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How To Do Lead Generation For Virtual Assistants

Apr 07, 2024



is one of the first things people often turn to a


assistant for, it's simply to have someone manage their



site for their business. Hello, welcome back to my YouTube channel. Now my goals in Athen, this video is to guide you. the process of what lead generation is and how to do it as a


assistant now if this reverse time on my channel my name is Diane Leila Caba I have been working from home since I was 15 years old and now on my own virtual assistant company here in the Philippines and I publish videos every Sunday and Thursday about how to work from home and how to do business from home, so be sure to hit that Subscribe button right there so you don't miss any of my videos.
how to do lead generation for virtual assistants
Now Lead Generation is One of the first things people often turn to a virtual assistant for is simply asking someone to handle lead generation for their business. Now, something you may be wondering is what is lead generation? Lead generation is basically just the process of generating leads again. That means I basically eliminated those two words. What it means is that you're attracting potential people who are going to be interested in your clients' business or their products or the search, so that's essentially what you're basically attracting and like to establish. signs of "hey, if this is something you're interested in, let us know or just let other people know that this product or business exists." The first thing you really need to know is that you need to understand what a funnel is.
how to do lead generation for virtual assistants

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how to do lead generation for virtual assistants...

I'm going to try to draw it as I explain it, so a funnel basically looks like this, this is what a funnel looks like, it's kind of big at the top and then it gets smaller, so you have to start here. which is, basically, you capture people coming back in, you're trying to get them interested in learning about this product from your search engine, the business that you're working with, so you're usually looking for something like, hey, this is what this is all about. of the product, then they do some action to basically show their interest in your business and then they usually convert, which means they pay for something, maybe they even just bought like a little 99 cent product and then they just show like hey, no, I.
how to do lead generation for virtual assistants
Now I've spent money on you and now they become quite recurring. I'm going to draw a little spiral customer, so that's basically what a funnel is: you have the catch, you have them take some kind of action that you get. like email address or name and then they start doing an actual conversion, so the conversion is they bought something, now they have subscribed to something that will be there for which we will have to pay every month and then for Of course, they will become a repeat customer, so for you as someone who generates leads, this is your focus, the top is where all the magic is for you, because at that top you are literally attracting leads. people who will be interested again in your customers' business and what you offer, so that's where a lot of your value comes in: you're bringing back those people who could possibly be a future customer or a customer for your customer, now I hope May you understand that a little better.
how to do lead generation for virtual assistants
For example, you know that what you are doing reflects on everything else in your clients' business. Now you need a little checklist when it comes to generating leads. This is very important to have a tracker when you are generating leads. tracking is everything, making sure you keep track of how many people okay, I'm on how many people showed interest how many people you actually know maybe they booked a call they filled out a scorecard I downloaded a PDF it all comes from something you did it's going to be important so you know which ones actually worked, so let's say you're doing three different things and I'll give you examples of what Legion might be, let's say you're doing, you're calling people, you're emailing people, or you're sending messages. text people because you're tracking how many people from calling, emailing, texting actually went through the rest of the funnel, you'll know to focus like, hey, 50 of our people came from the call, we'll probably do that more than you.
We can get real numbers on what to focus on. Two is to make sure you have a system where you follow up frequently. People's lives are unpredictable. They may have forgotten to follow up. Tracking could be done through retargeting by simply sending an email. text them again or text them again, but having a tracking system is very important when you're in Legion because again people just forgot and I've had times where I was a Legion target and I couldn't respond. right away because again life happens so make sure you have that as part of your core like hey I'll just follow up with this person after a few days.
I haven't heard from her in a while and I also know when to hit her. So, for example, for me, after three follow-ups, the last follow-up I sent was like, Hey, I haven't heard from you in a while. I'll just assume that you are no longer interested in our product, so don't worry at all. Thank you very much for your time, so you know that you don't have to keep following up with them, but you should keep in mind that it is important to stay present in the minds of the people you are with. I want to point out and number three on that checklist is to always keep testing your script.
What I mean by this is try it, you know, 10 times it doesn't work, change to a different one or what you can do is even have five. different scripts, try them, you know, with 10 clients, two, two, and you'll see basically in your leadership and then have them take some kind of action, so you're always iterating, trying to see what's the best way to talk to the people you want to convert back, keeping in mind that you may be talking to a lot of different people and just flipping the script to make sure they understand what it is you're offering.
It's going to be very important now, what are they? The different ways you can generate leads, the first one is cold email, so it's something that a lot of people have created. Real business from old emails are simply called cold emails because you send them to people who know what the business is about, but you've seen that it could be a potential client or customer, so these emails usually get from different lists, sometimes you might even be the one creating this entire email list, you might be looking at profiles, you might be looking at LinkedIn profiles, but you can find people's emails and because you have this profile, this audience profile of who you're targeting and you're just building that list one by one, so you're going to send them the main contact email basically like, "Hey, my name is like this." and this is our company.
I think you are the type of person XYZ that we think can help you the most and so on. I'm not the expert when it comes to writing cold emails. There is one type. His name is Alex Berman, who I highly recommend that you learn how to write cold emails to send, but that's basically what cold emails are and that's one of the first methods when it comes to lead generation. The next step is to get on social media now. What I mean by this is social media to send direct messages to people you know that go into their inboxes depending on what social media platform you are using to be able to send them a message or again to take that action for the next passed.
You guys have probably experienced this yourself with different social media results happening all at the same time. They might say: Hey, I think you might like to follow this person or Hey, I think you should know how to enter this giveaway. These are all people trying to get you to take action and you as now the lead generator will try to get them to take some action so it could be you messaging, you already know 50 Instagram accounts, it could be you who chat with 50 people on LinkedIn or send messages. Messenger, it really depends on what social media platform your target audience is on, but that's basically what social media achieved.
The third way you can generate leads is by doing a little social media management and content creation. So what I mean by this. This is what most companies typically do: simply post content on social media about their business, what they do, success stories from their customers and employees so that people see and know their brand. This is a little more. of inbound marketing where they hope people will just come in, look at your business, see what it's about, and then get honestly interested, a little bit more passively, but it's actually not bad because it's a legitimate way to do it. lead generation because you're getting people interested in the business, you're getting them excited about the business so you can get to the point where they're going to contact you or they're going to sign up in some way, they're going to get a PDF, whatever it is.
Now I have taken action because they were interested in a social media post that was relevant to them or educational to them. If you want to know more about social media management, I just made a video on how to manage social media virtually. assistant that you can see on my channel. The next way to generate leads is just paid advertising. Now this could be doing Facebook ads. Google Ads. Anything you have to pay for, even Tick Tock ads. These are rather addressed specifically to whom. The audience is again getting them to take the next action. It's pretty straightforward and simple so I don't really have to dive into it, but that's basically what paid media is the fifth type of lead generation that you can do is third party media.
What I mean by this is have your founder or the company itself appear somewhere other than on your guys' channels, so it could be podcast interviews, so have your company owner appear on a podcast and get interviewed on a podcast, these could be magazines, this could be websites that feature a feature about them, this is what third party media is, they could also be awards that they could win, so they then appear in other places that someone else is talking about them to get that interest back in the business and Of course, one of the ways to do really good lead generation is to generate word of mouth.
I already love you or I already love working with you to talk about your company with other people again, people usually think that this creates something that you naturally know you don't have to push to achieve, but sometimes word of mouth is a hosting about your customers and having them share that post like, hey, I was featured in this business, I really love it, etc., and of course, that causes and causes their friends to follow, their families to see that post and then they like to be curious about your business. So word of mouth can be something that can prompt your customers with something you can ask them about.
Okay, can we include it in this? Can we create a case study on you so that you can be more proactive in making sure that there's a little bit of information on how to go about your business and again, that's why it's so important that you have that tracker from the beginning. so that if you do different campaigns throughout this whole Legion, you can track which one is actually going. To work for your clients' business, there are now many other ways you can generate leads for your clients, but those are usually the main ones you can do right from the start as a virtual assistant.
If you like this video, by all means, do. Be sure to hit the like button right there, comment below, do you have any other ideas on how other people can generate leads? We'd love to hear them, and if you haven't already, be sure to hit the Subscribe button right there so you don't. Please miss any of my videos every Sunday and Thursday on how to work from home and how I visit you from home. You can check out those two playlists right here and then an amazing day and big baby steps, I'll see. you in the next video goodbye

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