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Rare Insults is a Treassure! /r/rareinsults top all #51 [REDDIT REVIEW]

Feb 23, 2020
I stopped in line at the supermarket because the card reader couldn't read my Apple watch an old man behind me exhales let's move forward into the future let's move forward into the future guy welcome everyone my name is today we're checking out weird insult sub


also boner memes it's my birthday greetings gamers oh man I just found a sub


that is so funny: the youtuber who put an ad there sound the rain for a sleep video please eat a rat poison sandwich damn it's like these videos ASMR that they put in-between vibes, great, you ruined the entire purpose of your existence congratulations hey I need a favor from your parents I want to have a beautiful baby how can my parents help you with that?
rare insults is a treassure r rareinsults top all 51 reddit review
Can you ask them how precisely they were scared to be able to avoid it? My fiancé returns from deployment in two days, how? I get rid of these, do tons of makeup, preferably white, cover up the face area too to match the neck, get yourself a red nose to finish the cover up, that way you can look like a clown since your relationship is a joke , wait. Mariah Carey is okay, this should be good Mariah Carey starts off with I Don't Want Much for Christmas and then reveals that she wants you, it's so good, well this gives a whole new meaning to Sun Wow, I'm actually going to enjoy it now.
rare insults is a treassure r rareinsults top all 51 reddit review

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Mark Zuckerberg always watched. like a guy in a zombie movie who's been bitten but is trying to keep it a secret from everyone, it's funny because it's so accurate, oh my god, a whole new meaning for my exact Oberg fan. I'm so sad we scared Mark Zuckerberg off the internet. ' That was such a beautiful moment when he was part of the internet, you know I want him back, it sucks, please come back, you can be a part of me and check out, okay, his shares on Facebook will go up, please, it sucks, you got my number, just call me whenever you want.
rare insults is a treassure r rareinsults top all 51 reddit review
This time it will be the most beautiful redemption of all time. They often dream of winning the Powerball and buying the licensing rights from friends to edit life's tracks and then releasing them back to the public for free so everyone can finally understand how unfunny that is. The show is actually I Don't Even See Friends. I don't even care. Yes. I said it. I don't even see friends. There are many better shows to watch. I agree. Please don't bring babies to movie theaters. I didn't pay 30. Dollars to listen to your game of the week, brah, yeah, and don't take them on planes either.
rare insults is a treassure r rareinsults top all 51 reddit review
Don't take your babies anywhere. I just thought I don't want to see your student bro you pay 30 bucks to go to Movie Day I appreciate my cousin got his barber license in prison and when he got out he had his own barbershop that cost him $30 more because of his grated eyebrows, so people say my forehead is big, no, no, I mean, no. I mean, no, unnatural hair colors on women are a warning sign to stay away, it's an example of semitism, yes, the phenomenon of poisonous animals in nature advertising their toxicity and lethality. Epis emmettism is there to warn predators, not sexual partners, if it disgusts me, it's working now.
I think the real problem here is that gross people with dyed hair generally aren't epic. this class oh wow what is the rating of that website my teacher we were talking about this yesterday about these type of teachers who failed at what they wanted to do so they just pick on you I'm a man there are so many bad teachers Macy Williams this is so true that she will be a very nice grandmother although she will appear at an advanced age. I think it's cool who the hell is bone porn. That's why I love Malone's post for shedding light on unknown artists.
Ozzy Osbourne was snorting ant lines. with motley crue before your dad had wet dreams or for your mom burl oh my god these Zoomers don't know who the Osbornes are you realize this is like a Boomer post back in my days we listen to real music like ariana grande oh I'm so sorry for truckers they make a living being too lazy to have a real job next time you go to a store to buy old stuff you need I think you need to remember how old I should be there for you Truckers are far from friends and families with kids for a week, sometimes months at a time, just so you can buy that cucumber your wife is herself with later, well, thinking about your neighbor, listen, I don't mean to bother the truckers, but yes If you are a truck driver and you are young, I'm sorry, but maybe you want to look for another profession, everything will be like the first job that will be taken over when it is automated, that will be like the next big line of work.
I mean that doesn't mean you can't be appreciated for other people's work, but also for truckers, they get in both lanes and I can pass them, stay in your damn lane, truckers, who the hell is any of these people and who? Frick, are you f-word? I just tried to say your name out loud and my furniture started floating. Oh, that was the best part about Charlotte Sky Shimokawa. I'm notifying all my old boyfriends that I'm getting married and officially leaving. the market, I'm sure the policies placed on your shower head will be devastated, oh this summer is great, I love this bait, oh yeah, boomer stuff.
The baby boomers did that thing where you leave a single square of toilet paper on the roll and pretend it's not yours. turn to change it but with all of society hold that is so true that has a lot to do with society here you go Zoomers god I wish I was a Boomer just lives in a bubble a bubble Boomer can you imagine Oh Felix, are you a boomer? 30 now okay sorry oh god I'm actually 30 today Jesus no I'm not a boomer I swore I swear how do you do it guys guess what I'm good at imitating the mechanic bro yeah what Did you mean with Jesus Christ?
Nick, what's going on there, stop it, I don't like who's playing Nick and why he's my new mechanical hero, bro, that's awesome. Loki would like that, can I buy it? I can do that with my legs. Nicki Manaj blocked me because she said slapping her butt sounded like when you closed the micro braids, I bet she actually did it, it's so funny, hey, remember when you made Nicki Minaj stop making music? I mean, or tik-tok looks exactly like a fake social media app, the main one. character from a Disney Channel Original Movie would be cyberbullied, yes that's right, literally your name sounds like what a deaf lumberjack would shout.
I love it, that's worth enough oh god this subreddit makes me laugh man do you think that would be sad? He asked me to record a Reddit video on my birthday, but I actually like this, pick your wrestler, why does the guy on the right look like he's wearing someone else's face? Jesus Christ, who looks photoshopped. I will choose him as my fighter. two characters, he has a second face where he takes his face, get it, we need to stop giving Sarah's killers a cool name like Night Stalker, the Green River killer, we should remove the mystique, make it sound something less appealing, like the micropenis maniac, Bobbie, the super.
Be fair, yes that's a great point, we always glorify these horrible murderers. I actually agree with that, that's profound, man, that says a lot about society. Think about it, it's a shame, it's like the most powerful tool in the world if we really killed everyone. I did something horrible. Society would be epic, except society shames me all the time for saying bad words, so I take it back. I think I've seen this. I'm not sure I've ever been more proud of my national team. The Olympic athlete fell asleep. lost coat said Frick it on TV and won us the first gold of 2018 he fell asleep that sums up his work ethic of that generation how many gold medals do you and your cat have Gonet a few cat minutes Deborah I don't know I'm I'm a little bit boomer now, so I'll have to side with Deborah on this.
I don't think it was the time to remember how many feet are in a mile, you should just use five tomatoes, five tomatoes sounds like five. to eight oh and there are five to 800 feet in a mile how amazing it is to remember how many meters there are in a kilometer just remember a thousand because that's the measurement system if I drink mathematician rolling dice yes German official Dutch official but we need to get rid of the measurement system miles, of the foot system and of all other systems. USA. Sorry, this is another thing I'll do as president.
If you vote for beauty pie, twenty, twenty, twenty, I will go to America and fix their system. pathetic miles Oh, and Yuki too, damn, stone feet, it weighs about a stone, cool, yeah, there's only one stone in the world that really helps, in fact, I lent a girl an umbrella yesterday, which represents the total number of girls I wet this year 2-1 don Don't be like that man, come on, what if that got her wet? What if that act made her wet? You are zero brother, come on, don't be so down there, you are zero brother, then my 14-year-old brother responded.
In my Snapchat story you look like the 27-year-old substitute teacher who doesn't know how to keep class calm. This model appears to be dressed as all the Scooby-Doo characters at once. Yes, maybe that was the intention. Who knows about fashion? days Oh YouTube never changes this man looks like the year 2003 is a bra person I don't even know who you are but I'm sorry you can't have that beard come on you dull boring Jessica if it was spicy I would do it. There will be a full exchange in the daytime doctor's courtroom before performing the autopsy.
Did you check a witness's pulse? no lawyer checked blood pressure didn't check breathing no, so is it possible that the patient was alive when the autopsy began? No autopsy, how can you be sure, doctor?, because his brain was on my desk, but could the patient still be alive? However, yes, it is possible that he would have been alive and practicing law. Some of these are gold. Is he really going to cover up his program? like an ad right in the middle of the video, cheeky, yeah, I'm Kyle because it's my show, how am I supposed to tell people about this?
Would you rather die painted on the walls under the tunnel in secret places and no one sees it? To avoid bothering you in the future Cal, I'll advertise my show somewhere you'll never see it, like in the arms of a woman who loves you. Jesus Christ Luis, calm down. I get it Lois. I understand. Sometimes you just get these dumb comments and you just want to leave it's like when I play a game that just came out and still someone says Wow I don't hate it but someone else played this yesterday. I have the Galaxy s8 in your hands, show us the first one.
The photo you took was a pee photo, that's funny. I found an old school photo of my cousin. Why your cousin looked like he was about to ask Shrek to do the roar. He really he does it. He really he's not going to lie. Oh God, he's just the guy he seems like. Like yeah, yeah, there he is bro, he looks like Larry the Cucumber from VeggieTales, it's so true. I considered this a fairly fair compliment. If your girlfriend cheats on you, you should understand that you like her something that made her cheat, so instead of leaving her for another girl. discovered the air in yourself, apologize to her and be a better man, we lost the wrong people, I really think this rings in my mind, the final bell LinkedIn Chadd champion Chad champion with a great alter ego I have an alter ego because I always I don't want people to recognize my name when I order things online.
It's somewhat similar to Chad's Champion, but I wish I had chosen it. I chose such a champion. He said it looks like you can turn water into urine. Oh, Charlie, it seems critical if John's fuse arose. I'm sure they would kill the dog. Ben started a ketogenic diet. Does Charlie like to dig into the keto diet too, bro? That makes it sadder. Sorry, Charlie, there's no recovery from this. YouTube comments are excellent. I don't think so, but Jimmy Fallon laughs like he trained my taste by cooking me spaghetti carbonara because it's my birthday, so when I finished this video, your mom is so lazy that it took her nine years to finish the date joke, when something random on the internet is more. engaged to your mom's joke that your dad with your real mom Tom looks like Eminem's younger, lesser-known brother skittles Oh Tom, you probably had to shave your head for a role or something, it's weird, I think Tom could really achieve it, but he doesn't I always thought I should try it you know, I always wanted to try it but I won't look good.
I have a strange relationship with my hair. No, I don't like it, that's why I always wanted to shave. makes a humming noise, takes the bus pill, for some reason every apartment complex has a 20 pound dog weight limit. Oh my goodness, I can promise you that my 90-pound golden retriever is much better behaved than Karen's seven-pound piece of devil. -adoring a chihuahua or a child, in fact, God, it pissed me off, me and mine said we want to travel with our dogs, but every company has a weight limit for your dog, oh sorry, you can bring your fat, ugly and annoying child.
Yeltsin and bothers everyone while our innocent and beautiful little angels, oh, he's a kilo too heavy, can't come inour plane, so why isn't your fastest speed the weight and then things have flipped? He looks like a fallen guy, but he's okay, that's what. That's it for this week, no, no, it's every week, it's every day, bro, weird


, it was fun, I enjoyed the secondary fare, I hope you guys did too, there's no point in saying happy birthday because already It happened, but if they didn't. On my real birthday I want you to be ashamed of yourself and the only way to redeem yourself is to like this video and subscribe and see the figure.
I guess we'll promote that, thanks guys, see ya, bye Mike, okay. I have not tried to go after a Malaysian citizen and after 50 million of our troops were shot down just now, still relevant just download it

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