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May 29, 2021
you want, so I have some normal skittles, brother, I have skittle sauces, creamy yogurt, oh my God, you know it, so yeah, look yogurt with disgusting sauce, you know it looks disgusting here, so it is.disgusting I can't open it so much oh my god how much sweetness is in this uh you know what that backup looks like it looks like sour skittles no they don't do it from the outside yeah no they don't stop you you know what but if you can't see like me that's right how I really look I can't see I have my glasses on hmm stop lying stop lying you lie I don't want anything you don't have to try no no no why?
new vs old food challenge
You're begging me, you know, it's fun, okay, guys, mom, let's do it, brother, I don't want anything from you, no, please stop begging. No, you're boring me all day, every day. I want to try these things. We're going to occupy me all day, every day. okay guys, now it's round number 10, initial


video, are you ready for this, come on, I understand you, that's what you want, are you sure, are you, are you, sure which one, are you sure to choose, no , come on, no, are you sure, here we go guys? three two one oh no, although I don't like the old taste anyway, but I'd rather have this one than the new one, so I bought some blueberry bites, uh, little bites, you know science, so I bought some new apple muffins and limited edition cinnamon.
new vs old food challenge

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new vs old food challenge...

Oh my gosh, guys, when I usually want to eat them, I fall in love with them, you know, I'm saying my favorite is the blueberry one, Bianca. The favorite is chocolate with chocolate chips and who is the best banana, actually, banana, it's good, but you guys. I've never tried it yeah, I have, I'm going to tell me, let me go ahead and try these, let me see what, let me see if they don't work or not, let me see all this stuff about the expired


, the blueberry, well, okay, but I like chocolate. I'm fine brother, no, come on, eat some more, I only ate a whole one, it's hard, we had half of one.
new vs old food challenge
No, no, I'm going to cool a drop, a crack, no, what's your name? No, yes, these are not available. These are not really I don't like these bro, did you see this one, you got a blueberry one, yeah mine won, okay guys, now it's round number 11, the last and final round, are you ready for this? I'm ready all of you. Like that, don't come, okay, here we go, ah, come on, which one do you want, baby, I'm going through it, no, you can't keep changing, yeah, give me that one, bro, here we go, two, three, three, two, one, three, two. three two one yeah I got some chipotle chewy chipotle chewy I got the chewy chip in sight okay well get my damn chip in sight chocolate them what you got tell them what I got you would have changed okay all of you, Bianca I have the new limit limited edition ahoy sour patch chocolate chip cookies sour patch chocolate chip cookies sour patch chocolate chip cookies can I smell them?
new vs old food challenge
Oh, I can tell you what this is. this is chocolate chips with sour patch chips ahoy and sour patch y'all never need to make it come back together for real this combination isn't it isn't it should try it with the bars try one of these I know what you know I don't want to try it just try it try it I'll try yours try it just as long, go ahead and try it, I'm trying, no, because you're lying, I'm just chocolate chips, no, let me try this, let me read this again, bro, it's cheerful, today, sour , come on, kids, okay, first of all, it smells sour, they don't even smell. okay okay but i don't want to judge a box cover okay oh never again gotta go okay guys this is the end of the video if you enjoyed it make sure to give them a big thumbs up Mom, how do you feel about this? video um certain things I'm okay with some things some things I was okay with some things listen I'll never bite again I'll never look at it again yeah some things were like they made my stomach hurt that's how unpleasant some things were that the shower went through loud at the end, yeah that was, that wasn't good, that was probably the worst thing in the whole video, yeah I think it was, but if you enjoyed this video make sure to give the video a big thumbs up if this video gets at least 100 thousand likes, we will post a video tomorrow, but since this is the end of the video, we have to do our post notification, shout out and that goes to britney johnson. our post notification for today's video if you want a chance to shout out tomorrow's video all you have to do is turn on notifications once you make that comment below man but without further ado you are your boy damien and bianca, also known as the prince's family.
And we'll see you guys in the next video. We leave, peace.

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