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NEW SHINIES, POKÉMON & MORE at Pokémon GO Fest 2022!

Mar 24, 2024
today is pokemon go



aka the biggest event of the year and we already have the new shiny shiny axus starting here today let's go crazy this is my first shiny axu and it was actually pretty much the best new shiny released during Today's event, Go Fest, doesn't even start in two hours for us, we're going to kill it today, baby, oh, look at this, shiny new, Axu, we're going to get it, you know what we're going to do, it We will evolve everything. way to hack the service because shiny axu shiny fracture and shiny hacksaws are three of the best new shinys that will be released during the go


, but those are not the only other new shinys today that we will be keeping an eye on and hopefully the screenshots include shroomish braylon newmal carol blast escavaleere shellmet and excel gore along with shiny b unknown b for brandon we are releasing it for the first time today the unknowns are b g o and u we really need to expand our collection of shiny unknown but I'm just going to immediately evolve this royal door , the first shiny fracture, hacksaws for fractures, wait this might even be my Pokedex hacksaws, what a way to start the day, oh this looks so good dude, the fracture looks amazing, I like it solid, I didn't mean it, I overlooked it.
new shinies pok mon more at pok mon go fest 2022
I'll be honest with you because this looks amazing with the blue tint, okay this could be Pokedex hacksaws, shiny Pokedex hacksaws, we also have shiny luck, oh my god I almost took you there, sorry, sorry , mate, check it out, it's brilliant. actress that's why I came good friend friend that looks so tough bro oh my god this should be for the pokedex yeah man shiny pokedex axorus that's incredibly beautiful what a start to the day okay uh they weren't good but it's okay because it's beautiful are you ready to kill today, what an extra 69 sweets, 69 actually sweets, 69 sweets, guys, no, no, I can tell you one thing for sure, we are ready for today, second shining axe, who hasn't even started yet and today We did something we had never done before, we arrived early, ironically, usually for these events we always arrive late, as always, we always arrive here when the event starts or like 15 minutes after 9 o'clock in the morning.
new shinies pok mon more at pok mon go fest 2022

More Interesting Facts About,

new shinies pok mon more at pok mon go fest 2022...

The event starts at 10, we have an hour, which is good because there is a strategy at play today, obviously, as you can see on shinyaksu, there are shiny axu rates, well, actually, it's good, man, I wish we had evolved this to hacksaws. fine shinyaksu new shiny i mean one of the best most wanted looks for shinyis in the damn game it came out today and it's in raids for example i probably have a million of them oh they've all been great so from We're an hour early, we're definitely going to take advantage of that and try to take out as many axu raids before the event starts because when the event starts I don't want to be raiding all day because I will. he literally accidentally attacks axu all day long looking for the shundo but today it's all about spawns because these spawns have a buffed glow and there are some pretty good ones that we'll be looking for today and as you can see from the timer at the top. left gofest starts at eight seven six five four three oh it's starting it's ten o'clock it's ten okay it's ten it starts I want to drop an incense that might help if the spawns are going to change or we're just going to the festival tomorrow oh come true hello oh it's gone okay mystic seven welcome to pokemon go fresh 2020.
new shinies pok mon more at pok mon go fest 2022
How would you do the mythical verses festivities? The shaman's body and any shame, his appearance is semi-related to Shaymin's appearance, shame and others, thank you Professor Willow, thank you sir. To see, you can't wait for today's vibes, we have a field investigation, break the box to claim, send a gift to a friend, use an incense, catch 10 Pokémon, we will do all that, oh, look at this festival, oh , this looks amazing, sweet, here it is. the city habitat stuff oh, there's a lot to do, buddy, see the first few days, man, time to get to work, we're doing well, time for the first group, check out, yeah, good guy, shiny weasel, oh, This is so good, this is so good, I'm going Wild, aren't I?
new shinies pok mon more at pok mon go fest 2022
Man, 697 cp, goldfish. Actually, this might be the first time I've caught this. There are a lot of


today, obviously, a lot of new


to grab, which I'm really excited about. We already have the axu and the hacksares but there are many new shinies that I don't have yet. They're not new to the game but they're new to me. I think this is one of them. Oh, this guy. I remember it came out. I tried very hard. that's why and I couldn't get it this is great 697 is this my first yes this is this is my first brilliant weasel oh sick what a way to start oh tail three oh and we have to wait to send a gift to a friend that's great, two incense, we have 22 poke balls, two pineapple berries, good research here and then, shameless, two raspberries, two raspberries,


xp, miss perfect, look today, I didn't warn you, but before we continue, I like your opinion, something very methodical, this is a search.
One of the most interesting parts of this Pokémon Go Fest is customization, which is a word of the event in which we are going to focus on fighting against capture or exploration. You know, we're going to focus on the capture. Let's be wild, baby. Okay, you're leaving. to mess it up shady mess it up good friend then spin five pokestops gyms complete three field research tasks and earn three hearts with your friend none of that has to do with trapping but okay I won't do it I won't say anything about it oh but friend weasel brilliant, good way to start, look at this friend brilliant showman, this is a new brilliant that just came out during this event too, friend, we are on fire right now, we have to act, we got it, it's 17 minutes.
On man, this is great and it's also like a golden glow. You know, I love the Chinese gold, so after it evolves maybe it will be a little different, maybe at the end of the event we will like a big wave of evolution, but for now, the men's brand. shiny shellmet bit random I think we already have it, but we'll give it a brilliant pat. I'm depressed by the vibes. This one is good too. I think we caught this in uh, like in Montreal, Canada, with Gilly, I'm pretty sure, and Nick in a. hotel room, I don't know, but we caught him again here today, so that's five, yeah, so we already have his evolution, Pat Rat's evolution, absolutely terrifying, by the way, in the spawns, these are the spawns, By the way, for this first hour, pretty good.
I have yet to find the unknown, although we need


, we need an unknown shiny, this is a shiny I should have caught a while ago, we didn't even get it in the safari zone in Seville and it was spawning like crazy, but we finally got it. we the brightly lit leo oh my god I'm so excited this is friend again when this came out we looked it up and had an hour of attention I think I looked it up in Seville during the safari zone it was generating like Angry , everyone around me caught the shiny.
I was the only one who didn't understand it, so we have the wild season, but this is a great catch, man. Finally, now the question is: is it a male or a female? If it's a female, you want the male. one because he has like a lion's mane and everything, but odega, do I have one?, yes, we go back to back, yes, we go and this is how we do it, but you know why, you know why, here, right there, You see that's it, man. he is in luck that in the field code g mystic link seven in the description booklet showman 300 wait this is because this is the completer of the family.
I'm very tempted to make developments as we see, but we'll save that for later. cool man, shiny new helmet that's two, yeah, back to back, can this be shiny? No, no, well, we continue with the investigation. We have 22 balls, two and two for 20 22. Come on, and two lucky eggs, nice and then the shape of the ground. very cute shaymin t-shirt there is a poke ball relief t-shirt again and professor willow welcome back gavin today we are off to a great start we already have another check-in and of course we had a drink today oh which one did you choose?
Yeah, okay, we'll go for the masses. Actually, I mean we're kind of literally literal. That sounds good to me. Capture 15 different species. Earn 5,000. Take a snapshot of your friend Gavin. I'm going to take a snapshot of you and The first hour of the Go Fest is over, let's look at the room. I have 100 random traps from you. Imagine that like a shot, no, hell, so far, today we have seven shiny Pokémon. We've shelled Leo Pandaras Shellman again, Weasel and then the hackstress action pretty good for the first hour and then now the other two spawns are here it starts this is also cool there's uh like the leaves are falling in the sky this is sick can be This brilliant thing today about the event is that we have how many free raids today, I think it's like nine or ten free raids today, which is great because there are a lot of good raids, including Kyogre.
I finally got a shiny Kyogre. We did the transfer challenge for this. Check it out if you didn't see it. gutted this is the first shiny puma i got since it came back which is good because it disappeared in a couple of days but it's six so from the free raid pass we got a legendary shiny so we're doing some legendary stuff, but honestly time we are at now man it sucks dude this is so bad so i been bashing axios all the time and we have a kyogre raid fire 2320 free of kyogre i really hope i eat enough kyogre xl candy today to be able to get the shundo to level 50. we need 30 and something


and he shines, that's nothing, it's not bright, this hour ends in seven minutes, thank God, oh, there's a bee, well, this doesn't It's part of the event, but hey, you're welcome.
I know 10 kilometers maybe something cool, yes or no, or not at all cool, okay, eggs are not part of the gofest, get out of here, more free raids, we'll take them to the second hour. I'll be honest with you, that second hour was absolute garbage. I didn't get any shine like what you know, we have some kind of kyogre that counts, but nothing, literally nothing, that second hour there was just nothing, I don't know what is generating this hour, but oh, it's ice time, wait, nice tight Pokémon spawns, get that. mega evolution who watched the tips and tricks video let's go good now ready to catch some guys there's a good ice guy spawning this would be a good time yeah what would I say what what did I say this time would be better 404 cp chinese I feel like we had a quiet day for this, but it's a really good shine.
This is one of the best shotties at this hour. Also, I realize this hour doesn't have as many bright spots. It's this one, it's kub chews and galarian darumaka, if we can. Hook one of those, even though I have the whole shiny family, it's still very depressed and man, listen, I don't know what's up with go fest and shiny unknown, but they're impossible because in the safari zone we were getting shiny unknowns, I mean to people. We were understanding what was happening, go to the festival, I haven't seen any of our group yet, so let's keep our fingers crossed for that one, oh too, wow, this is a sea of ​​wilmer, let's continue with the investigation, we have to go to the festival, we have the 22. balls and two more incense, thank you, pineapple berries, the big balls, an encounter with a clay, do five big throws in a row, catch three Pokémon, you stop at the visual, catch Pokémon, okay, sounds like If we had some precision to hit Shania, don't hit me.
Ah, so that was a nice little lunch and we have a nice little glow. I know it's barely noticeable, but this is a brilliant Burmese. I have never evolved. In fact, I think I have them all. I've just never completed them. Again, we have a lot of shiny evolutions to make after this event because I have quite a few of these that we captured today, but I don't have the complete families. Does that make sense to burn me and actually that's not the only one? shiny that we got while eating the go plus was working it's a nice little loot and we ended up getting a shiny toy bell which is cool.
I'll be taking a bunch today, I'm sure this one is super rare, so it's a fire. catch and also as you saw the shiny puppy chewed also during the ice hours so obviously we slowed down on catching shiny because that hour was a bit bad and then lunch was long but so far today we are 1:43 p.m. at 12 shinies and we're about to give it a step up oh collection challenge done and by the way if we get a shiny we'll transfer this over I'll go to Shawnee Strap it's not that exciting I mean catch had a The Community day was a long time ago, so I think it's good to have a traffic guy.
He actually said he literally said the words shiny ornamentsso this may not be the last brilliant count of the day, but it is what it is. So far, we're good, 20 shades today, that's pretty good. I'm not mad about it, including Haxorus, an axo and a serious trick, we have our first weasel, the first new hoof, another rat, our first illuminated leo. finally another show in which we can evolve we have a kyogre finally steel another show we have three shelves nice new newell new kara blast schwein ub galerion dara maka spiel hitmonchan yes so far let me know in the comments what you did and go to the festival the first day with, but again, I hope this is not the end, good plane boys.

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