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I Survived 100 Days as a ROBOT WOLF in Minecraft!

Jul 03, 2024
workshop location and finally found the Creator I had been looking for. He was finishing his Cyber ​​Dragon. Stop right there. The Creator saw me and looked. I surprised you. What is happening at that moment? The Creator escaped. Come back here. I chased them hoping to catch them. I ran to another room where I found myself being built. What you created for me too. I was surprised by the man I had been looking to hunt. downstairs was actually my dad suddenly the Cyber ​​Dragon destroyed the wall finally I finally caught you he attacked me causing me to faint sometime between


79 and 882 I woke up inside a huge laboratory where I am, a strong twist called me the attention on that I was on a giant conveyor belt heading towards a lava pit.
i survived 100 days as a robot wolf in minecraft
All the bad


s say goodbye. Above me was a cybernetic thug controlling the machine that was bringing me closer to my death. Oh no, they're going to turn to me. Scrap I tried to escape but it was useless Magnets kept me glued to the conveyor belt Not even you can resist the weakness of each


Magnets I was getting dangerously close to the edge Am I really going to melt into scrap in a moment? The robot sped into the room, leave him alone, he surprised the thug with an attack from his lightsaber, quickly taking care of him, without wasting a second, he turned towards the controls and deactivated the conveyor belt.
i survived 100 days as a robot wolf in minecraft

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i survived 100 days as a robot wolf in minecraft...

I jumped just before meeting a fiery end, but my victory. It didn't last long as the alarm began to sound throughout the laboratory. I'm a bronco, who are you? No time for introductions, follow me before more guards appear quickly. We both escaped on


83 to 86. Alarms went off in the facility while I chased them. my new robot friend we quickly took cover and narrowly avoided a guard who ran into the hallway looking for all of us right now tell me who you are I'm Rachel I was sent by the Creator to get your help the Creator I'm sorry I don't help anyone who be evil you think he's evil oh oh you need to get the full story while we were talking a guard came around the corner and saw us both.
i survived 100 days as a robot wolf in minecraft
I found the robot. More guards came in and started attacking, but Rachel jumped in and defended me. I will stop them, go find the Creator in this facility and discover the truth while my new ally held off the guards I ran from days 87 to 90. I toured the facility until I last saw the Creator trapped in a cage in front him. He was the Cyber ​​Dragon, it seemed like they were confronting him. I slowly approached and listened to the conversation. Looks like I finally got my claws on you. You won't get away with anything in this building.
i survived 100 days as a robot wolf in minecraft
You were a mistake, you're going to die with that mistake forever. I'll make sure of it. I watched as the Cyber ​​Dragon took a step back. I knew he was going to prepare an attack to kill him. I ran in and took him out of the cage before the Cyber ​​Dragon. SA had time to react by leaving him, you're not putting a paw on the Creator, Cyber ​​Dragon attacked and we both ran away for our lives. What's going on? There is no time to talk. I will explain everything later in a few days. In 91 and 92 we were being chased by the Cyber ​​Dragon, we hid behind cover while our enemy continued to search for us.
Why did you create the Cyber ​​Dragon if you knew he was going to be evil? Not me, it was an experiment that went away. wrong, he was trying to create a robot to defend the world, but instead of helping others, he only selfishly pursued his own desires. I was powerless against it, so I built a


robot to fight the Cyber ​​Dragon and defeat it before it could take over the world. world, that


robot is you, so what I saw was real, so yes, I'm sorry for building the Cyber ​​Dragon. I never intended for this to happen, but I will help you now by making you strong enough to defeat him, given to me by the Creator.
Give me a map here, you will find the whereabouts of a special part. I can upgrade you to be as powerful as the Cyber ​​Dragon, that way you will have a chance while the Creator finishes his speech, the dragon finally saw us, hurry up. I'll find you again still reeling from the avalanche of information. I escaped on days 93 to 94. I passed through a savannah while following the map towards the Nova steel gear. Suddenly I heard someone calling me a wolf robot. I need your help. A strange WF wolf ran up to me in a hurry and explained that a sorcerer had been terrorizing his house.
He has my grandfather prisoner. Please help me and in return I will give you some lamb. Surely we wolves have to stay together. I followed him. the wolf to his house, but once we arrived we saw the Cyber ​​Dragon talking to the Sorcerer And the wolf's grandfather was locked up. Your sorcerer must work for the Cyber ​​Dragon. Keep a low profile. That dragon is bad news. I gave you a very important mission and this is it. What do you do instead, get ready to meet your destiny, please give me a second chance, I'll get you what you need, I just need more time, I don't have any more time to give him, don't kill him, he's been terrorizing my house, he you don't deserve Mercy maybe he'll give you a second chance sorcerer destroy Old Co and then go back to work the sorcerer took his chance and destroyed the old wolf the young wolf couldn't stand by and watch this happen Grandfather not without telling the young man The wolf He ran towards the sorcerer.
I can kill you too. I jumped at The Fray before the sorcerer could take down the young wolf. Very interesting, kill them all. Sorcerer with pleasure. The sorcerer started attacking me and the young wolf now uses his magical powers. To try and gain an advantage, I defended myself with my circular laser burning my powerful Tech robot into the sorcerer's armor. We were neck and neck. The sorcerer began to summon a red circle above to charge his first attack. I used my thunder powers to slow down my opponent from summoning magic from him, unfortunately, I teleported towards him to launch more attacks when he was close.
I slashed rapidly with my sharp claws, reducing his health, blow after blow, he hit back by summoning a hammer, sending me flying backwards, causing massive damage, then created skulls. which flew towards me and exploded on contact, I lunged at it with wolf fury invading its space, making it difficult for it to attack without either side giving way, the Cyber ​​​​Dragon took to the skies, stop, come back here, unfortunately, my distraction would be deadly, the monster. He took the opportunity to kill the young wolf, no, you will pay for that, that rage filled me as I launched a massive attack on the sorcerer, taking him down once and for all, this madness has to end.
I have to find that Nova Steel Gear with a heavy. heart I continued my search for my final upgrade on days 95 and 96. I followed the map and came to a strange temple full of ancient technology. The Nova Steel team must be somewhere inside here. I explored the temple until I reached a dead end. Am I supposed to get over this? I accidentally hit a pressure plate causing a swarm of robotic insects to attack me. The bugs began shooting a barrage of beetle bullets at me. I quickly struck the insects with sharp claws. Landing crucial hits to armor.
To my surprise, they raised their wings and then charged at me super fast, making it difficult for me to use my claws. They were overwhelming. I used my shotgun to destroy them and took out a few in the process. They had Me in numbers, but I was bigger and stronger than them. I used my ferocious mechanical wolf bite on the few remaining guard insects. I managed to defeat all the robot guardian bugs and after winning I noticed a key, wait a second. I used the key on the dead end. making the wall open before me wow wow that really worked.
I headed further inside to get the Nova Steel Gear I was looking for on days 97 to 98. I continued into the large room where the Nova Steel Gear was finally waiting for me on a pedestal. I found it as I approached the steel Nova gear, the room started to shake and then a guardian fell in front of me. It didn't seem like he would let me pass easily. Only the worthy can carry this artifact, please, I need it. the future depends on it, if that is the case then prove your worth in battle, but you asked for it in a burst of movement, the guardian attacked me and I attacked with my circular laser beams, but he teleported and suddenly he was right in front of me. a Spin Attack hit me back and I retaliated with a burst of my electric shot.
I backed away firing my shotgun as I retreated and it let out a powerful roar before throwing chunks of lava at me. I dodged it out of the way but the guardian stomped on it. with my legs down causing crystals to explode from the ground beneath me. I ran forward biting him with my mechanical jaws crushing him between metal teeth. My metal claws tore through him as he attacked me, but I knew I was stronger than him with one. burst of crackling thunder the guardian fell i had won i ran forward and grabbed the equipment from the pedestal i immediately felt a surge of power pass through me my health increased by five hearts and i gained a new power i had to test it a bit perfect now i have evened the field of game I need to go back to the future and end this war once and for all my goal I achieved it I set out to search for the Creator once again on day 99 I returned to the laboratory where the Creator was waiting For me there was a portal outside guarded by the forces of Cyber ​Dragon, that portal will send you back to the future where you can face the C Cyber ​​​​Dragon.
It doesn't seem like they want me to go there, no, but with that update you can. Fight your way. Are you sure there are that many guards out there? What if I can't achieve it? You will already be finished, don't think like that Bronzo, you must believe in yourself, you are battle tested and combat tested. You are the strongest soldier we have, if anyone can do it, it is you, you are our last hope, you are right, I can do this, I am the most powerful wolf robot ever, that child, now go, your time has come, take down that Cyber ​​Dragon.
I agreed and jumped into battle. I fired a burst of circular lasers at the guards as I charged to catch them by surprise. Once I was close enough, I switched to my shotgun and shot them at point blank range instead of reloading. I began to smash the remaining nearby enemies. With my mechanical jaws, my new powers made quick work of my enemies, explosively releasing lightning and thunder around me as I slashed with my claws, I took down the guards, but more and more kept coming to stop me. I have to go, good luck, bronzo, thanks. Dad, I won't let you down in the final moments.
I fled through the portal on the 100th day. I arrived in the city of the future stronger than before. The Cyber ​​Dragon was waiting for me. It seems that you have in your hands an improvement that does not matter if you are in my now future kingdom or not I am going to take you down and free everyone from your tyranny I would like to see you try it, attacked me without another moment the dragon surrounded me in a black void causing my movement was limited for a few seconds unfortunately that gave him time to bite me.
I tried to scratch at his tough dragon skin but it felt like I was scratching at hard armor. I left the dragon and scratched him while he was in the air doing it. I went more Airbound and slowed him down from a distance, he fired a powerful Sonic Boom hitting me and bursting the ground into flames. I continued to push back with my Circle Rings energy, he was powerful and we were neck and neck, but he wasn't going to give up on me. Just like that I used everything I learned in the past 99 days and unleashed my powerful electric blast attack that finally killed the Cyber ​​Dragon with the Beast defeated.
I saved the day and freed the future from the horrors of the Cyber ​​Dragon. Yes, brother.

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