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i raided a scrap farm

Apr 01, 2024
you're still alive ok thanks im dead ok now what i don't know so poor we could buy another mini we have more than yes how about we break those up? uh break into their compound oh yeah it's just one turret that's easy well three no I was talking about the other one with the mini that's right next to us oh we could also do that to get the mini and then oh right , Yeah. well yeah why don't we make that HV and a launcher? The diesel guys have a launcher. I think two diesel fuels for one launcher, you know, take this, why don't you take the research launcher and, uh, HV?
i raided a scrap farm
I only need three for that one and then what's four turrets and that other compound? Three yes, rocket launchers on the way, okay, I have 12 hvs, beautiful, let's do it? Yeah, why don't we take that mini and steal it? I don't know those other ovens go from there, let's go, let's go, let's go, oh no, it was in the direction we were running. I'm not sure, no, I saw fire, no, oh man, what a man, hey, what happened was there like a terrorist attack. um I mean I have stairs we just run there or we just buy him anything uh we don't have much wait a minute buddy we can make it happen uh buddy we can make it happen.
i raided a scrap farm

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i raided a scrap farm...

Got it, trust the process, buddy, you know what it takes? this uh-huh uh and Oliver says oh this is your plan well I have a lot to recycle but that's part of the point yeah I have enough junk without the poop or how much junk here give me all your junk let me just split up oh yeah oh yeah okay for the rest oh yeah, are you sure you want to do it? Oh, right? You sure want to do this, what do you have seven, three, ten and three? What, you didn't have anything? You had to take out the one.
i raided a scrap farm
So how are you talking? It's crazy because I did it. I won, man, you don't know anything about poker. If that's what you're talking about, you don't understand, but you're stupid, okay buddy, what oh I won? No, I won so easy with the same hair, buddy, what do you mean so easy bro? You said you knew how to play poker 103.


I thought you knew how to play poker, dude, I'm winning by a lot, what are you talking about? No, you're not, look carefully, do you know how this works? Look on the left side of the screen, we start with the same amount.
i raided a scrap farm
No junk, I started with a hundred, oh well I'm still earning, what do you want me to say? I keep winning, I have color, like you, how could you not have color, but keep going, keep going, what do you mean? You saw it, it's up to you buddy, oh my god, that's the video, but I win, idiot, okay, put up all your messages real quick so we can see who's up and there's nothing, okay, wait, divide this shit no, no, no, no, yes, yes, yes. What do you mean I'm already up? I'm up 266. I meant two, oh, I meant 206.
Yeah, exactly, I'm up a little. Yeah, you just got lucky, that's all I didn't get. Okay, buddy, three of a kind. Dude, you're trash, bro, no, I'm not even coming back fresh, dude, tough, dude, oh come on, you got it on the ground, don't even act like that's playing, oh, that was planned, you got the jet . you got a jack on the last card, you could have known if it wasn't planned, yeah, whatever, so how did I win, you give up, we can go shoot turrets, okay, 2-1 man, easy money, yeah, You want another secret, what do I have?
I never played poker in my life before. Are you serious. I told it very seriously. Okay, so that makes more sense. Where is the space at the top left of the swamp? Relax, it should land on the roof. I think so. Okay, I have three ladders, yes, there is no turret. on the roof hey hey hey relax so there's one here broken I shot two guys holy cow Roni bro look at this base what is that oh no we've been playing too long we should get out of here yeah okay I gotta find them to grab fuel and then let's do a little fly in the snow, see if there are any other bases out there and then so I can kill myself, uh, don't go to this area, this is the failed raid one by one, dude, we literally couldn't.
I've chosen something worse, yeah, it's pretty brutal, no, but I don't know, turrets, turrets, my God, um, oh, bag on the ground, on the ground, back on the ground, oh, come on, come on, Come on, ah, hit us too. How many hvs are there for a wooden door, I don't know, it's not really good, there are three, my friend is loaded, his knee is on the roof. I don't see turrets, neither do I, and there is no electricity. Oh, I see a turbo but it's incredible, I saw it, but yes, I don't even know. They even have the weapons that are needed a little better, I think we've explored the entire map and we've still seen or heard one person or one thing oh that here no way in this uh three for one oh my God, behind you, what am I talking about, this guy, no, no, the guy I was just there, there was the player you just killed, yeah, oh, oh, geez, he had a wedge, uh, we gotta get out of here, I'll run with you home, hey, wait. man that's not fair I'm going to go exploring I don't even want to go home okay juicer I need help oh I got a ladder I heard you heard what I heard you didn't hear anything I'm out of gas God mine that's why we should have gone home it's not my fault buddy check the fuel gauge buddy no one checks the fuel gauge what do you think you have infinite fuel?
I think you did some good, I thought you would give it. I more than ten I gave you half a mod so I don't know what happened heli oh we have to do that where should we take it from bottom left why don't we take it from that foreign supermarket? I see you want just fly over there buddy go get it let's take it to that other supermarket bro come on it's right in front of you oh shut up buddy look I got it buddy I don't even think you have hit him. I think he just got angry. you, oh yeah, anyway, buddy, hit him, oh, it's, oh, someone just ran away from him, don't let them take him from abroad, they ran away from the bottom of the hill, it's like the east, more or At least, that's where I heard it.
The shrimp heard us take the Haley and they came to sit on the keyboard so it's kind of a defense, but really he can only get close from that today naked coming in where oh dude he's on me stop it dude I'm not the one He's got meds bro wait I got a gift for him wow player yeah trying to steal our Mini okuzo out of fuel I don't even think he knew what was going on there's a guy on a boat coming up to Southwest dude I thought I saw he was cute I guess I don't know I could actually just I think hey Jonah bring it on bro you suck come on dude it's this Ironside for this kind of trash gun it's trash what attachment oh please what did you take out of that box?
AK, it's actually a raid, aka in inventory. Have you already looted two, not just one? ok so there's still a chance for laser gun ammo oh so you looted too yeah i said too oh you said what it was buddy buddy we gotta go that route come on cool I was blowing the smoke, oh Big Cheese. By the way, I have two C43 rockets, did you really get it, buddy, you have C4 rockets, what the fuck, how are you going to lie to me like that? I told the truth, okay, let's go to this attack with the C4 rockets on top.
I do not do it. I don't know, we have a serious fuel problem, man, I don't know how this is going to go, could it be this again? It could be, I bet it is, mate, it took him so long to get a C4, no, how did you do it? Brenda. just fat oh she's fat like fat Mr. Fat aspirin come on bird oh and uh Clumsy fool you don't do it it's not worth it we don't have the fuel for that I'm going up oh just go home I'll just run home just come in how much you have a lot where you go okay we have five five okay leave it leave it leave it what are you doing okay okay what are we doing I don't know go to the towel good night good night

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