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How To Reset Your Life In 7 Days

May 14, 2024
Two months ago I wrote this in my notes because from time to time I like to write letters to myself to become aware if I am going through a difficult period I can no longer find joy in


, it is not the same anymore, remember when you used to go on for a long time. walk while reading or listening to lectures, audiobooks or podcasts and


mind lit up with ideas you couldn't stop writing, everything felt perfect, that period was like a blur, a 6 month state of flow, you built three products, you made millions from re ERS and I even wrote a book if you had to do it all over again right now, could you do it just as well?
how to reset your life in 7 days
No way, what were



like? I would wake up, go down to the lake for a walk, sit on a bench in front of that pond. I would read a book and highlight it non-stop, then I would come home, shower, walk 10 minutes to the coffee shop and write for 2 hours, those 2 hours each morning building the entirety of your


at this moment, and then I would go home. you had breakfast again you were experimenting with different diets Maybe that's a clue because of the novelty and dopamine of experimentation and I would go for a walk another afternoon one small afternoon I would go to the gym to eat then I would learn a little on YouTube and then continue with another You would walk and you would close out the day catching up with friends maybe doing some more work and watching a show.
how to reset your life in 7 days

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how to reset your life in 7 days...

It's been bothering me for too long and after some thought I knew there was a way to get back to this higher. mood maybe not the lifestyle itself, but just the mood, the enjoyment of that lifestyle, the mood it gave me, but I'm not someone who complains because I like to fix my problems sooner to come and provide solutions. I hope this can help you solve this problem of not being able to find more joy in life and if you are like me, you may have noticed that these low periods in life are cyclical for a few months. you're on top of the world and you can't stop progressing, then the next few months start to slow down, you start to hold things together, you feel good but it's not the same and then finally you hit a wall, your vision is exhausted. you feel lost, negative thoughts begin to flood your mind, they can cloud it and prevent you from collecting clues about your next purpose in life, sending you down a rabbit hole of obsession.
how to reset your life in 7 days
This video is for those in the last phase, those who cannot. find the same zest for life that those who can't find joy in simply reading a book or walking in nature used to find, so two notes before I get into this first is that my book, the art of concentrating, is released to the public . on January 16th you can pre-order the Kindle or the Audible version via the link in the description or if you're just waiting for the paperback book, mark your calendars for January 16th and just pay attention to my social media or join the newsletter . so you know when it's coming out second, Cortex University, which is our university-level experience for the Creator economy, is open for enrollment.
how to reset your life in 7 days
I'll keep it short. You can start your digital career in 90


through the link in the description. First of all, I want to talk about how your mind is a supercomputer that runs the game of life. I want you to think of your mind as a supercomputer. Your ability to process information depends on a few things, but I want to draw your attention to your RAM RAM or random access memory is one of the most important parts of a computer. Determines performance. The more RAM you use with different programs running open browser tabs and the performance requirements of what you are running, the slower your performance will be.
It is no different from your focus or what you have in your conscious attention. Humans can process 10 to 50 bits of information per second with their conscious mind. They can process a lot more with their unconscious mind going up to 11 million bits per second. So those are the things that we get used to over time to something that we don't necessarily have to focus on anymore, like walking or whatever skill you've practiced. If you are really good at tennis, then you don't have to think too much about it or shooting a basketball. or building a business or making money, they're all the same skills.
You can use the 11 million bits of information and store information in them over time to help you achieve the life you want, but you must pay conscious attention to how you learn that information. The way you interact with reality can only process 10 to 50 bits of information per second, which adds up to about 5 billion bits of information in your entire life. Take note of that number. Most people live with multiple high-demand programs running that are draining limited creative energy. they have thoughts about regretted past mistakes, thoughts about stressful future events, cravings for hunger and entertainment to escape those thoughts, an internal cry to break out of their conditioned way of life, a list of mixed priority tasks that need to be finished, open loops of tasks that were I was supposed to complete, but I forgot that the list goes on and on.
The modern mind has its attention divided in infinitely different directions. By default, we live our lives stressed and on the brink of illness rather than singularly focusing on a vision for the future capable of changing that. Simply focus on gathering high signal information that helps you update that Vision when we hold too much of the past or the future within the content of our Consciousness, that's when chaos ensues, that's when entropy occurs because you are separated from focusing on the system that updates your your vision and your attention is just being mistreated towards all these different things and it breaks down into all these chaotic negative thoughts that deconstructs or allows the system in which your mind operates in a consistent and singular way that gives meaning to your life falls apart in a way that In that period of my life where everything I noticed was novel, it made me feel good, the whole six month phase was just a state of flow where I was building products, writing the book, etc. ., because he had a vision for the future.
I had a project to make that vision a reality and everything I consumed, all my self-education, all my experiences, I was able to take that creative firepower that came from those novel ideas and feed them into those things and that's all my life was. input output input output I was just a vessel for reality to flow in a channeled manner towards a goal, now we need to understand how to win the game of life, so let's imagine the 125 billion bits of information you can process in your life as the potential of your life because that is what it is now, let's think of your mind as the compendium of the system of reality itself, if you consume too much information, you become anxious and if you do not consume enough information with your mind, then you become bored. maximize the enjoyment of our lives we want to maximize the time we spend on our Edge we are not bored we are not anxious we are in the middle we are between the two everything becomes meaningful we are using what you are learning by building, you win the game of life by finding enjoyment, not pleasure, big difference in as much of your experience as possible, your experience is the present moment.
Quote, winning the game of life is not a result but a process, or you are winning well. Now, regardless of your emotional state or status and social hierarchy, or whether you are losing by projecting yourself outside of the present moment, in bodybuilding there is an optimal environment for muscle development, which is when you train hard at your limit, you are pushing yourself. challenging yourself and then you eat enough nutrition to fuel muscle growth, you don't eat too much and you feel groggy and gross and bloated and you just don't like the way you look, you're eating a little above maintenance and you're not eating too little at all.
Unless you are in a planned reduction phase or you will feel that you do not have as much energy and you will not want to push yourself to achieve your goals. It is the same with information, learning and oneself. -education and construction, if you are not learning anything, then you will not have the energy to go out, move, build and do things in the world, and if you are learning too much but you are not building a business or you are not practicing or you are not using that information you are not training your mind by doing those things you are not giving the information or mental nutrition somewhere to go you are not able to break it down into the muscle you are trying to develop in the skill you are trying to develop in life you must push into the unknown to feed your mind exposing yourself to new information and experience, which is curiosity, creating something of value with that information to digest it which is Passion expands your mind when that experience becomes part of you with the practice which is Mastery and transcends that phase of Life transmitting that value to others that is connection that is the recipe for the good life creates expands and transcends with the experience that you acquire by pursuing self-generated goals that take you to the unknown, so now we understand that winning the game is more of a process of using information, training and feeding that training, now we need to understand how to create our own games because everything is a game Society is a game and you know how to win you retire you go to school you get a job you retire that's what you've been practicing your entire life unless you choose to get off that path that's the default path that you're on unless you've made a conscious decision to get off of it, if you don't believe you're on it and you haven't made a conscious decision to get off of it. him, then you are simply not aware that you are on that path everyone has played a game where they are completely immersed, they forget about everything else, they go into the flow state and they may not realize that they are in the peak, they experience the beautiful place where new information is digested as reality flows through them when you start playing a game. through a Tut IAL phase that introduces you to the rules, objectives and skills needed to play the game well, games are a hierarchy of objectives, you need to know how to win, that is an objective and you need to understand how to progress towards each subgoal in order to win and then you need to understand what character you need to have and the upgrades you need to develop the skills you need to develop the traits you need to develop to achieve each of those objectives, each objective requires a higher level of skill on your part. because they present a higher level of challenge and if you are an absolute beginner, you have no reason to try to challenge a higher level player or just accept that challenge, the game is locked, you cannot accept that mission because you are not even close to reaching it There yet, you cannot start a business because you have not learned the skills that would allow you to understand how to start a business.
It's so simple that you just need to learn and build according to your skills. level that so many people try to learn and build according to a million dollar skill level that is not going to happen, you have to start where you are, so to dive into the game of your life, you must first create it, that is what we will do next . but I actually have a really good example here that I'm getting back into the groove right now. It's January 3rd. I'm filming this this morning. It was so good that I went back to the 4 hour work day philosophy even when I am. building so much I feel like I shouldn't I feel like I should have to work longer than this but I'll have to create another video on this but trying to cram everything into 4 hours in the morning is just one of the most fun games to play I can get a lot of things done if I get up early, do what I need to do, have my routine and do all the work, the high lever work and then it only takes 4 hours to build whatever I want in the future that makes me feel so good having that feedback from playing that game now, we're finally onto Practical Stuff, how to


your life in 7 days, this is a process I do when life gets complicated.
I've done it several times before, when I'm at that low point I described at the beginning of the video. This is something to do when you constantly think about a time when life was better or when your routines fell apart. and all these tasks fill your day and you feel like you are not doing anything, we are going to go through this process quickly, so I just pay attention, write things down, review them if necessary, the first thing is to take note of how you feel take out a notebook and Write down exactly what you do daily how you feel morning, afternoon and night take 10 minutes and be specific this is important to identify unconscious parasites that absorb time and energy.
I do all this in my new planner, the fosite planner. I have been using this system forever in my life in digital format. I decided to make it into a planner that is finally available for purchase, so it has daily pages like this, but it has a quarterly page that I have yet to plan for this year and the monthly pages,everything we do will be in this planner, but the quarterly is just mapping out your vision, taking notes, creating the game of your life, the second thing is that you have to be clear about it. what you want, you have to realize what you don't want, discover what you want, even if it is destructive, realize what you don't want, avoid making mistakes is the stupidest mistake of all, that is a tornado of languages ​​that have. to realize what you don't want to discover what you want to realize what you don't want so you have to observe what I don't want how I don't want to end up that's pretty easy negativity is everywhere what I don't want I want to end up ruined no I want to end up in that job I don't want to end up with I don't want to end up ugly I don't want to end up with all these things okay use that as a reference point what's the opposite I don't want to end up ugly I'm going to go to the gym I'm going to the gym I realize okay I don't like this training I don't want to do this training program it's just not sustainable I'm going to try running and then that causes experimentation and then you are a self -corrective compass you need to do what you think you want so you can understand what you don't want and you correct your decisions over time it is impossible to know with absolute certainty what will happen in the future, that is why the masses flocked to secure jobs and belief systems it is an illusion of certainty avoid struggle you cannot stop making mistakes mistakes are your light in the darkness so we need to start with a minimum viable vision you can write this in the agenda you can write this Write down in a notebook how you want your life to be how you want your mind to be how you want your body to be what happens to your house what happens to your day what happens to your week write everything start minimum viable Vision just write a few things down, do it again tomorrow, then the next day, then the next day, refine, it doesn't have to be perfect from the beginning, it just needs a starting point to frame your decision making so you can begin that process of I don't want this I want this okay no I don't want this I want this until it's clear and clear you're never going to figure it out like always you're never going to find out I want this 100% maybe with a few things a few select things in life with everything that life is made up of no way now from this you divide it into goals you are not setting these goals people get so caught up in This D you wonder why Are you setting all these goals?
I don't want to set 8 billion different goals to get to whatever it is. I'm not even going to use them for that, they're no good. It's okay, because then those same people come back to me and you're like Dan, I'm lost, I don't know what to do and it's like you don't have a goal to give you instructions on what to do, that's what goals are for, they're not for you. achieve the goals that they They are for clarity, so that you know what to learn, you know what to study, you know what skills to acquire, it gives you guidance from a macro level to a micro level so that you can use it, so the next thing is to prioritize the elimination and the restructuring.
In your days, the reason you don't get the results you used to get is because you feel pressed for time, you don't have the energy to get results and you stop doing the things that got results, so check your brain and get rid of your vision. you have written above what can you change? prioritize the things that will get results eliminate the things that snuck into your day and don't deserve to be there restructure specific tasks and obligations to free up more time get the chaotic structure of your mind on paper and reorganize it the fourth thing is to understand the fundamental habits of the good life now has direction or goals and awareness of why you are not achieving them now you need to cultivate two habits first is learning to obtain novel information to fuel the acquisition of skills and knowledge two are developing to metabolize information and build muscle mental.
Start with 30 minutes each day 30 minutes of self-education in the morning 30 minutes of building a project that will contribute to your vision if you can't establish it. Set aside 1 hour each morning when distractions are minimal to build your future, go back to step three and clarify your priorities and if you want, you can learn the high-value skill of digital writing with my course for our writer and use the systems that contains to really build as you learn a digital career for yourself now step five, one of the most important things I have done and do in my life is create a week-long plan that I can repeat so I can spot problems in my days because you're at this chaotic point in life because of the entropy, the organization of your life, the routines, the habits, everything else tends toward disorder until, unless you put energy into them to maintain them, sometimes you just get stuck.
They strip away your routines and that's fine, New Year's holidays throw me off like when I can't work and do things day after day when I stop for a week simply because that's what you do, you go see the family, you go do other things like if I don't really binge or do all these other things it's like I've been thrown out of my routine. Nobody is online. Nobody does business like me. It is almost impossible for me to continue with my routine. They just took me out of it, so I have to go back. So in these parts of your life where you don't follow a routine or do certain things, your mind isn't structured or focused on what you're doing, you pick up bad habits, and you're much more likely to go through cycles of negative thoughts and Those habits are hard to break, so write down every single thing you're going to do over the next week.
This shouldn't seem crazy or difficult. This is how you reduce the friction of making better decisions. Write your tomorrow. routine your focused work routine other tasks and meetings and nighttime routine you will have to experiment as you go. I literally just did this today in my planner in the weekly section and if your routine doesn't flow that means there's a problem, that means you can go back and change it with what you wrote, that's why we wrote it so you can go back and change it week after week until it gets better and better, that's how you refine a system, that's how you become second. nature, this is how you become a new person, you create a system for your life by mapping out your week, sticking to the plan, identifying problems, experimenting with solutions and repeating the process until you reach your ideal future, it becomes more efficient over time if you do it mentally.
Cleaning will become a regular practice before you know it, new skills will become second nature, and you'll be amazed at how far you've come. That's all for this video. Thank you for viewing the planner f. It is now available. You can request that Cortex University be available if you are waiting for Cortex, the software. There's another link in the description so you can sign up for the waitlist and see what it's all about. The landing page is pretty sick, if I do say so myself, if you just want to see something pretty. Check out the other courses down there, how to subscribe, whatever you have to do, thanks for watching, love you guys, bye.

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