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“Selfish, Sanctimonious And Untouchable!” Mike Graham And Howard Cox Furiously BLAST Cyclists

May 17, 2024
But let's talk now to Howard Cox, founder of Fair Fuel UK Howard, very good morning sir, good morning Mike, it's a pleasure speaking to you. This will not surprise you, but after that terrible case, of course, in Regent Park that we met. About last week, where a cyclist was doing up to 29 miles per hour, ran over a poor pensioner, an elderly woman walking her dog, died as a result of her injuries, could not be prosecuted, the daily man God bless you came out . and they did a little study, they took a radar gun to Regent Park and I don't know if they saw it with their own eyes, but they decided to measure how far some of these bald men were going and they were making a tremendous movement. speed, many of them were going over 25 miles per hour, it's a 20 mph zone, some of them were going up to 32, well, it's not a surprise to you and we see it every day in London, right?
selfish sanctimonious and untouchable mike graham and howard cox furiously blast cyclists
And the fact is, you know, they even brag about how fast they go. They have leaderboards in their offices. You can tell how fast they go. The point is that it is getting worse and worse and worse and they are ignoring the highway code. and they are completely and utterly self-righteous


and feel


, yes, they do and he, I mean, I don't know, if there's a name for this particular syndrome that some of these people suffer from, because you know I can, I can as much as I Hate to


. I can even understand people who want to bike to work in many ways.
selfish sanctimonious and untouchable mike graham and howard cox furiously blast cyclists

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selfish sanctimonious and untouchable mike graham and howard cox furiously blast cyclists...

It's a faster way to get to work. I don't mind. You, you, you bike a little bit. I don't have any problem with that, but these people. You know who thinks they are in a race and are artificially creating a race track on a public road? I mean, if you did that on a Subaru, you know, that was lowered a little bit with a couple of big exhausts coming out the back. He would be called a running boy. Why are these guys allowed to do this whether they want to or not? I think it's not that there is a syndrome, it's called idiocy. um these people have fundamentally lost their way and they believe because they are


and they don't.
selfish sanctimonious and untouchable mike graham and howard cox furiously blast cyclists
Forget that you are being encouraged by the Mayor of London and as he has been re-elected for four years, we will see more and more support for the cyclist and less and less for the car, and don't forget that there are also these taller bikes. Lima Tall bikes that have LEDs everywhere are dangerous, that's a shame right? I mean the way they are just thrown away and there are so many that are just left on the side of the road. I often mention this on this show, but if you're in front of our building here on the corner of London Bridge, on the south-east corner, if you like, on London Bridge, sometimes there are a hundred or more bicycles lying all over the street. , people who have you, you know, disabilities and people who have you.
selfish sanctimonious and untouchable mike graham and howard cox furiously blast cyclists
I know the difficulties of walking with people in wheelchairs, they can't avoid them, yes, but this is littering. I mean it's unbelievable, they should be prosecuted and Li, the company lime H, which you actually know, puts out this stuff, they should be reprimanded and fine. actually they liked them better, absolutely true, because when we had a set of bikes we used to call them Boris bikes, you know you had to put them on a dock, you had to cycle them from one dock to another, put them on another dock. I mean it was a system that worked, whoever gave these idiots permission to do it, where you can just discard the bike anywhere because you can pick it up with a credit card, you know, and I guess it was Sadik Khan. being reprimanded for it is surely absolutely right and the other thing too, which I agree with.
I think I spoke to you last week about people like Nick Freeman who have been asking for this for a long time that these


should be identifiable and registered as insured and I think it's a cyclist because it's a vehicle, if it's only driven by humans. I know all this, the reason why that person who killed that unfortunate pensioner was not prosecuted is because he is not motorized, that is irrelevant, he killed someone and it is a highway. vehicle and therefore it should also work, yes, that's the kind of thing everyone who used the roads should have.
Road usable vehicles that are actually registered and identifiable and surely they can also ban these races and turn Regent Park into a race track. because after all it is a public road, it is a road that is supposed to be used by cars and they don't need to just take it. I have spoken to many drivers who used to use that part of the region. They don't go in there now because they are afraid of the cyclists. Can you believe cyclists say they are afraid of cars? I'm sorry when they are so swollen, they are bullying people with scars and the police are allowing it. let them get away with it and this is exactly what happens and they are breaking the law, they are going over 20 miles an hour, if you were doing that in your car you would get a ticket, yes, but the point is that there is the argument is that it is not at all legal because it is not a motor vehicle that can only be accelerated if you are a motor vehicle you couldn't write this you could you could make this up you really couldn't it's absolutely crazy because it's so clear Most people say there are parts of this country where you can ride a bike and there are parts of this country where you shouldn't be able to ride a bike, but these people want Cart Blanch to go everywhere, well, this is the point, you know.
I'm relaunching the show for the UK and I'll be pushing hard to make it insurable and identifiable and I'll be contacting Nick Fre to say if he'd like to work closely with this because more and more people are writing to me. and I'm not just talking about dozens or twenty, hundreds and hundreds of people emailing and saying, please, can you give our roads back to people who use ads honestly and pretty well? Exactly because videos of cyclists are now seen every day, no doubt, on social media who even though the Cod Highway has been renovated to suggest that pedestrians are now the most important individual on the road, they simply seem to think they are They and they run into people all the time and you get out of the way and it's the pedestrian's fault for getting in their bike lane, which of course doesn't mean they have to comply with any highway code rules, either, there's this: The highway code was renewed, as you know, about a year and a half ago and it had this hierarchy of blame, didn't it? the pedestrians are at the top and then the cyclists right at the bottom like poor old truckers yeah who and my daughter drive a 40 ton articulated truck and when it drives through various cities and stuff like that she scared and stiff because the Cycles are coming in outside, they're going to cut in front of her, all that kind of stuff and it's very dangerous and one of the things that really helped was that she got a couple of cyclists that came and sat down. into the taxi and see what she looks at and sees, then they realize, oh, I didn't realize that's really the point, they're not very well educated, I'm afraid not, I'm afraid not, and the self-righteous ones, as you say, self-absorbed and overprivileged people who, in my opinion, need to be taught a lesson, but thank you very much, Howard Cox, founder of Fuel UK.

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