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Phonics song | Long Vowels, Digraphs + More | Phonics Stories | Learn to Read | Letter Teams

Apr 06, 2024
little fox



episode one a cake for Kate I'm alone foreigner had a cake I'll give it to Kate we can go too yes come on the friends are out let's have a race Let's run today eight oh no the friends ran into a maze let's go there they didn't see Kate they saw a cave come on there they saw a lake Kate was in The Labyrinth the friends ran towards her Kate this cake is for you thank you thank you okay okay race race Ace head oh Ace place lyrics


episode 2 where did they hide I'm alone the friends are in the pine play a game one two three nine ten red look for friends where blue hid in the hive there is no yellow in the hive green hid on the bicycle there is no blue on the bicycle, Pink hid on Vine There's no green on pink Vine, where are you okay?
phonics song long vowels digraphs more phonics stories learn to read letter teams
Yes, the pink is in the kite hello hello um kite kite foreign


teams episode 3 in the hole I'm with magic and work your magic on me say my name friends saw a hole see what's inside green got a rope put it in the hole the friends went down the pink path they saw a cone I like this yellow cone they saw a rose I like this Rose oh no, here comes a mole, this is my house. The mole was angry, give me my conical nose, let's go home. The friends went down the road. I hope not, no, no, letter teams.
phonics song long vowels digraphs more phonics stories learn to read letter teams

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phonics song long vowels digraphs more phonics stories learn to read letter teams...

Episode 4, leave the melody, uh, I'm alone. Luke, the friend, saw Luke. I sat on the mule it's so nice I can sit on the mule not pink it was a sad look there is a tube I see cups I see pots and lids let's play a blue melody the friends played a melody but the melody was not good Luke hid the cube let's play new thank you, it's a good tune cute two teams of two letters episode 5 where is the clip clap clap oh we are a team playing abroad friends see Glenn Glenn is sad I can't for my clip friends will look here and it's not there under the plate it's not in the glass it's not next to the plug we can ask pink friends come pink okay please help us Glenn can't find his clip oh I have your clip Glenn is happy I like your plane my the plane can fly friends applaud clip clip clap applaud four eight plate plate throw eight airplane airplane glass letter of thanks teams episode 6 the frog jumps foreigner foreigner plays his drum a frog jumps on his drum the fog is here friends run to see but he jumps in a cradle let's run towards the cradle the frog jumps away for the frog is in the dress the frog jumps out of the dress I have a strange plan the frog jumps to some green grapes grabs the frog puts it on the grass goes back in and teams foreign letters episode 7 a walk in sledding we make a team four friends are on the ice they skate pink takes a turn let's run away with us yellow steps on the ice but she slips I don't like skating we can ride a foreign sled we go up the slope they find a sled with spots they go down the slope they stop there is a stone the sleigh turns four friends fly from a foreign step step oh stone stone letter teams episode 8 the wet day two friends friends are walking a-n-y-a-n-y only eight conversations Cool gray a clay clay it was a nice day the friends were in a pink path I saw a snail then the day was gray oh no, it will rain it will rain a


the path it got wet hmm we must go home I see a rail a train is coming we must go quickly the friends ran towards the train thanks stop, the sun came out now we can still play no, let's go home we can play with clay thanks oh snail snail Follow a game card teams episode 9 sweet dreams two friends e it's time to sleep friends have dreams looking amazing pink drives a jeep the jeep drives fast oh yellow has a pretty dress she also has a pre-kindergarten it's tea time look red is in the sea this is a nice sea he plays with seals here we go mmm blue has ice cream I love ice cream here comes a bee oh no a bad dream hmm now blue sleeps again sweet dreams dream dreams sleep sleep sweet letter teams episode 10 blues night two friends three friends it's late at night the blue has no light look to the left it's a snake it looks to the right oh no what is that blue cry and cry the friends see blue it's a snake don't cry blue it's not a snake it's a tie oh a tie the blue looks good what is it it's a cake and those are fries oh the cake and the fries friends look high what is it that's red eye pie for the eyes fries night bye hello hello letter teams episode 11 a Teddy for red yellow I have two


sounds the sun is in the sky it's blue let's have fun here green go a pony Let me ride the pony you can't try you're too small don't cry friends pass games red see a teddy bear I want a teddy bear let me try the game it's not easy look at the sky it's night, let's go home, don't cry red, here's a teddy bear for you, yes, right , I try, try it, eye, crying, card teams, episode 12, row the boat, two friends, oh, the friends are in the stream, huh, rose, see a bowl, the bowl floats in it.
phonics song long vowels digraphs more phonics stories learn to read letter teams
Stream boat race we can race to the finish line pink and blue get on the boats go pink and blue Row the boats you're too slow I can't roll oh look at the crow the Krill has a bow thank you The blue team wins what do we win your prize? it's a toast, yay, boat, boat, float, float, come on, bro, curl, Crow Crow, lyric teams, episode 13, clue, clue, two friends, they sound alike, friends are mad, my new train, my new hat, it's my new ball, whoever broke them, come to Kate Sue and Glenn, let's find a clue.
phonics song long vowels digraphs more phonics stories learn to read letter teams
The foreigner finds blue spots. Here's a clue. It was Sue. What I can do? Oh, here are some screws I can fix. Pink's new train. Sue takes the screws. Here's some glue. I can fix Yellow's new hat. I can fix Green's. new bowl good job Sue let's eat stew delicious clue blue blue two two letter teams episode 14 fish for lunch this cheese cheese fries lunch sheep sheep fish fish new sounds it's time for lunch I have cheese I have fries I want fish we can fish friends they go to the shed they get poles they go to the blue lake what did you catch? oh, it's a brush where are the fish?
There are no fish, look, let's ask the sheep, did you catch fish? yes, but I want cheese and chips we have cheese and chips we can have fish yes here you go cheese cheese fries french fries lunch lunch sheep cheap fish brush fish brush lettering teams episode 15 white dolphins what pink has a phone the phone is white beep beep he is in the sea he is with Ralph they see a whale we go to the sea the friends get into a pink van they grab the steering wheel they pass by the wheat they come to the sea they meet Phil and Ralph I see the whale splash the whale makes a big wave oh no the friends are in the sea help here they come white dolphins the dolphins save them yes thank you oh um dolphin whale whale wheel wheel foreign letter teams episode 16 the queen duck Q is always with you queen queen quack quack friends come to the queen she looks at the clock it's time to see my duck, oh no, where's my duck?
Who can help me find it? We friends can go to the pond. It's the duck under the quilt. There is no red under the quilt. Queen. Is this your duck? That's not my duck. quail quail quack look over the rocks oh I see the duck quickly grab it foreign Stay with me now queen queen letter teams episode 17 Beth and the mice the kiss IS foreign what's in that box is a cat her name is Beth Beth cries Beth what do you want me to eat the foreign forest gets a thin fish eat here come three mice take Beth's fish Beth chases them run back Run For Those mice run down a path run to a bathroom oh no oh no Beth doesn't like baths bathroom e three three thin thin is this this letter teams episode 18 wings for Frank Swing Swing ring ring sing sing it's spring the friend sees Frank sits on a swing the swing is Pink Frank looks sad what can we do let's think here? it's a ring thank you but Frank doesn't smile friends bring some tea thank you Frank drink the tea do you want to sing no don't want to I think we can help you need wings yay I can fly thanks for the wings Swing Swing Ring Ring Sing Sing think drink drink lyric teams episode 19 grab the toys point on n and or n and where side by side say it with us please it sounds the same friends see a boy called Roy Roy sees a game I want a toy but I don't have coins hurry up, that game looks fun green points a pink coil puts in a coin grabs the blue coil points out a toy Foreign pig grabs the toy oink pink oink puts in a lot of coins grabs a lot of toys foreigner on the left grabs a toy truck let's give it to Roy Roy jumps for joy good boy boys joy joy letter teenagers episode 20. wow foreign clouds below the same thing the friends go out they lie down on a hill look at the clouds that one is a cow wow that is a big cow that is a crown and that is a blue mouse point at a cloud I see a house there are many houses let's count the houses one two three look it's an owl one two three The owl makes sounds it makes many sounds that owl is too loud let's go home now shout cloud cloud so count ow ow ow Crown crown letter teams episode 21 a hoop funny laughs another new sound sounds Meg rides her broom drops her hoop look it's a pink hoop she sticks in the hoop it's a hook, oh what a fun hoop, let me try it.
Yellow is a boot. The red goes on the ring. Red is a book. The blue goes in the hoop. Blue is a blessing. Meg flies to the ceiling,


s the spell book from her, stamps her foot now. It has its appearance as a hoop, poop, spoon, look, but, letter teams, episode 22, what will the red draw? August August I'm with W a n W just talking Ed, it's August, PALS like to draw green, draw a hawk, big talons, yellow, what did you draw? Paul, he is on the grass, blue, draw a sauce pot, red, what will you draw?
I don't know, I will draw a ball that is a small bowl, it is small like red, oh, I know what to draw. Red draws for a


time. Is it me and am I very tall? We are all tall. High sauce. August. August Card Teams. Episode 23. A storm on the farm. Foreigner or yes. I am very noisy. Friends are driving on the road. Stop the car. I see Mark. Can you give me? a walk yes, get in the car please take me to the foreign north oh no, it's a storm look there's a farm and I see a barn the friends and Mark run, they ride the horse they come to the barn wow, there's so much corn, let's eat soon the storm is over stop let's get back on track North North corn corn thank you letter teams episode 24 let's surf foreign shirts nurse oh it's summer I'll see a girl who has a white shirt whoa she can surf surf two green ones go first wow greed is good, it's my turn, no , it's your turn, you'll go third, yellow surfs a wave, then pink serves, I'm better than you, foreigner, come on all, sir, ride the big wave, friends are hurt, help, help, here A nurse comes, a nurse helps friends. they are better now your summer summer oh girl girl earned the shirt shirt s mr sir letter teams episode 25 the night party two friends knit knock knock friends will have a green party write a note red give it to the green Knight bake a big cake he cuts it with a pink knife he knits with th


I knit a pretty yellow one he puts it in a box I will wrap the blue box he makes a crown that is a pretty crown Friends right on a blue card foreigner turns the knob it's the night it's this holiday for I, yes, thank you, everyone eats cake.

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