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I Shoplifted My Way to Another Million Dollars in Hydroneer

May 31, 2021
game runs on water and we will make one last stop at this small store. here that has conveyor belts because who doesn't love them and now that we are all dressed up, let's go to the excavation site, aka a large empty plot of land that of course the game makes us pay for a not so high price. It doesn't matter, you insult me, leave with the sign, okay, let's get started, the first thing we will have to do is establish a water source that will be this small. dock here for that we will need our pipes, which we will place carefully and delicacy.
i shoplifted my way to another million dollars in hydroneer
The first thing we do is take a pipe, stick it directly into the ground, which spouts water incessantly and makes this horrible, horrible noise, and remember this. Beautiful pipe that we keep stealing, we'll use it to shut it up, thank goodness and from there we'll just build the pipe system, but before we get too involved in that, it looks like it's going to start getting dark soon. which reminds me that I forgot to pick up a bed, so let's run back to town to buy a hello, furniture store, a fancy bed please, and now let's carry this cute kid's bed to the workplace and I mean that could place it.
i shoplifted my way to another million dollars in hydroneer

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i shoplifted my way to another million dollars in hydroneer...

It's like here or you could put it down here completely submerged in soil and water. Ah, restful sleep. Can not breath. My favorite. I feel very rested. So to start, we'll stick with our piping system until we can get it. Until we get to the dirt, there we go looking good, so now that we've got past the water pipe, let's get one of our drills, okay, let's see like this, perfect and the way this works is if we turn it on, it digs up the dirt . For us, ideally what we want to do now is get as much dirt as we can and we could process it by hand, but obviously we want to automate this a little bit and we're going to split the water so we can feed. this thing, this is our harvester, it breaks little pieces of land into resources, essentially the way it works is right on top, here it's like something ground up, so if I just drop the rock, minerals come out and from the minerals that eventually come out , eventually we have things like these uncut emeralds, so this is the kind of thing that we're looking for that will eventually get stuffed into this thing to compress it for all eternity, but this is just a demo to show how it works.
i shoplifted my way to another million dollars in hydroneer
I won't stay here and continue feeding this. thing dirt over and over again that's where the conveyor belts come into play so let's move this thing for now we're not going to need it and let's put a conveyor belt right here where the stones are going to come out let's add


one and


and a couple of these ones leading up and one leading across and this is where we'll put the combine now in theory so Dirk can go up here and fall there in theory of course in truth you never know until you try so let's give this is a opportunity and we'll see if it works the rock goes up ah, that worked great now what we really need is more rocks so this thing can get through this just isn't enough, so let's go ahead and add more ram drills, one after another, and another well here we go let's see how this works with 10 of these it looks like it's working everything is falling one after another I would say this is working well oh you know what we can just take our magic trick here and just like put it here oh yeah that's cool, I know you said it's only supposed to compress gems, what do I care what's going on there? uh-oh, it looks like we're getting a little full, so let's go ahead and pull the lever and compress.
i shoplifted my way to another million dollars in hydroneer
Uh, yeah, wow, that's a lot of sound for not much change. Honestly, I can't say if he did anything. What happens if I keep pressing this over and over again? This is generally how heavy machinery works well. Well, I think I broke down. the lever because it no longer works, but oh hi, what could you be composite emerald? Well, since I have no idea what was compressed here, let's see how much it sells for anyway, let's see 60 60. Get this crap out of me We face we can do better than that, so I guess we'll have to optimize our process a little and to do so we will choose another fun machine called conveyor divider that divides the selected resources into a new conveyor belt.
I like the way you think about a random team, okay, let's see how we're going to integrate this technology into this cacophony. I guess we'll have to get this out of the way first. Ah well, I'm not sure what to do. about this, but what the hell, it won't hurt anyone, we'll just force it to merge with this conveyor belt, okay, I think this is going to work. Things are going to spit out here, they're going to go into this machine, oh, let's put this into gem. That might have been a misstep and I think what that means is that the gems are going to come out of back here and everything else is going to come out of this conduit into this hole I made because who cares about those materials?
So, not me. I don't think the machine is working, although looking at that conveyor belt I think this is the exit intake and not the entrance, okay, that's how it will be, we'll turn this around so no one feels comfortable, but it seems to be working now. watching normal minerals fall into my pit of despair and all the uncut gems are coming out of the front back, okay wait let's put this thing under the front, okay, and there we go, the rocks go in, the minerals They come out, most of them come in. here and the chosen few come in here now all we have to do is wait for this setup to run for a while and we'll see what we get.
Well, I let this setup run for a while, so far so good. To my complete surprise, everything is still working as planned. Our gem thingy is full of gems and I definitely miscalculated the size I needed to make this hole, so it's a big mess anyway, it's time for us to try it out, so here we go, well there it is. Come on, three glorious things with giant gems, let's take these bad boys to town and see how they do. Don't forget to wish me good fortune. Sky Car. I have high hopes for this. Oh, not bad. 4,000 and the emerald is 41 and the ruby ​​is the.
A weak one of the litter, but still a combined number of 10,000 isn't too bad. All it tells me is that there is room to grow, so hold on a second. I'm going to redo this to see if we can get a little more production. Well we had these 10 before and I feel like it was pretty effective so I'm really hoping that 681 also has good results before turning on any of these things let me give you the tour naturally it all starts here coming out of the water. and then the pipes come up here to this valve and then the water is split to feed the ram drills as well as these conveyor belts, and it rinses and repeats for a long time, once the dirt comes out of these machines, it will go down . this conveyor belt to the end where it will join with a larger conveyor belt system where all the rocks will move from left to right up these ramps, at which time they will go over the edge into these waiting harvesters. where the gems and minerals will be brought here to this divider and everything that is not a gem will be thrown into my new bed so that I can sleep in wealth and the remaining gems will come back here and will be thrown into this little compartment.
It couldn't be simpler, except for the part where I haven't tested it, so I have no idea what it will do to the framework. I mean, I've tried it with some, but not all, 600 plus running at the same time. time so let's do this let's turn it on and see what happens oh my god first of all this is the worst noise ever and my ears bleed every time all these things pump in unison and besides I think the frame rate could be I have a couple of problems but enough about me, how do the machines work well?
If the irregular sound coming in and out is an indicator that things are running at maximum efficiency, and in the distance you can see the rocks struggling to get here. Well come on let's see how the other side is doing, if we can look things might be going at 0.0001 frames per second but at least the machine dumped minerals on my bed and I think it's a gem that little by little some day makes its way. to the promised land, so I don't know how you can't call this a smashing success except for the part where the game is lagging so much I think I'm having an aneurysm just trying to slowly stumble my way back to the valve, I have a silly idea that I can somehow save this without recharging it, quickly turn it off, ah look, that's much better, let's see what it looks like on the other side of this thing, well I would say in the most technical sense , this worked. really very good, but in the practical sense I'm going to say about 50 50. so let's see if we can't try something instead of reopening the master valve.
I'm going to close this valve here and once I tighten this. The thing is that it's just going to feed this line here, so I'm hoping it's a little more tolerable for the game, okay, and there go my eardrums, okay, this looks potentially a lot nicer, maybe I'll like how I'm hoping that those little pieces finally make it up here right at the bottom, I see a couple of frames of some rocks just flying away, so I'm going to go ahead and say this isn't effective yet, let's go ahead and load up before trying any of a new idea came up so I moved the valve from here and left out all these things so the only thing that gets water pressure is the last one, hoping this will be a little easier for the game and so far it's not So.
Bad, yes, this seems to be going a little better. We certainly have a lot more minerals flowing than before, that's for sure, but the most important thing is that my sleeping arrangements are perfect. I'm not sure what I like more: constantly being showered with minerals or absolutely deafening. sound of the whole collision happening, but hey, it seems like everything is working technically and what more could you ask for? The moment I said the game delivered once again, I decided to take a quick nap despite the slowdown and you know what I learned when the game is running so bad, it just won't let you get out of bed, look, You can watch the days go by so I guess the game decided for us that this is where we will stop so I hope you had fun I know.
I did it, I'll be here waiting for my sleep paralysis demon to appear again and I'll see you next time.

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