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Sky News at Ten: Two killed and at least 12 injured after building collapses on beach in Majorca

May 25, 2024
it's 10:00 this is Sky News at 10 our top story breaking


four people have died after



in mayorca battle lines drawn it's the start of 6 weeks of frenetic campaigning ahead of the general election 4th of July these uncertain times we call for bold action, a clear plan so that we can change course towards a safe future and that is what it is all about, now you have the power, the opportunity to end the chaos, turn the page and rebuild the British reform leader Richard TI, confirms Nigel Farage. will campaign but will not run as a candidate former post office chief executive paula venel denies trying to close investigation into postmaster prosecutions plus singer cassie speaks out after footage showed her ex-boyfriend kicking her in the ground sha Diddy kums and we'll get a first look at tomorrow's covers in our press preview from 10:30 to midnight.
sky news at ten two killed and at least 12 injured after building collapses on beach in majorca
Good evening, we start with breaking


and four people have died and at


27 have been


after the collapse of a


. on a


in Maya Emergency services have told us right Spanish media reports say the building was a restaurant on the


in Palmer de Mayorca Our Sky correspondent Amelia Harper is in our newsroom now to get more updates. What else do we know? Amilia is good. a situation that is developing rapidly as we come to grips with what happened in this popular tourist destination, four people have died and at


27 were


after a building collapsed on a beach in muca, we have a picture there of some of those emergencies. services on site this is a tourist spot on the capital island of uh Palmer so there will be a lot of people around what happened around 8:30 uh p.m.
sky news at ten two killed and at least 12 injured after building collapses on beach in majorca

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sky news at ten two killed and at least 12 injured after building collapses on beach in majorca...

Around dinner time and Spanish media report that the affected building is a place called Medusa Beach Club. Now, of course, if this is a multi-story building, we expect that people could still be trapped under possible debris and the number of injuries could be higher. It's about to increase as the night progresses. We can see in that photo that there is an ambulance outside a built-up urban area. We understand that the bodies of the dead are still at the site of the collapse, so of course the emergency services will do so. being there now trying to determine what has happened, we also understand, according to local media, that psychologists are also there on site, presumably to help people deal with what just happened, but as I say, a situation that it develops quickly into what is a busy uh. very busy tourist area Amelia, thanks for that update.
sky news at ten two killed and at least 12 injured after building collapses on beach in majorca
Well, of course, stay tuned for that story as the evening progresses. The battle lines have been drawn as Party leaders hit the general election campaign with just six weeks to go until their surprise launch last night, Rishi. Sunak has been on a Whistle Stop tour of Britain, including Wales and Scotland. Sakir Starma kicked off his campaign in Kent and newly elected S SMP leader John Swinny gave a speech in Edinburgh. The Liberal Democrats and reformist Britain have also been campaigning. Our F political editor Sam Coats has spent the day traveling with the sassy Sunak. He's betting that calling a summer election will pay off, but the first day of campaigning suggests he's playing it safe.
sky news at ten two killed and at least 12 injured after building collapses on beach in majorca
This is what awaits the Prime Minister at the events designed for the campaign. for the cameras, the guests are strictly controlled, but for this audience, a helping hand from your staff, your message to the country is that things are getting better under you thanks to all your hard work, all your sacrifice, your resilience, really We have made progress and I know it. It will take F time for everyone to see the benefits that the plan is working and we have economic stability. This crowd in Derby was gathered by Tory HQ, as the staff seemed impressed, but it later emerged that two of the men who were wearing tall clothing and asking questions. the Prime Minister's questions were actually Conservative councilors a brief stop along the way the first of a four-nation tour in 2 days that was only possible because of this a private jet funded by Conservative donors a plane that will take off on this side of a election Bringing migrants to Rwanda was a key Conservative promise, but today he admitted there is no prospect of flights taking off before the vote in July nor was there much comfort in today's migration statistics, marginally below a record stop, two on the route card, the Prime Minister quickly discovered that campaign.
Small talk can be a challenge. He's looking forward to watching all the football, not so much my bag? well, the people in the people don't, but that's because you guys aren't on this, an intimate brewery tour, this T toer won't meet many voters here, richy sunak on a world tour of the uk nations, but he needs much bigger victories than those achieved in Camp's campaign stops like this, but he appears to have achieved one of his objectives, from going early against the rival party to his reform right, the UK's reformist leader, Richard . Ty presents his campaign, but after months of speculation Nigel Farage is not running to be an MP, he insists he will be a force in the election campaign.
I am absolutely delighted during this election campaign that my good friend Nigel Farage is helping significantly. campaigning to deliver the message of Reform UK and how we can save Britain, the favorite to be the next prime minister is not taking any risks, get used to hearing these lines at last, elections have been called, the time has come and the wait. no more two different countries, two different futures, decay and chaos, continuing under Tores or rebuilding our country under labor, the power of the vote is with you, ready, cheering, come on, the Liv dens launch with a kind of explosion, their leader is sure who his party is against.
Across the country we have seen so many parts of the country where it is a vote for the Liberal Democrats that will remove the Conservative MP. This man wants nothing to do with the rest of them. Scotland's new first minister tells them both to leave. The UK is behind it, we will win our country's independence and we will gain the powers to achieve a better Scotland through Democratic pressure, so on July 4, Independence Day, make sure his voice is heard. Ending the day in Scotland changing voters' opinions now means this man will take more risks. he says he's the underdog he's prepared to behave like one and Sam Coats joins us now live from vanness six weeks to go uh you're out on day one what's your take on how this campaign will play out?
Sam, well, first of all, it seems like the rain follows Richy Sunak wherever he goes here, in vaness um, but I spent the day traveling with the Prime Minister over a thousand miles in a single day across three nations and the first. What stands out to you is the point I made at the end of the film, that he presents himself as the underdog, which is extraordinary for a prime minister, but I guess I think it's his only option. They think it's his only option. given that they are 20 points behind the unions in the polls, but what really strikes you when you follow the different events they attend is that it is not entirely clear to me that this campaign will give them the kind of surprise and change to their reputation that they're looking to create over the next 6 weeks, it's slick, it has a series of campaign events where it doesn't seem to interact with many real people in all the invited audiences, some of whom are Conservative councillors, we travel hundreds of miles for events that can last.
Just 20 minutes before the Convoy everything moved forward, when John Major defied the polls in 1992 and, as an SN Conservative with Neil Kinnick's Labor Party Victory, he did so on a platform with dozens of actual encounters with members of the public. raw and immediate nature of that campaign, everyone knows that rishy sunak is s


, but this campaign needs to find a different story, a different side to show the public the success, we will see, Sam, thank you very much for the moment, well, now the announcement of an early summer election came as a surprise to many and if you live in an electoral battleground you can expect politicians to come forward to win your vote very soon;
It is in towns like Grimby and CLE Thorps on the east coast where the battle could be decided. a new single constituency, it is a Target seat for both main parties, it was previously a Labor stronghold and turned Conservative in 2019. Sky National correspondent Tom Pter has been finding out what voters there think to prepare for the summer. CLE Thorps has a new constituency which is appeared on the side of the Old Vic pub he is optimistic Always sunny like a politician looking for votes so we bought a second hand sofa we put it in the pub car park or thefts you handed it in do you want to be the first to arrive?
Sofa, I love it, so we have an election, what do you think is going to happen? I think the Conservatives will do it again, let's just have another election, you know, I think they'll feel safe enough even though the cost of living is still high. It was much higher because the electricity and gas are starting to go down and balance out now at the end of the day what they did is all for the rich and the poor are still poor what you think they work with men all Manda you came and interrupted Rob, So you feel very strongly about this, right?
Yes, yes, because I am a neighbor who is always awake. Right before we started filming this, you told me that you have a fairly well-known relative. I have who is that ass Jacob and he is your him, my mom's brother, it's the cousins, the cousins ​​that you haven't been with in Su's group to chat and catch up, no, definitely not, but many people don't like it. He or she is ready for the election and so is Emmanuel, who works on the railroad here. What for you are the things that are going to influence the direction you vote?
I think the number one problem is the cost of living, that's also the problem. with the NHS, I think the wait, the waiting time when you go, when you try to apply for a medical assistant, it takes a long time, are you ready for a change of government or are you sticking with the same? I think I'm ready for a change of government so I think a change of government should be able to generate new ideas propose new ideas propose a new strategy are you sure which way you're going to vote this time? No, I'm not sure that's the problem.
Carol is a retired nurse. The only thing I think came from the last time Baris got us some money to level up. Do you think it's work? Do you think people here feel so good when we do it? Gotta see, many voters here are still waiting to be convinced as peak political season approaches Tom Palmenter Sky News CLE Thorps We heard tonight that the bill to provide compensation to those affected by the scandal is expected post office gets Royal Ascent after passing its final leg in the Lords, but Rishi Sunak's signed plan for a smoke-free generation appears to have been scrapped, among others, we have now entered the period known as the washout, where parties are trying to decide what to overcome and what to let slip: our political correspondent Serena Barker Singh now reports on the government's unfinished business: the smoking ban, post office compensation, a football bill and housing policy Tor, just a few of the 16 government bills still waiting on the shelf, but as Parliament officially dissolves next week, only those who can get through the house tomorrow afternoon will go through what is called washing, starting today with the angry post office, we will not leave this place until we have done our duty to those people and it is a common practice during washing.
We have said that negotiations will continue and we hope to update the House on other matters, but of all the government bills still waiting to be passed by Parliament, many have been scrapped, only a few are sure to remain. These FastTrack bills include the digital bill. Markets bill victims bill the Post Office Bill and the Finance Bill, but it also means Sak's big plan to create a smoke-free generation appears to have been scrapped, as have policy reforms of housing long promised by the government, are definitely frustrating and potentially many hours of staff time that have been spent working on this bill have been wasted.
We need to hear from all the major parties running in the election what their offer to tenants will be and how they will fix the billthat the workers had been asking for. elections for most of the year, but they say Rishi Sunak has now delivered on many of his commitments. His promise of a smoke-free generation. Plans for a football regulator. Promises to tenants and lease holders and protections for our stations, now all at risk. Some bills are necessary. like the finance bill that secures the budget, but all those that are approved have to be fast. Tred, it's definitely true that whitewashing is a difficult thing for parliamentary scrutiny bills that would normally undergo weeks and hours of line-by-line scrutiny, may receive almost none. not at all a surprise early election date now means a fight to pass any remaining policies that may be possible Serena Bing Sky News as part of their campaigns all parties are promoting election messages on social media the battle for voters' attention online has never been fiercer Our data and forensics correspondent, Tom Chesher, has been analyzing what happened once the starting gun was fired.
Every election we talk about is the biggest digital election and that is not false, with 5 years between votes, the platforms move on Tik Tok, for example, it was not the B moth it is now, but this is different for a very old fashioned reason, big money first, although the releases now, despite having ostensible control, the conservative effort was a bit lackluster, just this tweet quite busy to start with, compare it to the manpower, which Post this video ingenious in a matter of minutes and with a very simple change message, but it speaks to how prepared each side of the work is sending.
I sent out fundraising emails and other calls to action 5 hours after the election announcement there was still no none of that from the conservatives these are the basics of a digital campaign the weak conservative launch also meant their message was swamped by memes about Rousi Sunak Sodern Lord's speech instead you had stuff like this from We Guru Derek Guy of viral men saying that historically men in this situation used a folding canopy called an umbrella, the conservatives have been king on the march, although this is the campaign that emerged last night, now meta, which owns WhatsApp Instagram. and Facebook publishes all the political ads and you can see that the Tores are starting to experiment with different ads here and this is the good thing about digital elections: we can see how it unfolds practically in real time, reveal what the campaigns are focused on and We can dig deeper too, if you look here you can see the type of people who see this ad by age and gender, and how political campaigns target people, this will be a big part of this election.
Now we're just talking. hundreds of pounds here in terms of what is being spent this is experimental but now we get back to the money this is important campaigns were previously limited to spending 19.5 million over the course of an election this year which has increased massively to 35 million and look at this, it's based on data from who's targeting me, which tracks political ads and shows how much parties have been spending on meta since January and you'll notice it's been growing the entire time there's been a shadow campaign even before the local elections, these are the long elections and they are also expensive elections.
Almost £5 million has been spent so far to put it in context, in the 2019 general election a total of 10 million pesos were spent, so just one short day of this short campaign. We have already seen that half of what was spent in the entire last election was spent. Digital is the vital battlefield, many things will happen, many of them strange and new. Tik Tok influencers. YouTubers. AI Deepfakes. Bots. 24 hour meme machines that stay with us. and we will explain everything over the next few weeks. In fact, there has now been a major change since the last general election.
You will need to show a valid form of voter ID. There is the opportunity to cast a vote by mail or have someone else vote for you as a representative the deadline to register to vote is the end of the day June 18 if you want a vote by mail you have until June 19 to request it if you want a Proxy voting must apply by June 26 and if you need a voter ID, the 26th is also the deadline to request a certificate of electoral authority. Now a key dividing line between the two main political parties is labor migration and the Conservatives have very different ideas about how to stop it.
Official small boat figures show net migration has fallen marginally from last year's record. High net migration was estimated at around 685,000 last year, more than triple what it was in 2012, it is 10% lower than in 2022 and it is that drop that the Conservatives estimate that more than 1 million 218,000 people arrived to the UK last year, almost 4,000 fewer than the previous year. An estimated 532,000 people left the UK. Last year almost 40,000 more than in 2022, but this year there have been a record number of people arriving in small boats. Rishi Sunak has made clear that no asylum seekers will be deported to Rwanda before the election.
Our communities correspondent Becky Johnson has more newly arrived asylum seekers. still in detention center sports suits getting clothes from a charity this election will be fought in part for their future Rwanda is still the government's plan, but the Prime Minister has said there will be no planes until after election day and the Labor to rule it all out For Dam and many others who live in fear of being removed, there is now a chance that will never happen with the general election approaching - there will be no flights before then. Are you feeling more optimistic about your chances of being able to stay in the UK?
After the election we are happy with this because the Labor Party will be next. I don't know what's going on, we're still worried about these things. I am afraid of Rwanda and the elections. Delaying flights to Rwanda until after the election is a change. The plan for the government in the document says that on June 24 there will be the first flight to Rwanda. So it says that Nahom was detained and taken to this immigration removal center earlier this month, just a few days ago he was told that he had been selected for the first flight to Rwanda in June, so now you hear that there are no flights before 4th of July, how does that make you feel?
I hope you know, as you said, that if the pair is Win, there will be no flights and it really gives me hope, it is good news to know that Rwanda will be a key conservative promise, but voters will have to trust that the planes will start flying without seeing any evidence before the election, the Prime Minister will hope that the latest figures show a fall. on general net migration will help him argue that his plan is working, but this family feels targeted by a tightening of the rules. One-year-old Massa has been threatened with deportation from Britain despite being born here to parents who have been in the country legally.
Since 2021, you should now leave the country or you may be expelled. His Jordanian father is a PhD student in the Midlands. His mother here depends on him, but because they left the country on vacation before Massa's status was confirmed, they were told they can do it. I only apply for your visa from abroad. I can't imagine how I can tell the story in the future that the country you were born in asked you to leave when you were one year old. I'm trying to fix everything I do. A one-year-old baby does not need to be considered an excessive stay here.
He is urging central office to be flexible with little hope as tough talks on migration are already a feature of this election campaign. Becky Johnson Sky News, a 10-year-old girl who died. in a landslide in North Yorkshire yesterday she was named as Leah Harrison her primary school paid tribute to her and described the accident as a heartbreaking tragedy with pupils and teachers offered advice shingi marri reports from Darlington Leah Harrison's family had high hopes for her their football A 10-year-old girl's wild, cherished hopes ended too soon when she lost her life during a school trip in North Yorkshire and was fatally injured in hazy light.
In a statement, her family said Leah Harrison, the happy, bubbly and carefree girl. the beautiful smile the giddy laugh the silly jokes you will never forget the girl Leah was taking part in a walk organized by this Heartley Adventure Center Pul Bar Council which operates the center says he is completely devastated and heartbroken he is carrying out After Following a full investigation, while all outdoor walks and residential breaks were temporarily suspended, the council also emphasized that the activity needed to be safe, supported by the council's workforce and teams who are fully trained and also staffed by the school so that these young people On their own, they were actually supervised by appropriately trained and qualified personnel.
The mod slide was a strange event on a day of difficult weather across the north of England. People in Colton in Cleveland are shocked by the loss of a child they should have enjoyed. a moment of adventure here she on a school trip on a school trip too dear, it's nice and tragic, she must have been so excited to come with her friends, right? Isn't it just that the whole town is really sad about it in a shutdown? knit school Community, the head of the academy trust says students are receiving support. One of the things we have been working on this morning is working with different partners to establish different levels of advice so that we can make sure we have the right.
The right kind of counseling, trauma counseling for kids who were on the trip, were participating in the activity when the incident occurred, or actually at school, kids who knew Leah very well, you know, the ripples of this. tragic event, you know it goes far as an investigation continues, students, teachers and family will continue to mourn the boy who went on a school trip and never returned home shingi Mari K Sky News Darlington, the former CEO of the post office paa benol has denied that she was more concerned with avoiding bad headlines than considering appeals from subpostmasters caught up in the Horizon it scandal, she has been accused of a cover-up and ignoring requests for a review of the prosecutions after after being warned that there was a risk of it becoming front-page news, our business correspondent Adele Robinson reports. of the post office investigation, are you blaming paul venel?
Are you lying Paul Venel? The first day was difficult for the former post office master. The second day was quietly worse. I never once withheld information. I wasn't trying to close anything. It would not cover up anything accused of Putting the Post Office Brand First investigate further miscarriages of justice. You followed the PR guy's advice, right? I don't really remember it in relation to the decision. Please wait, thank you, but accepting the missed opportunities to find out what happened. bad for the hundreds of subpostmasters, do you agree that his new idea here of a review of all prosecutions, if carried out, could have avoided a decade until miscarriages of justice were discovered?
I might as well have done it. fact, this is always Haun us, the SEMA case, misra imprisoned while she was pregnant and her husband was mentioned, which brings everything back, shame for that shame for the system and also for parliament, because they can give a big step, but they hide behind this public. at that time it was hell that time I thank God it's God it's very very intelligent they got her pregnant so she couldn't commit suicide and they gave me that you thought SEMA could take hers I definitely don't believe in Paul de vel's evidence and here they can get away with theirs saying that they didn't know everything.
She hurts my head. She does not answer questions about the mediation plan for victims. Why did you write an email saying that when we discuss this, hope for mediation? was to avoid or minimize compensation because that was what we discussed well but sorry but not like but not like the purpose of doing it that one of the aspects I hope possibly if Paula Venel was criticized for not connecting the dots not asking the right questions and not reaching to the correct conclusions, much of his defense was about distancing himself, deflecting blame, are you incompetent? Paul see us and it's not over yet another day for former postmaster trying to defend his reputation Adele Robinson Sky News for the first time Singer Cassie Ventura is speaking out since she emergeda video in 2016 showing her then-boyfriend and rapper Sha py Diddy Kums assaulting her inside a Los Angeles hotel on Instagram.
She told her followers that she turned her into someone she never thought she would become a warning to. For our viewers, these images may be disturbing to watch well, the video obtained exclusively by CNN appears to support the allegations outlined in a lawsuit filed against it last year. He was seen running after Cassie down the hallway before throwing her to the ground near an elevator and was then seen kicking her. twice and trying to drag her, apologized in a video earlier this week after surveillance footage was released from our arts and entertainment correspondent Katie Spencer joins me now and Katie Cassie has spoken publicly for the first time.
I had to say that she was his girlfriend for over 10 years, she had a legal claim against him that was settled out of court last year and she hasn't said anything since her lawyers have been very vocal, there are several women who have made allegations against him, um, her lawyers have hinted that there are many women who want to make money from the rapper, now she has not been able to express her opinion. Everyone saw that video that came out last week. deeply, deeply bothering him, dragging him and pushing her, she spoke up and apologized and said she sought therapy, he's not that man anymore, um, but we hadn't heard from her until she posted this very heartfelt post on Instagram today, she makes no reference to him by his name. um she talks about offering a hand to her and anyone who is living in fear and she says thank you for all the love and support from my family, friends, strangers and those I haven't met yet.
The outpouring of love has created a place for my youngest son. to settle down and feel safe now, but this is just the beginning, domestic violence is the issue that broke me, uh, broke me with someone I never thought I would become with a lot of hard work. I'm better today, but I will always be recovering. In my past, we know that there was a Le raid on uh sha Diddy kum's homes in Miami and Los Angeles last month, so it's something that has still been investigated, the accusations that are made against him, okay, Katie , thanks, that was Sky News on Coming 10 we'll take a first look at tomorrow's papers in tonight's press preview.
We're joined by Sun deputy political editor Ryan SA and The Courier editor David C. Welcome back. You're watching The Press. Preview what's on the front pages as they come in It's time to see what's making the headlines with The Sun's deputy political editor Ryan SA and The Courier editor David Cleck will be with us from now until just before midnight so let's see what's on some of those front pages for you now, well the first full day of the general election campaign is headlined by the Financial Times saying rishy Sunak won't be able to deliver on his flagship immigration and anti-smoking policies unless that wins on July 4th abandoning those flagship policies is also the lead story in The Guardian and a slip of the tongue by Mr Sunak on football while visiting a pub in Wales is its lead story in the mirror Rishi's bumpy take-off is how the Metro reports that news of no deportation flights to Rwanda before the elections in the express Mr sunak a labor leader prosecutor sakir stama accusing him of being afraid to face him in a television debate the stories also lead the article in tomorrow's Telegraph The Mail says the Conservatives are planning to cut the Green Lees on fuel bills in an effort to win votes The Times also report that falling energy bills will be one of the biggest electoral problems David's newspaper, the Ker, tells the story of a troubled SNP election campaign launch in Scotland, but the star says holiday bookings have soared as Britons flee the country to avoid July 4.
Ryan's newspaper, The Sun, puts the election on its inside pages and leads research showing that eight out of 10 pints of beer served in pubs were measured. I would not do it. Know, don't drink and remember that by scanning the QR code that you will see on the screen during the program, you will be able to check the front pages of tomorrow's newspapers while you watch us. Tonight we're joined by Ryan sa and David C. Welcome to both of you. of you, so let's start with guess what will happen in 6 weeks. uh the cover of Ft, um, they're suggesting that, uh, I wish he'll act soon, he's off to a shaky start to the election campaign, why David?
So after what. I think it is fairly accepted that yesterday was a shocking announcement that we will have a general election in 6 weeks rather than in the autumn, as we expected all the parties to have come out of the blocks launching their campaign today. and given rishy Sak's decision to say that he was the one who was able to fix the date, you think he would have the safest first day, but that hasn't really been the case, some of that has been inevitable. It has been avoidable, so the Financial Times addresses some of the most serious questions about it, the main one being that I have to admit that flights to Rwanda will not take off before the election, which, of course, marked a memorable milestone. best on TV and what was a pretty embarrassing moment, so now he lost a bet on it and the iconic policy isn't going to happen.
They also have to get rid of some other quite important legislation, particularly the one banning young people from smoking, which I think the Conservative government got a lot of credit for taking what was seen as a fairly progressive and forward-thinking approach in trying to produce that legislation, so that's gone too and it really seems like the only thing that's happening What needs to be done before Parliament is scrutinized is to deal with those two terrible scandals, the infected blood scandal, uh, and the post office scandal, those are the two things that have to be done, uh or uh, that just won't be credible.
Then I made some of the more traditional campaign mistakes throughout the day today. uh, uh, asked the Welsh if they are looking forward to the Euro when Wales hasn't qualified. uh, heh, uh, he answered questions from people at a derer factory about the elections. and it turned out they were Conservative councillors, so there's a bit of a feeling after that, you know, certainly a very memorable launch outside Downing Street yesterday in the pouring rain with a Labor theme blaring. It was felt that they would want some stability. today, but I'm not sure that's what happened yesterday, let's go back to yesterday before we get into the papers.
Ry was there, no one with an umbrella, why was that allowed to happen? Well, I think Richy Sunak was very keen to get it. and they maintain the traditions of the prime minister, they always stand on the steps of Downing Street and make that announcement to say that you are actually going to the country and they inform the C, they inform the country that you have spoken to the king and you want to have an election and very easily They could have gone in, it might have looked better, but I think he just wanted to project this image of him, go ahead and be out on a street and come.
Rain or shine, you know he's prime minister and you go into the countryside and start C's campaign, so someone might have given him an umbrella earlier. I think the problem with that is that you go back to that, you probably go back about 15 years, now you remember at Wembley. where was Steve McLaren, the England coach, who was standing on the touchline, in that, one of the qualification matches, he stood there with an umbrella and they labeled him as Wally with Broly, you when you're Minister, when you're , you can imagine. what would have been the headlines the next day if I had done that, so I think the No 10 strategist or anyone with half a brain in Downing Street would have said, whatever you do, you know, we're going to try and find a weather window. . where it doesn't rain for 5 minutes, but whatever you do, you won't go out with an umbrella.
Interestingly, one of the things he did today was go to Scotland, so one of the race reporters was there today. He texted me to tell me that if he thinks Weller is better, he probably shouldn't have come to Veress because it was even worse there today, yeah, the rain, the rain was following him in terms of what's going to go through Parliament before. the election, I mean, he would have known, since David was saying that he was the one who called the date, he would have known that all these things couldn't happen, that's true, that's why he's trying to frame it, ya You know, at the beginning. part of the elections about this in the first days he is going to lay out what the future looks like, so things like the plan for Rwanda that will not be implemented before July 4, will be implemented after the elections, if he wins, but there's a lot of legislation that's not going to see the light of day under this administration, which is the football governance bill, the cigarette ban, which was meant to be this big FL ship, one piece of legislation that was going to go ahead, it will just fall by the wayside, his argument will be that we will go ahead, you know, if he is re-elected, but a lot of MPs are upset because, actually, he didn't, you know, wait. until the fall they were going to raise issues with the voters, they also had a vested interest in this legislation, so that's why there are many people on his side who particularly agree that he went to early elections, yes, that has been uh In a couple of newspapers it was raised that their own MPS is not very happy with the 4th of July elections, yes certainly, I think there is self interest there and there is also partisan interest, obviously the MPS are worried because they think that this It is an aspic.
The time to launch the surveys is terrible. He would be the most unpopular prime minister to ever win an election and he would be re-elected if he did it from here and, frankly, there isn't much sign that that's going to happen. Also the question of when, well, I've been quite hit by some of the Conservative MPs that I've spoken to and also their public comments, so I haven't necessarily had to speak to them privately about it, that they didn't make any sense. that this was happening, everyone was working toward a pace, uh, of getting out of some elections in the fall and then, there was some speculation, I think, pretty feverish, about whether they were going to put letters in the 1922 election. committee and try and uh V the election in that way, that seems implausible and absurd, but even the fact that someone has mentioned it clearly shows that he has disturbed the conservative parliamentarians with that and that is also not a useful background environment to go to an election campaign .
I think there is also the problem when it comes to flights to Rwanda: you know that if you have passed this landmark legislation, you may have taken off a flight, but the legislation was once passed as a deterrent, now, if September comes, it has There have been votes crossing the Channel during all that time, the deterrent has not worked, it could be even in a worse situation and also with the economy, will it be that much? The Bank of England had better reduce interest rates. Things can get so good that people think you know you could have that election in the fall.
The reasons he believes the economy is doing well. This is changing and maybe that's what's stimulating you right now. He may say to stick with my plan if I wait until fall and things aren't much better. You know, maybe everyone will say he's given the other guy a chance. I also think the feeling that there was talk of another fiscal event, some sort of mini-budget at some point before this election, maybe he thought I'm not actually going to have the money that I thought I would have to do the tax donations. here. so I better do it now and that way I don't have to answer why we're not doing it and there will be so much speculation come September about when that election date will be.
It would just be BG, yeah, the express, Ryan, you're bringing us to this. Rich will soon throw down the gauntlet to Sec. St., he has challenged him to weekly televised election debates, but apparently Sak Starm hasn't forced him. That's right, the conservative strategists, the people who work for the conservative party today, are very interested in pushing this thing of trying to get Kier Starma to agree to a televised debate once a week, during elections, he is normally the challenger who pushing this, but this time he has the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister, you know, the Conservative party is 20 points behind in the polls and this is the time they need to find someone in the armor of K Starm and that huge Poley to Keep cutting him, hoping he slips up, hoping he slips up and they just find something and you'll put K stor in front of the audience watching at home. and something, something will give, but it will cost a lot to change that.
Do you think Kama will show up for the debates? I think you actually will. I mean, there's some ridiculous talk here about making six, so I'd have one every week before the election. I think, frankly, no station would beokay with that because they would like to have some ratings, but I think strategically there are some problems here as well, so I think that's how it has been. The case has been very well presented. there's about why the Tories are the king of pushing this and clearly they are the king of pushing this because it's not just the express, they reported this to a lot of newspapers tomorrow, uh, and the idea is that it will force Stormer to do this that could possibly change the game, there's a parallel to Nick CAG in 2010 and CLE Mania and all that.
I think the problem is that there's not a lot of evidence that the public will necessarily accept this given all of those serious issues that we've been discussing. The fact that the context of this election is not against the backdrop of such a serious state that the UK and the wider world finds itself in and the fact that it needs such strong guidance and governance, but also the fact that Richi Sunak as To me, a politician has never shown many signs of being this master of uh master debater who will take on Kier Starmer and change the public perception of them.
Some of the language in this is extraordinary. expressly quotes the chairman of the Conservative party, Richard Holden, and says that it is no wonder that the cowardly Sir Kier Stormer is not like cowering in the debates that he publicly promised to do just a few months ago. It's time Sir Kier had a backbone. That kind of withdrawal just seems to be that way. They are trying to get justice on S St. He was asked about this in January and said that when it comes to television debates, the question was: are you trying to dodge it? And he said: bring it.
Bring them. He will do it. I'm sure he'll be involved in a one, two, three, whether it's one a week, when you have the Euros as a backdrop. I'm sure a lot of the public will be more interested in watching the football, but you know, there will be one or two debates that they both watched, but yeah, a good reminder about that Nick CLE moment because that was the game changer for him. , wasn't that debate what really won him and an invocation with the C serum was memorable? No relationship for me, Ryan and David at the moment, thanks, let's see what comes after the break.
Well, the Prime Minister puts his foot in this during his visit to a Welsh brewery, stay with us for more on that and other stories. The explosion just happened I'm Stuart Ramsey and I'm Sky's chief correspondent, you either live and recover or you die I'm Martha Kellner and I'm Sky's US correspondent based here in Los Angeles. She's driving everyone, you know, crazy. violent drug addict how do you feel? I am angry with abortion it is an anti-woman agenda two women say you paid for their abortions you are a hypocrite sir will your candidates win? I hope so.
I think they will. I think they are great. candidates I have to be realistic my sister has been dead for over four weeks there is no murder weapon and there is no suspect they are going to catch this murderer we are doing everything we can gilen Maxwell has pleaded not guilty to the six charges against his mother how are? Feeling today Jeffrey said you replied to Gilain, just don't cross them they are so excited, they have severe nightmares where these people come and take me in the middle of the night. I have seen entire towns destroyed by a natural disaster.
I'm alive and I'm grateful for that, but there are a lot of people who aren't It's not the winds that people fear most here it's the water We take you to the heart of the stories that shape our world Do you really believe what you're saying ? many cases that I know are reported in Ukrainian Missiles Ambassador with respect I think it is absurd on the most important day of this conflict they keep telling us that they want this is what remains of it why only in the United States do people want that country in the world wants to have a normal life, why are these? empty houses I want you to be honest with people it has happened in a matter of minutes Sky News full story first welcome back you are watching the press preview still with me Deputy political editor the sun Ryan sa and career editor David C welcome back to We're both going to start with your article, first of all David and the headline, there's an SMP launch ruined by Scandalum, that's the only thing everyone wanted to talk about today.
Yeah, I think it was really a pretty inexplicable decision by John SNY. and the SMP there must be more background and honestly I'm not sure what it is. This has been a long-running scandal about Mikel Kon. He was a Scottish minister. He has now admitted that he spent £1,000 on a parliament. phone bill streaming his kids streaming football when they were on holiday parliament has been investigating for a long time he resigned as minister he was quite involved in the downfall of hza yousef of greece and also spent a lot of time political capital on michael mafison and they were finally told that the sanction was finally published in parliament this morning on the first day of the election campaign and just before john sw was going to launch the snp election campaign he stood up in parliament and said: he was not going to back what the parliamentary committee had recommended for Michael Mafison, which was a suspension from Parliament of 27 days and a salary of 54 days.
He suggested that one of the conservative MSPs on that committee had undermined the investigation, now the ins and From that, we can have a discussion, but certainly the policy of defending what the public widely considers to be a spending trap on the first day of an election campaign seems not to be the place you would like to be when you are launching it. and he certainly sweeps away today's launch event in Edinburgh, which is all the newspaper asked him, he already knows the policies and how high he wanted to release, the electoral barley took a look and his day got worse. again later, when Peter Morell's husband Nicholas Sturgeon and former S SMP chief executive, who was charged in connection with a police investigation into misappropriation of S SMP finances, the report into his case was submitted to prosecutors today, by what RI Sunak was I had a tough day today but John was swining too yeah the union leaders will be in Scotland tomorrow we read we're just going to push on just for lack of time Ryan if you can take us to the Daily Mirror yeah , I think this first page.
Yes, this would be considered a football mistake. The Prime Minister, as part of his four-nation visit at the start of the election campaign, was having a little chat with some brewery workers in Wales. I asked them if they were looking forward to the Euro 2024 football championship and suddenly one of the staff said they actually didn't qualify, they won't play, so England. and Scotland will be there, but Wales aren't there and there's some nervous laughter and they quickly moved on, but yeah, it kind of summed up a difficult day. The solution is for Wales to host the TV debate that no one else will be watching.
It's a very difficult small talk, although I mean it's not a big mistake for him to make, is that right, yeah, no, no, I mean, the cameras are on you and he's just trying to start the guy. of conversation, um, the conversation before they speak. kind of substantive policy, I think he said it well in England, Scotland, New Wales, what the government supports is the hospitality industry, which they didn't get a lot of credit for. I thought that was a reasonable response. David and Ryan, thank you very much for walking us through the Next stories on Sky News at 11, the latest after the first day of the election campaign in our early news review and press preview.

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