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Talking Ben Story On Roblox! Good & Bad Ending

Mar 22, 2024
In this video we will show you how to beat Ben's


and this


bank is evil and we have to save him. We show you all the secrets, the



, the bad


and even Talking Tom's hiding place, it's time, welcome to another one. video in


and today we are going to play ben's story so where will we go in which direction in which direction in which direction this way or that way oh we are in a house we are in the house it's tommy and mother hello guys, welcome to my house Good job Kevin, this is my mom, okay, that's your mom, hello, you're wearing Nike, hello kids, it's nice to meet you, go ahead, take it and look around, get comfortable, where are we going to go?
talking ben story on roblox good bad ending
Kevin, where are you? Let's go here oh, something's wrong. with the television let's see what's inside the toy box there's a snowman some dragons a mummy with one eye


guys let's go out and play in the backyard before it gets dark okay, come on guys, come on okay, it's like I'm playing in my school. let's go play soccer, let's go kick this ball, I'm going to go to the swings, I'm going to go to the swings, let's go up the slide and slide down, guys, I have an idea, it's a big iPhone, it's a new game that everyone is


about. about asking him questions okay, what questions are we going to ask him?
talking ben story on roblox good bad ending

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talking ben story on roblox good bad ending...

Are you real? Yes, are you here again? No, oh, oh, he's angry, he's angry. It has to be a yes or no answer. You like me? my phone phone yes maybe ben has your phone iphone look here are my two friends yes he's gone crazy it's just the game I'm going to go back down the slide again the kids come in I made dinner for everyone okay let's go enter why? Is my face planted? Okay, let's leave Tom, he has a slice of pizza, I make cookies too, okay, let's go get a slice of pizza, where are the cookies?
talking ben story on roblox good bad ending
Oh, I buy a cookie. There are no cookies here. There are no cookies here. With cookies, I want that. Cookie, where's my cookie? It's gotten pretty, yeah, it's really dark, I can't even see what's going on, I think it's time to go to bed, guys, I know it's time to go to bed, guys, uh, okay, mom Hey, it's story night, let's go to bed where it is oh up here right there painting I'm not going to sleep I'm going to stand in the middle of the floor just to stay together in the middle of the floor good night everyone good night mom what sleep well and don't let the bedbugs bite 30 minutes later what's going to happen it's great why are you still dancing i can't sleep are you guys still okay why is ben on his phone uh-oh what's wrong with this phone yeah still we're like we have to go here we have to go here okay guys see my phone?
talking ben story on roblox good bad ending
What's going on? Yes, I just heard a bed. That's the end of the story. I made this game. It's like Jumanji. What are we at Ben's house like my cousin Ben? we're inside the phone this is so cool there okay why do I have a statue on him oh what's inside these rooms oh more static oh there's a picture of him no way it's ben we'll see he's an addict this is the attic the key to go up here the key to the basement must be here somewhere no way buddy let's stay here for a while dad let's go to the attic we don't have room to send us check behind the boxes and stuff alright ben alright , right, right, right, in, what. oh uh oh what's happening what's happening kevin and running in the basement everyone run, run, run, run, run, run, there's a key right there, I'm going to add a key, oh, the attic is upstairs, let's see it , I have a flower I found a balloon Where is it?
Oh, there it is, man. I went to look for you in the attic. This is where we survive. Where is the? Yes, he is going up the stairs. He is in the room. Am I losing my health? I think we're safe now. I lost a little health I lost my antennae when I had dad I lost half my antennae going to the attic I didn't do anything just follow this up here we have to find the key to open the basement where is the key? basement key guys, let's go down and get out of here face planting planted black planted where the hell are we dad don't say that no but that's what it says you're supposed to read kevin no me dad you can keep walking I'm not sure here, but it seems like the only one exit is here.
Yeah, okay, let's just continue where the hell we're going. Come on guys, follow me, okay, follow to the cave and follow Kevin, oh, you don't know when he decided, oh. is a skeleton is that Talking Tom doesn't even look like a cat. Were there that many baseball bats here? He probably ripped off his ears. No, this is Piggy's house. Oh, he looks at that green. What are we doing downstairs? There is a lot of baseball. bats down here isabella let's go pick them up take one we might need them later ok I have a baseball bat now boom boom boom another door too this one is open though okay the door is open so we can go down oh oh oh it's a secret What, oh, did you see that was tall?
Was he speaking loudly? Yes, we have to get to the other side. Okay, bye, Tom. What is he


about above? Okay, we don't have long guys. Okay, we have to cross. Yes, I will not save. You control who is drowning someone, dad, don't make yourself drown, don't drown, you have to go faster, dad, don't drown because we can't swim, okay, so make sure you jump correctly and then, of course, oh , I can't see where I am. It's very dark yes, I made it, I almost made it, yes, I can't even spend two seconds, everyone else is going to die, there are only three of us left and there is someone drowning, ugh, she was close, she will fall into the void.
It seems like a dead end this person says I did it for the first time I did it for the second time Where do you think you are? Oh, the evil gang did this before my father died? “I thought they wanted to be friends,” he says. No, no, I don't want to be your friend, you, you, you forever, which one do we go first? Um, okay, let's go here, make this guy smash more minions, more minions, oh one down, one down, oh one foot, oh God, get on the block, get on the box, okay, he's going crazy now , oh, super liquid, someone dies, tommy, help us, time, he's not dizzy, get away, get away, oh no, you have to get on the block again, okay, here we go, here we go, is he dizzy yet? dizzy more blocks again oh no, i'm not going to make it oh it's close be careful we have to be careful i wonder if tom is doing this right now what and now what now what's worth here let's go find ben he's dizzy again oh come on, he's almost dead, oh no, we have to go around one more time, check your life and make sure you have a lot of health, oh, okay, get this guy, make this guy eat, eat fast, they don't cure you, he's okay, no energy, eat a pizza, oh no, I got it.
As if my nose wasn't cheap I barely have any more life left I think we have enough I have enough life just to get to the end I can't I can't fight with anyone whoa ah run run run run run run run run run run, run, oh, 150 left, 150 left, come on, come on, come on, come on, yes, we beat him, he's ko'd, he's kale, we did it, kevin, no, I'm sorry, I've felt so alone, no, no, no, what? No? I have tom when they hear you I wanted to leave I got angry oh when I heard you wanted to leave I got angry I'm so bad I'm so sorry okay we forgive you I think you're still evil bang you still are .exe wait I have an idea what the idea is yes and yes you come back to us you can be my pet no oh my real friends guys my dad has what we should do okay finish or leave then we're going to take oh okay ben you can come back to us okay it doesn't matter we have the ending good I think yeah, thanks, I'll get you out of here, we'll probably get the bad ending, whoa whoa, oh, we're all getting sucked back into the portal.
We're coming back, we're leaving Jumanji now I had like three bars left, I even have five bars left, I had one ball left and then I healed up, we're back home, we got the badge for the ending well guys we can probably get it. the bad ending next time let's go back to the lobby and we'll probably get the bad ending yes we beat him and I killed him we took him down no we don't have to make sure we pick him bad ending right kevin I'm sorry I just felt so alone when I heard you wanted leave, I got angry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, no, you tried to attack us, you tried to attack us because he got angry, it's okay, we forgive you, I think what if you came back to us?
Be my pet, it's not right, so last time we chose him to come with us, this time we'll leave him, see what happens. I wonder what will happen if we leave him, leave Benny, sorry man, we can. I won't take you back. What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Eat me. You belong here. What's happening? What happened? Man, you lied to me angry again. We have to fight him again. Now you will stay here forever. Oh no, we're going to be trapped. in the game forever like Jumanji, this is a bad ending, we will be stuck in the game forever, that is the bad ending, so if you choose the good ending you go back home with Ben, if you choose the bat ending you you get caught up in the game. with ben i don't have to fight him again so we will have to fight him again to escape so that was ben's story we did the good ending and we did the bad entry which one did you like more which one did you like escaping back to the real world oh okay guys that's all for us subscribe please like thanks for watching bye peace love you.

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