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GOLFING IN THE OCEAN?! (Golf With Your Friends)

May 15, 2024
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, it's been too long since I played this but hey guess what they updated the game they put in a new map and I'm going to play alone sorry hey what am I? just kidding i'm playing with jp uh check out his channel right there click on it watch it paper towels toilet paper okay what's the name of the new map water or something it's called the deep, the deep, okay, let's be? swimming right, let's do this man, let's do it right in the deep, buddy, there's a shark that's sick, alright, I'm getting started, are you ready?
golfing in the ocean golf with your friends
I'm ready. I forget how this game works, but I don't know what it's like. a game of


every time we play one of these oh there's a shark yeah Bruce is here they really should make a game called golf with acquaintances and you only play with people you met once golf with coworkers no, Thanks, imagine you can just go. coworkers can't find the hole press c to activate free camera oh yeah, I'm glad you said that because I would have forgotten oh, here we are oh yeah, can we pre-camera look at this okay, look at this spongebob Here, hello, how are you taking


jellyfish time?
golfing in the ocean golf with your friends

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golfing in the ocean golf with your friends...

Oh you did, oh yes, I activated collision so we can completely meet. Okay, that's good to know. Look at this first. Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what, oh, oh, you only have a trace, I thought, what did you do to your ball? oh yeah I got a trail, it's a pretty good trail if you ask me, yeah I need you, I'm tron, okay I'm going first, oh yeah, jumping is to do it, oh yeah. yeah if you click you can jump you held on yeah i hit you oh okay oh good that's cool no how did that happen?
golfing in the ocean golf with your friends
It was a hole in one, you know it was, you know it was, that was phenomenal, okay, okay, oh this is it. my favorite game oh no there's a game either golf or golf with your


where one of us always wins one and one of us always wins the other and I don't remember which one oh it's the loop oh the fate loop right here uh -Hey, look at that, did you look at it? Oh, I'm looking at it, it's good, here we go, right? I'm having the worst luck ever, did you keep it? Yeah, you totally bathed in it, oh.
golfing in the ocean golf with your friends
I almost quit, oh my god, this isn't even fair, dude, hey, I have two achievements, so you have achievements, yeah, because I'm better than you, what is this? What is this? Oh, downhill toilet swirl, wait, wait, look at this, wait. I have a plan, are you ready? Yeah, check it out, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, well, okay, that didn't work, no, it didn't work for me either, why didn't it work? Why would I put that there? You can jump? oh no oh we couldn't have done it, this would be horrible look where I am, you were right next to me, oh yeah, that's what I was trying to say and I confused the word with even, you have to make that noise too, I'm a bogey Damn, hey, I did it. better that hole he made, I'm catching up, this is how it usually goes oh no, these are the oh no, this is a bag okay, so jumping isn't in it, it's in how you jump oh, you click , you did it? oh my god, oh I did it, you did it right, I'm playing, I'm trying to play it safe, but dude how do I not know what I got?
I guess it was skill, you know, I'll give myself something. Dude I'm looking at this angle, oh you did it, oh man I finished one though I'm catching up, oh you're catching up, I'm catching up, oh oh, look at that shark tooth trapdoor, oh, that was a good hit. whoa and then we go there okay wait what is this shark thing? shark, it's okay, just go through things, no, don't screw it up, oh no, buddy, wait, wait, here we go, this is it, keep it coming, buddy, I'm killing it. killing it suddenly little bird I forgot the jump signal come on that's unfortunate that's unfortunate right there yeah, yeah, it sure is oh no, you're winning now buddy, now look at that no, now I'm down, look Okay, where are we going?
Oh, it's like a stupid slider here, time to slide and slide. I'm glad you went first because for some reason I forgot to jump. It was activated. I didn't click fast enough. I got an achievement for being bad. there we go oh there we go oh my god look at me pretty buddy almost that was almost oh man that would have been a hole in What if I didn't make a mistake the first time? Oh Bruce Shark, I found Bruce. I'm doing. okay, I'm doing well, oh, that was good, that was great, that was great, where am I going?
Where is the hole? oh it's over there damn I gotta jump off this oh no walk the plank oh oh oh yeah hello how you doing sweeping? Oh no, No, no, buddy, what's that squeaking noise you keep making? I don't know, I made double bogey because I accidentally clicked the button again that sucks, dude, I'm three ahead so you don't worry, but yeah, okay, let's go to the end. over here I guess oh we can't yes we can I did it no what the hell was that noise? Did you just go out in the car? What's that noise?
I don't know, stick to the goal achievement. Oh boy, did you see that transfer? that was the best transfer that ever happened oh no buddy oh no buddy okay wait wait yeah oh no funnel cake this I mean funnel this time boom pair I'm happy oh wow how did you do that? I don't know, but m, I'm lucky, I'm lucky, double bogey, I really screwed up at the beginning, oh wow, what is this business? I made a sound effect, damn, check it, oh no, oh, I'm a, I'm a fool, I think. Oh my god, oh, did you ruin two?
Yeah, it's okay, I don't feel it bouncing. Did you see that luck? I am the luckiest human being in the world and I have to tell you when you get here. That was the craziest thing I've ever done. Have you ever done it did you understand it jp I believe in you oh yeah that's good that's good friend friend friend it's not good I'm going at like three but that's too much friend please there you go please I ran out of drinks oh that sucks uh well oh octopus loop yeah look at that you know what you know just screw it up that was really good oh no mine was way worse than yours are you kidding me oh nevermind I'm awesome I was kidding I'm not joking.
You see where I am oh yeah I do hello oh you're welcome that counts as a hole in two was that two hole two yeah mate damn that was four for me damn I shouldn't have activated the collision it's Well, oh, look at this hole, I'm going this way, you're going that way, don't tell me I won't do it, what a great loop, that's a great loop, oh, no, I should have jumped again, buddy, these corners, these . corners oh, they're corn to hurt your heart if I do this I'm the champion oh my God, that was the best putt I think I've ever made in my life, one of the best putts I've ever made, man.
I just curved it around the tunnel towards him, lined it up perfect, that sucks. I just curved a stinky putt straight into him. I'm only winning by 15. You can come back this seems pretty normal no we have to put it in a canyon oh what's not to like about this normal I changed my mind that was amazing that was amazing hey how are you hello let's see where the wind takes us damn be it oh don't do it oh wow good job come on get there buddy shoot oh my god shuffle towards that room wait for it here we go what oh you have to do it.
I did it too much, oh you did it too, yeah I did it too. I like how we keep getting achievements for doing it wrong, oh, there we go, oh. you just wanna put it in there a little bit uh-huh dude he shot me but he put me in the water oh oh my god you almost went right into it please thanks bogey I got a bogey too you got a boogie. okay, we're bogey brothers, do you want to go to bogey boarding later, well, there's no way to time this, so I did it, thank you, thank you, can you, can you, yes, yes, yes, yes, okay, okay, I'm making good progress, where am I going?
Let's try it, can I launch it? Isn't it amazing, I'm amazing, oh god, I'm glad I looked good, here we go, oh, I'm sad, oh, too bad, I'm ruining it, I'm ruining it, oh man. I can't stop doing that, here we go, oh okay, I'm doing it at the same time, are we both really messing this up?, uh, yeah, okay, I finally made it on the green, my god, that took too long, oh, okay, this, oh dear. that took too long there it is, oh yeah, there it is, look, I did it right, I thought you didn't make it for a second, let's start playing, there we go, let's go there, okay, just line it up, yeah, is this a funnel?
Up here I'm not sure no, it's not damn, it was close, I just went over it, yeah, okay, par two more holes, jp, I don't think I'm catching up, you can never know what's going on, Hey, look at this. oh no, oh damn, we're in the middle, that sucks, yeah, I'm going to try to work, no, oh, I can totally do this and oh no, stop, stop, jump ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm On the limit, okay, little bird, that's it. okay, nice, one more, this is the last hole, buddy, yeah, you can't reach it, there's no way you can reach it, but okay, okay, here we go to the skeleton, oh no, that's cool, I like it , in fact, look at that, then, oh no, oh.
You blocked me, yeah, hockey, I'm a bull guy, okay, yeah, that's the answer it deserves. No, buddy, you pointed me in the wrong direction. You know the band in one direction. You have to be like them. I'm going to try to go. on the left eyeball because it looks like there's a yeah, I did it, you could do it, buddy, I'm right behind you. Okay, I almost decided to jump and I'm so glad I didn't do it right, here we go, not enough power, yeah, me neither. Take me, buddy, take me, I was going to try, I was going to try to do it, oh, okay, he's going to try to make a two-and-one double bogey, that was pretty much, uh, not so great for the final shot, but that's okay, buddy , That's how it went. cool map, I like that one though, it was cool, yeah I like the colors, you know, I usually always say that underwater levels are my least favorite levels in video games, but that was pretty cool, that was a pretty cool underwater level Well, hey, that's good. period, alright guys, well I'll stay, I kicked their ass, they actually did it, they really did it, they were killing it until the fourth hole and once they got into the tricky bit, you know, turning the corners through this and that was when I started, yes, and also. once you start going downhill in this game it's very hard to recover but I hope you enjoyed this video if you gave it a thumbs up please hit the subscribe button click the notification bell so you never miss a video burden.
I'll have the jp link below like well, and yeah, that's it, that's all I have to say, uh, I have six mugs on my desk, six, yeah, I only have three, lazy friend, okay, bye .

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