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Trapping My Friends On One Block in Minecraft

Mar 28, 2024
add just a couple of raiders. It's a raider outpost, bro, what the hell is it? There are people there. I think I just received a very lucky hat. Just a couple. Only a few. There are bad men down here. Adam. I'm going to keep breaking this


. We need achievements. What's happening below? There's a siren, there's bad guys shooting at me, everyone's shooting at me. I was too busy with Alec to notice that Adam is still breaking this


oh yeah I have Bessie okay this was so boring. I'm starting a small farm. I thought we would take back our changing world.
trapping my friends on one block in minecraft
We only have a small structure. Okay, wow, that was embarrassing. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Oh shit, oh my god, I thought there was only one, bro, what is there no way what's going on? What is lightning like? I didn't realize it was a special power of theirs. His piece of bacon turned into a zombie bacon. There's one more on top of you. I'm going to die he's going to kill me he's too high you kill him how that thing is shooting at you like it's nothing oh it's following you it's chasing you down there oh nevermind it's coming down for alec wait look at this wait oh oh I think Adam killed him No I think the mutant Blaze is going to be very happy with that.
trapping my friends on one block in minecraft

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trapping my friends on one block in minecraft...

Let's go ahead and generate it in three, two, one. What is there no way the boys can kill this? Doing so will unlock a fairly powerful upgraded weapon, but. I have a bad feeling that the kids are not going to survive this is a mega fire brother I'm getting it I'm getting it I'm getting it I survived I'm getting it um I think I'm getting it no I really don't know what's going on I have no idea and I'm dead again, oh my god, I accidentally blew up everything, our island is gone, no way bro, they killed it, wait, everything is burning alive, it got stuck in the water. and then it just fell out of the world side note: I ended up blowing up the village, the raider outpost with the tnt 5x so I'm a little crazy about that, wait wait, the fire is dead, I killed it.
trapping my friends on one block in minecraft
Good job, Adam, so far. This is all the guys have to show for it, and honestly, it's pretty impressive considering the circumstances. I have enough dirt to rebuild. Wow, they are so annoying. I'm not dead. These things are so annoying, although I feel like we should give them a couple of things like. next time you break this block we will give you a floating island tnt oh yeah we have a floating island well so we need more llamas and we could also give you this cool tnt called heaven's gate oh I have two. heaven's gate now they just need a way to blow them up we just need a flint steel oh yeah we got bessie back oh yeah we got a sheep okay we got a new character in our world what do we call this thing ba ba bimbo baba bimbo on Weenie Island, let's see how long it lasts.
trapping my friends on one block in minecraft
I wonder if they could figure out how to make a creeper explode their tnts. Let's see who has the dead bamboo down. You lasted a full 30 seconds. I don't think the kids are ready for that. in the distance we're going to spawn on something called a flying pig I think you could see it oh off madam madam madam mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad what's that we're just going to see a couple around their island oh yeah we got a chicken wait , what would happen if I add something called skyslime? Well that was anticlimactic dude there's a lot of these like vampires alex I know they keep coming just a few just a couple definitely not many oh my god wait what the hell?
Look, the cow goes to Weedy Island, yeah, yeah, get dirty, next time they break the block, I'll give them some dynamite. Now the guys can blow up their tnts or Adam could use it to blow up Alec. Oh yes, I have dynamite. Do you think I could fly this? No, I don't think so, so I don't know, it works, get out of the way, it doesn't matter, it blew up the ship immediately, oh my god, I'll never listen to you again. Shit, oh he just. He killed them all, the island reached there, what have you done?
Island they're back to a single block they crashed the server alright guys the server is back it looks like they used a backup because I'm pretty sure this island was upside down in the sky before alec weedy the island is great that's good I don't know what you did but you're getting on my side good now it's my lucky charms hat I think I have a pretty good idea while the boys are busy up there I'm going to come down here and take advantage of this island. One chicken, oh, two chickens, so what are you doing, single, you're so dirty, Adam, you've been around these parts for a while, Adam, oh oh oh oh, what are you? doing you're supposed to be mining blocks you're talking to a block right now no, shut up no, this is not stopping, I'm not silent, I'm going to start generating these things called lanterns, they're big, they're slimy. and they glow in the dark i need to reset your brain i'm so sorry for this look now we just have to get the guy's attention let's spawn one of them here did you just get an electrifying yes because?
My Zeus powers go down Adam What is that? Oh my gosh, wait, there are thousands of them down there. Oh my God, they still haven't come down. Looks like we're going to have to change the game plan. So you are saying. this isn't you, no buddy, it's not me, there's something fishy going on, I'm telling you, man, I agree, but for some reason, maybe once we complete the challenges with a block, then we can escape. I need to give them a reason to run and I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of zombies dude okay okay okay the mutant zombie well that was short lived it can't just be from whatever normal mod there is. something's happening man, something's happening, that guy, alec is somehow dodging the attacks, wait a second bro, how is that possible?
I swear and you're dead, oh it doesn't matter, alex did it, oh he's coming after me, he's got so much damage. I'm flipping a dead guy, they're literally playing a real life elimination game right now. I don't, I don't have a gun, dude, I didn't plan, I didn't break any blocks and somehow this guy shows up. Oh my goodness, while we're at it, we might as well add the ferrous rot knot and while the guys are busy, let's go ahead and start adding some random parkour, how are they spawning? He's still here, oh my God. He's kicking me off the island, I didn't even break a block, he's not, so I think I know who he is, bro, I'm starting to get really suspicious of who it could be who, out of everyone we know, brings us to these situations. and it spawns in random garbage well added some one block jump some two block jumps what is this seriously jump here dead oh there's parkour oh oh parkour I didn't even need to kill Adam let's make it look like his island is falling apart Wow Wow, I don't know, I could use the earth talisman to collect blocks, man, we have to convene.
Go to Weenie Island, it's the only safe place now and then if I hold it down we can collect giant blocks. What's going on? it's floating, I don't think we're the only ones on the server, bro, wait, Adam just said hi, I'm getting attacked by the blocks, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, that wasn't for you to reply , silly. Sorry, wait, why are they saying hello? Are they talking to each other? We need to find out who else is here right now, unless he's flipping Herobrine, I think that is, I don't know, yeah, I think he's probably a hero.
There's someone else in this. World, are the boys getting me? Oh, watch out, this guy is going to kill us. Watch this god play. I don't like the way he looks at me. Oh my God, that wasn't the play. Let's start breaking the block, come on. bimbo you want to see you want some smoke I want to push them push them push them you get off the edge buddy all the boxers breaking I got it adam I got it it will never go alec there is no more a block What do you mean we are going to break the blocks around it and act like your entire island is being wiped out?
The box is breaking. What's going on? What's going on? I am getting errors. I am getting errors. I was also getting errors and then. Let's just go ahead and detect this over nuclear destruction. What is that? What is it? He broke it. What's going on? I'm going crazy. This world is corrupt. I have a block called death ray. Just use it on me. I need to start lighting it up here let's see what spiral dynamite you set off the tmg bro what just happened oh my god this is good it was so loud it didn't even do anything oh I was really expecting something epic to happen I was screaming. very strong, well, it was good, who is doing this?
There's someone here, I know for a fact, it's not you, yeah, well, I don't know why you didn't believe me the first time your guy said who's doing this. Alex just said who's there wait brother do you know it's me? it's a sign it's a sign wait wait wait don't break it don't break it they're probably writing something I just wrote a side that says don't stop doubt, don't stop now question mark what or maybe don't stop now like don't do it, stop now so they say stop breaking the blocks wait there's another sign continue what kind of sick twisted game is this or what? otherwise he says keep going or what I don't know we have to keep going I don't know just do what he says it's really scary they're both starting to dig let's speed it up a little there's not one more block oh god whoever it is who He'll get me, he'll get mad, bro, we gotta keep breaking it, keep breaking it, there's no other option, we're speeding it up a little.
Alex just went down and then we're going to drop a nuclear bomb. and just build this build nukes everywhere no no no no no we weren't mining we were mining we're turning dead no no I don't think I know where this is I think I know where this is who who is for the rain fish over the guys fish to fish fish to fish fish to fish fish fish if you had to guess one person who picked us all day all I know where this is I'm turning I know it's a classified fish oh my god Adam just got electrocuted I'm turning , you gotta trust me, I trust you, dirty boy, with all my heart, let's set it for the night, set it for the day, set it for the night, I think it's great, bro, turning around, wait, someone just say that, brother, jack, reveal yourself there's no way I know it's me.
I'm making a very educated guess. I know. He is getting angry. I know it's him. I'm going to change my name to mermaid. I'm going to say he's not back, brother Jack, wait. I did it. I don't write that I didn't write that it's not my project so it's you no no no no no no no no no no no no adam I promise for the life of my mafia I'm turning knowing no no I don't know it's not it's not it's not bring I was me everything time adam adam it's not me why don't you believe me bring me back to my world adam you see yourself you're playing with my head I'm just trying to play with my head how about this? how could i? write if I'm swimming I don't know exactly you're right save me Adam I'm not I don't have a box I can't see I'm going to change my name to dirty boy now wait that's not like that Me that's not me look I told you so Dude this guy is having a whole conversation with him I literally told you so dude guys who have no idea what's going on wait that's not me writing I'll shut up shut up I believe you I know what we do . do it now that we know this information we know it's jack alec just said we know you're trolling you know what uh he's in our house I say let's go up and just strangle them let's fix them come on three two one let's give the boys some rainbow action oh it's beautiful wait someone is in my room let's go

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