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Prince Harry: Bridge Over Troubled Water (2023)

Jun 30, 2024
A life in the royal family is a duty of service and privilege, but of many things that are important to Harry, freedom is at the top. I think it's probably very difficult being the second son because the focus is so much on the eldest son as it was with William, I mean, Diana made a very conscious effort not to let that happen, but of course it did. Harry became important because you know, being this great character, being this brave kid. Harry's childhood is full of love and tragedy. It is something that growing up means making decisions and making decisions means facing the consequences.
prince harry bridge over troubled water 2023
Harry and Megan said they wanted a private life. If you want a private life, you don't speak in public and what they want to do is what they want. to change the world Harry has experienced a life more well lived than he wanted rather than a life that everyone wanted for him this is Prince Harry Bridge over



s Prince Harry is an influential man this comes from his mother Lady Diana Spencer, who instilled in Harry and William the world of the less fortunate as opposed to the world of glamour. It is almost impossible to describe to a stranger or someone who has never met Princess Diana what she was really like.
prince harry bridge over troubled water 2023

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What I usually say is that she was just as beautiful. Inside her like she was outside of her but meeting her was something special she lit up a room she stopped traffic and when she walked into a room everything stopped and all her eyes were on her. I have never met another human being who had that aura that had that charisma was the same as Princess Diana Di as a person, she was as normal as possible. She was very considerate. She always wanted to know people's birthdays. She had dinner regularly in London with her friends and enjoyed it.
prince harry bridge over troubled water 2023
She always enjoyed it. Do you know a joke? Always tell me and me, did you hear some new joke, etc., whatever, in that sense, yes, she was normal, but she was incredibly thoughtful. Is there any chance of any announcement of your marriage in the near future? You can tell me? You tell me there is some possibility, but I'm not going to say anything, but Prince Charles gave us a hint and said that we wouldn't have to wait too long, just when Charles immediately fell in love with Princess Diana or Lady Di like Spencer. she was at the time, as was Britain, we hadn't seen a future


ss like this for many years and Diana was just a marvel, the innocence about her, you just thought, wow, this girl is out of the woods, like that that there was a huge interest from the moment the engagement happened, everyone saw the pictures of the engagement, everyone around the world tuned in to the royal wedding and here is the fairy tale material about the


and princess on their wedding day wedding on 29 July 1981.
prince harry bridge over troubled water 2023
Lady Diana married Prince Charles and became Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales together they had two children William was born in 1982 and Harry was born in 1984 the fairy tale dress the Golden Carriage the beautiful ceremony at St Paul's the Blushing Bride the proud Prince just ticked all the boxes it was a fairy tale wedding and also we all thought that before the service the immediate family were alone in the castle with just enough time for the Prince of Wales explain the history of those famous robes, this marriage was not made to last and the two divorced in 1996.
Diana died in a car accident in 1997. The driver of the car, Paul, lost control at high speed and crashed into column 13 of the LMA tunnel in Paris Diana died 4 hours later in hospital due to extensive internal injuries on The worlds of two brothers have never been the same since William was 15 when their mother died and Harry was 12. You had this period of several years where they slept in separate rooms, apparently after 1986 they led quite separate lives, not only staying in different rooms, but on different floors of the palace, um, touring and not really speaking. Royal observers at the time saw them on a tour where they didn't talk or on a ship, I think, where they didn't talk for 7 hours, so they lived very separate lives.
So you have Charles not only pursuing the interests of his own country and, in fact, his relationship with Camilla Parker tilts, as it now turns out to anyone who knows, it was very obvious that the Welsh marriage was in real trouble, um in the late '80s um and inevitably the then Prime Minister John Major made the announcement that Diana and Charles were going to separate now Diana knew that this was going to go to Ricochet um and she made sure that the first people to find out that they were going to break up where William and Harry and she actually drove to school lud grve herself um to go and tell them and uh Harry took it very hard of course being younger than William he was incredibly upset William was very stoic and he said to his mother, well if you are happier if you are going to be happier mommy, then this is the right thing to do first.
I want to pay tribute to Diana, she was an exceptional and talented human being through good times and bad, she never lost her ability to smile and laugh or inspire others with her warmth and kindness. She admired and respected her for her energy and commitment to others and especially for her devotion to her two children. This week at Balmoral we have all been trying to help William and Harry reach an agreement. with a devastating loss that they and the rest of us have suffered no one who knew Diana will ever forget her millions of people who never met her but felt they knew her will remember her I, for one, believe there are lessons to be drawn from her life . and because of the extraordinary and moving reaction to his death, I share your determination to cherish his memory, it was Charles who broke the news because William and Harry were in moral B and therefore the duty of telling his children fell on him and, um , it was It was a truly terrible moment for Charles to realize that his ex-wife had died, that he was going to have to raise his children as a single father and for the foreseeable future, how on earth was he going to break this unimaginably horrible tragic news to his children, but he did it to William first and to Harry later, and they did it together.
William said to Charles, I need to be there when you tell Harry and he was, you know, I remember the day when William and Harry came back to Kenon Palace after his mother. died I remember standing in the hallway and William woke up he came in and shook my hand and asked me if he was okay. I told him I'm very well. Thank you. Harry ran down the hall, put his arms around me and his heart broke. I still remember his tears wet my shirt even though he was heartbroken. William, in particular, took great pains to walk behind his mother's coffin.
It was something he didn't feel he would be able to do and, in fact, he was the Duke. from edmur who at the last minute said that you must do it because you will regret it if you don't and if you do it, I will do it because the duke of the end was never supposed to walk behind the coffin, so give strength to the voice, Philip did it and it was something surprising, something surprising for him as a grandfather, but I think certainly without that for the children, the public duty more difficult because it was so public to them that they would do it.
They had to have done it sometime and uh, they were both very young and the enormity of what had happened, the pain they were facing, I'm sure it hadn't set in at the time, but I think Broken Hearts Around the World told her. people saw that funeral all over the world when they saw the coffin pass by and that little envelope on top with a wreath of flowers with the word mommy that had been handwritten by Harry Lady Diana Spencer was a woman who was first a mother and then a princess, the children were Raised incredibly close to their mother, it was important to Diana that they be raised under a normal upbringing rather than one that was under royal lineage, whether that meant going to school or taking them to the towers of Alon to receive a gift, This was not your typical royal motherhood, the first sign of this was on an overseas visit to Australia and New Zealand in 1983.
Most royals left their children with a nanny, but Diana brought her only child , William, with her in the moment after Harry's birth. Diana would try to reschedule her homework to spend more time with her children. This desire to be close to her children instead of leaving them behind was born from her caring personality; against established protocol, she took her children on charity visits and to restaurants, theme parks and local cities. and stores, they watched TV shows and played video games together despite all the negative comments within the royal household. Dona was a good mother. um, there was a bank of babysitters.
There were about three babysitters who did a shift system. that did all the sort of basic things that I give at breakfast, but Di was actually quite hands-on and certainly, if she was in London, she would take them to school and would always try to be there at the end of the day to be part of it. of this kind of you know, mother, uh, image that he was very interested in making, they were constantly reminded of how privileged they were and what life was like on the other side of royalty, so she was very interested in being a mother. practical in that sense both inside and outside the house and you know, I think when you look at William and Harry today you know that they are certainly more normal than maybe you know their father was at that age, I think. that overall was a tribute to Diana's motherhood, frankly, Diana really broke the mold when it came to parenting, she did things differently, she loved to have fun, she loved to laugh, she loved to make practical jokes and she loved nothing more than cuddling with her two children watching television and watching game shows and soap operas and the children were the center of her world.
William, although he looks like his mother, is more like his father, he is studious, he is very careful, he is very respectful, he has Harry's duty on the On the other hand, he is a hybrid of Spencer and Windsor's red hair, but he has his mother's mischievous streak. Harry is the fun guy. Harry was always the guy who would take apart the television, he said he would make the video recorder, have it in pieces and then want it. to put it back together again Harry was always the soldier William was always the general I know from his stepmother Rain Counter Spencer that Diana had told him it was the most complete, compelling and satisfying relationship of her life, this shaped the generation of the royal family one who did things very differently it is said that she was the best at giving hugs Harry said that she would just swallow you up and squeeze you as tight as possible and that you couldn't escape he has grown to be very fond of his mother and to this day today expresses how much the stranger says that Diana was one of the naughtiest parents and that she misses the feeling of a mother to give you those hugs and that compassion that everyone needs this has shaped Harry in later years to become Just like Her mother, William and Harry are well aware of where things went wrong in the press in her early life and there is a pretty strong argument to suggest that the wheels came off so spectacularly in Diana's life and her public image and how was. um portrayed in the press and how she was persecuted by journalists and photographers who contributed to her tragic disappearance, the most discouraging aspect was the media attention because my husband and I were told when we got engaged that the media would go away quietly and not Then when we got married they said it would go quietly and it didn't, and then it started to focus a lot on me and I seemed to be on the front page of a newspaper every day, which is isolating from the experience and hiring. the media places you, the bigger the drop, friend and protector, she never allowed her unwavering love for us to be tacit or unshown, she will always be remembered for her incredible public work, but behind the media's gaze towards us , just two loving children, her. she was simply the best mother in the world Prince Harry was educated at Weatherbe School, Ludgrove School and Eaton College Diana, she didn't really think she was right for Harry, she ended up getting a place where she ended up going and did very well. . but there was a serious thought at the time that maybe Eaton wasn't the right choice and maybe they would look elsewhere for him in the end, both boys went to eat and in doing so, you know, they set a real precedent, he joined Sander .
In 2005, as an officer cadet, he spent part of the Gap here in Australia and then trained at the Royal Military College Sandhurst. He was commissioned as a cornet in the Blues and Royals serving temporarily with his brother William and completed his training as a troop leader. he was always in the khy kind of suit of him and so he was clearly destined for a career in the army. Harry was a genuine believer in the military and always wanted to be a soldier from, I suppose, from the age when he could know what he was like. He certainly he was a soldier when I met him when he was three years old, he always wore a kind of Cary uniform um and he always wanted to be a soldier.
He also attended defense helicopter flying school at R F Shury and was joined by his brother William, who is completing his training to be. an RAF search and rescue pilot in 2008, the British Ministry of Defense revealed that Harry had been secretly deployed to Helman provinceIn Afghanistan, there he operated as a forward air controller, helping Gerkha troops repel an attack by Taliban insurgents and patrolling hostile territories. I know. When my youngest son was away, you as a parent worry all the time. I think the struggle he was talking about was mainly exams and things like that. When you take the helicopter course, you start with something like four five weeks. from uh Ground School and exams um exams have never been my favorite and I always knew I was going to have a harder time than most people um but I'm over that now yuh, I finally got a job that I absolutely love, it's still a I work hard, but I'm better than William, so it's okay, yeah, not bad, you've been helping him with the exam, yeah, a lot, he needs a lot of help.
So, yeah, it's the RF way, so you have to help the Army quite a bit. Does it come down to a mental math test or, yes, a little bit of that? You know, some trick questions, try to catch him. 7.8, yes, exactly, a lot of that. but seriously, it's for you, this is fundamental and crucial about getting back to the front lines. um, I've always loved helicopters, um, I always wanted to be a helicopter pilot primarily, rather than fixing WI, although I'm kind of under the impression that fixing Wing is probably easier than helicopters, especially since these things aren't designed for flying, but I'm really enjoying it and you know, as everyone knows, it's my easiest way to get back to the front line. and maybe safer maybe not safer I don't know, but there's a little bit of pressure from certain places that I'm sure you know about the reasons why I'm allowed to return and if I return, then. apparently I can't do the same job I had, so I look a little different and it's more of a challenge to become a helicopter pilot.
Was it pretty clear to you after the last time in Afghanistan that it would be your first time? and last time it was too risky for you to go back as a soldier uh rather, I think the media had said that they would never keep their mouth shut if I went and did the same job, so I would have to do something different if I wanted to go. Yes, today I have decided that Prince Harry will not be deployed as a troop leader with his squad. I have reached this final decision after a new and extensive round of consultations that included a visit to Iraq.
For my part, late last week there were a number of specific threats, some reported, some unreported, that relate directly to Prince Harry as an individual. These threats expose not only himself but also those around him to a degree of risk that I now consider unacceptable. I felt really good, if I'm going to cause so much chaos to a lot of people, then maybe I should back out and not just for my own sake, but for everyone else's. I would never want to do it. putting another person's life in danger um when they have to sit next to the bullet magnet, trip leader I wouldn't have joined the military unless I thought I was going to do it um as simple as that um if they said no you can't go front line then I wouldn't drag my sorry ass around Sanur and I wouldn't be where I am now Prince Harry served in the military for 10 years and rose to the rank of captain.
He resigned in 2015. Much of Harry's time in the military contributed to a great passion for charitable causes when he returned to royal duties. Harry has since been involved in a number of organisations, including the Invictus Games Foundation, the Rugby and Football Union, the Injured Players Foundation, the Cal the Royal Foundation and Well Child. Thank you so much for what you do because without people like them being sponsors of things like the Invictus Gaming Foundation, we would have this opportunity and this opportunity, you know, it wouldn't necessarily save lives without knowing it and now it's a pleasure. to introduce our guest of honor, yes he is coming, you may have heard of him before.
I've had the opportunity to spend some time with him over the years and I've seen his commitment and his passion for this issue and I'll tell you that. you, it's real, he's a, he's a, he's a real life guy who cares about everyone in this room, to him, our wounded warriors are not just a distant cause, to him, they are brothers and sisters in arms , are the men and women he has served with are heroes with whom he has a genuine personal connection and feels from the bottom of his heart that his job is to serve them as well as they have served us.
I can only speak for the British public. They've basically invested in a group of people, a group of people because they want to help, this is the result as far as I'm concerned, this is really what you're going to see, you're going to see people that Li lives with and they've been changed by the way they got injured and then changed because of the support they had from the British public EV voila, you have this, you have a group of people who are going to put on a wonderful sporting exhibition, some of whom I have only had two months to practice.
Harry recently realized how useful his position can be, how much he can do for good and charity and falls close to the heart of him as veterans, he likes conservation and so is the role of him in the future. I have known those two boys William and Harry since they were born. I used to change their diapers. They used to call me Uncle Paul. I've always been there and seen them grow. I am very proud of them. They are lovely. children, when my mother held the hand of a dying man in an east London hospital, no one would have imagined that just over a quarter of a century later there would be a treatment that could make HIV-positive people live full, healthy and loving lives , this passion drives away her mother's passion for dedicating herself to those in need.
Diana offered comfort to the suffering through countless hospital visits. I'm just trying to highlight a problem that is happening all over the world. That's all. She was extremely passionate about the homeless. Mental health. Aid. Cancer. other illnesses, her patronage and involvement in many charities has helped people around the world and has earned Diana a very special place in the hearts of the public. Harry and William want to continue her mother's legacy by keeping some of her most important charitable work alive. She worked in support of Queen Elizabeth and the Royal Family through her program of charitable work and public duties, however, she felt that balancing the two was something she knew she would have to make a decision on soon.
I think it's probably very difficult being the second child. Because you don't really have a defined role, you're just the Joker in the pack and the focus is very much on the eldest son, as it was with William. I mean, Diana made a very conscious effort to not let that happen, but of course it did, Harry became important because you know, being this great character, being this brave guy, so I think it does affect these kids. I think when it comes to Prince Harry, it's obvious that there is great affection between the two brothers. when he was very little when he was 10 or 11 years old and he would see the girls start screaming because Prince William was coming because he was a little bit older and they could see that he was very handsome.
He was told that Prince Harry would encourage him. to have the girls scream and just because he knew that really embarrassed his brother, so it seems to be the more playful one, Prince Harry, and again that would confirm what the Princess of Wales said in that Panorama interview about him being more guy, more He's more Spencer Wild Child than William and we can see it, can't we see the images that we see and his antics and the kind of things he likes to do? But I also have the impression. From the times we've seen them together talking to each other and about it, because they've talked about their closeness as brothers, one gets the sense that Prince William, despite his understanding of the seriousness of his role.
In the future you get the feeling that she makes it very clear that she needs her brother and values ​​that perhaps most fun and childish element in her life because whatever Diana's story is, no matter what happens, it is very sad that a mother so young He didn't see his children grow up and it's such a lovely legacy. I think for any mother who has lost her children, it is such a great legacy that they seem so close. January 2005. Em. I published a story about the photo of Prince Harry that I found out about Prince Harry going to a party with William, uh, and he was wearing a Nazi outfit, um, it created quite a stench.
Williams' reaction to the Nazi story when he had the opportunity to make me listen to it was very sweet and was a bothered people, so yeah, I mean there's something very special between William and Harry. who are extremely close um and anything bad for Harry William will defend him to the nth degree and in the same way Harry is very protective of William and now Kate too Harry is a party animal he always will be um so obviously he will get it. I caught Prince Harry, I won't say he dropped out of school, but he came very close to dropping out of food.
He left with some pretty atrocious test results, um, and there was a delay before joining the military, which was really his only option. University. wasn't on the table in that period, I think Harry. Now, by his own admission, I'd say he went through a pretty rough patch, um, and got into all sorts of trouble, the Nazi team being just one in a pretty long list of hitting a photographer. outside a nightclub there was another um Harry learned a lot in that small period of time um and I don't think at that stage in his life anyone could have told him anything that he would have realized, but fortunately he has grown since then. and then, of course, there is the famous strip in Las Vegas, which was really very wild.
Every misdemeanor Harry had was leaked to the press because we all want to see Harry being Harry with more family and children than William and Kate have. The more of a mom he becomes, the more people are going to love naughty Harry, so I don't see any respect for him. I really don't think people are going to want more from Harry because he's still the Bachelor Prince. a man dedicated to charity and respect and love for his mother, it is equally important that Harry shares this bond with someone who complements his passionate and caring nature from a blind date to now a family of four.
Harry and Megan are a globally inspiring couple in In 2016, a mutual friend and fashion designer, Misha Nonu, set up a blind date for Prince Harry and Megan Markle. They kept their relationship a secret for a few months before the press caught wind of it. It was reported that she was happier than she had been for many years. We were actually introduced by a mutual friend, it was literally through her and then we met once and then twice in a row, two dates in London, last July, yes, early July, so they met through a mutual friend who organized them. actually on a blind date and they had their first date at Soho House in London in 2016 and then of course, you know, with Megan living and working at the time in Toronto in Canada, where she was filming suits and Harry residing in London , they realized.
They would have to do everything they could to make time for each other very quickly, so within weeks of that first date they were on holiday together in Botswana. Prince Harry had dated a lot of beautiful English socialites that he used to date. being blonde and slender uh very cool um background you know rich families went to the right schools however um what Megan brought to the equation was a lot of humanitarian work that Harry's ex-girlfriends just couldn't touch with a pole 10ft Megan She had actually worked for the University, gone on missions and trips to support women and children in the developing world.
Megan had been a global humanitarian long before she met Prince Harry, and I think Harry was very close to fully taking on her role. As a member of the royal family, the chance to meet someone equally passionate and committed to changing the world and helping other people was extremely attractive to Harry. I think if you watch the engagement interview that Harry and Megan did on the BBC and they talk about their first meeting and how they instantly connected, it's clear that yes, there was a mutual attraction, but it went way beyond the physical. Megan and Harry were drawn to what the other believed and what the other wanted to do in the world the couple created. their first appearance together since avoiding the spotlight for so long at the 2017 Invictus games in Toronto after months of speculation, their engagement was finally announced in 2017, they dated for 2 years at this point.
I think Megan had a pretty rough initial period afterwards. their relationship was confirmed and we know this because Harry issued a statement defending her and warning people, you know, she described it as discouraging and discriminatory, but Harry himself mentioned some kind of racial undertones, which is quite upsetting for anyone who is interested. Um, and I think you know it's a difficult situation when you're thrown into the light of interest fromthe media, the royal family gets a huge amount of attention and, you know, we know they're not necessarily thrilled about it, but you know they work closely with the media to get their messages across, but I think nothing prepared Harry and Megan for the wave of interest that followed the announcement of their relationship and, in fact, it was Harry's statement that confirmed that they were a couple for the first time, I think it's really difficult because they will have to get used to the scrutiny, but it's fair that they treat her fairly and I think it was upsetting for everyone to see that she, you know, had caused problems.
This coverage and Buckingham Palace issued a statement saying that the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh are delighted for the couple and wish them every happiness and that the engagement has the approval of her future father-in-law and was never exciting. Thank you very much to both. them, so I hope they are very happy. In fact, there's a misconception that because I've worked in the entertainment industry that this would be something I'd be familiar with, but even though I've been on my show for six years at that point and worked before , I have never been part of a tabloid. culture I've never been into pop culture to that extent and I've lived a relatively quiet life even though I focus a lot on my work and um, so that was a really stark difference from the beginning, but um, and I think we got hit so much.
It was difficult at first with a lot of falsehoods and I made the decision not to read anything positive or negative, it just didn't make sense and instead we focused all our energies just on nurturing our relationship with each other, there is no doubt that when Anyone who marries a member of the royal family, the media immediately begins to investigate the background and the family of that person I am referring to, with Megan, it was quite easy because she had been very public on social media and on the Internet, she had talked about her . biracial background, the fact that her ancestors were slaves, she had also spoken at length about her charity work, so we had a very graphic image of the type of woman, she was a feminist, someone who believed in talking about her mixed race background me too.
I think, in my opinion, this was all positive because it gave the media a platform on which they could base their stories about her. Megan Markle is a California girl, in fact, her father, Thomas, was in the film industry, he worked on the set and was one of Megan's first. Actually, her memories and what she says inspired her to be an actress was being on the set of the show Married with Children, a show that her father worked on for years as a lighting director. I think Megan grew up a lot, not so much in the industry, but close to the periphery of show business.
I think she really tried it from a very young age and Megan was always a natural artist. We've seen videos of her in school plays. We know she was always something like that. Gravitating towards the stage and being on stage Megan seemed to do very well with the kind of attention and scrutiny that comes with being an actress and there is no doubt that, from a young age, Megan always stood out from the rest. your peers, but now that it's all official, Prince Harry, do you have that feeling that the combination of the two of you, your different backgrounds, that together you represent something new for the royal family, is something new, I think it's, you know, It is a I am another member of the family, it is another member of the team, as part of the larger team, and you know, what all of us want to do is be able to carry out the right commitments, carry out our work. and try to encourage others and the younger generation to be able to see the world in the right way instead of, perhaps, having a distorted view so that they are aware of the fact that I fell so incredibly in love with Megan.
It was quickly kind of a confirmation to me that everything, all the stars were aligned, everything was just perfect, it was this beautiful woman who literally stumbled and fell into my life, I fell into her life and the fact that she knows it. The fact that she's also going to be incredibly good at the job is also obviously a huge relief to me because she'll be able to deal with everything else that comes with it, but no, you know we are. We are a fantastic team, we know we are and we hope you will know it in time.
We will try to have the greatest impact possible on all the things that matter to us. I'm very excited about that. If they. then married in 2018 at George's Chapel in front of 600 guests and millions of viewers during their wedding, Harry acted like Diana moments after Megan Marle walked down the aisle, Harry bit his lip and told her she looks amazing , everyone was excited, the crowd was huge as you went up to that famous part of the park, um, it was packed, I mean, on both sides of where his carriage was going to go there were thousands and thousands of people standing back to back ready to cheer them on with the applause, the cheers as they drove through Windsor were deafening, there was a tremendous amount of love and support for Megan and Harry on their special day Archie Harrison was born in 2019 when they were still senior members of the royal family, they had their second and only daughter, Lilibet, also known as Lily.
Diana in June 2021 in honor of Harry's late mother Diana in the lead-up to her birth. Harry and Megan said they didn't want to know the gender, they wanted it to be a surprise, so obviously they had to choose girl and boy names. Diana was a favorite name and I think it was very likely that Diana would have been the first name or at least in the middle of that very long name and the reason is that you know from the beginning that Harry and William have included their mother whenever it was possible in their relationship and I think it made them both sad that she wasn't there when they got married.
She wasn't there to see her grandchildren so I believe with all my heart that Diana will probably in the future be a girl's name for this pair um in terms of boy names, initially there were a lot of names floating around, they were all connected to tradition real, but not typically traditional 26 a.m. m., he weighed 7 lb 3 o is a very good size, actually bigger than Harry when he was born and was born We believe in Portland Hospital Megan and Harry have been doing things their own way, they have made a statement, a statement clear that this baby belongs to them, not the public, as I understand it, I understand that this is unprecedented when there is so much interest and when the Royals are determined to keep it to themselves, Harry and William had very different experiences as new parents .
Harry was much more private, but having said that, of course, you have to remember that William is in a very different position. that Harry William will be king, uh, Harry will never be king, so I think the standards aren't the same, the expectations aren't as high and hopefully Harry and Megan will be allowed more privacy, what's next? Does she look like anyone? That's all, everyone says that the babies changed a lot for two weeks, basically we are monitoring how the change process happens over the next month, but he changes, his appearance changes every day, so who knows and how the parenting is of the children.
In general, what is it? It's still a special moment, yeah that's great, I mean, being parents is amazing, it's only been 2 and 1 half days, 3 days, yeah, um, but we're so excited to have our own little bundle. Joy to be able to spend precious moments with him as he slowly begins to grow and I hate that you are going to see two special people in the minutes, the queen and the duke, yes, and we bump into the duke. While we were walking which was really nice so it's going to be a good time to introduce the baby to more family and my mom is with us too so she's been really here we go another great grandchild in 2020 they quit. together as senior members of the royal family and are now working to become financially independent while continuing to fully support the now late Queen Elizabeth II.
Prince Harry hasn't had a very good time with the British press, especially after his mother's death in 1997. When paparazzi were chasing his mother the night she died in a car accident, both Harry and Diana were brutally honest. with the press. Diana opened up about her struggle with postpartum depression, Charles' affair with Camilla and her


marriage in her famous interview. with the BBC here was a situation that had never happened before in history in the sense that the media was everywhere and here was a fairy tale that everyone wanted to work on and so it was isolating but it was also a situation in which that you couldn't allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself you had to sink or swim and you had to learn that very quickly and what did you do?
Nadé Harry honestly tells us that his decision to leave was due to a lack of understanding and support, he explained his efforts to protect his family from the press, once as a boyfriend, once as a husband and once time as a father. He wanted the British tabloids to remain calm at times when he became overwhelming, but this did not sit well with Harry after his departure. of the royal family, Prince Harry has taken up residence in the US with Megan. They are clearly very unhappy with the actual existence they have right now and the way their public life affects them. something they clearly want to change a lot of people will sympathize with that, it's understandable, the fact of the matter is that you can't be half real, you can be part of the real machine, you can accept the privileges that come with it. but also take the restrictions and uh and all that and you live in a kind of bubble or you can, um, step back, I mean the next generation of Dukes of Kent, Dukes of Gloucester, they're private citizens, no. you would recognize them on the street, you can follow that path if you want, what you can't do is be some kind of transatlantic Royals who come to do a bit of real things but then go off to achieve this kind of financial independence. things in Los Angeles or Toronto, wherever it is, I think the whole plan that Harry and Megan have is really problematic because they're talking about taking a step back, they're talking about how their critics would argue about having their cake and eating it. talking about one day representing the queen on an overseas tour to another country, another day, say, in North America, making a lot of money with some kind of endorsement of some kind of product, the risk is that those two things will not are compatible, the risk is that their pursuit of money will tarnish the Windsor brand and tarnish the house of Windsor.
I mean, this is the real problem for the Queen and Prince Charles. They are dealing with this as a grandmother and as a father on the one hand, and we are also dealing with it as a protector of an ancient dynasty and we have seen that as protectors of the ancient dynasty, when they need it, they act brutally like they did with Prince Andrew when he was removed from public office, there may be a point. that at some point, if Queen Charles and William believe that what Megan and Harry are proposing is a threat to the institution of the British monarchy, then they will act unlike working royals, whose wealth generally comes from properties under his command that Prince Harry and Megan earn. his money independently to pay for security and raise his children Archie and Lilibette Harry later says that leaving the royal family has allowed him to be able to ride his son on a bicycle, something he was unable to do under the couple's royal scrutiny. . embarked on a PR Blitz recently appearing in a lively primetime interview with Opera Winfrey that attracted millions of viewers, they discussed mental health issues, even addressing one Megan addressed about having suicidal thoughts at SU since marrying a member of the royal family, some viewers noticed a great resemblance between In this interview and the one Harry's mother did in 1995, it is clear that Harry sees Megan as a dedicated woman, just like his mother Diana, together they form the team perfect.
I think there is now an accusation of racism hanging over one or more members of the royal family, we don't know who, as we said before, neither the queen, nor the Duke of Edinburgh, but beyond that, we don't know who they wouldn't say Harry and Megan, and we also don't know the context in which this comment was made. fact, but we know from what we've heard that both Harry when he heard it and Megan when it was broadcast were offended and so that's an issue for them and I also think there are a little bit broader questions for us as a society.
Carrie said she left partly because of racism in the UK, what does that mean for us? We need to look at ourselves a little bit more and I think, on the general point, for Bucking Palace, why do you know that Megan was? unable to fit in why she couldn't get the help she needed when she desperately needed it, although I should also point out that last week that bullying complaint against Megan was revealed that the HR department also had to investigate, so there is a lotThere he accepted a new executive job at a Silicon Valley startup and has since announced that he would become the chief impact officer of Better Up, which is a mobile coaching advisory and mentoring company founded in 2013.
He has long been open about their personal struggles. with pain and mental health issues and better executives have been drawn to their work before as a member of the royal family together they founded archwell, which is a non-profit foundation for change as a first step towards independence, they are focused on their charity work through the archwell foundation with which they support access to education, women's empowerment and the fight against racial injustice, they also founded archwell Productions, which signed mass media deals with Netflix and Spotify for a series of inspiring documentaries and podcasts valued at around £18 million.
They now reside in the US and since 2020 have returned to the UK to attend the national Platinum Jubilee Thanksgiving service in June 2022, they appeared and then disappeared and bought their children, took the children to meet the queen, they had a birthday party and then they went back to California, so I think they made the decision to tow the line and remain discreet, it wasn't about them, it was about Queen Harry, Queen Elizabeth II's grandmother died on the 8th September 2022, the couple returned to the UK once again to Balmoral Castle in Scotland, which is where his death was announced.
Harry couldn't get to Belm Moral until 8:30 p.m. On Thursday night, 2 hours after the announcement was made, Harry and Megan are expected to stay in the UK to attend the Queen's funeral on September 19. He was seen leaving Bal Moral and boarding a British Airways flight at Abine International Airport. which left at 10:20 a.m. He passed flowers that had been placed in tribute to the late Monarch. I get the feeling that Harry was on the outside of the family, which of course he was because he wasn't on the flight with the others, when they went to Abedine, he arrived on a later flight where he apparently had to rent his own plane instead of going on an RAF plane.
He then he left Bal Moral before breakfast, practically the next morning he was not allowed to use his military uh. uniform, apart from when he was doing the princes' vigil, I think he felt a lot of pressure because it showed on his face, he looked very unhappy and uncomfortable, so I think it was a very difficult time for Harry, many members of the family royals appeared in their uniform Harry is no longer an active royal and was not required to wear a uniform Harry and Megan's participation in the funeral has sparked considerable speculation among journalists that it may be the first time they meet the royal family after of several disastrous years;
Some reports focused on the fact that Harry was the last royal to reach a moral balm and the first to leave London. Megan significantly wore earrings given to her by the Queen. Diamonds and pearls are favorites of members of the royal family for mourning occasions as colorless stones. Have a Quiet Elegance photographers outside Westminster Abbey captured a tear falling from Megan's eyes while she was at a gathering of members of the royal family during the funeral period, of course, they never expected to be in the country for so long. They never expected the queen to die, but I think there have been a lot of rumors about what has happened and what hasn't and the arguments and why they were in the crowd with William and Catherine and you know, did they intend to have it? filmed for Netflix if it wasn't, Megan had a microphone, right?
I mean, we'll never know there were so many rumors going around and Harry remained impassive and Stony-faced the whole time, I mean, he really did. Megan managed to get out. a tear and then of course because this is the world we live in now so on Twitter they found some pictures of Megan as an actress talking about oh left eye Megan she says the tear comes out and of course it was her left eye the one with the tear. so everything she does is discovered. I don't know why she keeps going, but I feel like they're very happy in California and I think that's what Harry wanted.
He didn't want to live here. He spoke a long time ago. about him wishing he wasn't a prince, I think he has a very low opinion of the whole monarchy and how it's structured and maybe he doesn't understand how it's structured, he doesn't seem to understand it, but I think he's much happier in his life in California I think he's happy, he's obviously angry about Megan and her kids, which is as it should be and I think it's for the best. King Charles appeared to approach the couple and say: I want to express my love for Harry and Megan, as they continue to build their lives abroad, they are still loved by members of the royal family and will continue to love them in their hearts.
The queen's death means that her children Archie and Lilibet are now a prince and princess. I think Harry and Megan said they wanted a private life. If you want a private life, you don't speak in public and what you want to do is change the world. They want to talk about their feelings and how they can help the world. or how they think they can help the world, so it's a mismatch before it even starts. I think they're at odds with themselves and at odds with who they wanted to be, but I'm sure they'll work it out because I think they have to work it out, but I really think it's easier for them to separate him from the rest of the family, which is what Charles was saying in his speech.
You have his blessing and he will help you in any way he can, but you need to do it. They have their own life away from the Roy family, so there's probably no real reason for them to return immediately other than the coronation, where they'll want to have a presence because they'll need it for their money-making abilities, so it's a situation. a little complicated where they are, it's very, very difficult to say what the future holds for them, but I am absolutely sure that they will continue to live in California and raise their children in California and It's a beautiful life.
It's a wonderful life they have, but they have to keep working to maintain their lifestyle. And their job means they need to be sprinkled with royal stardust, that will be their problem. Harry and Megan. I know it's a story on its own now and I don't think anyone knows where Harry and Megan's story will end. I just hope it ends happily for both of us. Prince Harry's long-awaited book titled Spare has been delivered. With a release date of January 10,


, the book was originally due to be published in October, but was delayed following the death of the late Queen on September 8, 2022. 22 This book is dedicated to exploring the life of Prince Harry with great detail. is meant to give us an intimate and candid first-hand account of the experiences, adventures, losses and life lessons that have helped shape him over the years.
The most deeply personal account is said to address Harry's decision to step down as a senior royal in 2020 and his decision to move to Southern California with his wife, the book is perfect for those who want to know what life was really like. of Prince Harry while growing up within the royal household. It will focus on his journey from trauma to healing and one about the power of love that references his wife Megan, it may also look at his relationship with Prince William after the brothers had a fight in 2018. Drama rumors emerged after Prince Harry claimed William wasn't doing enough to welcome Megan to the Royal Household.
Family, proceeds from this book will be donated to two charities, Well Child, a charity for children with complex medical needs, and Senali, another charity that Prince Harry co-founded in honor of his late mother Diana, taking from the lessons of his mother's honesty, Courage of love and affection Prince Harry has become a man who congratulates his mother. He has created the life he wanted for himself, as opposed to the life the public wanted for him. His mother's lifelong commitment to helping the world around her. His mother's will to be free has shaped Harry. to free yourself from a


over troubled



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