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Bobby’s Stinky Little Secret | Ep 82 | Bad Friends

Apr 23, 2024
make that happen, of course, then we can settle it in cash. Okay, we bury it where we go to Bury it right, we can't tell these people, then they'll know, but this is just a joke, so we'll fake it, we'll fake it, so where will we do it? Where is? Where is like a smart place to bury? I know. where chula vista no where are we going to the philippines oh yes we are going to the philippines because you know they have six thousand islands we have to find it and we can go to duterte was that the name of dart day yes, they go to you like money I like it I do it, here we go and I go, we will give you 5 million in cash.
bobby s stinky little secret ep 82 bad friends
Can we buy a small island? How much do the islands cost? Don't know. We don't know how much the islands cost in the Philippines, yes. A million seems like a lot of money for the Philippines, even though it's an island, man, for when how much land is really there, a million, I would say, a million islands for sale in the Philippines, ready, let's buy one right now, yeah, there must be. one on sale look at those beautiful islands wow dao how much does that dao cost? Can we buy downstairs? I want to buy brand uh 49 47 acres how much do you expect that says 117 acres how come you see that they are not going to tell you that they are?
bobby s stinky little secret ep 82 bad friends

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bobby s stinky little secret ep 82 bad friends...

I'm going to tell you that it says ask now, top right, yes, you would have to ask, yes, yes, anyway, we have that island, what a beautiful island is ours, and then in the center of that. We'll bury it, okay , but how do we keep money safe while we are away? Oh, she lives there now we built her a


cabin and with her knives it's a wall of knives mm-hmm right, this sounds like the real preventive start. of turtleneck pants I think this is that is the prequel the prequel this is the prequel of pants and she we were going there to get our money back and she didn't leave us well she died protected I don't know what happened how about?
bobby s stinky little secret ep 82 bad friends
This, we are in prison, of course, yes, if we build a small shack, you will have a swimming pool and you will have all these decorations in this shack, right? and you're bored, you have dogs, obviously, because you're bored. true and one of the dogs is missing let's see what July is missing correct nightmare you go July correct and in the distance here you know him barking true that is more like a duck yes, yes, yes, dogs don't do that, yes, but Julio does. so you are and then he finds reason what July finds is a, what's it called tombstone but with some old writing on it?
bobby s stinky little secret ep 82 bad friends
What language is not Egyptian? Oh, so it makes it strange, yes, very strange, a very strange place like there is an even there is an Egyptian breakthrough no, oh you know how they did it, yes, what is this stupid, but no, but you know, a


chiroglyph clyro, chiroglyphs, it's what they call hieroglyphs, hieroglyph, hieroglyph, hieroglyph, there it is, they have one like this, yes, on your right, serving food. It's an Egyptian thing, right, but right, the hand sticking out of the tombstone, this figure, this one, if you push it down, there's a lever and there's a spiral staircase that opens up, you walk up there and maybe one of the portals to hell oh sure and if there is even a sign portal, yes it's pretty cool, just for people to watch the movie, but what an english language, just to do it in english, you don't have to make subtitles, the good. right, that makes sense, portal to hell, right, you walk in, that changes you forever, we're getting out of prison, we call your cell phone, where is she?
Yeah, we're trying to get our million dollars by hitting that stupid arch on Dao Island, right? Aha, come on, let's go to the shack, all we see are skeletons of our dogs, she hates that dog, yeah, July maybe she's barely still going, she ate half of July, yeah, so half of him is dead , maybe yes, maybe he's barely alive, wow, and he's trying. to tell us she is a demon she is a demon there is a neighbor yes she is a demon that is a parrot doing that is what it is yes we will have a parrot there is a demon forget Julio is a parrot now she is a demon she is a demon yes and we're, we're like yeah, yeah, sure, sure, and we're going to back off, but we don't even know what you did, we don't even give the father the acknowledgment that he said it, we just walk away, I think something bad is going on. she is a demon something is bad something bad he is a demon I think something bad we never recognized the parrot where are all the dogs that were here she ate them she ate them yes yes then give us all the clues correct portal to the health portal yes of course and then there is a small mountain, yes, there is a look in the center, there is a small hill, yes of course, you can climb the hill in five minutes because it takes me 24 hours because I am fat, I sure have a physique right, so you're like constantly going, come on, dude, like Sisyphus, I gotta push you, yeah, I see you, I see a thing here, you know, I mean a void, you know, I just finally get there 24 hours later and then, What's wrong, are you pushing me?
Push you into the portal to hell, right, and that's where the second part is or what's going on here. I have no idea if we're rewriting. Yes, we have to do it. Oh yeah. We are right. We've come so far, so far. Yes, but I pushed you. in the portal to hell that opened that's the beginning of the movie, but when do I want to know in this group right before I put you in the portal to hell? No, long before, when you're broke, we get out of prison just when I arrive. i pushed you to the portal of hell we got out of prison the same day just before we went to dao island we didn't do anything gay in prison but we did it well we were different we are different they don't want me to be in the same prison the moment we get out and the taxi rides and I learned a lot there like in my prison because you were a total, I was a toy, yes, I learned to do 19 cocks at a time, right, I know how to jerk someone off.
Take off my feet like I'm a teacher, yeah, and you became a Christian big time, yeah, so you never did anything, Jesus Christ, so we call each other after we get to our prison and we leave, you say, let's dao, me Like, no, come on. to the hilton no, I want to go to dallas no, let's go to the hilton no, I want to go, I need to say, no, don't you think we should catch up, okay, here we go, thank you, we'll meet at the Hilton, yeah, and you. I think there are two rooms, yeah, I'm going, um, no, I just thought because you know we could talk all night, I have two different beds, I'm sure they're together, although I know I did that, because I want to talk and I have a bad thing, TRUE?
Okay, okay, and then, um, why are you taking off your clothes? Because you know exactly what it is, I guess that's what it tells you, yes, that's a dead giveaway, yes, I want to flock there, which is fine, but why is the head of your penis covered? Oh, because I'm 50 years old. If only. push hard I don't want that in the movie you don't want the head of your penis I don't want to put penis I don't want hilarious I don't want my penis How could we not put that in the movie? because I want to play or younger in my movie you're not going to be able to but what does it matter you don't like the smell of cheese that's exactly why I don't want that's okay I want to clean it up anyway okay let's call Bobby Lee real quick and then we have to go.
Hello, can you hear me? You can? Yes, yes, I can hear you. What's happening? Bobby, Bobby Lee, yeah, yeah, yeah, this is talking. Sorry, that was a strange introduction. talking to a guy, uh, very, very dark topic, so I'm on a curveball right now, what was the dark topic? uh cancer, stuff like that, brain stuff, we love kids, we love travel, so that was the big news, it's really nice, I see Bobby Lee. you're talking you're talking about


lee obviously you're talking to


lee this is amazing this is uh did you know now about me like bobby lee before?
Did you ever know there was another bobby lee out there? that was a comedian oh no, I've known about you for like 20 years or not more not 20 years but like 10 years wow or whatever the second pineapple express of 2008 uh, but let me tell you, you were a fan, right ? Do you really like it or were you just whatever, it's cool, it's so cool, it's like uh, I mean, there's only so many names in the world and I like it and I'm sharing it with them, so it's different, you know, I'm a huge fan of yours is also a big mma fan um what's your record now in mma my professional fighting record is 12 and six what's up with street fights street fights ooh uh technically I just want to know but there were like a couple of That's right , Bobby Lee, we, uh, support you wholeheartedly, as does your career, which continues to sponsor you, yes, Bobby, we think you're the man.
We love your name, and maybe we can, maybe we can throw some bad friend stuff at him for him. I can use things from bad


we'd love to do that, I think that would be the way you live now Bobby, I'm in Minneapolis, I moved this week to be closer to this really good gym, oh, cool, you know? I used to live in Edina, that's crazy, I didn't know, yeah, where's your, where's your, when's your next fight, Bob, it's six weeks away, it's October 16th in Phoenix, October 16th in Phoenix, watch out for Bobby Lee, he's fighting, who are you fighting? nick brown what weight class are you one five five lightweight one five five awesome bobby lee versus nick brown october 16 my birthday by the way i'm excited for you so go kick his butt bobby thanks for uh thanks for talking to us, we support you man, I support you man, to a friend who, uh, has listened to every one of your episodes, um, Austin Halverson, has listened to every one of your episodes, is a big fan.
Austin, thanks, give me my name, yeah, thanks man, it's okay Bobby, we'll talk to you soon, thanks buddy, fare well, bye, thanks for being a bad friend, yeah.

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