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Cern Scientists “Open Portal to another Dimension”

Mar 19, 2024
Scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, as it is better known, have discovered a way to


an inter




. CERN's scientific discoveries are once again changing everything we thought we knew about the Universe, changing the fields of physics and astronomy as we know, we just had collisions in a valve of electrons of unprecedented energy 13.6 Tera and this


s a new era of exploration at CERN. This time the discovery has been made by a team of physicists and technologists working on a Large Hadron Collider, the most powerful particle in the world. accelerator In today's video we will delve into the secret intergovernmental organization and how, in theory, they were able to open a





cern scientists open portal to another dimension
Never before conducted foreign scientific experiments that brought together more than 10,000


from 85 different countries measured by the LHC. More than 27 kilometers in circumference, stretching under the border between Switzerland and France and weighing more than 7,000 tonnes, the LHC is so powerful that


were able to create conditions that occurred one billionth of a second after the universe began to collapse. reaching the goal of the Large Hadron Collider with heavy irons and, in particular, the ALICE experiment aims to recreate the conditions that existed about 10 microseconds after the Big Bang, when all the matter in the universe was in the form of a very hot soup of quarks and gluons.
cern scientists open portal to another dimension

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cern scientists open portal to another dimension...

They have been conducting experiments with the LHC. since 2008, where they recreated the Big Bang, however, in July 2022 they officially attempted their largest experiment to date. Their experiment was supposed to learn more about the Hicks sine and how particles interact with each other, but rumors abounded that they were trying to open a portal to an alternate universe, so now we're ready to inject the LSU into B1 and it means that on the fateful day of the experiment, the


control room was inundated with reports from scientists around the world that something had gone wrong and said that when the experiment ended a strange energy had been released that could not be explained now This energy is known as the portal incident for more than 14 hours during the experiment the Earth's crucial geomagnetic field that protects us from the sun's radiation weakened the solar wind was able to pass through a huge gap that had been opened by the CERN experiment that caused a massive fluctuation in the global electrical grid.
cern scientists open portal to another dimension
The LHC's global computing network, which provides data storage for more than 500,000 CPUs in 200 computing centers around the world, was affected. Earth's geomagnetic field is crucial for supporting life on Earth while protecting us from solar radiation Cosmic radiation and other threats coming from space now, although the incident was short-lived and the global power grid returned to normal within a few hours, no one can be sure what happened during that By the way, it is no coincidence that an event like this has never been recorded in the entire history of humanity until the CERN experiment. When you talk about the Large Hadron Collider and physics experiments at this level, the key word is energy, what they are trying to do.
cern scientists open portal to another dimension
There is a mimicry approach to the energies that happen at the beginning of the Big Bang, when all the energy that was released, some of it stayed as energy, a lot of it became matter, so if you want to understand the nature of that matter, you have to extract it. Pull it apart and take a good look at it and you do this by hitting particles against each other which collide with their constituent particles. Even you know, subatomic elements getting smaller and smaller and you need enormous energies to do that. The current theories that are emerging are Many of them are quite ridiculous, but many of them actually have scientific weight behind them.
Quantum physicist Max Lachlan, a 17-year-old genius known as the smartest kid in the world right now, believes that CERN destroyed the universe when they carried out his experiment. The force exerted during the CERN experiments shifted particles between dimensions creating what he calls an infinite loop that took us out of our current timeline and placed us in an alternate timeline. Their justification for this is the discovery of three new subatomic particles found in the debris that had not been discovered by any other experiments before other scientists believe that CERN may have accidentally opened a portal to an alternate universe allowing beings or substances. from


dimension will pass for hours.
Demons are one explanation, and some say that CERN opened a portal to hell with the Large Hadron Collider. Many have found similarities with the Book of Revelation 9 2, which speaks of a bottomless pit into which the angels who have been cast are thrown. sin. Theorists believe that the mysterious energy released during the experiment comes from this bottomless pit and many have begun to associate the Large Hadron Collider's 7.2 kilometer circular structure with the Ring Pit. This relates closely to theories internal to CERN that attempt to open a port for demons to enter our world through the collider. In this phase, this ramp preparation phase will configure all the systems and LHC from the radio frequency cavities to the magnets the collimators all these systems will be preparing synchronized to start a ramp period together in 1200 seconds this ramp period of 20 minutes will gradually increase the energy of the beam to a record energy that has never before been achieved in any particle accelerator up to 6.8 Tera electron volts, many fear that the incident of July 7 was its success and that the bottomless pit will open to punish the sins of those who have toyed with powers beyond their understanding we know that the


experiment disrupted the Earth's magnetic field and found more new particles that can be used to transfer matter and potentially open new interdimensional portals, it is still unknown Whether they were successful in their attempt or not, we may never know what happened that day and, indeed, what the weather was like at CERN. manage to open a portal to another world, the organization has remained incredibly secretive about what really happened and the experiments they are conducting, further fueling theories that they did indeed open a portal to another world, the explosion, of course, was a kind of a Holy Grail to find because we knew it was there and we finally managed to find it and now there is a lot of work to study it, yes it is a bit like if you discover a new cave in a mountain, then you take a lot of time to explore the cave and understand How does this cave work If there are paintings If there is no painting The Sun is a highly secretive international agency that has repeatedly made waves in the news for its mind-blowing experiments and discoveries.
Intergovernmental organization funded by 23 member states with the aim of researching particle physics and advancing scientific knowledge. A new round of the third chapter of the large drone collider will give us collisions with higher energy than before and also an amount of data equivalent to the total amount of data. recorded in the previous two runs and this will of course increase our chances of discovery or understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe. It is the simplest way. Cern's main goal is to explore the foundations of the universe to gain a deeper understanding of how it works. works and to unlock new capabilities such as time travel Since its creation in 1954, CERN has been pushing the boundaries of science and technology by building sophisticated equipment to test theories, including the Large Hadron Collider, the LHC, a 17-mile-long particle accelerator, now on the surface.
CERN seems like a prestigious government agency seeking to improve the world, but what if it had a secret agenda that had been hidden from public view for years? CERN has been a name synonymous with occultism. In 2016, they made headlines after footage was discovered of scientists performing a human sacrifice on the grounds of the Large Hadron Collider, the video showing multiple disturbing figures dressed in black robes ritually walking before a woman is attacked and then explained as a fake Human Sacrifice which the organization claimed was a hoax they did not tolerate as it undermined the scientific nature of our work now, although CERN claims this incident is a hoax, many redditors and internet theorists believe this It is proof of a secret agenda combined with the greeting of Lord Shiva, many people think that they are trying to open a portal. to another dimension taking advantage of the dark Forces.
Lord Shiva is known to represent the destroyer of worlds and the organization loves him so much that they have a life-size statue of him at their headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, which is also where the supposedly fake Human Sacrifice takes place. Whether this is true or not remains to be seen, but it certainly makes for an interesting thought experiment as we explore the depths of what CERN is actually capable of. We've already discussed in detail the theories behind their July 7 experiment and the possible outcomes of this, but let's take a step back and look at the science behind the Large Hadron Collider, the LHC is essentially a particle accelerator that accelerates protons.
At a speed close to the speed of light, these protons then collide with each other creating subatomic particles that allow them to study their properties. These collisions create an immense amount of energy approximately 600 million times hotter than the center of the sun. It is also worth noting that the LHC is not only a particle accelerator, but also a time machine due to its ability to recreate conditions from fractions of a second later. The Big Bang, this means that scientists may have an idea of ​​what happened during the first moments of our universe and could potentially lead to a better understanding of Dark Matter, antimatter, other Cosmic Mysteries, could have opened a portal to the causing particles to accelerate to speeds such that when they collide, a massive force of energy is exerted, creating ripples in time and potentially allowing matter to travel between realities, regardless of theories.
We must remember that CERN experiments are conducted for scientific advancement and knowledge, not to open portals to other dimensions, the organization is highly regulated with safety protocols in place to ensure that no experiment can cause any harm; However, as humans are known to do, we cannot help but speculate and theorize until definitive evidence is revealed, all we can do is wait and see what CERN discovers next Sun. The experiments are highly controversial and are applauded by many. for pushing the boundaries of science, while others worry that they may be tempting fate or even unleashing forces beyond our control.
They have hired some of the biggest names and brightest minds in modern scientists to work. in projects like the Large Hadron Collider, the LHC, one of those scientists is rock star physicist Brian Cox, who notably gave a tedx talk in 2008 about CERN's work on the LHC. It is the Large Hadron Collider, it is 27 kilometers in circumference, it is the largest scientific experiment ever attempted. More than 10,000 physicists and engineers from 85 countries around the world have come together over several decades to build this machine. What we do is accelerate the protons so that the hydrogen nuclei spin at 99.999999 the speed of light, just at that speed, one of the first objectives of this impressive particle accelerator was to recreate the conditions of the Big Bang so that Scientists could study the conditions and reactions that occurred just after the birth of the universe.
When asked why that was the goal, Cox said the goal of particle physics is to understand what everything is made of. and how they stay together explaining that through the LHC we will be able to unlock secrets of the universe such as antimatter, dark matter and more. The large size of the accelerator means we can even see how the big bang came about, but it is not just the scale of the Large Hadron Collider that worries experts, but also its implications, as Cox explains in his talk, by recreating the conditions of the Big Bang and searching for microscopic particles like the Higgs bosun, CERN is essentially proving Einstein's theory that matter and energy are interchangeable now.
This could lead to great scientific discoveries. It also means that CERN has the potential to create miniature black holes wherever it wants, which could have disastrous consequences if left unchecked. The terrifying experiments they have carried out have been very controversial and it is not difficult to understand why. from building a human-sized magnetic cage in 2014 to attempting to teleport data from one place to another. CERN is alwayspushing the limits of modern science and technology, but some worry that the results are too dangerous to experiment with as long as the Sun continues to perform mysterious experiments the questions surrounding the secret organization will not go away and they will discover something surprising or have already gone too far only time will tell if cern's controversial experiments will lead to an era of magic and wonder or one of terror and destruction in which we are all aware that they are playing with fire and one misstep due to what happened on 7 July 2022 can have devastating consequences for us and our planet.
Well, for now all we can do is continue to keep a close eye on CERN and its experiments and hope that it uses the technology and its knowledge responsibly, the mystery of what happened on July 7 and the potential of the Large Hadron Collider to open portals remains unanswered, leaving us uncertain, but until then let us not forget our collective goal as a species to push the boundaries for scientific advancement and a better understanding of our universe while balancing it with human safety and morality, only then We will be able to truly progress as one Humanity as we conclude our journey towards the mysterious events of July 7, 2022 and the science behind the LHC.
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