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May 15, 2024
Today Colin Owen and Maggie are competing in an odd and


challenge, the first of four



wins the first round is counted. The first one of you to flip a coin at the sport like this wins round number two, two, one, wow, oh boy, thanks, hello, oh. oh he's okay, well he's good at this oh oh oh my god, three, two, one. Maggie and Collins have a point, so, oh, and you really need to win this three, two, one. This is almost all lost for the next round, you have to accumulate eight. It says and then slide this die and replace the one below and make this tower stay up here's an example let's see what happens.
0 0001 impossible odds
I'm scared, oh wait, I literally did it first, try hard, that's what you have to do, start stacking, it's a race. but you want to make sure your dice are straight, just as straight if Colin gets a spot on the lid that you like too. And subscribe, looking at you, he's looking at you, you have to subscribe, oh no, all you need is a one shot energy drop before you even try. No one has tried the shot yet, what's going on? I'll try. I'm going to no, he's going. I'm going. Oh, come on, I almost got it.
0 0001 impossible odds

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0 0001 impossible odds...

Oh, I haven't tried a shot yet. Come on, yeah, oh, Kyle's about to go, oh, so close, oh, he's finally going, man, this is actually kinda intense, one, two, three, four, I'm going good now, he's going, now he's going you have again, hey, you win one more, you win this video. and she never beats them these guys always meet Maggie for the next round we have three different sized cups Maggie you have to make it the hardest cop and you're going to use the easy one Colin yours is in the middle because Maggie is one round away to win this whole video and we're going to put colored water and Owens to do it, are you kidding me, Maggie?
0 0001 impossible odds
We can't let you win so easily. This is an impossible strange video. We have to make it possible. Three, two, one, let's go. Maggie is trying. to enter directly, I win, let's try to enter directly. I think bouncing is the smartest strategy, but okay, and they're almost exhausted and no one is really that close. All it takes is a brand and desire. Oh my god, you hit the rim. Oh, it just made it too late for the next round. They hold the ball in a cup and have to flip the cup so the ball flies out and enters that cup.
0 0001 impossible odds
It sounds really confusing. but you'll see what we mean when you try it pretty much anywhere oh my god what just happened oh I put the cup in the other one so that's basically impossible so you guys can sign up for that one come on Colin um , he did it. two trick shots, so I think he deserves a like. And subscribe, let's try to get 50,000. The next round is to roll a cat book on a dice, the cover is bigger than the dice, Maggie once again, if you do this, you'll win the whole video, guys. In my opinion, this is more difficult than a taxi.
I can make most of the throws, they don't even touch the dice. Oh, Colin, that was as close as you can get without doing it. No way, really, but we're going to move forward and no one will get a point from this round to the next Colin and no one has ever stacked three golf balls on top of each other in their entire life and they're going to have to do it right now if they want to avoid let Maggie win so the first one to stack three golf balls wins the second round one go wait Maggie already has two and Maggie wins the video there is a hole in this table where you can balance the first balls and you oh Owen has two Owen has two come on Owen please oh no oh and please please okay okay go get him let's stay awake for five seconds oh I was wrong wait oh okay um too Colin this is your first chance to try get it much more oh wow. it was very stable oh it's back at two o'clock okay Maggie at two this is intense it's always good to get two now oh god she's got two.
Maggie is the only one who doesn't wait, that's good, she waits, she sees, everyone has to replace her. Isabel just appeared. Isabel goes for Colin. But he's got two, oh boy, it's all messed up, foreigner

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