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Barney | A-Counting We Will Go! | Full Episode | Season 8

Mar 08, 2024
foreigner you also like tied up oh I would love to Nick okay start


Whitney okay one two three four five five six six seven eight nine ten ready or not here I come to see we


go down you are dead hunting he


go I can't find him anywhere Me I wonder where Barney is hiding I think he's stuck we'll help you Barney yeah okay thanks for giving him my foot to help him. Would you like to play a game with us? Oh right, what kind of game with me? How are you? that's one of my favorites, are you all ready, okay, tap your foot and count to three, Barney, can I, yes, can you, one, two, three, oh, good, now Beth, touch your toes and count to four, one, two, three, four, oops, Beth, you forgot to say Barney, can I?
barney a counting we will go full episode season 8
Okay, now Whitney, spin in a circle and count to five. Yes, you can one, two. Everyone claps and sings with me. Yes you can. This is a clapping game song. It's very fun to play. You can do it with a group. You can do it with yourself you can do it almost every day just listen now and you have it oh that's the idea now it will be your turn to try the clapping part you can do it very hard get ready because we are going to start here we go now oh, very good of these claps is that the rhythm will never change but the things we are going to clap about may seem a little strange in your stomach now on your shoulders the good thing about these claps is that the rhythm will never ever change but the things we are going to clap about clapping may seem a little strange deep down, although they are very friendly, everyone here is the end of the clapping game, it is sung in Many Lands, you have to make us feel good last time everyone clap with your hands here we go now last time time now everyone hello baby what are you doing we were clapping and playing Barney I can play hide and seek oh I love hide and seek I can play with you okay we'll go hide and seek and you can be the one to find us okay let's play well I don't know what to do cover your eyes eyes and count to ten while we hide okay okay okay here I go um wait so what do you come and find us oh oh well that's easy like one two the next one comes three I know because that's how old I am and then oh like oh wait a minute I forgot where I was okay one two three oh dear wait a minute I'm all confused what comes next this is not that easy Barney, this is very difficult, I need help.
barney a counting we will go full episode season 8

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barney a counting we will go full episode season 8...

OK, what happened? Baby Bop. I can't play this game because I don't know how to count to ten. Maybe we should play a different game, Baby Bop, but I want to play hide and seek. Can you hide and can Nick be the one to find us? Yes, I think up to ten. Well, I wish I could too. You would like to learn? We will be happy to help you. Yes, what's a good way to teach Baby Bop? numbers mmm, well, oh, why don't we start with a number rhyme? Rhymes are a great way to help you remember things one two fasten my shoe three four close the door five six pick up six seven eight put them straight nine ten start again I think you'd better do that again it looks like you've been practicing I have a lot oh that's the best way to learn new things baby pop Barney's right why don't you practice the


rhyme again oh I know how it goes one, two buckle my shoe three and four but I oh I know there's something else um oh close the door what door the rhyme three four close the door oh okay um two what three door four oh I'm all mixed up oh don't worry baby Bob counting gets easier with practice I know, let's hope daddy thinks of something fun to count like the big puffy clouds in the sky or we could count the coins in my pocket there's one two three four one two three four very good nickels and dimes, I can hear the money in this pocket of my little ones all together with hamburgers in my pocket this is what I could do if I was in a store I could buy something new maybe a candy or a big red balloon a book or some blocks in my pockets sparkles and times wow, it was fun counting your coins Beth, no, it's still more fun to take them to the store to buy something.
barney a counting we will go full episode season 8
I like going to the store and helping with purchases. Oh, shopping is a great way to learn about numbers and counting, maybe we can. I can take the baby to the store for a walk to practice counting. Why don't we set up some imaginary stores in Caboose? I will be a merchant. I have my purse and some nice coins. I'm ready to go shopping, Barney, where would you do it? I like to start um, let me see, oh, okay, I want to buy a hat. I like hats. I know you do. Good day. I can help?
barney a counting we will go full episode season 8
I would like to buy a hat, please take a look. I have a lot to choose from. Oh yes, you. Look at all those oh, that's cute, but oh look, I want the princess hat, oh, that's so pretty, how much does it cost Barney? This sign says that each hat costs five coins. Uh-oh, I can't count that I'm Baby Bop, there are five of them. jewels in the hat oh, that's right, let's try to count them together one, two, three, four and five, oh, very good, now I can help you count with coins, okay, let me get them out of my pretty hearts, there they are, here we go, one two three four. five yes, should I put your hat in the bag? oh no, I want to wear it now, please, I'll help you put it on, okay, there you go, why baby bop, you look like a princess, thank you Barney, oh, sorry, oh oh, well.
I see another story, let's go, well, thank you Amanda, bye, oh, look at all these books, welcome to my bookstore, thank you, I like this store, oh, do you see a good book? Baby Bop. I see many good books. I wish I could. read them all, that's a lot of books, books are fun, books are great, let's sit down today with a book, books are fun, books are cool, is it time to read yet? Oh I can't wait to read a book, books are great, do you know why? I love reading a book why I feel so happy every time I look at it because books can take me anywhere I want to go books help my imagination grow oh my favorite stories and many more children good things come with every page I turn.
These are fun books oh I can't wait to read a book books read a book there are so many books which one should I buy Barney would you like to help babybop find a book Beth I would love to see this is one of my favorites it's about six happy flowers that They live in a magical garden oh they are so sweet and I really like flowers how much does it cost Barney? oh well, let's see, the sign says that each book costs six coins, can you help me learn to count to six better sure, let's count the flowers in the book one two three four five six now I can count my coins here let me take them out of my bag yes one two three four five six yes you did it again oh this looks like a delicious food shop welcome to my shop oh why thank you thank you how much do things cost here okay that's number seven so everything costs seven coins I think it's a difficult number, so let's practice counting to seven, okay, what can we count?
Using this calendar to count the days of the week is a good idea because there are seven days in a week there are seven days there are seven days there are seven days in a week there are seven days there are seven days there are seven days in a week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday oh, now I can count to seven so I can pay you, here we go one and two, sorry baby bop. I can't accept your coins yet, why not?
Because you haven't chosen anything to buy. Let's see. Oh, there's a lot of good stuff here. Oh yes, there are, but I don't think I need them and I don't. any of this oh I want this cake it's a birthday cake look Barney that's the number that was on the sign oh well you're right it's a seven I'll buy this for BJ because he's seven come on come on excuse me. I can pay now I almost forgot let me get my money here we go okay here I go one two three four five six and seven Baby Bop did you learn to count to seven yes I did can we count a little more please oh absolutely? count the buttons on your shirt count the pebbles in the ground count the bubbles blowing count the special friends you know count some fish swimming deep count some sheep before going to sleep just use your numbers numbers now it's your turn let's see what you like count two three four five six seven eight nine ten I have four friends one two three four one two three four five count your hats, coats and shoes count your pillows, blankets also count the crayons on your red and yellow desk count and rest count the rabbits in the hurry up before they run too much just use your numbers numbers counting here and counting there we count with numbers everywhere okay I want to try counting again okay one two three four five six seven eight oh that's right good job but I can't count yet ten I'll never be able to play hide and seek, I'm sure you will baby Bob, with a little more help you'll be counting to ten before you know it.
It is very difficult to remember all those numbers. Is there another way we can help the boss baby? Hmm, well, why don't we have a parade? How will that help baby control her numbers? I'll show you a big parade of numbers today. It's so fun it makes me want to say one, two, three, four, five. six seven eight nine ten yes numbers can be fun no matter where or when you can find numbers everywhere if you look around you can count the clouds of puppies or the sticks on the ground they are in many places and it is a lot of fun the big one the number parade is for everyone, oh look Baby Bop, all you have to do is practice in the morning because since you've grown up you can count how many letters are in your name, you can think of a number for a guessing game , well baby Bob, how about a game of hide and seek that's not cool but you better hide quick because it's okay I'm going to count to ten come on let's all hurry up here I go here I go three four five six seven eight nine ten oh I did it I counted to ten I just can't wait to tell CJ I can count today Baby Bop, oh come on baby Bob, I think he's gone, oh I guess Baby Bop learned enough for one day, he had a great time helping , yeah, oh, it was a fun day and everyone The day is so fun and fun when we can help the people we love.
I love you, love me, we are a happy family with a big hug and a kiss from me to tell you that you love me too. I love you, you love me. best friends for a great day Barney yes it was fun yes we all see you later thank you

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