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Fair Shares | Numberjacks | Full Episode | Season 1, Episode 32

Jun 08, 2024
are your problems this is a good book and this is a good collection of beautiful things, so I have heard them many times beautiful, if they are so beautiful maybe you should share them well, that's one for me and that's one for me that doesn't it's very


and it's one for me three you're being a bit selfish they are they would probably enjoy the peace and quiet yes I'm so sorry but I just can't share any of my beautiful things you can't share anything I can't , I short instance friend blocks, yes, thank you, so I share the friend blocks like this for you and one, two, three, four, five for me, shared, shared, but it's not


to share, oh, now you want That I make a fair exchange, that's all. point you share things equally so that everyone gets the same we have to have the same number do it like this one for you and one for me one for you and one for me and one for you and one for me I have one two three and you have one two three fair


oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, do you think I can have my fair share of peace and quiet?
fair shares numberjacks full episode season 1 episode 32
No, oh, go ahead, things are bad, but not for long, it's the kids who are on the beach wait, I'm putting it on the screen sandwiches, yeah, and they're sharing them quite a bit oh yeah, but look, oh No, she doesn't have sandwiches and the boy has them all. She's trying it but it's not working, this needs to be resolved so we'll do it. send someone, don't worry, thanks, we need your help, the Numberjacks are on the way, hey, and what a numberjack it is today. I think it'll be me, for a fair share, number six, here we go, good luck, six, checking the empty rooms, come on. looking for six that's the one for us that's a solution I'd like to row on that beach we have work to do I'm watching for things to go wrong they seem fine oh no she doesn't have swords what's going on? here agents call and need help here agent 101 here things are not shared fairly instead of people having the same amount of things each person has them all yes that boy ate all the sandwiches and the girl ate both swords even when they tried to be fair things aren't working six can you see anything what weird thing is causing all the problems?
fair shares numberjacks full episode season 1 episode 32

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fair shares numberjacks full episode season 1 episode 32...

I can detect something look at that sword, what's approaching? Oh yeah, look at a mass that's what made the swords go wrong. and look at the plate, a mass of slime, which means yes, get the data on the screen, everything you need to know about the problem. Bob, okay, that troublesome mass is going to require some troubleshooting. Yes, and fast, it has been spreading problems everywhere. tell us about it the garden has a lot of problems showing it on the screen it is dividing the plant between the two pots three plants in each part that's right so far what is the problem here is the problem stain the plants are moving those plants will not stay divided fairly those places don't have their fair share of plants and now the plants are too


the problem is that the mass prevents things from being shared quite a bit more problems more problems she has divided her bags in two on each arm looking for blood oh no no now the bags are not shared fairly, there is a very boring soccer game on the beach that was an easy goal because the players have been blocked and they are almost all on one side five against one, that is not fair yes The blob problem continues to prevent things from being distributed fairly.
fair shares numberjacks full episode season 1 episode 32
Anything could happen, there could be two balls with two horns each, then one bowl would have three holes and the other bull would be left with only one or, instead of two cars with four wheels, each car would have six. wheels and the other car would only have two or instead of two clocks with two hands each, you would have a clock with four hands and a clock without hands and you can tell time with either of them, that problem has to be the blob. stopped yeah show me the brain gain and I'll do the work we need to share things pretty good oh King the pearly fairies who spell check send the brain game now share the sandwiches barely share the space barely share the bags barely divide the players fairly That's better, we did it, hooray, wait, I think there's going to be another problem.
fair shares numberjacks full episode season 1 episode 32
Those kids and their fins need to share the fins, but look, oh no, they won't share them fairly. That's not quite fair. Let's show those fins fairly, but. There are three children to share, oh dear, now what do we do, no problem, we just divide them equally, one each at a time, that's the way to be fair, okay, one each at a time, one each one at a time, yes to each one, we barely share it. I still have to deal with the problematic stain. Stay close to gardener's stains or slime until they disappear. Yes, one blood for every blade of grass in the garden.
There are a lot of stains that share blood. A blood for every blade of grass in it. garden picking up a lot of stains, all the stains have been used up, it won't cause problems for a long time, we did it, yes, now, six old clothes to land, five, six, that was scary. Sharing worked and we have become tall. on the screen there were problems with the sandwiches that did not come apart enough from Northern Spades and those plants were a problem, all in one part, that the ladies' bags were also a problem and so were five playing against one, we put things in order even when three people shared one each at one point it won't cause problems for a long time and then something really strange happened.
You were right, it is a good book and so is the book that five of us read. We are sharing books. Three numerical verifications read in this book. and three Numberjacks reading this book, I hear there's some reading going on. I love a good book, yes, me too, what book are you going to read? Hmm, wow, there are now eight Numberjacks, if we all share it fairly, how many Numberjacks will there be reading? Each book solves and calls foreign Numberjacks.

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