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Blood-soaked Putin finally admits THOUSANDS of Russian soldiers are dying in Ukraine each month

Jun 28, 2024
for uh uh for uh for for for Russia has been very successful in selling itself as a particular idea of ​​a society and tends to attract people from other countries, particularly Western countries, who like the idea of ​​social attitudes such as they were in their own country. country 50 or 70 years ago and, as is known, this is rapidly receding, so ideological immigrants to Russia these days are much less numerous than during the times of communism, but they are still attracted by the image that Russia is presenting and in In this case, it is an image of traditional values, and then of course you have those people who also see the attraction in Russia simply because it is the opposite of the West, sometimes it is the opposite of the societies that these people they think. has victimized them because they are failed criminals, sex offenders, which is a surprisingly broad category or rather a group among these people who actually turned to Russia.
blood soaked putin finally admits thousands of russian soldiers are dying in ukraine each month
They blame the countries or societies in which they grew up educated. They embrace another place. and Russia offers that cause and will accept that Embrace and that is sometimes also the case not of the people who move to Russia, but of the defectors on the spot, the people who stay in Russia, sorry, they stay in the Western society, but Russia encourages them to attack. and take out all their frustration, anger and resentment by joining a cause that really wants to destroy the society that they feel has let them down, so there are many different ways. um subcategories of people who turn to Russia or sometimes even end up in Russia um the ones that seem to be um new unlike the things you know that go back centuries in history are the people who have found Russia a convenient place to escape. of prosecution and of course they hope that doesn't mean that they're actually going to end up being sent to fight and die in Ukraine like one or two of them already have and we'll see how long that lasts. lasts absolutely um it's always a problem and it's the same um syndrome as when there were British citizens for example enlisting in Isis uh it's a similar destructive ideology that people have largely resorted to because of their own um their their own personality disorders and their own inability to adapt to society because again look at the profiles of


of these people and look at their past history and their behaviors and these are all extremely damaged personalities, otherwise this wouldn't actually be the case. happening in the first place, so you have the problem that Russia is actually offering these people a home, so to speak, it is offering them an environment in which they can realize their fantasies.
blood soaked putin finally admits thousands of russian soldiers are dying in ukraine each month

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blood soaked putin finally admits thousands of russian soldiers are dying in ukraine each month...

There is also the problem, of course, is, like the one we had with Isis, that eventually some of these people may want to return to the UK, either because they realized they made a mistake or because they want to reintegrate, but It's going to be like this. be a challenge and a problem in any way, it's not just about enlisting in the Russian Armed Forces, but there are also people working for the Russian media in the occupied territories of Russia, etc., exactly the same way you had during World War II, broadcasters from Nazi Germany, they attacked their own country because they have, the enemy of this country has made them feel valuable and they have the type of personality that is very effective with I don't think we need to talk about Putin .
blood soaked putin finally admits thousands of russian soldiers are dying in ukraine each month
I think the way these individuals are used for the propaganda war against the West is directly integrated into the way Russia does things. This is something that is not a new phenomenon. something that dates back to Soviet times and is absolutely a central part of how Russia exploits both information warfare capabilities but also exploits damaged people if you look at the kgp manuals for recruiting agents or propagandists. You look for the losers, the misfits, the people who hold grudges, the people who have failed in life and think it's someone else's fault, it's Russia's way of turning losers and misfits into weapons and that's how it's always worked. and we should not be surprised by this because it is absolutely standard Russian practice.
blood soaked putin finally admits thousands of russian soldiers are dying in ukraine each month

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