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5 Foods You're Eating Wrong #2

Jun 06, 2021
-Anyway, that's how I eat my Oreos. I'm glad to know that at least I'm doing something right. - Ugh! EW! Look! ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) So, due to audience request in our previous video, we're going to show you five more


you've been



. - Oh! No way! How interesting. Well, I saw the first one of these and thought, "What?!" - I liked that we managed to break the myth that there are different ways to eat food. - I always say: "God, why didn't I think of that? He's so smart and I eat him like an idiot." -The ones we did in the last episode made sense to me.
5 foods you re eating wrong 2
I feel like the ones we get this time will be a little darker. - I'm a little nervous after the last time, because some were "eh" and some were good. So I guess we'll see what works and what doesn't. - (FBE) Well, first up is a perhaps smarter way to eat Tic Tacs. - (man) There's actually a little trick to getting just one Tic Tac if you want. So, I'll show how it's done. - I love that guy's accent. - And then you... - (man) Turn it like this. - Yes. - (man) And then it opens wide... - Wait, they're going to spill. - (man) Look at that. - That?! - Ah OK.
5 foods you re eating wrong 2

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5 foods you re eating wrong 2...

I see. - (man)...I have one. - I used to do this when I was little and I never knew what it was for. - Now it makes sense why there is that little oval thingy in the Tic Tac containers, because I have never used it in my life. - (FBE) Now you can try it. - Oh. Ah, they are the white ones. What are these? The mints? Well. - He gave it a few shakes and then said to open it carefully. I have one! - If I do this, I shake it a little bit and then carefully lower it down, so... now, there's a Tic Tac in the Tic Tac receptacle.
5 foods you re eating wrong 2
Take that, fresh, minty breath. - Look, I would be very nervous if all of these were falling everywhere. Alright. Here we go. And then you just open it. Wow! I have one that is trying to escape. - Oh! I have two! I'm


two. - Look, it's okay, I have two. This feels flawed. I have two of them. (laughs) - Oh, it's... look! It's two! This is a special. They are twinned. I have twin Tic Tacs. But still, two is better than 5,000 flying at you. - Honestly, I would still eat it regularly and just take it away. - Look, I have two again!!
5 foods you re eating wrong 2
This feels flawed. I don't know if this works. I feel like that guy took maybe a couple different takes, because now everything wants to fail. - (FBE) So let's look at a different way to eat cereal. - Well. "Eating cereal with wa"-- Wait, wait, wait. I can't even finish that sentence. - "I'm a true believer that cereal with water is better"?! - "The taste of milk conflicts with the taste of cereal, while water does not." - "Although it still has the same texture, the water does not ruin the flavor of the cereal. My friends crucified me." Justly! - "So, for this reason.
I come here looking for other people who share my beliefs that water is better than milk." - That seems disgusting. - I guess it's healthier. - All the little Cheerio remains are hanging in the water, making it look like dirty water. - I don't know. I have reservations about this one. I feel like this is not going to be great. - (FBE) Well, let's try it. - I thought this was going to be something like going out, where you drink the milk separately from the cereal. I didn't expect water to go with your cereal. - Alright.
Look, that seems strange. - Hmm. Delicious and nutritious water. - It's just not as satisfying as being served milk, man. - (laughs) I still taste the cereal, which is good. I feel like I'm used to tasting milk instead of water. - It's just simple. I don't... it has no taste. - Not well. Here we go. I don't know. Now I want to go home and try other cereals to see... This is weird. This is something amazing. I would never have thought of this. This is a little crazy. - Ugh! EW! Look! That's like... It's dirty water!
Wow, that's crazy. That's so crazy. - No, definitely not... I'm going to use my milk. I'm not putting water in my cereal. - (FBE) Okay, let's see how you should cut an orange. - (woman) Cut one end. Cut the other one. - Yes. - You have to cut the ends, and then cut the top. - (woman) ...halfway through the orange. - Well. - (woman) At that moment, I'm going to open it... - Ooh! - (woman)... like this. - Interesting. - (woman) this. - Oh! You know, I always have a hard time cutting oranges. - That was really sick.
I saw how perfectly uniform all the slices were. - Yes. Who knows? Maybe this one will make your life easier. - Well. Here we have this orange trick that woman just did, and we're just going to cut the ends off. There is no problem here. - And then the other end. -And then she just pulls. I think I did it


. (laughs) It didn't work out so well. - This is the part that worried me: the orange juice flying everywhere. But I think we're fine. Yes, good. Well, it kind of worked. It kind of broke on the other side. - Ah, but hers is all pretty. - Oh. (laughs) - Yes, this is good, but now I have to wash this knife.
You can just peel the shell which is already easy to peel. (laughs) - It's kind of like... but now I'm stuck with the shell. It's a problem. Now what's supposed to happen? And it's very juicy. It's very juicy. Now it's like a... No, it's not useful. - In a way it worked. Do I have it right? Well. Hmm. These are really good. (laughs) - Not bad, because now I don't have to worry about peeling the whole orange. It literally just peels itself, which isn't bad. - I think this is a good and faster way to get them. - If I'm preparing food or something, I would definitely do this, because I have a knife in my kitchen.
But if I'm on the go, I just eat an orange and peel it. It's much easier. - He didn't show how it should be eaten, because now I can't remove the peel. This is... yes. This does not work. - It's a cleaner way to do it, which I'm a fan of. - I like it. This is actually quite useful. - (FBE) So, next up is a potentially easier way to eat a juicy burger. - Oh! Well! - (man) So, we've established that holding him upside down... - What? - (man) ...a big bun at the bottom. -UH Huh.
This guy looks like he knows about hamburgers. - (man) gives more... so when all the sauce runs... - Wow! - (man) It's like the bread absorbs it. - There was logic. That makes sense. - Whether you eat a burger upright or upside down, I feel like if it's a messy burger, it's going to be a messy burger. - (FBE) Let's try it. - Hell yeah. Oh baby! This is beautiful. - So, he did this. Did you know? It makes sense. - So this guy is saying this is a really juicy part, this is... turn it around.
And... I don't feel like it's more or less convenient this way. I don't feel like there is a juice overflow, sauce problem. - It doesn't matter. You can hold it this way or you can hold it this way. If something is going to fall, it will fall. I think this one is stupid. I don't like. - I do not know what it is. I like it the normal way, because I want the meat and cheese first instead of the lettuce. And on the other hand, I felt like he was eating too much lettuce, even though I didn't think it was going to make much difference. -I've had really juicy burgers that fall down your arm when you pick them up, so I know exactly what he's talking about. - I can see myself doing this just because I don't think I realized until I turned it over that this muffin is a little bigger anyway.
So, I feel like it will hold it together more. - Maybe if we had a hamburger with two buns on top, right? So, change this little sucker, this disgusting sucker, and just do another one of these on top, so I'll feel more comfortable. But the weight, you know? Like the... ah. It just feels wrong to have the sesame bun on the bottom. - (FBE) And then there's a different way to eat your Oreos with milk. - Oh, this will be good, because there are ways to eat an Oreo. - Poured milk, Double Oreo Stuffing. UH Huh.
Oh, I've seen this! You prick a fork and then dip it. - Yes Yes Yes. That's the smartest way to eat Oreos. - I'm not against this. - (laughs) She seemed very happy about that. - I like to hold mine a little longer and I feel like it's going to fall off the fork if I try. - Hmm. Oh interesting. Oh. Ah ha! Elegant. (off) Oh, okay. That's where that falls apart. That's where everything goes downhill. It's all in one bite! That was the secret! - Okay, this is really cool. (laughs) And then... I guess I didn't think about that, but...
Uh-oh, uh-oh. Oh no! I liked it until the end when it broke. - You can't leave this for too long, because if it gets soggy enough, it will fall off the fork. That's great. - Well. I understand. This might be my favorite actually. This actually worked better than I thought, because I've honestly seen it for years and never tried it, because I thought, "It's going to fall off and it looks stupid." - Yeah I guess. It's great. If I have a fork, I would definitely do it. -Anyway, that's how I eat my Oreos. I'm glad to know that at least I'm doing something right. - I like this one.
This one is great. I'm going to use this insurance. - (FBE) Would you participate in any of them if you had to choose one? -If I had to pick one, Oreo's trick is pretty cool. But I would have to remember that I have to shovel them whole. - Oreos, because I like Oreos better. - This Oreo. I really like this Oreo one. I'm going to make the Oreo one. - Of the ones I learned today, I want to say my favorite is probably the hamburger just because... I feel like it'll make it cleaner. - Probably the Oreo cookies and the milk cookie.
This is the best one so far that has worked for me and I can really see myself doing it, because I love Oreos and milk. - I think Oreos. I think this is probably the one where I thought, "Oh, I would definitely wear this after today." What a great way for us to learn some of these interesting trips that maybe we didn't learn about growing up. - Thanks for watching us try new ways to eat food on React Channel. - Subscribe to receive many new programs every week. - If you liked this episode, hit the like button. - Hey, if you have one of those cool food hacks we can try, let us know in the comments. - Bye bye! - Hi guys!
I'm Katie, producer at React Channel. You should visit us on Twitter. It's @fbe. And tell us what you thought of the episode and just come chat with us. Bye!

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