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Coach Megan Duffy on ACC PM

May 31, 2024
welcome back to ACC PM, we have a new face to the Virginia Tech women's basketball program. There you will find out where Megan Duffy officially arrived in Blackburg today by plane. She comes, like I said, from Marquette and there's a little bit here. about the newest face at the atlantic coast conference, she's been great there in milwaukee. She made the NCAA tournament the last two years in a row before that, she was at Miami of Ohio, she was the fastest


in Marquet history to 100 wins, so you know, she rocked those wins. and that's what she plans to do now with the hooks.
coach megan duffy on acc pm
With that being said, let's bring in Coach Duffy as she makes her debut on the show. First of all,


. Welcome to the program. Welcome to ACC and congratulations. I know you're excited. Thank you. I'm so excited, I'm excited to be on the show. I've seen a lot from afar, so it's great to be with you. Well, you have entered a wonderful place. I just told you during the break and, Hoke. The nation, uh, man, they've been incredibly supportive of women's basketball, obviously, Kenny Brooks did a great job, now he's moved on and you get in there in a league that, as you all know, is loaded and stacked, but again, I think a special is needed. race to say guess what, we're going to work and we're going to absolutely compete, how about Hoke Nation?
coach megan duffy on acc pm

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coach megan duffy on acc pm...

I learned very quickly in this process, you know, coaching changes and people moving on is difficult, but in a short time, I couldn't be more excited to be the head women's basketball coach here um watching this program from afar with the success and the fan base is absolutely incredible um so to now be the leader of this program you know you have to continue to build momentum in the best conference in the country uh I I'm extremely grateful and ready to go like you mentioned. I love when we get new coaches because the hiring process and how everything unfolds and then eventually you get a phone call and there's a conversation about how did it work out for you?
coach megan duffy on acc pm
What was that? What was that phone call? What were you doing? They said, "We'd like to extend this offer" and then obviously you said yes, it was a really quick and smooth transition, you know when? Coach Brooks moved on. I had the opportunity to speak with a bad cop and delved into a lot of things about his vision so you know this show is moving in the right direction. I always love a challenge, whether it's being in this league or playing, you know, against the biggest competition in the country, um, but what the institution represents, I think we can recruit incredible, incredible women for this place, the support of the fans is already built, um, they are so supportive that they are like little rock stars. here on campus and I think with something that is important to me that I can know is recruiting families that can get the best of both worlds, the high level of basketball, a great academic experience and then just the culture of a place that generates victories and just breathe um, you know, developing young women is very important to me, you know, I don't know what it is about the Marquette Virginia Tech pipeline.
coach megan duffy on acc pm
I mean, we went with Buzz Williams, he goes with Marquette to Blackburg and of course , he continued. to A&M and now you're coming to town. I don't know what the story is with all that stuff. I mean, Milwaukee is a beautiful place, but you know Blackburg Special is too, but you know you have ties to the Midwest, obviously playing at Notre Dame and so on, your understanding of the ACC. I'm feeling like you know exactly what you've signed up for here. I know. I know exactly what I signed up for. I mentioned the best conference in the country.
You just know. I've been able to watch it from afar and see this show make it to the final four. I think we can do it again. You know, you're constantly building your list and trying to get the right pieces that fit your schedule. You know that no. I don't know if there's much of a comparison between me and Buzz Williams, but I know you know we've won a lot of games throughout our careers and you continue to do the same thing and there's just no better place to do it. I've simply already fallen in love with the Hokei nation and can't wait to continue.
You know the tradition and you meet more people and even understand it a little better. The style of ball is different for each coach that each one has. his own personality, then, for the Hoki nation, who may not have seen the Marat women and what they have done in recent years, what should we anticipate? Sure, yeah, you know, my shows historically have been extremely difficult. Get the most out of our student athletes um there's a certain drive on our teams and enthusiasm to play even on the sidelines for me very passionate in what I do you know we're a team that wants to be versatile obviously wants to go up and down floor at a high pace um just putting our players in positions to be successful that's what I'm learning here very quickly um the pieces that we have here there will be a few more that we'll have to add um but again the offense will be exciting for the fans to see and then defensively we're going to keep going, it's going to be tough NOS, we're going to go down the field looking for the loose balls and we're going to hit the ground, so we're looking forward to building that over the next few months and then By the time the season starts again, We will have a great product on the court.
Megan, you obviously had success as a player and obviously as a coach as well, but are you even surprised and amazed at how incredible women's football is now and how fast it is? In the last two years it has become a must on television, it is absolutely incredible. I think for decades we've been trying to find that platform and attention, and you know there's been so many players that have paved that path and then just to see. You know a couple of things, you know Arena fills up with sold out crowds, you know even here in Blackburg what this fan base and fan support means to this community and in the ACC it's incredible, but then you look at the national scene where there is. star power with the names that you know, Hannah Hadalo, who is a freshman, you know the name Caitlyn Clark and JuJu Watkins from the west coast to the east coast, so I think that will continue and the more recognition and attention these women receive.
They are receiving them for doing it the right way, being phenomenal leaders as well. I think there's no end point to this, so it's really cool to see if it's families of little kids, maybe people have never seen the women's game, just seeing the TV ratings go up. um and I love what you're seeing and obviously I wanted to help do my part and help grow not only Virginia Tech but our league and then obviously attention across the national stage. Yes, I'm heading to Cleveland in the morning. I'm so excited because it's going to be a historic weekend for the women's game and I know it's only going to get bigger.
You're on campus, obviously, as we see from the background, I know what that room is, it's a little small. room there under the basketball court at Castle Coliseum and, uh, we appreciate you coming in there to do this interview with us. Have you had a chance to meet the girls that are on campus and actually sit down and chat because you know? Come in, it's a whirlwind for you and it's a whirlwind for everyone here too, yes, it's been an emotional week. You know every time there are changes and you know as a head coach you have to do a lot of things and wear different hats, but it's still the core of One of the things that I love to do and the reason I do this is because you coach young women and I had the opportunity, you know, in a bittersweet moment, to say goodbye to my team at Marquette and then move on with my team at Virginia Tech. and what an incredible couple of hours just spending time with them getting to know them, you know about them off the court on the court and that will only continue to grow and hopefully build an incredible bond and again the culture and the chemistry. that you have to be successful, you know, winning championships and beating the Nets is key and it's been the best part of my day besides talking to you guys, but it's been amazing to see the future and where we are.
You're doing well, the best part of the day should be waking up in Blackburg and going to Carol's Donuts and getting a six pack of donuts and some C. You'll quickly discover in Blackburg the places to go, but this is how I would start my morning in Blackburg and everything from there is literally a piece of cake, um, I mean, you guys hit your heads, um, there were Donuts on the plane ready to go, so what's it going to be like? As far as the recruiting base goes, the mentality there again, obviously you have roots in the Midwest, etc., the game has now become such a national game that you can appeal to everyone, but from a recruiting perspective , which is the first?
What you need to do, yeah, I think obviously our point today was to establish relationships with our current team. Obviously there's a big dynamic with the transfer portal right now, so we're going to have to add a couple of pieces and make sure. it's the young women that fit our style and culture and you know they want to make an impact and then from the recruiting spectrum, you know, obviously, our area is a hot spot, you know, the DMV area, you know DC Maryland Virginia and then obviously up. and down the east coast, but what's happening, you see, with national recognition, you can tap into some different areas and even bring new teams into the league.
You know, our name and our brand will go out, you know, from coast to coast. I'm looking forward to, you know, just building on that and keeping an open mind on all the players on the national scene across the country because obviously this is an amazing league and we can recruit the best of the best and it will be that way as long as it's a great one. challenge, I think it's a great opportunity too, oh yeah, this is the Atlantic Coast to Coast Conference, now we all know we're getting ready to expand. Obviously we've mentioned that you played at Notre Dame for one of our favorites.
Hall of Famer Muffet mcra when you saw her coach and I know you probably learned from her and picked her brain over the years. What are some things about her as a coach that have stayed with you on your journey? Well, I'm I'm very jealous that you guys hang out with her more than I do, but you know that Coach McGraa has been an influential person in my life and you know that she impacted me a lot as a player and I tell you the story that I'm not. I'm not sure she would be coaching in college in the position I'm in if she didn't know that playing for someone like her who had that perfect balance of tough love and pushing yourself to the limit, but also, you know. giving you that support and encouragement, she was always someone that I carry to this day, coaching, who was so prepared in everything she did, worked extremely hard, you know, had good relationships with her players for years, and was just a fierce competitor and like As a female leader in this business, I've tried to carry on some of those traditions and you know she's obviously someone that's still important in my life and you know when I got the job I said, "Hey, I'm G to be ". not too far from you in ACC country and hopefully also be in the net, so someone who has been so good to our game and continues to push women's athletics and support the coaches that you know not only in our league but also throughout the world. country Megan, you won't believe how close you're going to get to Muffet McGraw because we have a little special guest for you here just to get things started today and here we go, hey, well Megan, I wanted to have the opportunity to publicly congratulate you and give you welcome to the ACC.
I knew from the first moment you walked onto our court as a point guard, the smartest player on the court did a great job as a leader and I have watched your career and been very grateful when you invite me to practice to watch you practice. I love what you're doing with these pieces of equipment you've had. You've been so successful everywhere you've been. I'm delighted that you are. on the ACC network and we will talk to you all the time as you build or rebuild the program. I think a little bit at Virginia Tech, but the only thing I wanted to ask you is if Kevin found a golf course yet because he'll be able to play a little bit more often than at Marquette, yes the weather is changing and that was almost a deal breaker, we had to communicate to my husband in the fields to make sure he was taking care of.
But coach, what a surprise you gave me on my first appearance, bringing someone really special into my life and I can't wait to make this work, obviously, it's been a whirlwind, but coach, you know you mean the world to me and I can't wait. to talk more about you guys, you know the hokes and our program and the conference and of course I feel the same about you. I am very proud of you. Everyone at Notre Dame is so proud of you for seeing the great work. you're doing it on and off the court and we only wish you the best thanks coach, it's okay, Muffet, weWe got up, you know, we just made a couple of calls, that's all, Megan, we finished, I mean, besides giving you a donut tip. and bringing the coach, we all end up here, we have nothing else for you, we have nothing, we have nothing, man, you guys made my day, it was amazing, thank you, listen, we wish you nothing but the best and we hope many , many. interviews in the future and we'll let you get to work, but againwelcome to the league, welcome to Virginia Tech and we're looking forward to seeing how you work because it's going to be a lot of fun, for sure, thank you, thank you, I appreciate it.
You have a coach to go to, uh, when. We're back, believe it or not, I think we're going back to the food court there in Cleveland. I guess Kelly G is the food forte and we won't be returning to her palatial property. We will discuss it below here at acpm.

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