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I'm Suing US Immigration

May 10, 2024
the title is not click bait. I'm actually




. I'm sure many of you already know why, but let me bring you up to speed for those of you who may not know the story, so join in and let me explain. a little adventure here through this infuriating journey of dealing with us, the


department and, in particular, a whip-addicted homunculus bedridden wedding agent who simply had a grudge against our esports organization. Wet esports. I swear to god if the anime was real I'd have enough. rage against the US immigration department to finally become Super Saiyan I can't stand how corrupt that agency is I already made two videos having a condition about it and losing my mind like a caveman who discovered fire for first time, but what I discovered is Simply rotten to the core, blatant corruption.
i m suing us immigration
I have explained the situation in great detail, but I will give you a very brief explanation. Our Esports Apex Squad consists of three Australians and one American. The three Australians were denied entry into the country on multiple occasions. times over the course of 6 months, one of the reasons they gave us was that they didn't think they were ranked as well as we said, even though we gave them all the leaderboards, the official rankings and they could also just Google that yes they didn't believe us, but we even had an EA official, one of the highest-ranking executives at EA Lobby, write to us and write on our behalf about how important our team is to Esports for Apex because we are very highly ranked and US immigration.
i m suing us immigration

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i m suing us immigration...

I don't think that guy was a real Authority, he thought he was like Satchmo or something like the guy didn't exist, they just wiped their asses with that guy's entire resume and wrote him off as some kind fantasy that EA encrypted for us. He fought a losing battle against American immigration. The reasons were so stupid that they prevented our team from entering the country, which upset all of our plans to have them here for the split. Fortunately, we took them to Canada. They played the entire split one in Canada. They finished second, which means they qualified for the biggest tournament, which is the Apex Land Major that is happening right now in Los Angeles, but because we were denied so many times, they couldn't make it to Los Angeles, which left us with only one option, I think.
i m suing us immigration
I was going crazy in the last video where we had to release our team because they couldn't come to the US under our umbrella, the dank esports umbrella, we had to release them so they would even have a chance to play in that land, but wow. Hi, wouldn't you know it didn't work? These hearings were denied. If any of you are foreigners and have ever been to the United States, you know what a Visa is. It's like a 99% success rate in getting a Visa. Almost nobody. is rejected, you have to be like a notorious terrorist to get your visa rejected.
i m suing us immigration
Osama Bin Laden might even have been able to get a visa, so easy access, however, two out of three of our Australians were denied this, so only one of them were allowed to enter empty-handed into one, which which means he got here while the other two couldn't. It is inexplicable why two of them were rejected, but the one from mt was accepted. They were in the same boat and yet for some reason he was the one. It was okay, but the other two weren't, they're a danger, you guys are trying to smuggle Romulans or something to take over America from the inside out, the land of the free and the home of the self in your face like that, that's inexplicably idiot. like all three of them were rejected, then maybe they had found something, but no, that didn't even happen, they rejected two out of three, so what could be the reason for that?
We speculate that it's because they reapplied for these benefits even though they still had a little time left on the previous ones, so maybe that marked it in their system, but that may not be the case because Inty still managed to get through, but the others two no, it's stupid, it's super stupid, so that made it an even bigger problem because they were denied. an this means you're basically out of luck, so we were going to have to play, excuse me, they were going to play this major with only two of three of their players and no coach because two of them just couldn't get in. so at that point we were out of options, our team hadn't played together for weeks because Waly and Kyle, the Australians who were rejected, couldn't make it to the US yet, so in a last ditch effort, Mar, we applied for Visas B1 which I think some of you have probably heard of before and to do them is an in person interview with the actual Embassy and being able to talk to someone here is huge because when you deal with us Immigration, you are talking to a soulless android who doesn't he wants to be there and doesn't do his job at all, but we were able to schedule B1 visa interview appointments for both Kyle and Waly in Lisbon, so we had to fly them out.
Over the course of about 3 days, of course, from Canada to Lisbon to sit for that interview, they got the interview, they got their B1 visas, then we had to fly them from Lisbon to the United States, all in the span of just a couple of days and finally They landed in this patriotic country blessed by God two days ago, where they were finally able to play together as a team. As you can imagine, since they hadn't played together in so long, cohesion was a little difficult because we were slapped in the face a lot by American immigration. hard a Biblical Smackdown to try to ruin our chances of winning this major that we were from, excuse me, excuse me, they are one of the best teams competing in the tournament and one of the favorites to win.
US immigration did everything they could to make it unwinnable and yet our team is defying fate. We played our final group today and not only were we able to come first on the day with 62 points, but we were also able to secure the winning side. I keep saying that we are this mysterious team known as no. Wet was able, against all odds, American immigration being against us, to lock down the winning side for tomorrow and I couldn't be more proud of this group of gentlemen who I am not associated with in any paperwork, they are not ours equipment.
We are literally not our team, but I am still very proud of this group through all of this adversity that was completely unnecessary, unjustified, unfair and dare I say, potentially illegal. Still, Rose rose to the occasion to perform so well. I want to show you clips. of that, but as the title of the video would indicate, I'm


US immigration, wet sports we're suing US immigration, we've talked to our lawyers and they agree that it's very mysterious how it got to this point, it seems like there were quite a few things that were committed here and some protocol that wasn't followed and a lot of big red flags like big problems and it really seems that to the US immigration agent handling our case didn't like us or they just didn't really feel like doing their job, that's the impression we're getting and there's a lot of evidence to suggest some bad things that were a foot here that really made it impossible for us to bring our players into the country and eventually I had to eliminate them, which of course is a great harm to our organization as a whole, so we are suing them and, you know, what I have learned through this lawsuit process turns out that there is corruption built into the US Constitution itself .US, where even if we manage to beat US immigration in this lawsuit, they can't pay us any damages, of which there are many, this has been a super expensive process and there is also a lot of lost revenue here because there is a lot of money at stake. this tournament, as well as so many potential eyes on our organization, as well as all the legal fees, that's so much money that went into this, all of which was burned thanks to American immigration and no matter what happens with the lawsuit, we don't They will return not a cent now.
The most important thing that can happen with the lawsuit if we win is that they overturn their decision to reject the Australians, which is great, it's a happy ending, for sure, but it was alarming to know that. the US government is not responsible for any of these damages, that they were directly responsible for us as far as we are concerned, that's a little crazy to me, so what possible incentive do immigration workers have of the US to even do their job in the first place if not? No matter what, they don't suffer any loss, so it turns out that people sue the US immigration office quite often and they don't seem to fight as often or fight as hard.
Very rarely does a US immigration lawsuit go to trial, apparently because They are more than willing to settle because they lose nothing, they lose nothing by not doing their job, they can't lose money, everything they do It's just overturning a decision which I guess is very easy for them, maybe so they just don't have a problem. With that being said, what possible reason is there for any of the US immigration workers to take their jobs seriously? We also can't even go after our particular agent who mishandled this case, because to do so we would have to pierce the corporate veil of the US government.
We would have to go through Uncle Sam to get to that agent, which It's not happening, it's an unwinn battle for individuals to be protected as well, so let's say you have a US immigration agent who is just racist like everyone else. possible definitions he is simply racist and is rejecting people because he doesn't really like the color of their skin, too bad that person probably won't be fired because he doesn't seem to care and nothing can be done against that person because he is protected by the blanket of US immigration and US immigration is not responsible for any damages, the best they will do is overturn a decision, so you are out of luck across the board, as if suing US immigration is worth it.
US to have that decision overturned if I win but I'm shocked at how deep and rotten the system is it's so broken it's a joke it's a joke but anyway I can't go into details here I'll just leave it at that all of this you know more General statements about this case, of course, I will keep you all informed throughout this legal process, but for now let's end with some good news because, like I said, our team, even through all of this, has come through and has secured the winning side tomorrow. I love seeing you all come out to support our team at watch parties.
I'll be streaming it here on YouTube and on Twitch at critical wet moments, so please stop by to cheer on the team and give them your energy like a giant spirit. Pump it up and let me show you our last game of the day where we really wiped out each squad and secured the winning side, okay holy yeah bring out the nice meat please hit it, hit it, good, good, AR Stars, color Oh, it's so low, yeah. push that just push that to the left please good hit I'm not I'm sliding with you well hey it's four points we've got 100 okay now let's get some insurance this is so sneaky this is diabolical yeah here we are. let's go here we go here we go this is the perfect time for third parties how we did it how we didn't go down nice wall I have one of them very weak oh oh oh it's a different team he's so low finish him off okay okay SWAP SWAP SWAP SWAP SWAP SWAP SWAP SWAP EXCHANGE EXCHANGE get the exit get the exit oh well these are good points these are good points these are good points L going up the hill okay that was a very good decision aggressive calls finally we go that's where we is when we do our best work aggressive calls log out Guild hit a good good you don't have to fully commit come on take that bat take that b oh oh God okay okay okay there's so many teams here now just survive to get some extra placement points.
Oh, please, God, no. m holy holy holy holy holy what the hell, crazy, diabolical scoundrel, made it holy, a reset, a reset in these times, oh my God, there are so many, come out, Walty, please, yes, just push it, just push it, push it . out push it yeah just relax relax we can farm some easy location points here if only if we don't overheat oh my god let's do it kill it kill it do it now on the roof again can I Sky? These guys, I don't know how many pomegranates we have, oh Jesus, here we are, yeah, the nut is still here, it's God's nut, please wait, wait for the bat, wait for the bat, we don't have to leave yet, just wait . for the bat, okay, now come on, now we can swing it that looks like a good arcar that pushed them good, the termite got good, yeah, they're going to run at us, just gamemethodical, very methodical, game, come on, guys, come on, come on, please.
Please, he's so short, he's so short, cute, cute, cute, he's got two, it's two hits, cute, huge, oh, they're going ballistic, yeah, and we're all red again and we still got God, crazy yeah it's all happening holy meat Walt it's deep but I. I like it, nice. The guild knocked him out, yeah, just go back to the crazy team. There is a team. Maybe he'll go for us. No, it's a we. That's true. Walty killed the third one. I'm in, in, in, take it. eliminate that tail, that would be crazy, yeah, just scare it away, just smoke it, will they have to move before us?
I think so, I think they're going to have to move before we get to Mt, we're going to Mt, he's. so low, oh, that grenade, please, Gremio, please, Gremio, yes, Gremio, you're so strong, you're so strong, on top of you, on top of you, that's okay, hey, we'll take it, what an ending, what a finish, all good, great day that should secure the winner's side I think. I think we're locked in, we really only needed like three and I think we have like 30, that was a heater, they dropped that full meat there, which was big, which was big, which was a Kiana Reeves tied to a chair. from knock knock you came into my house and you into me, yeah I guess it should be said I don't want to put the cart before the horse, but I think we should be ready, oh yeah, another 12 kills, second place, 21 points, stinky , rusi, yes sir, it sucks to the max, I love it, so that's the winter side, baby, winter side assured, where did we end the day we had? to finish first, I'm pretty sure we got first place that day here, I still say we, but it's not my team, the non-wet team, which I became a big fan of 62 the day first, the teams that have.
Not that the winners. We'll have to do a better job next time. I am here with one of the greatest fears of being next to such a great man. Gosh look wal a monster uh it's been a great year for you guys you moved from the AP package to No, what's the transition been like? Honestly, it was a lot of fun to be honest, choosing the guild and taking on a much more difficult region was like, I don't know, it's like something you dream about, you know, moving and playing. against the big guys all the time, so it was definitely fun, that's what I would say, tell them about the American dream, how much you like being on American soil, changes, how great it was, that had to overcome a lot of things over the last two weeks.
How have the kids been during that? There have definitely been ups and downs. Obviously the issues with Visa and things like that are just unnecessary pressure right before we land, but I think we managed pretty well and I think, as you guys saw today, we're still the same team we were a couple of weeks ago, so hey, well built, different, I mean, the old one or the owner, Charlie is looking right now. Do you have any words for Charlie? Just a big love man, I can't stress enough how accommodating he's been to us. and really, like everyone at Mo has been a rock for us, you know this was a very stressful situation, right?
Currently I can't thank you enough. Make some noise for one from past tense, they're not our team, are they? Now the man is trying to be carried Jesus, thank you friends, always what day, although see wherever we send the camera.

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