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You didn't think I was gonna miss THIS... did you??

Apr 06, 2024
Alright, my goodness,


is a little scary. There are so many people here. There's an opening day at Burn Park and I drove from Florida yesterday to support my friend and I'm a little nervous about how many people are here and the fact that I haven't ridden a bike in four months either, there's like three parking spaces. ,


is like the meeting place, there's a parking lot ahead, there's a parking lot behind me and then there's a parking lot way ahead, holy shit, this is what I mean. This is amazing, so cool, I haven't been here since they started construction, I haven't seen anything here, what's up doctor, hello, I'm fine, how are you, it's been a long time, holy, what's up, dog, no Can I wait to show you this thing I have? a couple things handled and I want to go up to get to them, I can't, I want to show you that I'm down, man, I'm down, I'll relax, I won't even until I can go to you, um, you're not going to, nobody's going to you to recognize here, I have a full face, man, I'm incognito, so many people say: Alex is going to be here, this is so sick, it's incredible, the participation is so happy.
you didn t think i was gonna miss this did you
Dude, you're drinking, you're drinking this in a moment, I'm probably going to be surreal, it's pretty surreal, I


I'm going to have to go home and sit down, yeah, at some point, oh my god, we


't meet you, oh. Oh my God, come on, come on, let's go up, grab your food and go up and ride, come ride, we're going to be, I don't


we'll be back down for a while, holy shit, my heart hurts. guys like in a worrying oh my way cool dude this isn't good it hurts my heart yeah man like actually that's not good but you know what it will be better tomorrow probably worse tomorrow better the next day yeah, one step ahead of that that's why you recondition yourself when you just bet holy baptism of fire with molybdenum oh no this is brutal this i always forget how bad hibernation is amazing legit worst shape i've ever had in all my life, guaranteed, oh my god, I can't wait. to show you some of these trails, this is already beautiful, it's so cool, the trailhead is super sweet, it's so cool, I could, I was laughing so hard, I was watching your Instagram reels, where these were coming in like this Thursday, They like it, they came here. on Wednesday or something like that, yeah, they handed them the signs and then the guys just got stuck on them, yeah, so yeah, I'll show you.
you didn t think i was gonna miss this did you

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you didn t think i was gonna miss this did you...

Yes, I'm down with the trail down. I'm excited to ride a bike. Thank you so much. Awesome, yeah, and you guys


't come, I'd look like an idiot, yeah, and you're so glad you showed up, this is awesome, man, how does that saying go, go build it and they'll come? That's the event Kicker Van is, uh, Dora's not in the best shape, but she's fine, yeah, yeah, she's keeping me safe and alive there. Everything mechanically, like driving, was fantastic, so that's good. Yeah, where are you waiting? I mean, I just got here. from Florida, oh great, last night I was on the cane on the side of the Hendersonville Walmart, so I want to see your reaction to this.
you didn t think i was gonna miss this did you
This is a green trail, so this is the beginner trail. It's a step above the park tool. Oh. That's what green trails are, that's a green trail, this is awesome, these little skinny ones, okay, let him tear you up, buddy, that's so much fun, it's green, I like that and how do you like it? There is no time to go back up. I'm in. Yeah you're right oh wow it's like here I mean if you get tons of speed from there and it's empty dude I bet you can pump yourself that was really cool so it's a great trail for beginners because actually jumps on it.
you didn t think i was gonna miss this did you
I didn't expect there to be a table like that and it was perfect, let's mix it up a little, I know, you know, don't look at that yet, I'm not ready for that, we'll stay away from you. alex been out i've been hibernating he's been hibernating he's been off the bike for a while doing some family stuff let's get him I actually thought this is going to sound ridiculous so I was really happy to have cleared that up on a se table felt great, well there's a nice little step you'll have to overcome on this one, just send it.
April is going to tell me. She sends it so quickly again. Okay, April, go ahead, so you'll have someone to follow. Without a rest. in the corner there's no break in the corner wait how big are we talking about it's small it's nothing you're going to think it's big we'll see we'll see how I feel about it oh boy here we go so okay yeah yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, dude, not that, I didn't do it, but I can't exactly, that's so funny, dude, oh my gosh, those berms are sick, look at the tree, dude, we had so many people falling, 150 people, oh man, I'm breathing so hard.
This trail ends up being like nothing I've done it a couple of times huh? What's going on here? Hey, Seth is dropping me on the climbs. I'm screwed, just leave me behind. I'm dead. Oh no, these are bad boys, that's not like me. I'm supposed to start in the summer two laps I'm dead I'm fine let me walk here ahead man I'll call you thanks buddy let's go before I come out of my depth oh my god you can't fall if I go down I'll turn into Mufasa from the Lion King, They're going to trample me to death, okay, I don't know, bro, do you want to leave, okay, we met like 10 minutes ago, but I trust you, dude.
These berms are so fast wow, oh god, that didn't feel natural. I don't feel well. Did you get jumps? I did it but it didn't feel good. If I need it. I need it. No? I don't need to warm up? I heard that. voice, I knew who was what, dog, how you doing, what's up, buddy, that was awesome, who snapped, look at their friend behind them, be honest, you know, some of you did it, yeah, what's up, Dude, thanks, dude, I'm crazy, yeah. It's crazy, what's up with your boy? Oh yeah, dude, yeah, dude, come on, he tried, we got Hugh Jackman here, he races a mountain bike, Wolverine, yeah, everyone, thanks bro, what's up guys?
Well, apart from almost eating on that step just now. I heard you oh the worst part is I made it clear but I almost died almost that was bad I need to relax I haven't had to jump for too long yeah lord hell yeah dude this is amazing oh my god to be honest dude I'm probably not today I don't have any pride that forces me to do that yes, according to my form in that step forward it should not be even close to clickbait I got over it I clarified it but I did it it was bad okay that step forward Sometimes it is questionable friend, no way that should not be a problem.
Look, a summer is beginning. I can't stop doing it today. It's a smart decision. There is literally no reason. Maybe five years ago I would have done it to do it in our videos. No. Not anymore, man, I have nothing to prove that you still like the truck. Ah, to be completely honest, I've been pretty tired of that. Covid was hard, no, no, I mean, yeah, alone, but yeah, I want to like start dating, but, uh, not alone. During Coven Man it was very difficult during Kobe I felt like I was so dependent on public spaces and services and there's nothing that makes you feel more like an outsider that I literally became a prisoner of my own dance, so oh God, Dave.
You see what I'm saying bro, that ain't good, that ain't right, yeah buddy what's up, my god, maybe I need to walk the green lane a little bit, buddy, my jump is like I think, but in I don't really jump. is what you know what I'm saying, like trying to make my jump, I think that's what's happening because I went sideways so I probably pulled hard on one side and now the other guy, I'm dead, this is not a good start, eric. dragged into this black trail that wasn't my intention by these guys you know how many comments I get on my videos oh god okay that trail is so funny bro yeah dude you're sending those son you've made this better .
I've gotten a lot better in the last year dude, damn I was a little heavy on the last one, I didn't hit like any of them, no I'm not comfortable on my bike right now folks. they were shipping that I was so sick I was too far back cuz I'm not hitting any of those right now but man I can't wait to be I can't wait to get back on the bike and ride that trail that looks like I mean that was awesome , I think I'm going to make an effort to like it, that will be my goal, to be able to use clickbait at the end of the next two weeks and then I'll know.
I'm on my way to warming up again. I feel like it's a very reasonable goal. Okay, following these hooligans again. Don't fall, don't slow down, yeah buddy, okay, that was the first jump that felt good. I'm excited that we get to ride in Bear Country for the first time. I have high hopes for this trail going straight down, it makes a lot of curves, it's hot, maybe not, oh man there's all kinds of fun stuff here, yeah I knew that. This is the best trail they had up there. I had a hunch. This is definitely one of the more fun trails here.
It's actually super fun. I'm a fan. Yeah, it's like rocky. I hope the trails they built are like this. the big, packed trails, oh it gets a little steep, okay what is this guy that's so fun? Is this you guys, yeah, oh look at that, who wants a Lacroix?

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