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The Best Stuffed Crust GARLIC BREAD Pizza | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

May 27, 2024
today we are making


and the expression go big or go home has never been truer and I say this from the bottom of my heart because we are making a






and we are making our own sauce and our own pizza dough, so if at the end of this you don't know how to make a proper pizza, then you will be blindfolded, gagged, and put in a corner of a house in Cleveland. It's unfair to Cleveland. Sorry there was this guy who tied people up and had him in his basement so I shouldn't have referenced that, suffice to say you'll know what happens when it comes to pizza after today we start on our pizza dough, wait, we start with our



pizza dough, it's just the It all starts in a processor and we start with 2 cups of regular all-purpose flour which should look like this, to that we'll add 1 package of instant yeast, there's an instant and then there's the non-instant and we're definitely using instant and then it goes away and then of course a big pinch of kosher salt, a tablespoon of regular sugar, it seems like it seems like a lot, but it doesn't come out very quickly, something's stuck in there, yes, the garlic bread part will start with some oregano. maybe a tablespoon and then a couple of 1/2 cloves of fresh garlic and we mix so the goal here clearly is to just mix everything together now we're going to add our wet stuff and it consists of a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil quick mix and then 3/4 cup water between 110 and 125 degrees because anything higher will kill the yeast and get it going.
the best stuffed crust garlic bread pizza sam the cooking guy 4k
Spray it slowly and you will hear it start to sound different. We let it sit for a second. enough, we see that it's still a little bit stickier, so we're going to add a little more flour, so we start with 2 cups of flour, we're going to add up to half a cup extra to get where we want. I want perfect, it's exactly what I want, okay, then it comes, have it all in our hands. Yes, you will make a lovely little ball out of that because we want it in a perfect shape. I love it. The smell of this is crazy right now.
the best stuffed crust garlic bread pizza sam the cooking guy 4k

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the best stuffed crust garlic bread pizza sam the cooking guy 4k...

Chile from about five feet away I commented on the garlic and the oregano in this we put it in a greased container we grease with just a little bit of olive oil on the outside now we're going to take some plastic wrap or plastic wrap or whatever it's called we're going to put two pieces over the top because we want it to fit snugly, could someone do this? Look at this, hit me over the head with this Oh, like a hole, yeah, convenient, it's all tight and now this is going to go somewhere warm for 40 minutes to rise.
the best stuffed crust garlic bread pizza sam the cooking guy 4k
We just made pizza. dough our own garlic bread pizza dough in three minutes look, yes, it will take 42 to rise a little bit, but come on, before now some of you may have been going to the store and buying that tube of easy rolling pizza dough, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that. I'm just saying with a couple of simple ingredients it's 11 o'clock at night and you're sitting at home and you're thinking like I just have some pizza dough right now and then you're like, oh my gosh, Sam. showed us how to do it, it takes three minutes when we figure out what the hell we want to put in it, this will be ready, we're eating pizza, life is good, we're here to help you, ladies and gentlemen, by the way.
the best stuffed crust garlic bread pizza sam the cooking guy 4k
If you haven't subscribed yet and hit that little notification bell, it wouldn't be a bad time to do so. We love subscribers. We are, as we like to say, on the road to 1 million and when we reach 1 million people, that will be our subscribers. Not everyone will be able to enjoy the fun, but some of you will have a very special fun, that's right, maximum, yes, okay, now we are making, as promised, our own tomato sauce. I call these daily tomato sauce recipes on the kitchen accessories website this can include so many things it's ridiculous, but it starts with some sautéed onions in my pot to our wonderfully sautéed onions, it's nothing more than a medium onion cut into cubes with olive oil, we add garlic, three fatty cloves, we mix it and then approximately 45 seconds or a minute when it starts to have a lot of aroma we will add our tomatoes and those are whole peeled tomatoes that I buy in a can, they come like this, but I like to squeeze them before you put them in just spread them apart with my hand a little bit before you do it I like to just wring it out then I find it easier and then it's a mess but it's the right thing to do just take one in your hand and squeeze it of course , you can use a spoon or something like that. that but what God gave you the


implement right at the end of your wrist so use it but splatter a little bit so definitely be a little careful and these are San Marzano tomatoes and they are exceptionally good it doesn't really matter what brand. shopping, but if you are going forever I would look for San Marzano, they come from the San Marzano region in Italy and they are the


, okay, they go in and after a quick rinse we take a couple of spoonfuls of tomato. paste I like to store in a tube because it is easier than a can and stores just a couple of tablespoons of balsamic vinegar maybe a little untraditional but very good and it is worth buying a good balsamic vinegar and it is a little thicker a little more syrupy but a half a teaspoon of red pepper flakes like that tablespoon of dried oregano a tablespoon of sugar and kosher salt fresh ground pepper you know, it's the next maximum, okay, right and we mix, so this is what we want do, we want to mix it well, you're going to bring it to a boil, I'm going to lower it to a simmer, we're going to leave it for about half an hour.
Usually when I make this, I make at least the double batch, very often a triple batch. I use it for things like pizzas, it's great so have you ever made shakshuka? Have we ever made sure that yes? Chuck Chucka is like a Mediterranean breakfast dish. Eggs gently nestled in a really rich and absolutely amazing tomato based sauce like this and baked in the oven. It has a believable appearance. There's just a million uses for a meal of course, pasta, yeah, you even like some amazing garlic bread dipped in it and then eating that kind of stuff, so I make a triple or double batch and then I put it in, you know, these containers and Freeze it, you want to make this, just make a bunch.
It took care of with five minutes of five minutes of work, thirty minutes of waiting and then it's perfect and now wait until the people where you get those containers from, by the way, Oh, maximum. He says tell me where I get these containers so I can have a bigger one. Look, no, I haven't been in all sizes, in any chef's store, in any chef's store and ordinary people, civilians can go to any chef's store or order them online, they are called. The deli containers look perfect, they fit perfectly, you can nest them together. The covers are all exactly the same.
You get the biggest one. This cap fits. They're not like the purple lids for that size and the orange lids for this one and the glass. the strange and fast one aside, so if you forget all that, get these delis as we call them in the restaurant business or in this business or this nonsense that I'm in, just get deli's, you'll be very happy with them, we can put them. a link there on my list of kitchen must haves they are there go to the end of the video it will be there so now look the sauce is working the pizza dough is rising when these things are done we put this together we slide it in the oven, as opposed to sliding it in my DMS, we slide the pizza in the oven and then 15 minutes later we eat big, super big, okay we're there, but I just want to show you the sauce first because it's thickened very okay, just look, look, look, and the thing is, if you want it to be smooth, you can put it in a blender, you can put a hand mixer in here, you would do whatever you want.
I like it with texture. I'll leave it at that, but I tell you this is absolutely oh, it's heaven and I'll tell you why it's heaven, it's heaven because there's the sweetness that comes from little sugar and the really good stuff because that's what it's called happens. about three times in the Bible Episode, what's the name of that black stuff I poured in here? pepper that Noé poured liquid salmon, it gets the sweetness from the sugar and the balsamic vinegar and of course the vinegars have that little thing, it has the spice from the red pepper flakes and then the acid from the tomatoes.
I'm telling you, if you said everything in this episode except this, you'd be a winner, you'd be set, you're the only sauce that does about 14 things, but we won't stop there, we're not by the way, you want to add sausage to this, go ahead , you wanted meat, go ahead, okay, but here's our dough, here's our pizza dough and after about 45 minutes, this is what a drum roll looks like. please and boom okay look I know it's not that exciting but it's basically doubled in size and that's what we're going for and that you get you get that yeasty smell here which is really good and now you can do this is great. something called hitting it, I do that with two fingers and I poke it and it deflates a little and it looks like this, bye, so this is what I'm going to do.
I'm going to take some flour, put it in here and take out the dough. again making a ball and you see the Flex, you know what that is, that everyone, come on, say it with me, garlic, yes, and the green one, thank you, it's oregano, okay, so now here's the problem we have, well , is not the least. which is that tear that just happened but I need to spread this out and I need to put it on something to bake so maybe I shouldn't have done this so this is what I'm going to do and boy have I screwed myself up a little bit , man, get out some parchment paper, she'll pick this up, put it on the parchment and now we should be good, so now look, please don't put that in, so I say too much, we round it up as best as possible. can we remember I said


everyone remember I said stuffed this is what stuffed means things it means I go back to my childhood and I pull out cheese sticks and in this case jalapeno cheese sticks I say it all the time if you're gonna add something. one had some extra flavor mozzarella sticks would be thin sticks with jalapeno it has cheese and a little pepper it has extra flavor so this should be simple we peel each of these oh my god I should have started the video ago about an hour.
To do this, so this is our goal, we're going to take a stick that's not really curved, we're going to put them all the way around the outside, so I know sometimes I say this to the max, please speed this up because I even have a hard time opening these damn ones. things, so it's horrible. Can you imagine the little boy? The mother throws one of these things at him. The child cannot open it. She believes that she is calming the child. He shouts. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. she hands him one of these and he knows where the kids are screaming louder what's going on what is it really I can't open it I can't open it I just want my cheese stick and then the kid finishes it, takes a bite and has like four and it's a jalapeño and it burns a lot for them being parents, they're not really going to bend for me, oh, I could put a little crack in them, but I guess they need to touch each other well, yeah, that'll work fine, so six hours. from now on when it's done it's going to look like this okay we're good now we do this now we take our dough we spread it on top and once we get it there I can smell the garlic and oregano in this dough forks.
It makes me very happy, so once the dough is spread on top, we go back and pinch it closed. They bring the cheese full circle, ladies and gentlemen, it's what we do. We close the cheese circle, so that's it. the


is filled. I'm just going to poke some holes lightly. I'm not going to go all the way down just to try to keep it from puffing up too much in case I want to, because sometimes now our sauce comes in and it's going to look like this. Now look, I'm not trying to put on 25 pounds of sauce, I have enough stuff that's about to go on, but I want this really super delicious layer here, so this will do it, okay, sorry, try not to say it, okay, now that we had. a little cheese first we are going to go maybe a cup of parmesan cheese and on top of the mozzarella because we can and because we must we will add another cheese or two other cheeses.
It's actually a combination of Parmesan and Romano or as Giada De Laurentiis would make it. let's say get chung a whole channel tied up everywhere that's not too much we don't need to go crazy and then ladies and gentlemen what we've all been waiting for or what max has been waiting for boom our pepperoni what are we going to cover this pizza with look too much max is too much you think you're good here look I mean there's a legitimate concern about the lack of pepperoni you know sometimes you'll get a pizza and then the slices don't cover everything and then you're left with like two slices and one has three pieces and the other has one and then you're like fighting and who's left and you don't want to be a creep but you want it and you don't want the shitty one and you don't want to make it and then when you have decent coverage and I think I'm one hundred percent sure that at most you'll be the director right now, tell me when you're comfortable with enough pepperoni in this.
Honey, it's really not even a pepperoni pizza anymore, it's just a pepperoni, can we hate a kid, stinky pepper, oh, that works, it works,a final touch of dried oregano because why isn't it beautiful? And then we just have to slide this kid onto a baking sheet. I'm not in a position to do it to the fullest, if you don't mind, how about I go right in front of you, like when you see them pick up a guy who has fallen and can't get up with that blanket and put him on a stretcher that It is the goal good sir tell me when you are ready one two three perfect and there it is my oven has been heating for half an hour I wanted it good and strong it is at 450 degrees it will go in for about 15 minutes until it is beautiful we take it out and then you know what happens I didn't do anything to all the Mexicans and after about 15 17 minutes there is our son, yes, it leaked a little and it's fine, fucking beautiful, but we have one more thing to do, look what I did with maximum garlic butter and where does this go on the crust just to brighten it up a little bit, like what would we do with garlic? pepperoni pizza stuffed with bread I mean we're just making the garlic bread look a little bit better because the cheese is in the crust the crust is going to be really good so we're going to do a triple e extra good triple e extra good and when that's everything now let's try to get this kid out there could be trouble in paradise max no one got scared no one got scared let's do this let me get them out of here first now out of here oh here we go there we go there we go there we Come on, are you ready?
One, two and three. Holy Mother of Pearl and we need to take a bite, so let's not waste any more time. Let's do this. Look at our melted hole there. Melted hole. A ring of cheddar cheese and jalapeño inside. Melted cheese. here garlic butter crust garlic butter dough the whole damn thing max please can I have a bite please please clearly it's time I have cheese melting in the tunnel I have garlic butter on the outside I have garlic bread style crust type with oregano inside and I took a bite of the sauce the crust is a 12 out of 10 it's a 12 out of 10 this is luxurious oh my god I don't know why I've never put garlic and herbs on my pizza dough while making it before, but I can assure you, ladies and gentlemen, that from this day forward, with God as my witness, I will make anyone understand that Rugrats, no one remembers Rugrats, you saw it when you were little, that's it, that's what the little girl I would say yes, don't be a witness, you fool, there's a funny line that goes, oh my god, it's okay, thank you, thank you and thank you, I have nothing, I have pizza to eat, another episode to film, crushed to taste, okay , okay, so now look, please don't put that.
So I say too much, okay, okay, so I don't want to say it

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