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Shoot & Knov - An Understated Duo (Hunter X Hunter)

May 14, 2024
As I said before, Hunter Hunter is one of my best anime series and its chimera ant arc is one of my favorite stories. It is by far the most progressive, ambitious, deep and mature arc in the series. I recently did an analysis of Mirom royalty. The guards and their contribution to the story, so check it out if you're interested; However, in this video I will talk about two more characters from the Chimera Ant arc who contribute extensively to the narrative but are really underrated by many fans of the series. These individuals are characters that are still not talked about or debated much, if they were absent from the show something would definitely be missing from Hunter Hunter.
shoot knov   an understated duo hunter x hunter
Now, without further delay, let's talk about


ing and sailing. Shoot is a character whose characterization and development is generally overlooked for reasons I'll address here. He is a man who initially tends to deceive the observer regarding the true essence of his character. From the beginning, he comes off as a bit stoic, the classic reserved and tough character who doesn't do anything that needs to be done in any given situation to come out victorious, however, this is all a façade, in fact, this calm but tough person is Almost the exact opposite of how Chute is in reality, but this is not initially obvious because many of his earlier scenes make the focus shift to someone other than himself, usually gone Kilua Morel or his larger companion. that life, knuckle, because of this, there is not much of the character exploration of the filming that occurs in the previous acts of the chimera ant arc;
shoot knov   an understated duo hunter x hunter

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shoot knov an understated duo hunter x hunter...

However, when the action ramps up with a boatload of character development and deconstruction for filming it hits the audience like a truck, as we discover during the castle assault sequence. The


is just essentially a coward and a nervous wreck. He is not ruthless. He is quiet because he is shy throughout his life. Filming has never taken advantage of his situations simply because he has never deviated from his psychological comfort zone, he is lucky to have the most authoritative and dominant morals and knuckles to lean on because without them he probably wouldn't be anywhere, but this The vast majority of gunplay development occurs within a fight and in a miniscule amount of time, the trigger that triggers gunplay development disappears upon seeing Gohan's reckless abandonment of put themselves at risk to benefit their allies.
shoot knov   an understated duo hunter x hunter
The shot is overcome with inspiration and emotion. This is a great advance. At this moment, this inspiration lights him up and, for the first time in his life, he throws himself into the fight and does not stop, this is a big step, leaving everything on the battlefield and allowing himself to let go of all doubts. . has opened up a world of possibilities for shooting, this development has unlocked his potential as both a fighter and a person, not only is he able to establish a meditative and calm state of mind during battle, allowing him to push Yubi to his limits, but He also shoots personally. his life changed thanks to this act of faith in a few minutes he becomes a completely different person and by that I don't mean that his personality has changed, but rather that his attitude has changed and that in itself is a great feat, it is said often. that throughout life the most difficult obstacles to overcome are personal and psychological ones.
shoot knov   an understated duo hunter x hunter
Changing your way of thinking can be terribly difficult, but once it's done it's like a whole new world. This idea is illustrated through Shoot's character arc and perhaps this is what Togashi was going for when he wrote Shoot the way his mindset completely changed through his inspiration to Gone is a gigantic personal achievement to Shoot and one that many observers may tend to overlook is not a completely original idea for a character arc, but is really effective in showing all the subtleties associated with a character-like shoot, it is often overlooked in favor of some of the most main characters on the show, but he is a technically sound and well-rounded character in a story like the Chimera Ant arc, which is full of character development, the filming is one of a


Hunter's characters are developed to the fullest, which is quite an achievement in itself, not only this, but his character's flaws and his journey to overcome them are so true to life and being human in such a dark arc. as the character journey of the chimera ant arc is important to the tone. balance, adds an element of personal triumph and hope to an ark that can be desperately dark. Nov introduces himself to the story in a very


way. He is a calm and confident intellectual, perhaps bordering on arrogance, but his character is constantly overshadowed by the characters' enormous personalities.
The characters around him, characters like Netero Morel Knuckle, Gong Killua, and Palm, are also bold and bombastic in their characterization of him and more distinct in their character design than Nov as such. While he is a central character with an important role, he is rarely the most important person on screen. Due to the low-key nature of his initial journey, Nov is pretty much the quintessential supporting character and is almost never the focus of a given scene until his big moment, and I'm sure most viewers will know which moment I'm talking about. The breakdown after being exposed to the malicious aura of poop is one of my favorite scenes in the entire show.
This scene does a lot of good in the first place, it's a welcome reminder of the gigantic threat the


s face after spending so much free time with Meruem Pito Poof and Yupi. In the middle of the ark act, a good portion of the observers, myself included, almost forgot how powerful they were. At this point in the story, Nov is shown to be a strong, experienced hunter and a calming influence as he watches him completely lose control and deteriorate as a character. It's a shocking reminder that chimera ants are more than powerful and probably beyond the reach of hunters.
This resets the tone to a much more serious and tension-filled atmosphere in preparation for the final showdown. This scene is without a doubt one of the most human moments. I've seen it throughout the anime while Nov was in a helpless and vulnerable state due to using zetsu, his reaction to Pouf's aura is so ironically shocking because he is incredibly human. Interestingly, we don't tend to expect most anime characters to act genuine. Human beings, so when they do it, he tends to hit the mark. He does not have enough courage to place the portals on him, but after being struck by this fear, he does not do more than he needs.
I really appreciate him for how faithful he is to humanity in an arc. like this one where one of the prominent themes is humanity and the true nature of humanity, it wouldn't have made sense for nov to do anything but run, we all have a primitive and psychological internal combat flight system and when we We face an enemy with power that towers over our own flight and avoidance is the only answer when it comes to survival. Would someone like Morel or Knuckle have been as traumatized as Nob after this experience? Maybe not, but given the knowledge we are presented throughout Hunter Hunter about Nen. and chimera ants is a totally appropriate response.
Lastly, I love this scene simply because it is a work of cinematic art, the mix of music, visuals, cinematography, voice acting and dialogue, combine perfectly to create such a stunning scene that is a great point in the arc and a turning point for nov himself nov's mental breakdown is wildly underrated as a narrative tool, a tone setter and a piece of cinema after this moment the novice changed in disturbing and permanent ways but it must be said that he perseveres and brings together a lot courage later as the ark. comes to an end and Nov realizes that his allies are an immortal danger, he steals himself and ends up being a big reason why the hunters survive the battle with their lives, even if every fiber of his body told him to stay as far away as possible. possible of the ants nov perseveres the fact that the knob push up here is quite admirable it takes a lot of courage and mental strength to face absolute fear especially after a nervous breakdown as i already said nov starts off being quite cocky lecturing has gone and kilauea about his inexperience despite being brutally overwhelmed and given a devastating reality check, like many other characters in chimera antar nope's character arc, he goes out of his way to humanize him overall and, in my opinion, nov is actually one of the most well-developed characters and Hunter Hunter is sympathetic and sad, but also brave and mentally resolved, which is ironic given his mental breakdown, but it remains true that his downward spiral and redemption reflect many of the ideas that Togashi presents throughout the series and through this arc and is totally engaging to watch.
At the same time, Shoot and Nov are two of the unsung heroes of the Antarctic Chimera and Hunter Hunter in general, their character arcs are deep and thematically relevant, but they're integrated into the show in a way that makes them stand out in their own way. also. Two aren't as enthused as some of the other characters due to the convoluted and


way their characterization is presented, but they don't have to be, they're the type of characters who aren't favorites of the series. However, through their thematically significant arcs and role in the story, they build the foundation for the standout characters to bounce off of and allow the big moments to shine even brighter.
Hunter Hunter is a series so full of imagination and diversity that I never get tired of it. Speaking of which, I mean, in my two videos so far I've talked for 30 minutes about this series and I've only scratched the surface talking about five measly characters and one bow, there will no doubt be more hunter videos in the future. but if anyone has any suggestions for a character, would like me to discuss any story tools, or any topic you'd like me to talk about, feel free to leave a comment, whether it's about Hunter Hunter, other anime, or even video games.
I don't guarantee that I will do everything, but I will take everything into consideration if you liked it, consider subscribing for more anime and video game content and check out the other videos on my channel for some interesting things about Faith Zero Re-Zero. Hunter Hunter and some Witcher 3. Again, thanks for watching and stay tuned for more.

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