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I TESTED *YOUR* BEAUTY HACKS! & now i look like this...

Jun 06, 2024


what I found. I found my old headband while she was acting like that. It's really exciting, it's just a headband, but I feel like those of you who have watched my channel for years might remember the old cat I used to wear. These all the time, when I liked to try makeup videos in 2016-2017, I found them the other day and to use them, I feel like also fans have


twist not fake, I just need blonde hair and I. Basically I'm old anyway hello today I'm going to film a video that I saw of Steph Steph Tom.
i tested your beauty hacks now i look like this
I saw her film


first and I thought it was a really good idea, she basically got her subscribers to send me their


tricks and then she made a video like trying them out so I asked them on Instagram if they could send me their


tricks and they did. I took a screenshot of them. I almost forgot to film this video. I found the screenshots the other day and thought, oh. Yeah, I'll probably film it, so that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to do a full






, let's see if


tips and tricks helped my makeup look better, so yeah, I'll move on.
i tested your beauty hacks now i look like this

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i tested your beauty hacks now i look like this...

So yeah, the first beauty trick is fake tan freckles and at first I wondered how it was going to work, like I was trying to process it. I couldn't understand it. Basically, you take one of these stiff brushes, you know, the ones like you. get one of them, put some fake city on it, put it on your face and then let it develop and then you will have semi-permanent freckles on your face that should last a few days, so that's what I'm going to try. I'm going to grab my PS bronze fake tan extra dark mousse.
i tested your beauty hacks now i look like this
I'm going to take this one because I know it develops pretty quickly. I feel like wearing this necklace was not a good idea. I'm going to keep pulling. because otherwise you can't see it basically it's too long for me Alex bought me this for Christmas years ago and when we got it we thought oh okay we'll make it shorter, we haven't done that yet. Honestly, it's useless, so when I use it you can't see it. I could just put it on top, you know? So I think I'm going to spray a little bit on the lid and now I'm just going to dip my brush into the twist and now I'm going to do this on my face which is working it's definitely working oh no oh it's not working so I'm just going to rub it over here just I'm going to do a little bit here too maybe just a little bit everywhere okay, I fell, that's probably enough.
i tested your beauty hacks now i look like this
I definitely messed up my nose a little bit, it was like a big splurge, but this part looks like a little freckle, a dot, so that's it. Now I have to try and wait for this to develop. I can't do any more of this video until it's developed, so yeah, I'll watch them a little bit later and we'll see how it turns out. Hello. back I was out for about three hours I was just going to leave it for about an hour I ended up having dinner so now it's about three hours and this is what it looks like I feel like they look pretty good, it's definitely developed and they look like freckles right?
I think because I made it quite messy it made them look more realistic, like I could have done them perfectly and made them really uniform and symmetrical. I just went and I feel like that's made it look more realistic, I don't know, oh yeah, now I need to go wash my face to remove the guide color, hopefully they'll still show a little bit, but yeah, I'm going to go wash my face. face and I'll see you in a second, okay, you're ready for the big reveal, there's practically nothing there, it's basically all rinsed. I would say if you want to try this, leave the city on for much longer.
I was trying to play it safe, I thought. Oh, just a few hours I don't learn to be too dark, but no, it hasn't really done much, you can see a slight tint there, but definitely not that much and it felt like it had foundation on top as well. You won't be able to see them at all, so I feel like I failed on this one, but as a trick it clearly works well, so the next two are like pre-makeup tricks. The first is to put spoons in the freezer. during the night and when I wake up I put the spoon under my eyes so yeah they have my spoons frozen and I'm just going to put them under my eyes and that's really cold I mean it's obviously been in a freezer but wow, that's horrible.
I guess this is supposed to like deeply swollen eyes because they're obviously super cold when they were in the freezer and they're like bringing down the puffiness. Is working? Do my eyes look less puffy? I really don't know, so the next one involves some toothpaste. I have Colgate here. Colgate moved forward with whiter white teeth in 10 days. Toothpaste on your lips for a minute before washing them for softer, less chapped lips. Okay, shaking my toothpaste, right? I face it and I'm going to put this up. I know there are so many tears that make me cry.
I am not going to lie. It actually burns because it's so minty that it burns. I also really want to lick them, but no. I don't know I shouldn't do it mm-hmm ok so I took the toothpaste off, they definitely feel very tingly and minty flavored and just like fresh they are softer you taste good I actually think They're a little bit softer because I do. I have really chapped lips and right now there aren't any flaky bits so I think it actually worked well so today I'm going to get my eyebrows done first and the first eyebrow trim I have is Vaseline for your eyebrows and it makes them look so fluffy and natural.
I've never tried this before as I've seen a lot of people recently doing all this stuff like fluffy eyebrows and apparently you can do it with Vaseline so I've got my Vaseline. I've got my reel and I'm just going to scrape it, that's pretty true. I just scraped it off with Vaseline and then I literally just brushed my eyebrows up a little bit. I mean, I'm definitely doing something that I feel like it's doing, oh, did you see that big cowlick makes each individual hair stand out a little more and definitely makes them look a little fluffier?
Oh, I still have big, clumpy locks, I feel like this one doesn't really work for me because I just don't have enough eyebrows. I think if you had naturally thick eyebrows then you would probably make this work well. I know a lot of people make it work for me, it just doesn't work because my eyebrows are too non-existent. I'm going to go wipe off the Vaseline and then I have another eyebrow trick to try, hopefully one works a little better for me. Is it just me or is my nose getting bigger? and more tan as we go, I swear I rinsed out the guide color so it should stop but I feel like it's getting browner and browner anyway, the other eyebrow cut is filling in the space between your eyebrows to make them more uniforms.
I've always considered doing this, but I've never tried it because I feel like my eyebrows are a little crooked sometimes, but if you just go all the way across and then do dies in the middle, they should be perfect, right? I'm excited to try it. This I felt like this might work well so I'm going to continue until I get to the other end and then I should have a long eyebrow so now I need to remove the middle part. I would just use a little bit of makeup remover for this, but I don't have any on me, I can't be bothered to go get it because I'm lazy, so I'm just going to put on a little bit of concealer, I thought that would do the trick. same thing, so I'm going to hide the middle, so I'm just going to take my concealer and make a little line.
Here's a fun looking line that looks more like a blob, so I'm going to splurge there. Okay, I'm just going to rub it, rub it, mix it and hopefully this is why I've done so much. It's too fine, so I just used that mountain of concealer to sculpt the edges. a little too, now I need to blend it out obviously but I think I could have made them pretty even, however they look quite blocky so yeah mine always look blocky you know what we're talking about I'm the queen of blocks eyebrows unfortunately dab dab dab dab dab dab dab how we look good, what do we think of eyebrows?
I feel like they look good, they're definitely not the best, but I feel like that trick definitely works or straightens them out, so I'm Now I'm going to move on to the foundation and the hat of the foundation is to use a liquid highlighter under the foundation to give it a shine. I feel like I could have tried this sooner if I had, it was a long time ago. I don't remember how it was. I have my iconic highlighter and I'm going to put this all over my face. No, I don't think I've ever tried it.
I can literally feel it dripping down my face. I guess I just blur it out now. with my sponge like a foundation just put it everywhere are we sure about this? I'm literally going to look, oh my gosh, that could light up a room. I mean, I don't know what I expected. I did it. I just put highlighter all over my face so it's obvious that's what I'm going to look like, but I hope the foundation can cover this enough so it doesn't look so ridiculous, okay, the foundation goes on, please cover this. shiny mess is working Honestly, I forgot how pale I am like it's been a long time since I used one of my old paler foundations because of my natural skin tone.
I haven't used one of these on camera in like maybe another year. a year I also did it a long time ago, yes, the base is ready. I feel like it covered the highlighter. You can definitely see it like you look at it a little bit, so it makes it look nice and shiny. Hello, now it's the next day. I'm finally going to finish filming this video, I'll explain it in a second, but I want to know, would you have noticed if I hadn't said it's another day because I've tried to copy everything as best as I can to make it look exactly the same?
I wonder if you would have noticed, but yeah, I was filming this video yesterday. I think I got to the basics and my microphone started cutting out constantly so I had to fix it. I think it's working now. You better be calm. working if you cut me I'm a bit rude punch I think it's working now so I can finally finish filming this video I've redone my eyebrows and my foundation I've basically done everything I've already done Done, I've done them all again. I think we're at the right point, so the next thing I need to do is concealer and powder, and those were the two things I couldn't find any tricks for.
Sorry if you left one out and I missed it, but I couldn't see any concealer or powder, so I'm going to do them quickly off camera and then come back, so now I'm going to move on to the contour stick. bronzer and this girl says she uses a protractor to contour her to give a perfect line. I feel like this is great. Why had I never thought of this before? So I bought myself a little transporter when I'll see one of these for the last time. Did I go to school for the last time? Oh my God, I left it, it's called ten years ago.
Wow, yeah, I probably haven't used one of these in about ten years, but here we go, why do I have this? We have a transporter so that's cool. and I'm just going to use this to contour my face. If I could tell my math teacher in ten years I'll be wearing one of these, but not for math, it'll be to contour my face, okay, so I'll just show up here. I think that's the right place. I don't have enough hands to hold the brush and mirrors. I'm going to have to do this without looking, that's better, so just go over it like this and it should look really nice. chiseled and sharp line, I mean, oh, I mean, it's a very intense line.
I feel like it needs to be polished a little and it also left a dent in my face. I only have like one line, it literally dented my skin. ice, okay, it'll be gone in a minute, okay, same thing again on the other side. I'm not going to push as hard this time. I'll also add a little bit up here. I feel like this, hack, hmm. type of work, it's definitely good if you need a little bit of guidance on where to put your contour, but it definitely needs to be blended out a little bit afterwards because otherwise you literally have it for blush, this va says to sweep the blush over your nose. cheek to cheek under my chin and over my eyelids so basically I'm putting blush in places I've never put blush before so I'll start by putting a little bit on my cheeks like I normally would but then she also says it goes over the top from his nose. cheek to cheek, so I guess it's more or less like that.
I think I did this in a video before the one where I turned into an e-girl years ago. Okay, did I do it right? I feel like it actually looks pretty cute. So I also need to put some on my chin and wait under my channel on my chin under my chin, who's going to see that? I guess very short people will see that, although you'll have a hell of a job being shorter than me, let me. I tell you about a little bit of blush for anyone under 5 foot 3 to enjoy and then she also uses some as eye shadow, which I never thought of doing, but I feel like the blush would make a really cute little pink eye shadow. , OK?
I've put it everywhere I'm supposed to. I feel very pink right now, but I'm okay with that. I love a little pink and I'm sorry it didn't work. It looks very cute. I think the blush. The whole outline looks very nice.I'm not so sure about the chin but maybe there's a reason for it and I'm into it. It also works as an eyeshadow, it's obviously much more subtle because it's not as pigmented. I've really had a hard time finding a highlighter to hack. I don't think there are many out there, but this says to use highlighter after setting the spray.
I think it's supposed to make it a little more intense and then I think when I washed my face it's still wet, you have to try the Highroad style, you have to apply the highlighter and then it's supposed to come out like super intense, I would say definitely It works, but since I always feel it's too intense, why do I always try these cheat highlights to make them more intense? I feel like it works there, it definitely made it more intense, but for me it's just I feel like it's too much, it makes what I'm looking forward to look very strange, but it's okay, I think it's better.
I've just toned it down a little. I look so glowy, yeah, I feel like my foundation is looking good so far, that's me, so I have a couple of mascara tricks. The first one is to put the mascara in your bra before you wear it and then apparently it applies better, so I'm going to take my mascara and I'm just going to put it here and put it in my bra. Where do we go in a cup or in the middle? Should I put it in the middle? It's slightly, actually perfect, you could leave it there like a little.
No, why would you do that? I'm going to say storage. Look, now I have my mascara in my bra so it can warm up and in the meantime I have another eyelash trick. This is combing your eyelashes with a spoolie, applying a Vaseline comb again and curling them. We're getting more Vaseline. You guys love a little Vaseline, don't you? So first I need to get my reel. Oh, there's still a big chunk of dried Vaseline in there from yesterday when I did my eyebrows. Okay, I'm going to do the other side, so I'm going to give you a little different comb, before I combed my lashes, so I'm going to put a little bit on the spoolie and now I'm just going to run this through my lashes, okay, okay, he's doing it.
By doing this, I can literally see the Vaseline. If I look up a little, I can see one of these spots. I mean, it definitely separates them and makes them look a little bit longer, and then the last thing to do, this looks so weird, yeah. I know I just need to curl my eyelashes and then I think we're ready for mascara. Okay, now I need to go over it with the mascara that just cooked on my bra. Wait, warm, warm, isn't it? Yes, it's definitely heated. So let's see if it helps it work better. Well, I already did my mascara.
I feel like the bra trick would definitely help if the mascara dries a little and the Vaseline thing, I don't know. I feel like it might have helped to separate my lashes a little and make them look a little long. I can not see me. I thought they looked longer, but I've already applied quite a few coats and I think they look the same as always, so I don't know about that. I feel like he did something, but I really don't know what. Well, now I'll move on to the lips. I have a false eyelash trick to try at the end, but I'll leave it at that. the ending in case it goes horribly wrong and ruins everything, so yes, I have some lip tricks to make your lips look bigger and poutier.
I've never tried anything like this before, like I've never bothered to do anything. with my lips, this one says, "Outline your Cupid's bow in a semicircle to make it look pouty, err, so I'm going to take my lip liner and I'm just going to make a semicircle. Oh look, I don't have a Cupid's bow." Like, honestly, I barely have any." one at all, so I'm just going to draw a semicircle here, okay, now, there are no more instructions. The instructions are not clear. I guess now I have to connect this part with the tip of my lip, oh my God, this is going to come out. messy I'm thinking maybe I made the semicircle a little too big, but my lips definitely look pouty.
I like them. I've made it so crooked that they don't look very good, do they? I'm going to fill them in. now with a little lipstick i was going to say my lips feel bigger than ever in a video but then i remembered the bratz doll video so the other lip pack is to add a little bit of contour under the bottom lip to make them look fuller and then blend them in if they don't look full enough already, let's make them even fuller, so I just have a little bit of an outline and I'm going to highlight it here.
I think that's okay, did that help? It looks even more complete, doesn't it? because it gives the impression that they stand out more because it looks like a shadow. Wow, she really works. I mean, I don't think I need it right now. I don't think I need them to look bigger, but as a trick that definitely works, I mean both lip tricks clearly work. I just think I probably could have done a little better job with them, but yeah, what do we do? Think about the big lip, Sophie, so instead of setting spray, which I just realized, I already said spray, I have an eye, but let's use a little more setting spray at the club, she says she uses hairspray for hair, which I guess.
It makes sense because hairspray keeps things in place, so it'll be like keeping your foundation in inches and we're good to go. This feels so unnatural spraying hairspray directly on your face. Why is it okay if you want to try that trick? Don't breathe, don't breathe until I left the room, but yeah, now I have hairspray on my face, it feels good, I don't really feel like I have anything on it, but I guess technically it should work the same as a setting spray, so I guess It's a good trick if you ever run out of setting spray, so I've seen a few people try this before and I really want to try it because as we all know, I suck at putting on lashes, so if this is going to be easier, that would be amazing so this person says to apply glue along the liner which i like and stick the lashes when it's sticky so i'm going to try that today and hope to have the best lashes ever.
It's probably not right, so I've got my glue and I'm going to put it here now. I'm going to wait for it to get sticky. Now I'm going to take the tab. I don't have tweezers, so I'm going to have to do with my big old fingers. I feel like it worked, it was a lot easier to get it to stick closer to the eye, like normally when I do my lashes they don't go close enough to the edge if you know what I mean. I feel like that's what they have and they're really glued together, like they're not going to come off for anything, yeah, okay.
I'm definitely going to do that more often. I'm really glad I tried that trick, maybe in the future the eyelashes won't be like that. It's a big problem for me, okay, wait. I just took a closer look and realized that this one isn't set very well, but it was almost there, so yeah, this is the end result, this is what happened. When I did my makeup using your beauty tricks I feel like most of them really worked, there were a few that didn't really work for me but I could see how they would work for other people but yeah overall I actually quite liked the makeup.
It looks different, I keep thinking why I look so different and then I remember it's because I actually have lips for once, it's so strange to see myself with bigger lips, but I really hope you enjoyed this video, thank you if you send a beauty. hack Sorry if I couldn't use yours maybe I'll make another one of these in the future I don't know yeah like if you liked it like if you like enjoying the videos again because I've been making some more recently and I'm enjoying them quite a bit, so I want to know if you guys are enjoying them too, but yeah, thanks for watching and I'll see you very soon. bye

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