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Mar 06, 2024
Hey, we've known each other a whole life, yes, a whole life, a whole life, really, no. How cool, why are we still in life? Exactly, to begin with, we love each other. I respect you. I brought you. These are for you so that you can take them with a red wine and a tequila that I like So for you I'm not the best Yes you are Thank you very much you saw what a beautiful place this health enormous applause You know that my biggest trauma in life is not knowing how to whistle Well, I mean I had to learn because yes you sing you can't shout you shouldn't shout you're shouting at yourself so I learned to whistle And besides, I was always good with my male cousins ​​and then I said how do you do it And I'll show you also it's such a functional thing very functional very functional I mean from the mentioned to The one that already arrived, I remember that my brothers would arrive at my mother's house and they would shout, I'm already here.
daniela romo no tuvo hijos por culpa de este hombre condena la falta de quimioterapias para ni os
Yes, it's already arrived, they announced its arrival like when we used to go when we were girls, we went to the cinemas. Do you remember? Before there were cinemas, that is, gigantic, huge ones and the one who entered Of course Berta already arrived in the story in the gigantic cinemas I didn't like them very much sometimes you can hear the screen of the next room But they were very crowded and very distributed in the room and I went into the other one yes but you were about to leave I won't say but that's not a cinema yes he was a father father he was very father you when you were little I mean your youth where you lived in the South of the North Look I am carrion from Rome and a rat from the assault this one I was born in the social security in one that is on the street of Gabriel Mancera near behind the theater in that social security I grew up for a while on Zacatecas Street in Colonia Roma and I really grew up in the Glorieta de Chilpancingo when there was Glorieta de Chilpancingo Este there in front of the Vaca Negra the Vaca Negra the Grill restaurant the pharmacy This one on the corner were the coconut trees and the wonderful gazebo, no, that's where I lay down.
daniela romo no tuvo hijos por culpa de este hombre condena la falta de quimioterapias para ni os

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daniela romo no tuvo hijos por culpa de este hombre condena la falta de quimioterapias para ni os...

My years are now, when the World Cup is coming and all those things, I remember when, well, the Olympics and all that, we used to go out with my cousins ​​in their cars, no, and they put us on the roof like that. and they came grabbing us But one was shouting Viva México around the roundabout 20 turns it doesn't matter This one too when I leave all those things and there I grew up in the Glorieta de Chilpancingo in Roma Sur Insurgentes Sur 480 apartment 25 and the phone number was 84 2623 I was the only one The phone that I remember is the one at my mom's house.
daniela romo no tuvo hijos por culpa de este hombre condena la falta de quimioterapias para ni os
It was the house. I don't remember my mom's phone numbers. This one is no longer there. Yes, but son, how do they need a hand? But hey. And he had a long life. it is never enough he never died died selfish but it is never enough the selfish ones are us I always say I don't know why we will be like this But you would like them to be eternal but eternal and they are Because they live here inside of us and they are already Yes but suddenly I would think no I'm going to look again, that's really crazy, no.
daniela romo no tuvo hijos por culpa de este hombre condena la falta de quimioterapias para ni os
Yes, I mean, you know that just now you said that you remember your mother's phone number, those were the first things that are the sign of absence, not what you're going to dial. That's why I'm telling you that I I drank Tequila with my mother because wherever I was in the world I calculated that it was three in the afternoon for my mother I would toast with tequila every day at 3 in the afternoon at 3 in the afternoon so wherever I was I would I spoke to say hello every day at 3 in the afternoon so suddenly now it has happened to me in these two years that suddenly I want to speak and say hello but well I have his ashes in my house I live with them and then there are times when they have been her anniversaries and such at 3 in the afternoon I go and say Greetings mommy and I talk to her No because that's what I need look my mom has been dead for more than 25 years she died young young I still miss her of course every day no You don't know how to see, well, if you know that, well, my mom was a single mother with me and then it kind of makes a different bond that's very special, different, like it's your way out into the world and the world is your mom's little hand and your mom.
What does the world teach you? No, yes, your mother, what does she tell you? Look, this, let's do this, let's go to such things, and then you to her, because then you become your mother's mother, it was my turn, that one, it wasn't my turn, then I would be my mother's mother. and well, I am infinitely grateful to heaven, she spent her last years well, well, no, she also already had her emile things and all that, but in all, good health, well, that's why living with my sister, my sister lives in Querétaro and what made her the most He was happy to see his grandchildren, especially his grandson, that my mother was the president of the association.
Mom, the president of the association. Everything that was a man. A man, how was he the most possible, then, well, by the way, well, he has a grandson. handsome, he's not here and he's a soccer player and how good he is and he also has a divine granddaughter who is a genius and she's a lawyer and they work on many other things and they were always with my mom very well, I mean my mom was Well, they knew how to be most affectionate with their grandfather take care of his grandmother and my mother well that time he was very very happy I went every Monday to eat like Fidel Gómez and you leave But and more he came back this thinks road It's not an easy thing but every Monday I went for four years that he lived there and she died there in the house, well we made one, that is, we rented a house so that my mother could live there and there she was given all the facilities because she couldn't move so easily for all her things.
But well, she always asked me and He told me if I get sick something happens to me in my house in the house eh They don't take me out of here except with my legs first I don't don't take me to where my mother told me to make me feel bad where who knows how They are going to treat me where who knows if they will give me something else that I didn't expect them to give me, they always made me promise and I kept it, well we kept it, they kept it, you did well, they are two brothers, Patricia, my sister and I, and it's Jorge, my brother-in-law. that also adoration because I tell you the president of her association Of course of course adoration my mother with with with With her son-in-law and he with her So this one and well he treated her divinely I have nothing but gratitude with him and of course and with my sister obviously but well it's His mother, of course, behaved more than her height, not great, to be honest, and my nephews, who are Daniela and Patricio, what are our names Daniela and Patricia, my brother, having all this love, feeling filial love, not this one, this love for mothers is very impressive, not this one.
Above all the Mexicans that we have, there is the mother figure on this side of the continent, no. But I wish we had more respect because so many today forget their mother figure and because they forget that they are born from a woman and why they mistreat women so much. I am right now that sometimes Well, we were already scared, the day with Diana is not a very funny thing, but you also inform yourself of course Always every day Ok, every day I read my newspapers I read quite a few articles I mean, if I can do commercials Well, look at me I have done El Milenio El Universal El Excélsior and El Financiero if you have to watch in the mornings then but the fact is that you do have to be informed there are people there who tell me no no no I no longer watch the news I say no but the thing is that We have to know what is happening.
We have to be aware of what is happening in our first environment and in our larger environment and in the largest one, which is the world of course. So it is an obligation to do it because, in addition to everything, Well, suddenly it happens. The only thing that made us equal was an illness. How funny, right, that made us all equally vulnerable and I believe that for all the vulnerable, fragile, vulnerable and expeditious because that's what we all leave, like in everything there are some more equal than others Yes of course Yes the attention to health Yes, that is the truth of things, who was hit hardest by the pandemic Well, the poor, the poorest of the poor Well, imagine the people that I am not saying happened to me with my mother, there could not have been ceremonies or things because it was the pandemic Yes, of course, and where we went, well, we went No, I didn't go, it was my sister, cremate her, no one could enter except one person, she's very strong, so I'm rude, I don't forgive, very well, because look here, this disease of loneliness, no, it was also the disease of loneliness and and you don't know how my being squeezed me knowing that so many people said goodbye without Saying goodbye or they left without Saying goodbye without touching a hand Without at least feeling the fry of the hand it doesn't matter but no one could Say goodbye and I can go bury no one could go to say goodbye no one could do what is normally a Goodbye ceremony because we learned something with the pandemic because Dani I mean we said not anymore after the pandemic we are no longer what we are no longer going to do the Not the same, and I believe that we are the same.
I believe that we did not learn, my mother, we did not learn at all badly. The truth is, I'm not telling you. Look, I believe that each of us has in our conscience and in our thinking and in our being the fact of having traveled, but What happens is that 10 years ago I had already gone through one of those desires, well, put an illness, then when I had cancer, I did learn to live and see life from the perspective of the illness from the perspective of knowing that beings Humans are brief, we have that fragility and I had this great opportunity for life again, that changed my points of view because I learned to see life from the illness, that's why there are some that I don't understand, some of those that we all see. the days that I say, but if they have also been sick, they are not aware that through being grateful every day for the life of being alive.
It is when we can give another perspective to our actions, our chores, our way of creating bonds, having bridges, etc. Instead to do the opposite the opposite then sometimes I say Well, suddenly, no, the pandemic has not ended, now this week there has been an increase in cases and there have also been deaths, but when we were already like we are starting to get out of here, they are going to be imputed. So this Well, we didn't learn So we didn't learn and suddenly now Korea and we're here but I've made them a mini bombis one visit so that it's well What's wrong with us and let's not go so far eh As I always say that nothing is so foreign to us or not I mean, no one is so far away or so alien from us, but let's not go so far here in our country.
Well, here I tell you, we are, I don't know, at a time when I never thought we would live like this, or do you understand that right now? I'm doing things and before I moved in a different way just like you we moved in a different way suddenly well today we are going to do the show in Guadalajara well what a day well what a day Oh I said gonza gonza who has been working with me for 40 years years old I told him, well, hold on to the truck, we'll take our things and I'll leave two days early.
Let's go two days early. We'll eat comfortably. We'll rest. We're leaving. We've arrived for the rehearsal. You've already acclimatized. We're already leaving on the road. Everything was happy. Everything. Not yet novels and in things we were going to the times that to Michoacán that here there is Híjole right now you still haven't arrived when you come back like acid not because you suddenly say Oh my God and Well and with the nephews Well you because you have children now your children already now They grew up and are responsible, my nephews are also not children, but one already lives with a press, I say in itself.
A mother, I always live with a worry, but I am not a father, but you, who did not leave, gave birth to yourself again because your sentence or whatever that was that was the day I saw myself in the mirror suddenly I saw myself I said zero hair la Romos zero eyebrows zero eyelashes zero nothing And that I'm from the last century I didn't parade I don't think so Well no more no because it's that I stayed in the Crazy horse understanding then, well, the detail is the detail is like a feminine thing for something They put it on us So I was left with something eh something like that it's like when you see yourself when the mirror comes to me and I said I'm a baby girl, I'm giving birth, I'm about to stop there, that's when I realized because well, that's how I was born bald with nothing, without a baby, I said, well, I'm giving birth again, well, this is it, I don't have your kisses anymore, no way, but but I came out.
So it's like very. Look, you see. The thing is that the disease taught me what democracy is. When I went to my chemotherapies, I saw children, I saw little girls. Day, older ladies, I saw men, human beings, all uniformed with our robes that we held on to from behind so that They wouldn't see our asses trying to save your life and we are all equal everyone there everyone There we are all equal no matter if if you are rich If you are poor if you are young if you are old if you are a man if you are a woman if you have such ideas or You don't have them if you study anyway you go to the same thing The same thing to give you something that lessens your pain and helps you move forward Yes but then I remember now of many children with cancer who have not been able to receive their No, they were not able to receive their medication for years.
But you know what the most painful thing about all of this is, it cannot be unconsciousness. Because all of us who have had cancer know that if you skip two or three chemotherapies, it can metastasize and You can leave, many women that I knew who are no longer there because they want to do alternative things because they want to skip it because I don't do it, it's because they are very sweet, I mean, it's not a place of joy, but it is a place of hope, it's a bright place, although you make this dark but I know that it is difficult to endure but many who left left because of that because they said I can't do it anymore I want to I want to look for an alternative I don't want one more chemo maybe it could happen to me and suddenly Because also about everything if you are younger Me because at that time I was 52 years old this this year I had my 10th birthday after then I am 10 years old we make wrinkled babies so sometimes very well Well no because life happens No this but it is very difficult to put up with thatYou're not just anyone and I when I saw those children and those parents protesting and you know deep down that if a few escape, if they don't take them, something could happen to them, death could come before taking them away than the salvation they were having. with their chemo So that really seems to me that I can tell you is inhuman It is from an indolence it is from a hand What do you want me to tell you I speak from the place of pain and but from knowing that pain of going through that pain and also when They are children Well, the ones who suffer the most are their parents because even the children give comfort to the parents and say don't worry, I'm fine Yes because Also I don't know what happens to you when you're sick In other words, it's me What hurt me the most Not my mother, she was older and hurting my nephews who were younger, no, and the people, I love you, the people Well, of course, but your first, not your first circle, forgive me, I asked everyone for forgiveness, I told them, Can you forgive me, no, no, no.
I wanted this but I didn't know So and it was your birthday gift right no You almost saw in October it was in October the end of October they diagnosed me at the end of October and then it was the Day of the Dead right my soul when they told me find an oncologist so I said There was no one there until day 3 I was able to see one and that's to see no no no no but that's where it was and that's how I am doing it is that we can do a biopsy on you or where Here I bring something that is not mine take it away from me now So take it off, take it off, take it off, a spider, no, no, I don't want it, then you split it up, you distribute it, it breaks down.
Meanwhile, but take it away from me, I'm bringing something that's not mine and that's how I behaved from the beginning to the end because that was the first one, take this one away from me, fortunately. I was able to save half of the breast, that is, I have it halfway, but I don't remember, you never put it on. No, you never put me on anything, just when I bend down on it, then, I mean, if I don't bend down, then I already put on my reconstruction fillings. He tells me no no no no you never had surgery no before I never had surgery nothing nothing you were not a plan they offered 20 times is that I care well you put on you put on some of course Yes and then you do them like that no problem Well I think I have that I do appreciate that because that's how I am, I accept myself as I am, I'm never going to have surgery on my face.
I've never had anything done, nothing, and it doesn't have anything, and you just do something filling in your face. Well, it wouldn't be visible, but you look very good. Dani, the truth is, well, that's true, but that's genetics, but then they take Hey, your neck, you should have it done, well, no, I'm not going to do anything because besides, I'm an actress and you understand that actress, that is, my vibe. She's an actress from I just did a series to be closs this one and a movie this one to talk about female victims, both of them It's about violence towards women but in one I'm a victim and in the other I'm a victim Okay in the movie I'm a victim in the series but if I didn't have the face as it is or if it had any oil it couldn't act in those things Yes of course I have been touched by 100 period things For me it was unforgettable that interview we did with you when we did Alborada that we were all Fernando with a Lucero luz Mónica Miguel She was my teacher Theater at the university was the best, truly the best from her I learned the best phrase I give you your copyright my teacher because she gave me the phrase that is the one that Reflects Now I tell you, look I am already at the age in which the worst is over It's over, the best is coming, because if she comes, we're already here.
I'm already at the age in which the worst is already over, the pain of heartbreak, love, hearts, this, the losses, the losses, suddenly life is something else. Yes, life is so I say Hey, but you were telling me, did you keep what you said, do you have a mother? Yes, sometimes women are a little confused; they believe that they are going to operate on your mother and that they will take it away, that they will take it away and that you will have it left, no, but The fact is that the mother is the same as what you have here, you have it inside.
So they make you a woman, it's a hole inwards and it scratches you and they scratch you. No, this me, what happens is that my tumor was in the nipple exactly, so I They removed everything, they removed everything from there and they removed my ganglia and the lymph nodes here. This one, but they told me you can keep the breast, that is, all that other part. I said, look, well, the crouching one, well, well, I'm telling you, it wouldn't have been the nose. who would have been a national mourning Yes of course my national mourning was the hair no that was pain we are here for life no not for the hair that's why your hair was sacred and then you say the hair being alive is what matters to keep thinking is What matters is to continue creating is what matters to continue searching is what matters to continue crying is what matters to continue laughing is what matters to continue fighting is what matters to continue living continue to disappoint you continue to feel that we were in a campaign do you remember How is it not?
You see the campaign as divine, so we have shared, we have shared a few things, some of our friends No, yes Good but good Hey but tell me something when they say you have cancer I know you have given interviews and conferences and talks but I am also inter


d Because there are many women who see us now, not this And it seems that they say the word cancer to us and it is a death sentence. You are not already condemned and it is a sentence in your case. How was it because, in addition, you had one of the worst cancers at a very high level? elevated very strongly the 20 falls on you when the 20 starts to fall on you like Look what happens is that when I was at the doctor a doctor whom I always thank because as I tell you and it's going to be the day of the dead after the year when Everything had already happened, I brought him a gigantic box of chocolates, I don't know what size, and then he said, but Daniela, why are you doing this?
I told him, well, last year you gave me my skull, so what happened is that that day we were going, Tina. and me and and we always went together several times to get all the check-up the check-up and then we went to the cafeteria and to eat and we were all happy no this well because it's not nice It's not not the best yes No it's not fucking it's fucking but Sure, it's exactly right to do this, you can't avoid it and you shouldn't avoid it. So before that, I was in New York, I fell in a restaurant and hurt my shoulder, so it turns out that the number had been sprinkled on me, it's a pain that now that I think about every time Sometimes I say that it was pulverized but yes that hurts from the mother who gave birth to them but the birth whatever you want but the fact is that suddenly I said I have never had a bone densitometry done so I said I'm going to do it at once and then they put me in to the little room and they lay you down on the bed and they take your measurements and whatever and suddenly it comes out lady, they had already done the mammogram and then an ultrasound before at that time they were different, they weren't the ones that do ultrasounds for you, those are already They touched me afterwards every time, no, and then I said, why doesn't anyone come, I was lying there, lying there, and I said, well, what the hell, why don't they come?
I mean, what's happening, not even suddenly, well, did the doctor come in? Did you worry him? Yes, I said, What's wrong, I said, or why are they taking so long either? Since I had never had it done to me, what is this thing about? No, all of a sudden, it's something and I see Tina's face and the doctor's face and he tells me, Well, here's all this. I'm going to show you, you have something here that I didn't have. Before I always had calcification. So I always trusted myself because when I felt some lump or whatever, I knew they were calcifications because I always went then but that time it took me a year and ten months to go.
So yes. So this is that day yet because we are going to go to lunch with Chantal this one with that one and with the girl This one and suddenly the doctor tells me well you have something that you didn't have And this doesn't look good You need to find an oncologist from there my nachas already fell off and I have never been able to pick them up I mean, you drop them, you dropped them How And then it all started with attention and such And I said Well, well, no way, I said sorry but you froze like no, then I said, look, yes, the truth is, what I need is a gossip Yes, let's go but the thing is that as people we have to eat anyway, so at this moment it's not going to be resolved I need to sit somewhere and assimilate what they just told me what they just told us So we already left and We left next And then a little while after that and I came out with my goddaughter that Chanti's daughter is my goddaughter and then I came out to the little garden where we were eating and suddenly I said no I can't cry I can't be weak, I can't, or that's what I have to do if I have cancer Well, I have cancer and I have Cancer, what do I do now, let's go since I went to the doctor, which was on the 3rd, I arrived but I was already ready, I already had my folders and my this one can operate on me right now you wait It's 70 30 you choose and 70 and 30 are 100 70 is cancer right yes so this one I told him 30 no but the biopsy I said no I don't want a biopsy take it off This is not mine and the whole world But hey no Do you want a second one?
I don't want anyone's opinions. It's my opinion. San, it's over. Of course, that's your decision. It's my decision. It's my opinion. I have something foreign to me that I didn't have. So take it away from me. At that moment they obviously couldn't help me. So I left the doctor's office and went to do everything and the next day I was in the hospital. At 6 in the morning that is, on the 4th, November 4, precisely, I turned 11 years after my diagnosis and 11 years after my operation. So the next day, well, they already operated on me, they removed those and it was a super high grade cancer but everything was on time.
What I would like women to know is that it is essential that they have a mammogram every year and the studies that we have to do, we women are such a perfect machine that has in it the miracle of life that is why God made us like this with many complications because you have in your being the miracle of life life so if you You're on time for breast cancer specifically. That one is absolutely salvageable. It's curable. It's curable. It's not synonymous with death, but of course the word cancer. You never lost the meaning of this.
Very Virgo. No, don't screw me. Don't don't change me. Don't change me. So yes, here is my date of birth, I'm a Virgo. So this one, well, it's already gone. Yes, yes, it helped me my my attitude, your character, my character, my face, and you know, also my determination, my discipline with which I do my work, the discipline of being an actress or I mean, I did go to the doctor and I told him, look, this is my Oscar, you come out, you produce, you direct, and I acted, but I'm going to the Oscar, and he said, Well, they gave me a chocolate one, but it doesn't matter.
This is me, I'm happy and I thank the doctor. life immensely that experience is the best you see everything from another it is the best that life has given me of course it sounds very low very romantic and very income because I am here but how many people are not but there are many who are not but that What you say is curable we have We have to do our exams every year and not leave them And touch ourselves, yes, but also the problem is that, for example, here we have Exactly, this is also a question of education because not only is there breast cancer, there is cancer in the testicles, so But how is there a lot of people that you're touching yourself there grabbing Leave it there or Leave it there I leave it no no no no no don't touch that thing about sexual education in schools that people think is something else or that it's a push to that Aha Now they are going and we are all going to sex in the third dimension.
This, but what they taught us in schools Well, it wasn't at all true And you said that it's that sketchy drawing, they have to teach us to value ourselves and clearly value ourselves one day in what As you grow, you are going to value your intellect, you are going to evaluate what your soul is, what your being is, but there is also a part of the body. Yes, why because it is also a way of giving yourself respect and respecting it and loving it, so ladies, don't be like that. let them be tempted there Because also Well, when one is tempted, well, that's it, but the girls do it, they are taught from girls that they have to self-exploration Exactly, if you are not telling them to masturbate, it is and if they masturbate too, then Leave the empanadas, the campaign should make a splash if there is No, don't ever leave me without champagne Hey hey You read a lot yes you read about the subject you became half that obsessed because I didn't become obsessed because precisely I said why why I get flooded with things What can I say?
I wasn't going to read about that because apart from that it's like when I thank you infinitely because people do it to help you by reaching out to you but how do they come to you from recipes Oh no Of course this this The Elder Witch my life I trust in science Yes, I'm sorry, but I know that there are people who don't, but it's been progressing. One of the things about cancer is that when people say why there is so much cancer now, it's always been clear. The fact is that it wasn't talked about before.
Don't worry. do this you like to go out exactly it's not a sweetheart Saúl really he does like them He loves the boots eh okay Come to me don't tell me where because well and he kneels Thank you but I tell you no no this one yes this one you are flooded with information that is the Source Who knows? Yes, yes, it is very much the same. I mean, I'm telling you, my discipline as an actress helped me because I have ever had to play a character that another actress played at another time, at another time, so that I can see her and the director can give me the information. the producer and they tell me what they want, of course what they want from me because they chose me to do it, so I didn't want to inform myself.
Yes, what I wanted was like when I live a character, live what I had to live, it's like sometimes Now when there are people who go to a show and they record everything and they don't see the show Well, they didn't come to live it, come to live the show or not in the evening, damn itvelopues velo velo Look, it happened to me with my nephews and I bought it when Daniela is 25, I bought the little camera, a little camera where I can video and I said, they won't let my brother-in-law and me go into labor, this one I told her.
Let's get out of here with piles. because the doctor, my stupid sister, we are going to leave here with piles and pusher But then I wanted to record but I couldn't because this experience and it was my niece and it is a unique moment or you live it or you record it because I am always doing a lot, see, see the landscape Don't miss the evenings because you're recording this, look into our eyes, see people sharing and that's what matters, that's what the man who's back there is for. Exactly automatic Exactly, mother, you're little mother, I congratulate you, thank you, I was telling you a while ago, I say.
We knew each other from before but when those news programs started and I went, well, I was a kind of godmother, yes, of that youth news program. This one, yes, it was a news program for young people, yes, and I went to that news program to show them how they are older, no. So this one, well, yes. Well, but it doesn't matter The joke is that I remember that and just as you have seen my life journey I have seen yours So that is great yes I mean it makes me happy to remind myself of that moment of people who are no longer here yes some that we lost in the earthquake that were there, of course, this and what to say, but here we are, moments are never repeated, no, that is, they are unrepeatable.
Yes, but it is father. We have already seen each other's life journeys. Yes, we have already seen each other's transitions, so well, yes, I tell you, Here's to your life Me too and here's to yours, we have to give a lot, we toast because being alive in these times is one thing, an easy story, it's a very extensible extreme sport, but well, we already climb mountains, we go down mountains, Hey, you went to the march that I would have very much liked to go to, you were out but I sent the lady you sent we looked carefully no no no obviously this I feel very because there were many of my friends this one and it gave me great joy to see that it really emerged with that spontaneity a party a demand citizen and you didn't see there was a lady that I loved because she was with her children in her hand and then they said and you come here because of the INE she said No I want my children to be aspirational, look clearly and I said wow Because all of them I commented inspirations what do we do without illusions dreams without wanting to deny some clear place Concha piquer well then what do we do in the world I don't know I don't know So the truth is I felt very proud Because many people in my family a lot of world was a lot of world So somehow way, no, I couldn't be there, but but I was, of course, of course, and I was celebrating with one that you know.
Aha, who sent it to me, no. whole then this The fact is that And I answered him choose that one I sent it exactly and he gave me 77 questions of I told him but what's wrong with you that is Oh why is he Still Yes he is still in love with the lover the last time I spoke with him well that I'll tell you how it is, by the way, but I think I'm going to explore, no, we haven't seen each other, we haven't seen each other, but yes, we do send each other messages from Coco, it's still the same, but what can I tell you, love?
I know this I I No look no I am not a person we have been talking about it I see life from another side I am not a politician but I am not one of those who told me about politics Because we all do champagne coffee politics of whatever you want this everyone We sit in a cofeo to say and propose our ideas but I see a world in a different way I don't see it from that side I wouldn't have that stomach I couldn't dedicate myself to politics I try to understand have they ever offered you Oh of course they have offered me 100 thousand times but that is not my sphere I respect what I am and I respect those who would like to see me somewhere else but I cannot be there because that is not what it is not your thing to do So even if it is an actor's job Yes of course and the servers a voice the lie that survives says the actors we are the best liars in the world we tell pure lies when we act it is a lie of course you are not it is a lie it is a lie But we know how to tell them very well That is why there are times when they do not deceive me because I am an actress and How do you say how to say it?
I know how to say what do you believe and I have had wonderful directors who have taught me how to say so that way they create the character so sometimes I don't know if those are characters those are what we are we are a country, we are not a people, we are a civil society. Of course, what manifests and what asks and what wants and what demands things that they need and cannot divide us into good and that is the anger because we are like this, I don't know because I never did either. I expected, eh, I didn't, I never expected anything.
Like this me, everyone will have the benefit of the doubt. Well, well, that's fine. This respectable me, of course, I respect you, but I respect the same thing, I tell you to my friends and the people who are close to me that they have some ideas and and to those who have others this Because that's what makes life clear a good gathering and a good discussion and some argue and the others don't too and we all either agree or not but at the end of the day we say this health was good father it doesn't matter yes It doesn't matter, you come away enriched from a place from a place like that you get richer but when If people don't want to listen Well what do you want me to do Yes if they don't listen if they don't dialogue but no no no no no no no no no you can't be Well, then I'm sorry, but I mean I can't give you an opinion from the political or absolutely conscientious level, it's my intuition side of my being, what I am, what I've lived, what you are, or what I mean to me.
I am Mexican to the last corner where I have never shaved. Well, yes, three children then, but the fact is that I am what I have learned from my country. Yes, of course, I have had the privilege and honor of being a woman who has dedicated myself to a profession that has allowed me to go to every corner of this country to every place I have touched hands I have touched calluses I have walked barefoot I have gone to see the lands I have gone to see the sunrises the sunsets I have seen the mountains the volcanoes the deserts I have I have tried wines I have tried Mezcales tequilas I have eaten chopped sausages with sausage I have gone to the sea I have gone I mean and I have sucked from people such excitingly important things what the people who have served me at hand give me He has served me in a place that has given me his gaze, his smile, his food, his clean glass in the most hovel of the beach bars, even the most elegant of the places in this country.
This has made me happy, they have made me become the woman I want. It's me, I grew up, I'm telling you carrion from Rome and a rat from the asphalt. I was born on social security. I wasn't born. I wasn't born on social security. I didn't have a dad. I went through life. And surely you saw a mother suffer to raise her daughters ahead. like the majority like the majority that's why no me no I'm not different yes no I'm simply grateful for what I've had to live, my country and my people have given me and I'm happy to be and proud to be Mexican.
Being where I am from makes me happy, I feel proud to be who I am, to come from where I come from and to have learned over the years everything we talk about, music but food but folklore but everything that makes us be. Mexicans not everything everything everything everything there are so many things that they tell us that they identify us that they brother us they brother us so that's why the brothers my sisters who said Well it depends on where they were going At what kilometer in what place in what way it doesn't matter no It matters, there were people who detected this, there were Mexicans, there were Mexico who love their country and that, well, some of us have some things and others want others, it doesn't matter, but if we don't have here, he reconciles us and says Ok, everything for everyone, let's do it and let's go, we said that we have to work others but well we all have to give to receive yes we have to give or if not you disgust them with these nightly programs that are so fun yes Well look, you have done everything but that time apart was great you understand me I mean but There were incredible moments that no longer happen now, life is different and faster, but son, you don't know how grateful I am that we got to live those things and the programs with rocha and all that and the live ones and the These and all the things we did, not for big people, is an experience right now that I have been doing and we learned a lot.
How we learned everything is that it is what you cannot stop accepting, in other words, we grew up there, this was a school and at the same time time we were important for that school to continue and continue Of course it is already going in other directions Well, well, that's life, that's how things are now I have learned that the only permanent thing Is change Exactly So this is because before I refused to change the changes to changes It's difficult to say the changes but but that's how it is, it's late rather than early playing so but but these days I've been doing p


tion because we're going to Chile in a few days and they ask you How come you haven't come in 20 years example and how their music has remained and suddenly you say that we, you, me, the artists who were before the conductors, we did it on foot.
So when you went step by step and you were going to do your reports and with your microphone and with the of your camera and you walked the roads and we went with our disk under our arms and in each state of Mexico that is, we went from radio to radio to radio doing p


tion doing promotion and then we did all the television programs and interviews But then this What are we doing? What made us so happy today creates links Of course it doesn't matter that you see the people, don't look at them It doesn't matter I mean I see you you see the saga you see this You see the other you see your comments you see And you see me but we have followed a path that today is communicated in a different way but we managed to create the links That is why we have a presence because we walked the path yes we spread the dust there the dust along the paths and we walked them and we did things live and I had this.
I mean, and I was traveling from one place to another and it was something else, it was something else. Of course, one thanks you because that's what nutritionists clearly had a documentary raining these days and they said, let's see, it's the same thing, or to be famous, you have to be talented. and they said today, no, no, not today, not today, famous people do it like a bakery, a video is not enough, it goes viral, it exists and it's over, and there's not necessarily talent, you know. Well, they must have talent to do those things. because you must have some talent.
No, but in this documentary they talked, for example, about how the watershed was between these influencers, how these figures began to emerge and emerge and emerge, and they said the watershed was Paris Hilton, this one with her. When it spread, She made public a video of her having sexual relations and this woman was so intelligent that she turned it around and she started to turn it around, she also turned it around everywhere it happened and well, out of nowhere because she had no talent, she was a socialite, no. Her talent was to make Mr. Hilton's granddaughter or great-niece your slow return yes to doing that But in addition to becoming a great businesswoman you know of course I have seen her Exactly but how many of those are there who said Ok This made me famous I am a great socialite I went from party to party to party to party I was 18 years old but well And then then And then yes, that way of communicating has changed, of creating these links now it is the immediacy if there is a but that makes you cry or makes you laugh another But that has caused harm because we were not prepared for that.
I don't think I am. I mean, but for example in a country like ours, of course we were not prepared for that. Yes, we are hardly going to overcome things in education that would be very important for that. We were not prepared and suddenly there is someone who says that to every mother Yes, now I can record myself and say exactly what my tompiates swell and then suddenly this is something else because we learned to be on a screen with the responsibility that no one He censored us but we censored ourselves because we knew about reality there is that responsibility today there is no such thing as you had that documentary I saw an interview have you seen that Algeciras channel Yes of course I love it I love it too because they show some great documentaries no then they did an interview to José Mujica is that Pepe Mujica then and suddenly was talking to him about when he and those who were with him who were young, the illusions and the barriers that they had in front of them to achieve improvement and to improve, of course, and he said that the young people of Now they don't have that, they don't have a sycate, an incentive because everything is so fast and so immediate, so easily accessible to anyone to produce whatever it is and upload it and do it and suddenly Boom yes And you say Wow, that is, millions of views but I say That's how long it can be kept in the cloud but But how long does it last I think then they are different things, you and I have had that watershed moment Of course we were on one ticket and suddenly now we were we are we are on another yes And you say Wow and with but We had to live it So that's what every mother is for every mother We had to live it It's our turn to live it When they ask me in what era would you have liked to live I say in this one I mean I wouldn't have wanted to miss this Forgiveness Nor would I the world and It never ceases to surprise me, eh No, nor that I used to see my nephews with their phones and that they are there All the time, no, my mom said, lend it to me a little bit And she said, I want one of these, she told me, I want one of these, she told me, Mommy, no, but no, no.
It matters It's very nice I want one of these because they look very nice things you need one for a phone Yes but I want oneof these little things that are very cool because you can see a lot of things and a lot of things you don't. So my mom saw that the kids saw things and she wanted one of those to see things to see things. So it didn't stop surprising her and well, that's my Mom was 95 years old and she had to see, that is, from listening to the radio to having the first television in her house and then it was a console, yes.
In one of those I saw this when the man reached the moon, no, at my school it was an admiral and also I was the remote control because yes stop change it stop change it no then hitting the burrows and it was hard it was hard So what a father to see those things that he saw those things the first plane trips that were all those things Wow and he I had to see the name on the moon and I had to see when they were set when I was a girl Well, everything was the atomic pen and I don't know what atomic because everything was eratonic And then look, finally today the rocket was finally able to go out I hope it will be overcome Yes but you see today they published the photo in all the newspapers, they left a piece of the earth that is illuminated, we are a piece in the universe and a long time ago he wrote a song called we are nothing more than Stardust, that is what we all are, the singer who everything will always happen that's how life will be camera look we are stardust and then dust on the earth and nothing more than the wounds Ram scars just something like that you say but you understand me is we are that we are Stardust Well if we go to Las Vegas homework perfect but then not if it is a father it is incredible to see the granite that we are in such a vast universe and also in such a vast universe of thought of emotions of things but the important thing is to continue trying to open our mind and our heart and absorb what life It gives us the gift of continuing to surprise ourselves and continue to aspire and continue to sigh and wish Exactly That's all clear to our friends one loves the people one loves because because love is greater love is greater than those who Because they may be wrong or not but yes You know that a person is going to be with you through thick and thin Of course Look, let me think about what I want to say Of course, of course we are all here for that But the important thing is to accompany us in life I was asking you about those programs that you made It was a season.
How many seasons I don't remember but first I did night night and then I did today with Daniela today with Daniela Of course but what a great experience but the thing is that we met because we met the real Daniela because of course we knew you but singing interpreting this acting all these things but In those programs you were the funny one. Not the one who tells jokes, the one who does imitations, the one who laughs at everything with a great sense of humor. That's not why the success of social networks today is because that brings celebrities closer and that type of programs not like the one you did brought you a lot closer to people like you were Daniela that's why but those programs that you did brought you closer too And you brought singers you brought music you brought actors from the other interviews our reports I think the important thing is creating those those links are needed today I also believe Look we are already planning the expansion of Exacto so that we can put some pianos here really true instruments something You want to make that program Here we will produce it for you No man we do Vidal Exacto I mean we have to revive it now We are giving we have some singers and then I serve the drinks Ok this me with Isaco Okay then I receive the people I receive receipts too then but you understand me The fact is that and the army that is one thing That works and that people are irreplaceable in their houses that's what we all do in our house sometimes yes I don't know if this is in the barmix va I don't know if it's in the junkyard if no one at the first communion or on Thanksgiving Day the day of the virgin doesn't matter Thanksgiving Christmas on February 14 that people bring us together they get together as a family that the family is the extended family because in the family sometimes it is your friends that you choose that make choosing in life your children what you want them friends of the children and then suddenly there is something that is one and things are born and the people sing and the people are pound and the people the joy of living yes and the people eat a cake and the people are the other one tells you I I don't eat the cake but it's nothing more than the other seven, a little bit and we also have the parties that everyone else Exactly, why did you bring the old woman, she's so fat that she brings the plate, this one who doesn't even know how to cook, that stupid one Exa, my mom does cook it well, don't offend my mother and they start to get angry outside specifics But in the end, what do we get together again? anything remix like that That thing but also this honoring life honoring life that is honoring life what is it What I try to do every day, there has been a madness with life right now, but life doesn't matter because I have it, I'm clear.
So what makes you happy, Dani, friends make me happy. Let's see the other day, I don't know who I told him, my bed makes me happy. and they tell me that you sleep a lot, as if to say, You are already on 5g. I mean, if they saw me at home, I already have my five-gem phone, I told him, it's not that sleeping in one's bed, one misses the bed, you know how happy I am. He can make you a bed where you sleep in your bed and you wake up on your side that you like that you are where you are And you say Oh, it's my bed, how delicious, I mean, these sanctuary are so small things, reading, space, silence, music. and obviously my books that make me happy.
What do you do with so many books? Son, I don't have a mess now, yes, I don't even tell you no no or where but but but there are readings that are so fascinating that you have to have them that you have them what to have because later I consult another exact one he didn't underline the books Oh no I have a notebook where you write down where then I have titles Portals and such no then this look last night I was reading a book Have you ever read in the newspaper Alma Delia Murillo Yes Of course, I'm throwing your book out of my father's head, I said, German son, what a great job, what's happening, I'm already crying.
But then I'm making my notes. And that's when they are like that, they have some very phrases. It's like that, come on, everything is yellow, yellow. I underline and they write them down well but I write them down because later I have my reference notebooks and I say in this book I read this and attack Taca taca easily consult in your notebooks that how many notebooks do you have I don't have three No I don't have that many because they are enough for me this woman reads 50 books a year, not right now I'm very mentally retarded, we're already in November But two a month but that's how I also throw in some 800 pages that are sung this one and you give away books Of course I give them away because you know that forgiving this one but it's the truth I always get it They say oh, don't lend me even the book, a book that is given, we don't return, not the one who lends a book, but more so, when I'm fascinated by a book, I say buy me five because I have it there to give it away, of course.
There is a book by this man. Oh, how It's called Satan, you've never read it, no, I'm going to give it to you, it's this man, this countryman, well, great, give it to you, right, Julia, great book now, because also at the end of the book, I don't remember, I don't remember, I'm going to send it to you This one Because it's a great book, you read this about human attitude, that's why it's called Satan. We are our own man, and at the end he says no, if you can buy other copies of this book and give them away.
But then, since I was halfway through and Kevin said already 10 commandments and so I always give books because And also I already have my dedication that I copied from a man that I heard Thank you This is a great book this Although for me What I like most, you know that I am envious of the novel that you I can envy the universe that and I knelt down to ask you and I'll show you if you don't invite me the next time you interview Rosa Montero Oh, Rosa, I'm going to invite you so that I can bring one of her books that she signs wonderful That's it, we're going to do it What to do is more, we are going to say yes, yes, yes, since before you started, thank you, but of course you have to know, of course, I want to meet a woman, also, Jesus, books, But what a bar, But because I have seen their interviews, because yes, I do read it every Sunday in the country.
It's wonderful it no longer exists on paper and I already had to learn that madrona So you didn't want to really I don't know what's wrong with me No I don't find myself no paper paper paper so This but please I have a section on my Instagram where I put books that I read Ok and I recommend them no no no no no what can I tell you I just read this book I liked it Well well and when I read this the last one about the danger What a brutal what a great book but I have read everything by Rosa Montero So it came clear to you see that celebrities also admire now Oh no no no no it gave me an improvement you are pan de la Monte I am a super fan of montería I am Superman also this one that I have not read but they are there it is the art of the interview Because suddenly for environments and portal but right now Look, Montero's book is missing, China said, it fascinates me, yes, it's good, Bruno's, Bruna's, Huskies, are already my maximum of Hey, and then what do you put the ones you're about to read, the ones you're reading aside? no yes you read several books at the same time I read one one one and then the ones you want to read finishing those in one now I do have a queue I also have a very big queue Yes but more with the one they told us about this time also the time yes this But well but you have to dedicate yourself to this.
Yes, I like a lot of time, which comforts me. I mean, I'm satisfied and reading is a great accompaniment. I mean, you're never alone if you have a book, never a book. Hey, but you live with who do I? I live and with myself alone yes all your life You have lived alone one has its seasons but most of your life you have been and you like to live alone because it served a lot for the pandemic yes it works I already knew it there was already no more than yes You get very mortified by people that you know are there and that you can't do anything that you can't go that you can't go that you can't do anything, for example, see your mother at that time, yes no no no no no it's very difficult it was very difficult and this one you have very good friends No yes Look the truth is that I have done something good in my life that yes from up there I have been rewarded that the people who are with me in my life have not been there y


rday or the day before without being there for 40 years old no or more than 40 years old Who are these hotties This is her sister and her family this one that you are already part of I mean They are the same family yes Julia counted on me 40 something years old Gonzalo the one who always takes me and brings me 43 years old this one all People notice that I was keeping things to myself because he is in Tabasco but looking at him already makes me happy about the team because I actually said all the people that make up And in the middle all my friends Enrique Okay this Enrique is the one I know you know This one did make novels together Yes, of course, but we've known each other for 40 years and more, this one is all those people that I've known for all that time except those who were absent during this time, like Mónica, for example, this one like Maestro Manzanero, this one like Alberto, Like so many people with the that I have worked shared and such this museum Rocha well we don't see each other often but he is someone who I carry in my being with all my heart to many people And there are many years it is a lot of life yes it is a lot of life but it doesn't matter because I already understood that distance and time are important but also knowing that you are with a person who is like an effective memory but at the same time being an effective memory is a constant presence in your series in your heart I do not have friends from school nor My ENT doctor, this one, we went to primary school together, this one, for example, Patricia says that Carlos Alzira's daughter also went to the acting school together, this one, for example, José Elías Moreno, and you met the teacher in Yes, of course, I did him with the secret path and also I went to see it, Patricia and I went every day to see the domino diary.
I'm also going to tell you a story. I was very little. Well, you were also very little. When I made the diary, sweet years, but I was little, I begged my mother to What an actor, what a great artist, no. Well, in one of those. After seeing The Diary of a Madman many times, I went to see bohemian lights and in one of those, I think I liked it so much that I went to see it every time. Not for a while, then in one of the performances he took me by the hand and made me, along with him and the cast of bohemia lights, thank the audience and then he invited me to the VIPS Vips opposite, I don't remember which of the two it was and It was Paty Ancira and I said I can't believe this is happening to me, no.
I mean, for me she was a daughter. I mean, and I remember that Paty was very stuck in that thing about the signs, many of them. I've always been waiting together for 40 years. The school is very good, they live in Mérida, so they live well there in the Yucatan Peninsula and we haven't seen each other in a long time, but these are people, we are sisters. This is my other Patricia, this one like my other Patricia. It's Patricia Lozano who lives in Portugal, they are all I have been friends for 40 or so years and we have known each other since we were young.
And I tell you something good, I must have done something out there that you have this one that I always have those people in my life. No, yes, right now I have one, a good friend who has been there for years, but connect. from my mother because he was really a friend of my mother, okay, he worked with her when my mother worked in perfumery and in all those things and this Spaniard is called Cándido, he is a great guy, a guy that I really thank my mother every time he turned around and I call her mamacita And I told her What an inheritance you left me Thank you for leaving Cándido with me he is a phenomenal guy Don't tell me phenomenal that he was also a model he was this handsome handsome handsome handsome handsome and this and well the makeup artist and all those things is what I like I had to live all those things in the stores with my mother, the materialists and all those whoI came from abroad and yes yes yes you know I don't know today you met Bosé again I saw there yes yes yes because they were distanced for a while well we were distanced in geography Ok and we were distanced in chores and in life different interests and different lives no but that He is another being that I always carry in my heart because we have known each other since we were 20 years old and of course we were secretaries then but when they came out how handsome and we were incredible So I hope his series no I have not seen him I have not seen him but I have I have seen because you already know that he already lives here yes from here not too far from here no he has already changed Ah he has already changed he has already changed Yes well yes he has already changed so this But well he is a person who but apart from him his family For me, her mother Lucía was very important, her mother was a lot of things for me and I adore her and I love her I don't care I bring your hair color my life this what a woman what Lady Lady What a woman Lucía Bosé For me she was and is very important and Betina Bosé Miguel's cousin, well, we experienced incredible things.
And you see, for example, she broke me in two because she knew and I met her when she was little and when she was little she left her hair long. This, but you understand me, divine. That girl wherever you are. But well. The truth is that I have had the blessing of extraordinary people, yes, they have made me the being that I am, but I have truly been touched by extraordinary people who have given me that I have nothing more than what I'm telling you. Although honoring life to remain good, Alberto, no, I mean, oh. No, Alberto, don't even tell me, that was a very close relationship, well, Alberto and Jaime Rentería, do you remember Jaime Rentería, that then there was nothing like now, everything is full of piers, this is his representative, no, no, but he worked a lot with everyone and everyone. the artists and in all of them if I show you the photo all those people to me and well Alberto in short like once health health and for those who are there yes it will always be yes always always That you made invitations or why do I have Yes well some I once did something stupid like that but I invited Well, I always told them when suddenly you don't know how you're going to do it, no.
So when I was little I always said But if I just wanted to be like Vitola, I just wanted to be Victoria, so Humberto Elizondo loves me Because I imitated his mother or once in a Verónica program I said well I loved it no more but you don't know my chat pucha michaca Don't stain the day I debuted at the Blanquita theater in the first season I I came out of Batman and then I got on a scooter in the middle of the stage to go up to the stage and I got on the motorbike to the stage but I was with my Batgirl and my Taca taca.
So as I had to wait for the entrance and for them to come out all the dancers and because it was the end of the sketch, what's up, but we were in the general rehearsal so I broadcast 20 times on Verónica habitola's programs Ok and Clavillazo And then suddenly I'm sitting in Marcos's office there, other ones, this one and Suddenly I was there. Oh, I was adjusting the mask and the dead man's mother and suddenly this general rehearsal there was nothing there and I see that a man enters with a very typical trench coat with a hat and he came with an umbrella in his hand as if with a cane and enters and says Hey, there isn't one right now, he's not here and suddenly I say, "I'm alone and I'm not, sir, sir," he tells me, "I'm at Antonio Espino's and I'm looking for Daniela, sir, and I'm I'm I'm I, Daniela, how are you?
It's just that I An invitation arrived for tomorrow, I know it's your debut, but I can't come and I came to see you, I came to give you my blessing, no children, I mean, understand me, I have had those things in my life, of course, Don Antonio Espino Clavillazo came, you say that you revived me to Many people, people didn't know who Clavillazo was, of course, and when you imitated me on the shows, everyone said, Who is Clavillazo? It's like now they revive me, not what the moon says, but hey. This is the original. 500 two kids search on YouTube or in the mother And then you know it's the original Exactly it doesn't matter Thank you one is alive this one I wrote the lyrics What is your problem clearly So the case was to give me the blessing Don Antonio Espino Clavillazo It is that for example, when they call me jewel it is a jewel is a jewel that is a jewel and when Alberto Juan Gabriel went to Blanquita How was it How was it because he wanted to It's that everyone went in that first season, when they ask me now it's that you wouldn't like to do fine arts I told him It's that I already went to the fine arts in the back Yes of course it was me and I had three very long seasons of three months each year two performances a day from Tuesday to Sunday Hijole with everything and I have done and with all the stuff but I missed it Of course well She was in her thirties, of course, happy, her look like that, but also a little hung up, no no no no no, this no, yes, it's incredible, I mean, it was María Félix, that's what María was going to tell you, it was Ernesto Alonso who took her, it was Juan José Arreola, it was Pita, love.
It was Juan Gabriel It's that I live when writing a song So one day I, that is, I was a fan of Pita from things I had read about them and then on the street when our office was on a renovated avenue because we saw Pita very often Of course they were selling there. Look, sometimes one day I have to show it to you. I have a lot of drawings that Pita made me and all that stuff. And then one day she read an interview where she was talking about how she felt like she wasn't as old as she was. and that she didn't want to look at her body anymore because she didn't have mirrors in her house and that she didn't want to look at herself anymore because she already knew that wasn't her.
So I wrote her a song When Laws Interview, that is, based on what she said naked looking in the mirror the whiteness thinking How long does this smoothness last that you subject us so much without thinking naked of body and soul Here I am naked I confess my sins my follies because face to face I find myself today it will dry to ashes it is because the skin that disguises itself as my skin It's just what it is or write that song. Then she went to the Blanquita to witness that song. So I presented her there and she also didn't like being touched, that people approached her, that nothing but I was able to get as close as possible and that they surrounded her. so that no one would touch her and make her cough, they put a light on her and I sang her the song Like I just sent you And that's one of those and I have her drawings and things that she signed for me and gave me I am my house and I He gave away many of her poems, I am my house, it was a separate universe, a separate universe, so they are one of those people who inspire you and who fill you with saying how are you doing?
Here on the street with those badges and things and also the best of the anecdotes it was when she peed. Don't wait, when they put her in the car so that she could go and say hello to me on the way and then fat Estévez rest in peace, Jorge, you are there, they put a police officer on him and this one so that no one would come near no no because he didn't like it that they touched her And then there is the policeman behind her and she turned around the moment she was leaving and turned around and said to her And what are you doing here I have enough with my shadow and I said a lot of huge ones he told me what he said More now I was a woman I learned a lot I learned a lot the times she left me, Isaac, my aunt.
So I have had a lot of jokes, a lot of jokes, they saw how far okay And that I already have my 5g yes yes yes yes yes but I tell you, I have had that privilege and the programs that I also did when there was that cultural television with Juan José Arreola I did several programs with him this one and I won't even tell you anymore because Miguel knew all those people there Well my first soap opera the first person who gave me a chance in a soap opera was Irene Oye Cuéntame de Félix well María happy person is not that good I am a super fan the truth is I too is that someone who at that time was able to forge such an extraordinary personality being I don't know as unexpected as it was going to be yes yes yes wow we are talking about the changes from television to what we are now but imagine the change of medium it is, for example, it is like when Greta Garbo from cinema without sound went to sound cinema.
How many disappeared but María Félix of those faces from when the cinemas were at the beginning where it was a 30 meter screen and it was your close up it was your gloss yes yes yes yes I say that Don Gabriel taught me that but I mean how they took care of those things it took I don't know how long to illuminate you and to make you a closet of yes an approach to your face and they illuminated you and it was also one of the women like Dolores del Río and like all those who knew and entered a place Imagine that I come today and sit here I tell her Yes she knew how I was going like how to walk yes I have never known how to be animated attention you don't pay attention Of course but suddenly I'm also from the time that that is not so essential or important What is important is something else but she created an incomparable personality that does not exist in anyone else anyone in the world But now I will tell you and they're going to say that I'm a baby It doesn't matter, I do want her to tell me But when she went to the Blanquita, she got on stage and I also remember why Tina was there singing, he rested in peace on the street, that's another one that I miss like Well, Jorge Estévez was there, Jaime Rentería was there.
I gave him a blast where they may rest in peace. But anyway, the fact is that he got on and I said María Félix, that is, Jesus, I say, how can you not live to end up leaving suddenly he said to me, do you remember me when I was? young and then volts I told them now you see stupid people treat me like you Exactly it was a compliment but nothing more than a compliment because I tell you one thing I'm not pretty I'm not pretty I'm attractive I don't understand you're attractive but but she was beautiful she was beautiful I mean How can you say, I said, well, who knows what Isaac gave her, but when I was talking to her I said no, no, it's not that a Revolutionary is a great woman, a great woman is a great woman who has to continue being an example of many things, reviled by many.
I am admired by many others, this but a hole yes those things no longer exist that no longer exists it no longer exists not even on the internet they no longer make them as before they were made with pleasure I wish for pleasure whatever you want that is, not an Ingenuity one thing women Having other things out there I read on some occasion Enrique Álvarez Félix, you made your first My first cinematic kiss was given to me by Enrique Álvarez And that man, what a man he also watches but the most I will keep from him throughout my life Ah well this is a cool anecdote my Mom worked for many years in photos, I went there to have my photos developed.
That's why, of course, but my mother long before that, when Arturo de Córdoba was in front of the Hotel Regis, the actors were there when María Félix married Jorge Negrete in catipuato that I had the privilege from filming in that house this one time a novel making a cake that Marga López made this one my mother sold to Jorge Negrete and María who went to buy her a gift Enrique Enrique was about 12 or 13 years old around when they got married and then they bought him a tree and my mother showed him how it was, then suddenly when they crossed paths at the hotel and when they left, they called my mother and because I didn't go out, they thought she could leave.
Well, my mother, of course, since then Enrique kept an immense memory. from my mother and then he would go and buy creams from my mother wherever she was in whatever store she was in and my mother would always give me the price of that, I would say oh yes, mom, that is, that story from my mom one day when I went to the theater San Jerónimo and take my mother to a play where Enrique Álvarez Félix was, I arrived, let's go to the dressing room to say hello after the play and suddenly the man says, don't let anyone in, just the lady, don't grab her, kisses and hugs Tere Tere tereré and I said well then it was true.
Yes, of course, I had a love for my mom, and that is priceless for me. Because when they love your mom like the one who loves her, the one who loves her already wants this one, you already want it. always but My first cinematic kiss was given to me by Enrique Álvarez Félix in the pelican's house And what a handsome man No look in a handsome man refined very intelligent cultured yes cultured with a neatness that you don't see that either Yes then those men from before well they were those men from before that, as they called themselves, How they got ready, I tell you their neatness, their Yes, their elegance were those things, you say Wow, how could that have been lost too because it was beautiful to see the men well suited with a smelling rich smelling rich I mean no no no no no Who was your first love Oh Isaac You already saw yourself slowly, please, here you want me to confess everything no no no no no I don't know if you mean No I don't want to Ah But you have had many great loves because the truth is many great loves No no There are very few great loves, no, for example, our friend was one of my great loves, for example.
Well, this one, too. Well, I also went there, right. Well, it doesn't matter, but that was one of my first experiences, let's say. Well, well, you know him and I I know him too, but it was one of my first things like that in my life because I was young, and I was too. Well, but I wasn't from the community that went to make a movie, so in that movie you weren't even in the picture yet. So no, well, I, if it wouldn't be his third wife, that's why he was on another ticket, we were on another ticket, all of that.
Notice that now I wanted to write a song that I've been telling you but I haven't been able to finish my text and find it in the music of the song. pandemic, I didn't want to call it rag kisses because I always arrive with my mask on and I give everyone kisses, I have to make a song called rag kisses because I can't help but give the hug hug But then I already give my rag kisses, that is, then returning to our friend returning to your friend to our friend This one suddenly I said There are people who have shared kisses, yes we sharekisses precisely because yours to your husband yes mine was this experience of youth of course this of mine was an experience of youth then But we have a person who who who stays in your life for that reason but it was not your first great love Not my first great love This was me, very young, and he was a kid from school, and look what things that kid did when we grew up because we always thought when we were kids that they were going to hunt us down at 25 years old because, well, love was so much, life, this life is a boat.
As Calderón said about the and everything. You already know all that. So this, well, when I said one day, Hey, I haven't gotten married. I want to have a son. That's the friend you were going to ask. That's the one I went to. order and suddenly I arrive at the restaurant in the light pink area then well, how was it on the way back from my office yes So we meet there and so on And so on we meet there and then I arrive you know I really know that when I made Dolly this I was because that's how I learned from my mother, I went into restaurants and I know everyone from the garrotero to the waiter to the person at the door to everyone and all the greetings and we are all happy and then inside and I feel like the man to whom I bring the Yes well bring my tequilita is not like that And then the other one starts with why do you drink How Because I live because I am toasting because we are here right now and I come to tell you something very cool he had not become a Christian And then suddenly I say to the man Hey come on don't bring me the tequilita bring me the bottle because bring me the bottle no no no no as if you are going to ask someone you say Hey, I would like to have a child and yours and they are telling you why you drink why they start no no you didn't get to tell him or he didn't I said that's what I was coming for but it was already a divine sign but there You already lost we don't continue talking with the intention of having a child yes the intention of having a child remember this too no no no no no no no longer this because you don't have a child because you want or because you have a desire or because you want to fulfill yourself as a woman, women are women and we are fulfilled in 20,000 aspects.
It is not necessary about children. We didn't already talk about it the other time. I mean, but you did want, so I wanted. So, biologically, you body also asks you suddenly you are made for that that is your comparison to make a nest then well well if it was not possible it was not possible But that does not make me feel like a barren invalid in this town not at all on the contrary you understand me well I tell you, I was already my mom. Mom, I'm my sister's mom, I'm my nephews' mom. I already imagine myself as a good man.
My case is that, in this case, everyone has to live what they have to live later. Of course, I do have that awareness that A child is not a wish, a child is a lifelong responsibility and we were talking about this at the beginning 100 hours ago that if mothers miss it, it is one and they are the most important thing in life, it is your mother and for a mother it is the of his son, that of his children is Sully, they are more important in life, loves no longer matter. They are whatever you want and sometimes you realize that they are not as you would like them to be, as you expected them to be the same or as you, but they are your children.
They are your children and now, as my mother said, what do you think I'm not going to meet you? You didn't get out of here. Hey, you did very well in the auditorium. I'm grateful. No, this next week we're going to Santiago de Chile and then we have other things, but the December 4, again, I'm there in the auditorium, very, very happy and grateful to the people, December 4, don't schedule me, it's Sunday. Ah, very good, what time is it? Look, last auditorium, we did it on Tuesday, 13 pm, so you can tell me. of bad luck of course and then now December 4th and Sunday Close all the demonstrations Exactly Well, because mine isn't Of course of course always on Sunday I am there making my manifestation my manifestation of love of loving nostalgia of hugging life of gratitude life and together celebrate those nostalgias which is what it is to sing this hold hands for a while smile they spent a while and that is to say no it has no greater pretensions mine has never had those pretensions this because for pretensions to go up to always intended be barbra Streisand This but no, it's not true, how great it also looks good on me in the hotel where it's showing off the one that belonged to the lady that the one from the taxes that the millionaire town is that where was I there and like me always All the What I'm going to say is that we're going shopping and I'm not much of a shopper.
I told them I'll wait for them at the bar and they'll come for more and we'll go there at the little bar. I'll wait for them and we're happy and then suddenly I went out and said are you because they won't arrive and I went out there to the street to walk for a while and suddenly I said walking you you you you you you you you you suddenly I see her coming in and then I go in and I tell her it's over bag came with tennis shoes walking in the bag and whatever and this one and he already went up the stairs and suddenly he went up to show off you know Not of course like the whole band so so so Isaac do you exercise daily Well look I try to do some stretches the body if it has memory no and at least the week is done because I pay for my treadmill and all those things once you go through an episode like the one you went through maybe the wrinkles I am at the age of the worst is already over Exactly mother I'm okay Mother, you haven't realized, that is, all human beings were perfect.
Exactly, how are we going to decompose, mother, well, this is the case, that is, I don't know who he is, well, it's a fate, it's a sign, it's a sign of life. so that you realize what matters, what happens is that when you are Chavo you don't realize it and you believe that everything is that and when everything was Yes, well, it's gone exactly, it doesn't matter because it doesn't matter anymore, other things matter, it matters in The growth of a human being matters when you are a baby what you suckled from your parents when you are a teenager what you send from your peers And from your experiences afterwards what you suckled and what you sent from your mother too and then now mom now mom now everything doesn't matter plum What a beautiful moment that only the best come the best comes the best yes the best come it doesn't matter We always have to have the hope, the aspiration, the joy that things are better, that they are for the better and that if they are not for us be for those who come behind right let's make a path let's make a path the path is made by walking Hey and also Fall in love and now it's the last thing he sings for that reason yes but it's the last No because everything is always the good thing about me fall in love that Danna Paola sings do you like it Look at Alberto's songs, Juan Gabriel's songs are and will be everlasting songs that will pass through twenty thousand generations and that will exist in a thousand throats because they had a great composition by someone who did great things and that are forever.
There are not many of them but here we have several There is Agustín Lara Don Armando Manzanero has been José Alfredo Jiménez to Álvaro Carrillo There is José Alfredo Jiménez Rubén Fuentes and we continue sitting and we continue toasting and we continue singing their songs The important thing is that they continue and what the colt Farías did with this one These versions that they released are pure young people singing the songs with other arrangements and it seems fantastic to me because people are going to know but since I am a reference for that song Because also look, it was in the '86 World Cup I was doing the novel of the secret path that I sang that song, the chiquitibum was like that, but you could use cleavage, but that song will always be a reference for me.
Of course, it played at that time, no, and it doesn't matter, I mean, no, it's not my song, of course, Alberto gave me a gift at that moment in those years. That song was the theme of a very successful novel with the maestro Ancira with Salvador Pineda this one with Pedro Armendáriz this one with and Gaby Rivero I mean It was incredible it was a moment but that is already a part of another time and from the last century you but but what Father, let them release it now with one from the 9th century, of course, and let everyone be the reference.
I am a reference because I mean, no, I'm not bragging or saying, it's just that people sometimes listen to a song, of course. I thank the mothers. from their friends' mothers to tell them to tell them But you know Dolly, ladies came with their grandchildren and said This is the one who sings the song that you sing but she is the real one, she is the one inside So when they tell you, she is the real one, the children They go and look for you YouTube today in the original version yes And then they already recognize you that I owe it to the mothers of the mothers of my friends here a little to realize my dream what I will do where to start how I will realize you so far away love look at them I the only thing What I know is that I no longer know who I am Where I come from and I am going Yes since I saw my identity in my head It is only you and no one else and now public and it hurts me to think that you will never be mine You will fall in love with me look that the day you The light will fall in love with me once and for all.
Oh, remember, Hey, I already put the scale of slavery on me that day when you fall in love with me, my love, I Isaac Bravo partridge Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, I love you very much, thank you, thank you.

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