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Bonanza Temporada 10 - Capítulo 2 - Chico | Capítulo Completo en Español Latino

May 14, 2024
I hadn't spent so many hours on horseback in years, but as mayor I thought that was my duty. They found the money. No trace. With permission one day a day in advance. They searched carefully. Of course, but it's not there. The algae thinks the criminal took the money. and the old man's horse probably. I need a horse to carry all that money. How was the old man? We found him. According to what he said, he was dead. He had a big blow to the head and they didn't find the money. It won't appear when they catch the murderer with permission.
bonanza temporada 10   cap tulo 2   chico cap tulo completo en espa ol latino
Now it's your turn. It's okay. tomorrow something like that tomorrow Ah tell me that blow on his skull maybe it was given to him with a piece of stick but I have seen wounds like that in accidental deaths he saw the old man's room Oh of course they destroyed everything because he didn't do that old man when he fell Oh no, that's for sure, it was the murderer after hitting the old man with a stick, according to what I told them, according to what you said. The Criminal must be in the mountains, the terrain is rocky and he will not leave traces, and the murderer may not have found the money I had thought about that it will cost a seen by the cone it could also be that the criminal H the money the possibility I am the sheriff millet I am it is yours that horse no it is not no but you arrived here in it s something like that you will not believe This is what he borrowed.
bonanza temporada 10   cap tulo 2   chico cap tulo completo en espa ol latino

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bonanza temporada 10 cap tulo 2 chico cap tulo completo en espa ol latino...

No, I found it. Come with me and tell me how you found it. I haven't stolen it. I assure you, it's not because of the horse that I'm arresting you. It's for murder. As I told you when I woke up, I didn't find my horse. I looked there and there. That other one Take off your belt, empty your pockets and put everything on the desk, an expert in killing but not lying, maybe he's telling the truth. Anyone who kills an old man and steals from him also knows how to lie. I think the best thing would be to hang him and get it over with.
bonanza temporada 10   cap tulo 2   chico cap tulo completo en espa ol latino
Maybe come on, come on, lie down. Go back, let's go quickly, get away from this window, let's go That's all that's all if I don't see that horse I found it Hey my father and my brother will arrive here today they will tell you that I tell the truth around here something like that Now get in there ig we have a ranch in Virginia City the ponderosa does not know him, it would save us work if he told where he hid the money what money one of these days I am going to have the enormous pleasure of arresting a criminal who accepts what he has done At this rate he will never achieve it a shame A great pity, the old man's funeral will be a luxury.
bonanza temporada 10   cap tulo 2   chico cap tulo completo en espa ol latino
Who is going to pay for it? They hope to get paid when they find the money and what do they plan to do with what is left? It is a big problem. They say that he did not leave a Will and there is no known relative. He didn't have any close friends, you shouldn't leave all that fortune unused, you can use it for the benefit of everyone, maybe in painting buildings and digging holes for drainage or in a church, that's the last thing on my list, Brother Stoner. Well, it's not. It's convenient to hold the services in a cafe, look at it like this, brother, when you do that, challenge him in his own case, be careful what you say about my cafe.
Oh, I haven't said it. It's better to find the money before distributing it. You caught the thief. No, yes, I have it in the jail find out where he put the money you don't mean maybe you could convince him to tell me I can go talk to you Oh they won't leave him alone with you maybe it would be better for us to go see you together they have come to see you Sir I am the mayor of the town get to the point Where did he put the money? I don't understand. Hao money he stole from the old man when he killed him.
Don't murder him. I found the horse and brought him here. Well Carri is not going to deny us that. That sounds like a story. I accept that I could invent a better story but then I would be lying. I am Brother Stoner, Mr. Car. I preach in this town to those who want. If I can help you with something. Or maybe you can find out because no one wants to believe me. Well, if you really believe them, it is better to tell them about what they want. But I have told the truth because of all things that is the least fair thing to hear.
Hey, bring ju, according to my point of view, he will go to the gallows for killing the old man. But he is the only one who knows where the money is. He will be thinking that we will not let him. Let nothing happen to him as long as we don't know where the money is because we have to convince him that we are more interested in justice than money and how we will do it by getting him out of jail and lynching not completely we will just start Charlie a lynching is like an avalanche it will be easy to start But have you tried to stop?
No, I'm not even going to do that now. It's Algoas' turn to be hungry. Well, now that you mention it, I've brought you something to eat. It's very heavy. Roast beef with potatoes and salad. Fig pie. Hey, this prison isn't bad. Hey, that old man lived alone in the mountains since I was a boy. He came to town twice a year, haggled for half an hour to get two cents off the flour, and then he took out a wad of bills and paid. The old man had a bunch in his cabin. Of money I'm sure How much do you think he had?
I don't know. Something like that would give one person a lifetime. I don't know about that. It's possible that it would last for two if one of them didn't get good food. Something like that. If you tell me where the money is. I'll forget to lock the cell and maybe I won't see him when he leaves. I already told him I don't know where he is so let's go look for him together and I'll give him half. He dares to put me in here and he's no better than a common thief. I'm going to count to five to Talk if you don't I'm going to kill you And I'll say that I did it when you tried to escape one two three if you fail I'll kill you be careful alil no one knows what he's capable of Thanks luck that I showed up I some have a little heartburn Well, it will get worse because in the cafe I was talking to the prisoner Oh, it's gossip, it won't do anything Well, it's better that I tell you just in case if someone comes here and asks you about me, say that I went to the old man's cabin to take a look.
Don't you think it's your turn to be here to be able to stop them and how to do it? Well, they are my friends and my neighbors and it's my turn to protect them, not kill them. What will happen to him? What will happen to him soon? Let's go for a moment, where are we going anywhere soon? Wait. and something like that left vonos no longer I will not escape I will stay here I will not do it they will believe that I am a criminal they already believe that he is one they will change when they talk to my father and my brother when they appear they will have hung him hanging by the Prisoner open the door I go to save his life even if I have to kill him to do so.
That's him. I don't like the idea of ​​escaping. Then he can come back and say he's sorry. I'm not going to put him in jail or anything like that and there are no signs. What do you think of this? I guess he let him run away. Hey, maybe the Prisoner and the algil left together. Maybe he had a good reason. Maybe they went to look for something. If that's what they went for, I'm going to tell you something. I imagine where they must be. Let's go to the old man's cabin. I assure you they'll be there.
Well if they go that way we will take the other one yes I appreciate what he did but I don't understand why he did it I would do the same for any other NC they like I have been thinking about that matter and I think I should go back there and clarify everything if he is going to defend himself I think that you should do it from afar maybe if I return from here in a few days nothing will happen and everything will be resolved if you ask my opinion you should go very far away from all this and as soon as possible H what are you looking for something like that And what are you looking for here Charlie He looked for you because you have better luck than me.
Why did they come? We wanted to ask you something like that. Well, as an official representative of the law, I have the duty to find and protect the assets of any citizen who suffers a violent death. That's why I came, Briam, to defend the law. Stop telling stories, they behave just like a bunch of vultures. Why are you insulting the guil? I have come as the mayor of the town and my duty is to ensure that those goods that you are looking for disappear without having reached the municipal treasury. Furthermore, I want to tell you that wait a moment something like that who told him where he had to look eh no one told me I'm trying to find out with a piece of firewood I think he brought that to confuse us os scot wright told him where Search no H catri didn't tell me anything And why did he release something That's how I left Catri in jail and he must be there, he's not in the cell, something like that, there was no one in jail, that's why we came to see what you were doing.
We believe that you let him go because he told you where he had hidden the fortune of the old man they see that a murderer is fleeing from the house And instead of looking for him they accuse the sheriff and chase him, which town seemed sensible So they won't chase you at night but don't fan the fire too much I want to repeat that I appreciate what you did I already told you for I had done it at risk, I want to talk about it. Listen, I know you thank me. I understand that you appreciate what I did, but you don't have to repeat it so much.
It's your name, noaman. no one remembered my real name but there must have been someone who wrote it somewhere too but in my house I didn't know how to read boy it's not very funny that they call you that very funny why they gave you as a name no but then you don't have a name They call him what people wanted even if they called him George Washington carri if they preferred to call him stupid fat idiot or stupid there is no name that I can change that certain boy I told him something stupid That's not it I'm sorry it's nothing I also found that about Jos and I very funny Well, I hope you slept well.
I slept well. Thank you. Now we have to follow Catri. You can't look for a man at night. You have to try. Try. If you want, but don't count on me. You won't be able to find him. Maybe it's not convenient for you to capture him. I'm already gone. Getting tired of putting up with their insinuations, enough Charli, where will the search begin, something like that south of here? They took that path when fleeing. I saw near Virginia City and I think they won't be heading there and if you're wrong about that, you'll never forget where.
Will that group of men go to look for someone? They're in a hurry. Say, sir, two rooms, please, with two beds in each one and a bathroom. Two rooms, four beds and a sink. Each one will be one day a day. I need a bathroom. There are people who use the bathroom. horse watering trough in the stable how comfortable eh the group that came out Look for someone Oh you're not wrong Who are they looking for a criminal a year ago they didn't murder anyone here it was a fight no it didn't break his head with a piece of wood it was a horrible crime he also robbed him he stole money that was for a church Ah that is not true brother Stoner he often attended my services and on some occasions he gave a lot to the church That does not mean that he was going to give it to a church he was a good man and I would have left it to the church, don't you believe it, sir?
Maybe when did that crime occur? Yesterday and now the murderer is going to look for him. He was in prison and has already escaped. Yes, sir, a man came in and helped him escape from prison. That man broke the law. Well, I I don't know if I would dare to blame him for that, some people only half wanted to hang the accused, Brother Stoner, they weren't going to hang him completely, but half yes. Until he said where he hid the bills, then the justice system would be in charge of finishing hanging him. I see, that would be legal. eh Let's get changed That story makes one think about hanging him medi I agree with the brothers who were going to lynch him he did well to run away we will tell it to j A what J a j That's the man who they are chasing the murderer Oh no a j no They're talking about someone else.
J is not a criminal, you're sure. He's my son, so you should have educated him better. Hey, five or six eggs and a piece of ham wouldn't hurt now. Hey, I can't give that to him, Jos. But this will be good for him. He's not afraid to give me that. that doesn't think that I'm a criminal you're not the criminal type j and What is the type of the criminal a little man with small eyes And together with looking very cold dirty hat and worn suit I understand I would be scared to see a guy like that Hey don't you care about what What do you think about those people?
No, I don't know them. I don't live there and where do you live? Well, I'm everywhere and I don't like the questions. You also get angry easily. You haven't angered me. J But I prefer to keep quiet. The most interesting thing is. of a person is one you don't know what you have to guess where you heard that I invented it since I don't know how to read I have to think alone Yes that is very dry I think it would be better for us to leave footprints to follow us and if they don't get lost Soon they will be near us you seem to be a man who is an expert in these matters eh At least I know that it is not advisable to fall asleep on straws well boy I think that sooner or later We will have to face them next year it would be very soon J You continue along there I will continue Keep running here and when you see that the terrain becomes harder cut towards the north we will see each other on the other side of that hill well Where are you from J Oh nowhere I walk from one side to the other I will tell you the truth J I don't remember In half of the places I've been my father didn't get used to it.
In no place did he work on farms, he was a cowboy and also a blacksmith, but since he didn't know how to read, he couldn't add up, he could never progress, that made him feel dissatisfied, he always wanted to improve his fortune, but even though he tried If he didn't do it, he couldn't do it, he went somewhere else, he didn't know what the places were called, all because he didn't learn to read and he didn't want to say it. I'm from Virginia. I live on a ranch. I'm going home when I clarify this matter with the law.
If you're looking for a job, no. I'm looking for you there, there's a station, maybe you can have breakfast now, the bailiff took all my money. I don't think that's necessary. Stay in the chair. I'll be back soon. Let's go here, what's going on? Don't ask any more questions. Run, what do you prefer, meat or cookies? you have stolen eh Oh there is nothing that deserves you that man will not leave the station alone to take this from us he should not have done it what I have done is borrowed some food whatever he says it is not right he was hungry that is why he is not authorized to steal You also said you were hungry.
I don't like stolen food. It is the same as what I bought. I will return it even if it is good. You were not opposed to using other people's horses. Those horses are not.They are yours No, I grabbed the first horses I saw, you don't know that's why they can hang you, if I don't, they'll hang you. Well, we'll clarify it later, but now I'm going to return this. Oh no, the food is mine, not all of that belongs to the man to whom it belongs. he stole I don't know why He argues so much he already has food this is a matter of principles with an empty belly There are no principles being hungry doesn't change things boy I've lost my appetite Yes well then I'll return the food I brought it and I'll return it hey one thing J We can't continue wasting time if we don't hurry those who are chasing us will catch up with us I have to accept something You know well the horses in the dark is the practice I always choose them at night they separated we have to divide we will go this way to see what we find And Charlie was here recently.
He thinks he would be able to go alone to look for those two. Yes, he is capable of that. I didn't find any footprints. If I saw some, I would have warned them. Wait here. You don't want me to accompany you. I did it and I'll fix it. What's going on? You forgot the salt, look at it, it's complete, it seems so, well, we're at peace. Hey, you'll leave hungry. Yes, it seems that way. Hello, hello, I didn't have the opportunity to meet you before. I think you forgot this. I haven't returned it. Please, you can take it with me if you pay, it won't cost you anything.
I don't need gifts. No. reuse I am doing it as a Christian duty the Bible says blessed are those who give I don't understand how I can give if you refuse my mother gave me this book before she died she told me that all knowledge is found in this Bible I wrote my name there there it says this this Bible belongs to Chico how did she die she died when I was a child I hardly remember her j I could pay her with this Of course but no I want to take away her Bible say what I owe her and put it in the book if I don't come back here to pay for this the Bible is yours Thank you there is for you want a cookie Yes I want it now Hey boy I thank you for everything you have done for me Oh no I won't be able to thank you 100 times Because I'll give you a cookie yes that was going to be It tastes the same as the stolen ones.
Yes, I don't see them. I don't see them either. The tracks are not clear. Let's follow them. Rest the horses. We can't. They need it. The men of the town will also rest. Hello Bo. Hello. Something like that. What if you're hungry? I can prepare something for you. It won't be very tasty. We're looking for two. Men with something like that are a murderer and his friend, a big man with a white hat, his name is H. I don't remember his last name but he doesn't. He looked like a criminal. Where did they go? They took the road to Juniper Springs.
About an hour ago, it seemed like they were going in a hurry. No, I don't think they forgot something when they passed by and they went back to clarify it and then they left calmly as if they weren't in a hurry. So their horses are fresh and ours are no longer capable. Hey B, could you lend us some of the ones you have? Well, they are carriage horses. I don't know. How will he behave with a chair? At least they are fresh. Take the ones you want. You can leave yours in the corral. Do you see something?
I thought I saw something moving. Let's see. It hasn't been more than 20 minutes since they passed by here. So we'll find them soon. Unless they see us first, these horses won't run. We'll have to shoot. If we kill him, we won't know where the money is. And if we let him escape, we'll stop. It's okay. It's a little stone. If I leave him like this, he would soon be lame. The other man wouldn't have. I've noticed that Oh, I know them, I've spent my life among horses, they could help us a lot in the Ponderosa, I'm not looking for a job.
Why don't you want to work for nothing, you've worked at some point several times, I like to live alone, I can't resist, I'm in a job with people telling me what What do I have to do? I want to offer you a job as a watchman in a cabin that is a little far away. Generally we have someone there to watch over the stray fruits. I don't want a job. The place is lonely, but the pay is good. Enough, don't continue. What's going on? I don't want any job because I don't know how to read Oh I don't think you'll refuse that's why when a man doesn't stop to work to earn his bread it must be because they are persecuting him you are very wrong you know that who he follows is not what You forgot, no, but you don't want to go back.
I think you're hiding something from me. Also, I knew that you don't know how to read before I offered you the job, but how come? Who said that? Did you see that the book says this Bible is the property of Chico Vanet? No, it didn't say like that. How come no? I said like this it says this Bible is the property of Joshua barnet Joshua Joshua pan ah No boy no boy I'm sorry boy I tried to stop I stole his horse and I left him the old man that I assumed he knows a horse Well but I I didn't murder the old man it wasn't a crime I found him dead it seems that he had an accident and died he was calm and peaceful I messed up the cabin I was the one who did it I thought he wouldn't need more money but what happened What happened to the money there was no money it was people's things I didn't find it I spent so much time being nice to that old man for nothing J J so much talking about it and he had nothing I still haven't convinced myself that old man was very rich and the money must be in his house Why is he so sure I don't know I feel it in my bones J come J Let's go where to jail And why did you hear it the old man wasn't his son murdered He took two other people's horses You know he didn't steal them you heard when he said it he fled from jail and no one can escape from my jail He did it so he wouldn't be lynched.
We found the two horses. Yes, you can take them. Well, if you assure me, I think the best thing would be to let him go. It wasn't bad at all. No, it wasn't. Hey, Dad. I think those others. guys were more guilty than him, I know that they did not violate any law but they acted badly, they only thought about the old man's fortune, what matters is not what they did but what they thought and for thinking like that they will not go to jail, no, but they will not be free either. Happy they will continue the rest of their lives dreaming of that fortune and spend their days looking for it thinking that someone else can find it first.
The most curious thing was that there was never going to believe, they are misers and sosar. People like them have a prison in themselves. Let's go. h

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