instead of as we think they are, we can see how to improve them. It's all part of being responsible.

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