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Minecraft Escaping $1 Room vs $1,000,000 IMPOSSIBLE TEMPLE

Apr 24, 2024
that diamond peak. I have to choose, let's get the obsidian. I got nine. Good job. Good job and let's move on to the crafting table. Turn Blaze Rod into fire dust, create an Eye of Ender and so we have an Ender chest and there we go three elytra, one for each of us, one for you and one for you, there are some Rockets, oh we have to get out thence. now go, go, after successfully


the explosion, it was time for the $500,000 dimensional parkour, okay guys, we are in this parkour, but you know we don't follow the rules, let's mine this tree, wait, what's up?
minecraft escaping 1 room vs 1 000 000 impossible temple
Border here just ignore it guys let's get the wood yeah sure wait guys this barrier is closing we're forced to do parkour or else we're going to die you're right we do have to leave now but it's good I'm a parkour master, well, this here is a jump Neo, but I have the skills, let's go and now to this one we have to move on, this frontier is not going to wait for us like this, oh my God, and now to this one, to the final slime, let's go, yes, I'm ready, good job. guys and it seems like here is the next level, yes, but guys, that frontier has been accelerated, we have to go fast, this is Sher parkour, you have to open the shulkers and jump into them like this and this, I'm in a line right here . come on yeah that's a jump come on yeah good job guys we smashed it but this frontier is coming fast come on guys come on like this these jumps are getting harder as we go and this frontier is getting harder It's getting faster too, come on guys, we have to go. now like this, yeah, you have to slide down, that's actually cool, like that, come on, come on, okay, and then we turn the corner like this, okay, perfect, what's this?
minecraft escaping 1 room vs 1 000 000 impossible temple

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minecraft escaping 1 room vs 1 000 000 impossible temple...

How are we supposed to close this distance? Wait, I hear Shockers. oh, this border is closed, we have to think of something, wait, there's a button here, what does it do? I'll press it and find out like this, there's the shers, they better hit me quick though, this border is coming, okay, here we go. but wait, I only have 7 seconds of levitation. I need to recover it constantly. What are these peaks falling right above us? Oh no, this is not good if I get hit by one. I'm dead. What are these peaks falling right above us? no this is not good if i get hit by one i'm dead how are we supposed to get down there i have nothing in my inventory and there's literally not a single block there there's no way we can jump and move the lever at the same time but guys, we should think fast because this border is coming, wait guys, there is a chest on the side of each island, wait really where, wait, I see it but I don't have a Lo, the place to get there.
minecraft escaping 1 room vs 1 000 000 impossible temple
What I can do? I can create a wall with my rope. Okay, that's perfect. Put it right there. Well, let's see what's inside. It's a ladder. There is no way we have to hold the ladder. This is going to be hard. We have no choice but to go through it. The border is here, come on, please work, how did I survive in a heart? He shouldn't be alive right now. In the next one we go, what is this? How are we supposed to climb to the top of this tree? I didn't even see these guys. wait guys, there are vines on the side of the tree, this is a difficult jump, but it is possible like this, yes, like this, this border is coming to catch us guys, and we have to do this parkour up close, like this, come on, come on, what , Yeah.
minecraft escaping 1 room vs 1 000 000 impossible temple
Okay, wait, that's not good though, these guards heard me take full damage, guys, we definitely can't fall here. Okay, this is good and now we have to get on these sliding blocks, but there are multiple jumps. Come on, yeah, yeah, okay, come on, come on, come on. we can do this yes, good guys, quick, we have to escape before they hit us with the Sonic Blast, come on, we finished the level after passing the three dimensions, it was time for the $750,000 Infinity Garden. I'm not going to lie, this thing looked epic. from the outside it won't be difficult to escape from this, the exit is literally right there, yes this is easy, come on, where did Dexi go?
What happened is that from this strange looking block, wait, let me see what happens. Here, what a kick from the server and I'm back, that's strange, it seems that if we cross this obsidian, we get kicked instantly, wait, what if we change it like this? No, it didn't work again. What's that? Ridiculous guys, this may be a little harder than we think, but guess what I have a boat. Maybe I won't detect them if they're passing by with a boat, that's what I'm thinking, let me put it right there and now I just need to get on the boat like this, you're kidding, that didn't work either guys, this is going to be difficult, in fact, I It's, wait guys, we can leave from above, it's that easy, let's go.
I don't think it worked very well. F Yeah this Mo from this glitch block right here wait guys that's a pig wait this is really perfect come here buddy I got a saddle so close come on come on it's so close are you kidding me brother, this pig, wait here, I have potatoes, wait, do that? Perfect, okay, now drop the potato and we punch this guy and now we have to attack him. Not hitting him was counterproductive. Wait to take out the potatoes. I don't think he wants them anymore. You hurt his feelings, brother. he came back we just have to be patient it's okay perfect and I like this this doesn't work brothers this power of gor will be the most perfect Gap but I don't have any ending well brother I just found out how lucky is.
No way, but how are you guys going to get it? That's a good question, Dexi, and I have this pickaxe that's perfect, all I have to do is break some blocks, okay, that should be good and now we build like this, okay? here guys, now we just got the final stone, okay, great, now if we are going to grow this chorus fruit, come on, come on, it's already growing, these things grow pretty fast. Guys, these choir flowers better work because the next level is the $1 million Impossible Temple and I can. Don't wait to get there, okay, that should be good, let's see, yes, I have six, that's two for each of us, but it doesn't matter one for each of us, come on, please, oh, no way, He didn't kick me, he didn't realize that an entity.
It happened because we teleported directly, come on guys, you're next. Good dex, yeah, and F, good job guys, and now for our final level, the $1 million



, and oh wow, that was intense, okay guys, here we go, the last final level. and oh boy, is it deadly? These dispensers are already shooting arrows at us and we have such a small platform to stand on oh no this is not good. I have golden apples, so I may be able to stay alive for a while, but what? What are we going to do with these arrows? We need a way to survive Lego.
You must turn on your craft brain. What do you have in your inventory? I have 56 bamboos, but I don't know what I can do with that wait. I think so. Should I put the work table right here? I can turn the bamboo into bamboo blocks like this, oh my gosh, I'll eat a golden apple and then with this we'll turn it into boards like this and then we make trap doors so everyone can climb onto this. rag I should be right, but I don't think the arrows can reach us from here, okay, we should be good, wait, maybe we're supposed to get out through the lava, ready, let me have those trapdoors, these trapdoors, how are they going to help you? ?
Look what's under the lava, do you have something extra to hold on to, yeah, I have a ladder here, come on, okay, come on, come on, come on, I don't know what your plan is, but I hope it works, wait, that's it cool yeah let's just hope this leads somewhere like this come on no there's just lava. Having no more hatches coming out from under the lava won't work, but how are we going to get them back now? Five guys, I have a fishing R, I can pull it. because try it, don't die with the arrows, although come on, okay, I got it, come on, yeah, yeah, and the arrows are over too.
I think we're safe now, guys, what I just heard. Pistons, oh, no more dispensers, oh no. Guys, those are instant damage lingering potions, whatever we do, we can't get hit by those, oh no, that likes five hearts, that's not good here, bro, take a moment, wait, are you watching? That is a Final Portal that is definitely the Escape since we can? We're not going out through the lava, I think we have to go up there and it's a shame because all I need are two pistons to make an elevator up. I'm pretty sure I heard one from there, wait you're right what if there is one. on this side that means there will definitely be one more on the other side too yeah there it is good job dexi that's perfect we can do that lift now yeah let me have that piston and I'll do it right now up these stairs.
Let's go and we'll get out of this place, everyone stand on the slime block now, if I break this block down here, we should start going up, yeah, there we go, okay guys, let's go through, let's see where this takes us, let's go . Cool guys, I guess it's not finished yet, but I'll take some armor for free. I guess we'll have to use these things so there's no sunshine and rainbows, the Devastator all has one of these. He says wait to gain strength effects could you see we have strength five that's crazy let's see what awaits us an empty


this isn't very scary that's what I'm thinking wait guys did you hear that wait?
I see who those guys are, they come and there are a lot of them. I like the strap. Fifth. Use the bow. These things are scary. Why are there six? Good. I'm going in with the Devastator. Surely this thing is very useful. damage I'm blasting him hard five and he's not getting one ta this is crazy these things have so much health if you just shot me with the ball what are you talking about that was dexy come on they have to be getting Low man wait I got I have to get away from these guys, let me eat this Gap, wait, what guys, have they hit me with some attack.
They poison me constantly. This is not good. I'm getting depressed. I need to eat another Gap. It was half a heart, we have to fight back and we have to start killing them because we are going to die, we can't lose the final level, they should be dying, come on, yeah, some of them are going, this is cool, yeah. We're almost dead last, good job guys, we did it, look, this thing just opened, this is the exit, wait, no way, check the garden, oh my god, everything is so bright. I love it, good job guys, all the levels are now complete.

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